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Everything posted by TinyLove_CJ

  1. Porcelain can still make me cry depending on my mood, that song means so much to me. The first time I ever heard Happy Ending I cried. Not so much now, I can still feel emotional and moved by the song just without the tears. The only exception being when Mika performed it at the Roundhouse, I definitely cried then. Tiny Love Reprise has made me cry, especially after hearing about Mika's mum but now I can be more prepared for it and appreciate the lyrics a whole lot more without crying.
  2. Even if it has been posted before it's nice to see any Mika picture posted again! Why not?! 😁 I love this particular photo too and actually got the Vivienne Westwood tee because of Mika!
  3. I'll never look at Donald Duck the same way again, no wonder he doesn't wear pants...
  4. After what I just read in the 'say something random thread', you really had to choose a Donald Duck gif? πŸ˜…
  5. Most DVD players don't play mp4 files on a disc (some might through a USB but none of mine do). I'm wanting to make some region free discs, which needs to be in a specific DVD format. Hoping the software I've seen might have a subscription sale in January!
  6. Some Lebanese drinks to try! Sharab Ward (Rose flavoured!) Jallab (made with date molasses) Lebanese mint lemonade Traditionally they are non-alcoholic but you could always add a little something to give them a kick if you wanted to!
  7. Also the rest of the food looks delicious, mind if I scoff it all? Either that or I transport myself to Lebanon and actually try all the amazing food on offer!
  8. Turkish delight you say? YES PLEASE!!! 😁 I love traditional rose flavoured Turkish delight, probably my favourite sweet treat!
  9. I'll take being a genius any day! Or... Used the breville three times now to cook chips in, cheaper than an oven and just as tasty! 😁
  10. When I was younger, when it got nearer to December I would be so excited for Christmas day. Now I'm an adult with SAD and the 21st has fastly become one of my favourite days instead! πŸ˜… Bring on the longer daylight!
  11. Out walking the dog and heard a car playing YoYo through their stereo! 😁 Needed a lot of will power not to chase after the car screaming "I'M A MIKA FAN TOO!"
  12. I agree with this too, I don't use my phone on Christmas day. Also Mika himself is going to be busy so surely he's more likely to see a fan action the day before anyway
  13. Love this! Give me the Plant based music album now! 😁
  14. Little Shop of Horrors is one of my favourite musicals/films, if ever I get a venus fly trap I'm calling it Audrey!
  15. Trying my best to pick out the lyrics but it's hard with the voice over of the trailer playing over Mika's song but this is what I can make out: If we fall that far... ?? And I don't care if the world can see Desert to the ocean There's a place... ??
  16. Whatever that song is in the trailer it sounds amazing! I really can't wait to hear more now and see the movie! πŸ˜ƒ Also I've never seen a dromedary like Tehu before, he has an eye patch marking!? SO CUTE!!! 😍
  17. I had a great Mika dream last night! Me and a few MFCers went to see Mika give a lecture in a large school hall (I think it was my old secondary school). We were a little disappointed that we had to sit in the back row but luckily when Mika came onto the small stage he did see us and gave us a smile and waved. He was wearing an all black outfit which only made him look extra tall and skinny! But still very handsome! We'd been given programs telling us what Mika would talk about and one of the topics was 'MFC Tour Bus'! The lady to my left was very excited and hoped to meet him afterwards to give him a gift (it was something inside a green tub). The lecture started with Mika talking about his inventions and he told a story about how when he went mountain climbing he came up with an idea for a new type of torch. He was showing the audience a few things from the stage but being at the back I couldn't make out what they were. He then went on to talk about maths and started asking the audience random maths questions. Me and my excited friend didn't want him to ask us any questions as we both said we're terrible at maths πŸ˜…, but of course Mika came into the audience, noticed me and asked me a multiple choice question, I can't remember the question but the answer options were "1.2 or 7", I think Mika saw I was struggling and quickly said "correct the answer is 7!". He gave me such a lovely smile and went back to the stage . The lecture ended shortly after, he never did talk about the MFC Tour Bus! Another lady said that we could meet Mika if we waited by the stage door. We all got very excited and waited in the corner. I was getting really cold and I'd left my jacket on my seat, I didn't want to go back for it in case I missed Mika but eventually I did and my Mum at that point was just coming into the hall. I took her with me back to the corner, Mika hadn't come out yet and I was beginning to get that nervous/excited feeling and couldn't stop talking about him. The others gave me this rather strange look, one lady also looked over my shoulder, I stopped talking and just said "He's behind me isn't he?" Of course he was! 😁 I was totally starstruck and couldn't say anything. He talked really casually with the other people in the group (and the excited lady gave him her gift), I got his autograph too and he said "I'll talk to you later" and left. When he said "talk to you later" I thought he meant in general to the whole group, but as me and my Mum were leaving the hall I felt a tap on my shoulder. Again I was amazed that it was Mika standing behind me! He gave me a golden envelope, when I opened it there was a handmade keyring inside πŸ₯Ί, there was a Christmas card too and I got the best Christmas present in that card because he offered me a job to be his designer! We hugged and then he really did have to leave, probably off to give more weird lectures! 😁
  18. Could be because I have blue eyes, but I've always loved the song Blue Eyes and felt connected to it, these lyrics especially: "Come, sorrow is so peculiar Comes in a day, then it'll never leave ya You take a pill, wonder if it will fix you Then wonder why sorrow has never left you" And: "Blue eyes, blue eyes What's the matter with you?"
  19. I've only just got around to catching up on loads of notifications and also coming across this thread! (power outages in my area over the last 4 days πŸ˜’) Anyway I think this is a lovely idea @Anna Ko Kolkowska and I'm in! 😊 I love the Mika/Miguel stickers too @Kumazzz! I'll probably use one of those ❀ I'm glad as well that it's an all day action, I gave up on waiting till midnight Christmas eve a long time ago! πŸ˜…
  20. It's quite hard picking out favourite Mika lyrics as there are so many! And some of my favourite lyrics might not necessarily be from one of my favourite songs (but saying that I also find it hard to choose a favourite song too! πŸ˜…) These are just a few of my favourites: From We Are Golden: "We are not what you think we are We are golden, we are golden Who gives a damn about the family you come from No giving up when you’re young and you want some" They're such inspiring lyrics, words I truly live by! From Staring at the Sun: "Here I stand, staring at the sun Distant land, staring at the sun You're not there, but we share the same one Miles apart, staring at the sun Distant hearts, staring at the sun One thing's true, just like you, there's only one" The words to this song got me through some lonely days in the past. From Dear Jealousy: "Jealousy Bring the music back to me I can't even write a song If you're standing over me" As someone who wants to be a writer, I feel these lyrics so much! πŸ˜… From Live Your Life: "You've got the whole world in your pocket But you just don't know" There's just something so simple and honest about these lyrics, the whole world really is out there for you but sometimes you just don't know where to start looking. From Tiny Love: "We may be tiny to the world but in our hearts We be giants with our tiny tiny love" I felt such a connection with Tiny Love when I first heard it, it's such a special song and these lyrics are true and beautiful. And finally lyrics that just always make me laugh! 😁 From Rio: "Give me a peanut and I’ll turn blue I can't even eat the things you do"
  21. Funny, I had a dream last night that I bought 3 music magazines all about Mika from a shop in an underground bunker, I see it as a premonition for things to come! (just don't ask me what I was doing in an underground bunker in the first place )
  22. Camilla the Camel was right with her prediction last week when England faced Iran in the world cup! https://www.dailystar.co.uk/sport/football/england-iran-world-cup-camel-28542255.amp I wonder is she's predicted if England will win the whole tournament? πŸ€” Also, people visiting Qatar are being told not to go for a camel ride, there has been a rising number of cases of camel flu! It's the MERS-COV virus which is a variant of covid and can be transmitted to humans! The risk is still fairly low but having the virus can still make people feel rather ill. Qatar are also hosting the camel beauty pageant this year, with camel flu on the rise I'm surprised it's still going ahead πŸ™ƒ
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