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Everything posted by TinyLove_CJ

  1. I certainly hope so! It sounds like a lot to go through to get the treatment and diagnosis for Martha, but when it comes to family (because pets are) every penny and time spent is worth it ❀
  2. The clock is gone! I repeat: THE ANNOYING TWEETY BIRD CLOCK IS GONE!!! I forgot to mention that a few weeks ago my Mum did notice that the sound effect of the clock wasn't working (I can't believe how long it took her to notice πŸ˜…), she got it down to change the battery but as soon as Tweety started talking she realised how much better it is to have a quiet clock so we both agreed to get rid of it! 😁 I don't have a good quality picture of it, so this picture has been cropped out from another photo, but this is the clock from Hell! ⬇️ (each hour section would also turn around at the start of a new hour making a horrible squeaking noise, I'm so glad it's gone!) So long Tweety bird! πŸ‘‹
  3. The voice over at the beginning is Ewan McGregor who plays Sebastian J. Cricket.
  4. I have a feeling he uses the motorbike taxi service while in Paris, I would love to see him having a go riding though! πŸ˜‚
  5. Redcar's album 'Redcar les adorables Γ©toiles' is here! I really love the album but I'll just share two more of my favourites here: Γ  la clairefontaine: My Birdman: And you can listen to the whole album here: I noticed that the album playlist on YouTube ends with the word "prologue" which made me wonder if something more is coming from Red later on which might become an "epilogue" ? πŸ€” He briefly mentioned that his performances this month are 'prologues' and described them as being an artistic display of transformation. With Red coming out as trans this year I can understand that and his new music too makes a lot more sense now.
  6. That's awesome that you're getting to see them again! You'll have to let me know how the gig goes and if they say whether they'll be back in the UK anytime soon! (Missed tickets for Leeds and Manchester and there's no way I can travel to their other gigs ) Don't know if you're the type to photo/video gigs (I know not everyone does) but my favourite song from the new album is A Feeling That Never Came, could you film it if they sing it? But please don't feel obliged to do so if you don't want to! That's fine. I hope you enjoy the concert! 😊
  7. Might be cause for Japanese fans to get excited? https://www.bandsintown.com/fr/e/1026584343-mika-at?came_from=251&utm_medium=web&utm_source=artist_page&utm_campaign=even Tickets are apparently 9800Β₯ (that's about Β£60), wish they were that reasonable else where!
  8. Not if I have anything to do with it...
  9. I really haven't heard this before! After listening to a few songs on youtube I'm not sure Tove Lo is my kind of music either...
  10. Yay new First Aid Kit fan! Go check their music out and I'll check out Tove Lo because I've never heard of her before now! πŸ˜…
  11. Hi and @LitlLisa 😊 There is no doubt that you will discover a whole lot more about Mika here! Enjoy your journey down the rabbit hole! 😁
  12. Oh I forgot about this! Turns out free to use DVD converter software really isn't that good, a lot put giant watermarks across your video files and some don't even carry the audio over πŸ™ƒ I did find a good payed for service but they charge Β£70 for an annual subscription, so looks like I'll have to save up and come back to making DVD's another time. In other random news... I cooked oven chips in a breville toastie maker this morning, and in 10 minutes they were perfect!
  13. Today in London it was the Lord Mayor's parade and it's tradition to have camels in the parade! 😁 I can't find a still image anywhere of today's camels but you can see them about half way through this short video: If Mika happened to still be in London this morning then he might have seen them!
  14. I've seen various posts on IG, including the video of Mika receiving the MFC yearbook (which is so sweet by the way!), and it really seems like it was a wonderful night! I know your not allowed to talk about the show but are you at least allowed to say what Mika sang at all?
  15. The song that kicked it all off for me to become a FAK fan! Wolf: It's got this eerie witchy-ness to it and I love the music video!
  16. I absolutely love the folk duo First Aid Kit and I'm surprised that not many people seem to talk about them or know their music so I thought I'd create this thread to discuss all things First Aid Kit! 😊 Their 5th album Palomino was released last week and I'm absolutely in love with it! I won't share all the songs individually just the ones with music videos. But please check out the rest of their music too, they deserve so much more recognition! Angel: Out of my Head: (very relatable for me) Turning Onto You: A Feeling That Never Came: (my favourite on the album) Palomino: Link to listen to all of the album: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_k03T4VXS3Dh9IRPYGqQj5noJJ42B3cLCA Gutted I missed out on going to any of their gigs this year, hopefully they'll be back next year!
  17. They're a bad influence on each other... which only goes to show that they are in fact perfect for each other too!
  18. @ KAMI_83 I definitely think Gregory from Stasera Casa Mika is also based on Ludo, they're so similar! Gregory: Just want to add to that Labyrinth is my all time favourite fantasy film, I can watch it again and again and never get bored! 😁
  19. @jatspeedy Mika is with you for life now, there's no way out of this. You MUST embrace the Mika life! 😁 Have fun next week!
  20. Today is the Day of the Dead I don't actually know a great deal about it, I know it's widely celebrated in South America, especially Mexico. Altars are made of people that have died and families decorate them with photographs of their loved ones. Marigold flowers/petals are used as decoration and it's believed that the flowers create a pathway for the spirits to pass through and be remembered.
  21. Happy Halloween! A holiday that I'm sure many of us are familiar with, but actually has it's roots in Celtic Paganism (Halloween that we know of today gained in popularity sometime during the 1700's). Dating back to the 9th century Pagans would celebrate the coming of winter and harvest season with a day called Samhain. This is actually on November 1st, but festivities would begin the day before. It's believed that this period of time between the 31st October and the next day was when a door opens to the 'Otherworld' and spirits of loved ones would pass through for one day. Pagans traditionally wore outfits to represent the spirits, who are known as Aos SΓ­, and would go door to door to collect food. Towns and villages would have feasts to remember their loved ones with the gathered food and it's tradition to leave an empty space at the table as a sign of respect for the spirits. Now a days trick-or-treating is a much more common (and much more commercialised) way of celebrating Halloween.
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