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Everything posted by TinyLove_CJ

  1. I do think that if you live somewhere rural, remote or nowhere near a city it is harder to find work, especially if you're looking for more unique jobs that tie in with whatever degree you did. I graduated 2017 and I'm still looking for something that would suit me in my area, but I live in a tiny town with very little job opportunities (the pandemic didn't help either 🙃). It's frustrating because I put so much effort into studying and getting a heck of a lot of experience through voluntary work too. Without a car (yet) I can't really look too far away from home either. In the past I've thought to myself "why did I put myself through that?" and "What's the point?", I wouldn't know if you ask yourself these questions too and yes it gets you down, I've been there and I still get feelings of loneliness too. For me this year I've realised that it's the choices I make that are going to get me somewhere, I can't just sit idly and hope something will just magically come my way. My New Year's resolution is to be more positive and go out and find my own opportunities, one start for me is that I've already written down a small business plan to sell homemade crafts. It's a small idea, still has risks too but it's the determination I have that's keeping me going. This is quite a rant too, sorry! 😅 But I hope for you too @BeccaStardust that whatever choice you make or whatever opportunity comes your way, that it works out well for you and that you won't regret it and just enjoy doing something you love!
  2. A bit like Club Tropicana, where the drinks are free but only if you're called Jimmy, and the barman will never ask "why the long face?" because everyone is best friends with Mary Jane! After a quick google I did actually discover Jimmy's Gay Bar in Las Vegas! Next stop for an MFC meet up?
  3. As @dcdeb would say it's edu-tainment! Both educational and entertaining Me creating bad jokes?! About two Jimmy's? Think I met them in a bar once....
  4. Me too! I was actually thinking that the "bing!" (or "ding" to me) sounds like the noise you hear at the doctor's surgery when your name is called in! Or is that just me? 😅
  5. Love Dallas! Never knew the names were changed for international releases, Jockey Ewing is such a great name!
  6. Only listened to the song twice and I really love it! Maybe not my absolute favourite duet but it's certainly a happy and catchy vibe. Before I came here to check the lyrics I already thought it might be a little naughty .... and of course Mika is behind THOSE lyrics! I like how it has a balance between the English and French which also accentuates that naughty yet innocent balance too! It's a great song to dance along to and not take too seriously.
  7. First performance of Who's Gonna Love Me Now Starts at around 58 minutes in:
  8. Happy Timket to all who celebrate! Timket (every January 19th) is the Ethiopian day of Epiphany where people reenact the baptism of Jesus at River Jordan. Other rituals are performed too but I don't know much else about it.
  9. I remember someone telling me that the first performance of Grace Kelly was in Florida 2006, I don't think it was filmed though This is probably the first filmed version from something called the Fopp Showcase, if anyone has the whole video that would be awesome! Part_3_of_3__The_Ori...GFDmwT.mp4
  10. I'm really looking forward to the song, a solo single from Mika would have been nice of course but from what I've heard in the snippet this does sound like a happy upbeat song. I went and listened to a random mix of Vianney's songs and it's not really my thing. I like the Ed Sheeran collab (tbh I just like Ed ) and one other of Vianney's called Dumbo, the video to that is really sweet too! But that's about it... well at least until Friday! 😁
  11. Had a camel dream last night and I'm wondering if this will become a regular thing now? 🤔 I was abroad somewhere near a desert and a rather nice looking young man offered to take me home on a dromedary. The dromedary was called Amber and the man claimed she was the fastest in the world, I'm not sure how we both managed to fit on on the back of her but I was taken home very fast! The man then had the audacity to charge me £359 for the ride!
  12. Oh poor Martha, I hope the gel works and her eyes get better and it's not too stressful for you to actually apply it.
  13. You can hear the intro for OOL in this post about artists doing Seoul Jazz Festival, so it could be that Mika is attending! Full line up announced in 2 days! https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cngj1HLPQK5/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
  14. Got some purple jeans similar to these for Christmas! One if these days I shall recreate this picture, just minus the tightness
  15. Don't want to go too off topic, but I for one see beauty wherever I have a reflection 😌 Either that or I'm just a little bit vain
  16. Until I hear the song in full and understand the context and meaning behind it, the title for me doesn't make sense. "No Time to Live" gives the impression that someone is giving up on life, but I'm hoping the song doesn't mean that because from the tiny snippet I've heard in the trailer it does sound like an upbeat song. But then again Mika is known for hiding sad themes behind catchy tunes! So I'll just have to wait and see!
  17. Love these too! And the fact that Dr. John now has a new profession! 😁
  18. I had an alternative for Boum Boum Boum but I don't want to end up in the NC
  19. The album "16 Camels" featuring songs such as: Any Other Hump Billy Brown Camel Big Hump (You are Beautiful) Hump in The Middle (or Stuck in The Desert) Sand Camel Boy Lonely Dromedary Race with Me All She Wants (is another Camel) Oh Girl, You're the Camel Dromedary Man Desertland Blame it on the Camel Milk Me, Tehu
  20. I hate dreaming about teeth problems, when I wake up I always have to check my mouth! 😆
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