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Everything posted by CharlotteL

  1. Wasn't the school thing live at 10:30 and in Paris?! That seems impossible unless he's already making use of the AC clones
  2. Wow, that was really interesting and I also thought he shared some things he hadn't before or at least in more detail and with a lot of emotion. I think that's exactly how you reach teenagers, by sharing your personal experiences and being clear and honest. I particularly liked how he reminded them to embrace their differences and how having people with different strengths is an asset (some people are good at football, some at music, baking, maths,...). Cause often at these anti bullying events there's a tendency to create an othering in itself by saying "the bullies are the bad guys, the bullied are the victims" which oversimplifies and disregards why kids get bullied or bully in the first place, because they see themselves as part of different group rather than one big, diverse community. He's really good at elevating people without bringing others down!
  3. I always want a MFC history lesson! Especially when I question why things are the way they are, that just makes sense... So thanks Nope I have too even though the J is pronounced softly like this in German as well...
  4. I found it interesting how he answered the question of whether he considers French his native language with "No" but then immediately adds that he doesn't know what his native language is. And that he doesn't actually like learning languages is kinda surprising but also not when you think about all the interviews where he talks about the nightmare of learning Italian within two months. Really sweet that he's still trying though with Greek!
  5. I heard Underwater in a random shoe shop in my city in Austria this week. I've never randomly heard a Mika song other than Grace Kelly or Relax here and certainly none that's not on the first or second album. I got so excited, my friend was very confused Coincidentally I also watched Pitch Perfect 3 yesterday and I didn't know Elle Me Dit was in it!
  6. I mean that's a rule we / the mods came up with ourselves though (right?). I've also been thinking about asking this in the lyrics discussion. What I'm a bit confused about is "on baise" is fine because it's in French but the literal translation "we f***" needs censoring because it's in English? And for example in popular "sh*t" is censored but the f-slur is spelled out?! All seems a bit arbitrary to me. Which I understand that's what rules are and you have to draw the line somewhere especially if you're in a space that's supposed to be inclusive to people of all ages. But at the same time I think there's also value in being able to quote lyrics as they are and freely discussing songs that are about sex. Now I got entirely distracted by that and forgot what I came here to write about the music video, but basically I like it! I like the contrast between the apocalyptic setting (warehouse dumpster fire) and the beautiful and sparkly clothes, props, etc. Maybe the general message is that we can be and make things beautiful even within a dark or difficult situation. I really liked reading your detailed interpretations of the different characters though.
  7. Oh noo it just occurred to me yesterday that it's unclear what he meant. I did assume he meant today at midnight as well but wasn't 100% sure so rushed to finish it yesterday. I should have expressed my doubts here!! You could have played a trumpet solo or something, that would have been amazing!! I'm determined to include your talents one day, if I suggest Billy Brown for a singing project it might have to do with the fact that it has a brass section
  8. I just sent mine as well! Of course I had ultimate bad timing and got sick last week. I could still barely sing today (and in tune is debatable) but what can you do, I either had to record it today or not send anything in and I just couldn't accept having learnt those verses for nothing
  9. Hahaha well at least we won't be there to hear it so you will either get positive feedback by being included or you're gonna be ignored. As long as you can live with that outcome, I think it's worth giving it a go
  10. Gosh I am so in love with all of these outfits!! I particularly love the fact that the older kids seem to be wearing the pink suits. It fits with his whole attitude of "when things get serious you wear pink". In general it's cool that his vision was just "bond inspired suits" for all the children regardless of gender (although I would have expected nothing less from him ofc) but then to further invert stereotypes by not making pink a childish color is just perfect and emphasizes his way of playing with colors. And the band looks very cute in the yellow flowery suits as well and ofc I don't even have to start with our tall disco ball
  11. Yeah that's true and I don't know why because it's clearly him singing. But if you're not convinced just by me saying that, that's fair enough
  12. Look I can only tell you I clearly hear his voice at the beginning And it's not true that his band is never featured on his studio recordings, Max did some background vocals on ready to call this love and tomorrow, he's credited for it in the description of those videos.
  13. Yes you can, in every chorus but especially in the beginning cause Mika is only singing quietly along with the choir. It's him doing the high harmonies, I'm 99% sure. (Only in the kids version I mean, I think in the original Mika sings them himself)
  14. There's something really dark about having kids featured on a song about aging and death and other serious topics. I do like it though and kids often are more comfortable discussing these things and really do have this "so what" attitude so it is fitting. And I had to laugh immediately when I clicked on the kids version and the first voice that stands out to me is Max's. Now I'm picturing him hiding in the middle of the kids choir tomorrow
  15. Oh I get it I'm a mezzo and love singing that song but my goodness even I can't hit some of those high notes reliably. Won't stop me from trying though But good luck, keep us posted!!
  16. I absolutely adore the lyric video. Very unusual for me to not vibe much with the song itself and then be so fascinated by the visuals. But it's just so fun and colorful and makes me understand it more. Like he said in the interview, he wanted to write a romantic song and his type of romance is "playful sensuality" and the visuals underline that so well. He continues to prove that sexuality doesn't have to be dark and mysterious but can just be cute and fun and light.
  17. I suspect that the lyrics from youtube music are also just submitted by fans like Spotify lyrics or other platforms. So I think it's also just what some fans understood from listening to the song. Interestingly I didn't even question that and was happy to accept that there are enough things going on in the world for people to be singing about the apocalypse. Someone suggested to me that this song could be about covid times. Makes a lot of sense imo, I mean from the talks about a lockdown baby boom we know that he wasn't the only one who might have spent it in this way But with it being the name of the tour, I think it could refer to several big events that felt apocalyptic to him in the last few years, covid, the loss of a loved one, etc. and that he intentionally leaves it up to everybody to think about their own apocalpyses. And that his goal is less to talk about the events themselves and more about how we deal with these difficult situations. (So Apocalypse as a synonym for Major Life Events if you want it in therapy speak :D)
  18. Yes I agree. Although I just wanted to clarify that even though I reflected upon this interpretation in my last post, it's not necessarily my own. As I said, I just don't feel strongly about song or lyrics so I feel neither uncomfortable nor empowered by them. However I think both are valid reactions and can see where all of you are coming from. And I don't think that if you feel weird about the lyrics and find them too explicit for your taste it means you are uncomfortable with lgbt+ relationships or sex. Not that I think anybody meant to imply that, but just to make that absolutely clear. YES YES YES!!! I love hearing everyone's varying opinions and reasons why they connect (or don't connect) with certain songs. Makes you learn so much about that person and also see the song in a whole new light. All my ace MFC friends right now
  19. Nah it's not my cup of tea either. But actually for the opposite reason. I don't mind the lyrics but like c'est la vie I just don't find it interesting musically. The lyrics I don't feel very strongly about probably because I don't speak French very well. And even if you understand a language you still have a different emotional attachment to words. Like I can talk about difficult or taboo topics much easier in English than in German because I don't have such a strong emotional connection to it. For example the word "gay" makes me cringe in German because I heard it being thrown around as an insult at school when I was growing up while in English the word doesn't have that negative connotation at all. Anyway I drifted off into linguistics again. Even reading the translation of the song, I don't find it much filthier than some other songs. It's more explicit and less speaking through metaphors but tbh the ice cream metaphor is not hard to decipher and I almost find the images he creates with that song more graphic than just saying "we f***" And I do like the general message of "When I'm close to you, I feel invincible and there's nothing that can drag me down not even the apocalypse". I agree, the phrase "by making love we're resisting" could be interpreted two ways. One is "we're refusing to fall into despair and even in a very difficult situation, we make the most of it" which is very much in line with the song of course. The other one (as someone pointed out) could refer to a form of queer resistance because being yourself and openly admitting to having sex is a form of rejecting social norms. That might not have anything to do with the song but since he's used that word in that sense before (the cape!) I wouldn't be too surprised if it's not a complete coincidence.
  20. I've been thinking about that too. I think Admins can create a poll. I'm not yet sure if that's how I wanna do it though. Because in the end the person coordinating and editing everything has to be sure the song works for them. And I don't want you to feel like I'm being mean if in the end I decide against the song that the majority picked in the poll. And of course what I'm planning is just a starting project, depending on how it goes, there might be more and therefore the chance to cover all of our fave songs in the future. But yeah let me have a think about it. Like Karin I'm busy with the c'est la vie video in the near future anyway. I just wanted to start collecting ideas and opinions in the meantime, so keep them coming
  21. I WOULD LOVE THAT! A Mikenglish thread (not as catchy as Mikamaths I admit). Well the whole song is about how he was always moving around and never felt truly at home anywhere, right?! So my interpretation is that the second verse is him saying he gave up putting down roots (and possibly making friends) completely because what's the point when you have to leave again anyway. So he "tried to live alone". But being on your own when you truly have no one to help you through it is very difficult and extra isolating. Like just being a bit "lonely" sometimes isn't too bad but when you can't even share those feelings with anybody else, it becomes unbearable. In other words "lonely is so lonely alone".
  22. You know what, I actually don't mind that one, lonely IS so lonely alone Another one that I think is such an odd sentence but for some reason I'm obsessed with is "Isn't it enough just to be sunny and dumb". So many of his lyrics just should not work but somehow they do.
  23. Thank you Deb! Is the audio file also still available somewhere? I always love listening to interviews I haven't heard before but this link no longer works.
  24. Well I'm very glad you outed yourself as the person with that position @jatspeedy and I can't believe you're still defending this linguistic insanity! And that's the last you're gonna hear from me about this.
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