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Everything posted by CharlotteL

  1. Oh no I was also still hoping he‘d come to Strasbourg or Colmar during the summer! Don‘t worry though @TheOneAndOnlyLeo I had so much fun in Colmar last year and I barely understood anything
  2. Sounds great thank you! I'll have another think about it and send you a message on insta then
  3. Ok I've been thinking about this and while I love the idea and am looking forward to the pride concert I also thought if it was possible to do like a more chill, live stream where we just talk and discuss all things Mika and LGBT+? So basically not much different from the usual weekly livestreams but more pride themed where queer fans can come say hi on the live but also just write and connect with each other in the chat. Initially I also thought it would be cool to have a queer host? But as CJ said that might be too complicated and Deb always does a fab job anyway so Basically my main concern is that it's hard to include people in these celebrations who are shy / want to stay anonymous and since we are celebrating digitally anyway this could be an opportunity to make those voices heard? Alternatively we don't have to organize a whole separate thing, we could just have one livestream in June be slightly more pride themed. And could we also give people the opportunity to send in their answers to these questions in written form and we publish them anonymously? Someone else could even read them out so we can still include them in the tiktok videos / reels? Again just an idea to include more people who might otherwise be uncomfortable sharing!
  4. This is a fantastic idea and I‘d love to help @TinyLove_CJ! I'm not great with social media myself so I don't know if I could help with the promoting. But feel free to send me a pm and we can talk about what you need help with
  5. I just randomly remembered that for quite a while I thought the lyrics in tiny love were "I couldn't train a bunch of DOGS to spell your name". The thought of Mika trying to confess his love with Mel and Amira but them not cooperating still amuses me
  6. @mellody Some really intersting points but I perceived the interview a bit differently. I don‘t think the interviewer calling Mika "too much“ and "too camp" was his opinion but rather an explanation or observation why Mika isn‘t more successful. And I don‘t think that‘s entirely wrong or at least it wasn‘t at the start of his career. But yeah repeating this is getting a bit old and of course is contradicted by the fact that he had his breakthrough success with Grace Kelly. About Grace Kelly I actually agree with the interviewer, I always thought it is full of desperation and I love that about it I think it perfectly expresses that frustrating feeling of desperately wanting to fit in but failing. The message is of course to stop trying and just be yourself but I do think it has this conflict of not giving a damn what other people think but still wanting to be liked. I think what he meant about the timing with the piano is that to make the most of the platform he was given by being on uk tv was to have had his new album with a banging single ready to release at the same time the piano aired. But he didn‘t do that because he was busy writing a soundtrack for a french movie simply because that was a project he really wanted to do and was passionate about. This is not a smart marketing move, is not what most artists would have done and makes him a "weirdo" for that reason. Of course we know that this is exactly what makes him and his music special and why we respect him so much
  7. Haha same but you can kinda hear that switch from his lower to higher voice in the verses. Bit like in we are golden when he sings "like a magpie". The first time my dad heard that song he asked me "What background singer is doing that??" and was so shocked when I told him it's all Mika 😂
  8. I'm very happy that the soundtrack is getting the reviews it deserves!! I was listening to the soundtrack again and only now realized that the vocals are pretty much all performed by Mika himself right?! The first time I heard it it sounded like a whole choir at times but now that I'm paying attention I think it's all just Mika with his insane range The only vocals that I suspect don't come from Mika is the highest voice in Tehu's Theme? Even with "no time to leave" it took me a while to realize that it's Mika (I'm very bad at recognizing his deep voice) but that is all him right??
  9. Ohh this made my day, thank you!! I love that song 😍
  10. Hello Since Max is not only a beloved member of Mika's band but also a wonderful solo artist, I think he deserves his own thread where we can talk about his (new) music and anything else. My favorite of his songs are probably some girls, summer job and now also storms on the horizon.
  11. Isn't there a specific thread for Max Taylor? I can't find it rn and I‘m excited about his new music 😊
  12. Oh no this is somehow giving me terrible flashbacks to that time Hugh Grant explained that it was strange for him to play Ben Whishaw's lover on a very english scandal because they had also worked together on Paddington (Ben Whishaw is the voice of Paddington). Also I was a pre-teen when licm came out and obsessed with lollipop which was one of the songs on just dance for wii. I loved dancing to it, the background was really colorful and full of candy. It was quite a shock when I rediscovered him last year and heard the song again for the first time as an adult!
  13. Just thought some of you might like this as a gif (mostly myself :D)
  14. That comparison from "pinknews" is interesting. It's almost the exact opposite though with Mika being pressured to come out by the press (and fans didn't care) while Kit Connor was pressured by "fans" (and the press didn't care). He was also accused of being straight while Mika was accused of being gay. I guess the takeaway is that despite all the progress that's been made a person's sexuality is still not as irrelevant as it should be. And people still like to forget that there are other sexualities than gay and straight.
  15. I appreciate the comments about Mika but I'm wondering when an article will also point out how extraordinary he is, considering that he is able to carry out his role as a judge, fluently, in three languages and adapt his remarks to the culture he finds himself in. Haha your wish was granted! I'm positively surprised by the reviews to be honest. I was expecting them to be very harsh towards Mika. I‘m gonna play devil's adovcat here but if you see it from the perspective of an audience who haven't seen or heard anything about him since 2007-2010, he is not an obvious choice as a judge for a piano competition. As one article put it the judges are one of the world's best pianists and a "pop star who can play the piano". Of course we know that he is much than that but from the outside that seems like a fair assessment. But the important thing is that all the reviews come round to him in the end. They're saying that even if he wasn't an obvious choice, he is doing a fantastic job by appearing charming, empathetic and musically competent. I had hoped that this was gonna be the case (at least after his performance in the finale) but after just one episode that‘s fantastic!
  16. That's a really interesting article! I'm really happy that he's now in a place where he can think back, reflect and confidently say that the way he was treated by the (uk) press was not ok. Growing up queer, I think there's always a part of you that thinks you're the weird one and you're in the wrong when people react negatively. Overcoming that, especially when everyone in the world suddenly has an opinion on you, must be incredibly difficult.
  17. I have a Mika-related question but it‘s still pretty random 😅 Is it true that Mika gave the pink suit he wore at Eurovision to Sebastian Pufpaff (German tv host)? It just ocurred to me again because I was wondering if it was the same suit he wore for the Gala tonight.
  18. To me it sounds like this is exactly the conflict that the two people in the song are discussing. I also see it as a conversation between two people but because they want different things, there is such a disconnect that it doesn't seem like they're talking to each other at all. The first person is saying that he wants to keep the relationship (which maybe had previously just been physical and light-hearted) as it is but the other person wants to deepen the relationship emotionally.
  19. Ohh I didn't know that's what "catching a break" meant. I've often heard "I can't seem to catch a break" but I always assumed the person was complaining about their workload not a lack of luck. Edutainment indeed! But if that's a saying I don't find it impossible anymore that those are the actual lyrics. It could mean "I really need some luck so if you find some, please pass it on to me". I know it sounds strange but he often invents his own (more or less sensical) sayings or plays around with already existing ones. And in the live version from the gala I do hear the word "break" as opposed to the recording where he was clearly hungry for cheese.
  20. I‘ve been listening to this song a lot on my way to work and I burst out laughing every time at that part. I will not have peace until I know what the real lyrics are 😅
  21. Well if the song wasn't fun enough already, it's gonna put me in a good mood now because I can't unhear "Catch a Brie, chuck it to me"! And I think it's "I'll be taking" cause everything else is in the future tense too (we'll keep it simple). Like he's singing about his intentions, not about something that's already happened? Ok after listening a few more times I'm also quite sure it's "Won't you, can't you see". I also hear "every bone IN every part of me's aching" but that might just be his enunciation.
  22. Isn't this the first performance of Toy Boy? The one at the Roxy in LA on 15 April 2009 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hdfuUKmHLe4&ab_channel=cottonsky
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