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Everything posted by CharlotteL

  1. Oh wow that just hit me. Because I am definitely a pretty chill and "well that‘s life, just move on“ type of person which can be a big strength. But I have recently realized (and been told) that maybe it would be better if I allowed myself to accept and express my emotions from time to time 🙃 I think maintaining a good balance there is really important and to see the last part (Life is hard sometimes and we should acknowledge that but we also shouln’t be afraid of it) as the conclusion is a great interpretation.
  2. Ok not sure if reviving a thread from 2008 is like today's mood but I couldn't find any other Billy Brown thread 😅 And I had to get some things off my chest because I just found this video which I had never seen before where he performs Billy Brown (starting from around 39min) and tells the story of the song in between. Now I have seen many videos where he tells different versions of this story, most recently the one in Bristol where he again talks about how the song was about his sister's boyfriend at the time and also a message to himself. But I never understood how those two things were related or could make sense at the same time. And here he explains that looking at this other boy who had the same "problem" as him and who thought the solution to it was to hide, he knew that wasn't the solution (for the other boy or himself) which is why the song is a gentle gesture towards "Billy" and also towards himself. And yeah that just nearly made me cry. Because this is exactly what I love and find so special and unique about the song and other Mika songs with queer themes. It doesn't judge Billy Brown. It doesn't make fun of him and it doesn't paint him as the bad guy (even though he does cheat on two partners). But it also doesn't paint him as the hero or celebrates him. If anything, it pities him, it calls him "a victim of the times" and recognizes that maybe he makes these questionable decisions because of his circumstances. It encourages Billy to just keep going and meddle through. Gentle, sweet and so empowering ❤️
  3. Sehr cool!! Ich hoffe sehr dass ich es auch schaffe. Eigentlich habe ich nur in den Schulferien frei und die Osterferien hören in Österreich natürlich am 01.04. auf 😅 Aber ich werde mein bestes geben um dabei zu sein. Ich freue mich auch wahnsinnig darauf dass es wahrscheinlich eine richtige Reunion deutscher Fans sein wird.
  4. Thinking of doing the same. Bit insane but we‘re not Mika fans for our sanity are we 😅 I also don‘t know why I got so excited about a German date when everything in Italy would be much closer. But I just can‘t miss out on him trying his best at Denglish.
  6. Well I agree with Anna that this has the same kinda "mean" vibes of songs like elle met dit where he writes about conflict with people he loves in a brutally honest way. But the thing is that Mika writes songs about his own emotions about situations. Not necessarily the truth of a situation or the real feelings of someone else but how he perceives them. Which is why I even thought about whether that one line "Il vous aimes pas" could refer to the fans. Of course I don't think that Andy really dislikes the fans (I've seen first hand that's definitely not the case :D) but Mika has often expressed his frustration about conflicts by simplifying the other person's feelings and putting words in their mouth that are maybe only rooted in truth a little bit (like saying his mum would be happier with a straight son in all she wants). As for the reactions, I mean he has said that his mum was also mad when he sang lollipop and big girl to her for the first time. And I remember a french interview where he talked about how they did a photoshoot because for the first time Andy agreed to be in a picture with him and then he was furious about the one that got published (even though it's a lovely picture). So I think he also likes exaggerating and making up some drama for us Anyway from the chorus it looks like it's going to be more about both their jealousy. Because even though he has said that spending a lot of time apart (and going off to do their own things) is what makes their relationship work, it makes sense that that's not always easy and you wonder what the other person gets up to without you.
  7. Sorry I didn't mean this in a mean-spirited way but I can see how it came across that way!! Anyway, that's probably a discussion to have on the song thread when the song is out.
  8. It starts the fight harsh words rough words cover your ears because the monster wakes up I am leaving I will come back later I will come back to see you but you, he doesn't like you so he is jealous Oh my goodness that's harsh. I can see why Andy wasn't too happy! I wonder if "il vous aime pas" refers to his fans?? Because if it's supposed to personify France wouldn't it be "toi"? Or would you use the polite form if you personified a country in a song?
  9. Is this a sign to finally get the MFC language school up and running?! 😍
  10. No worries and sorry for turning your intro thread into a linguistics discussion
  11. Hahah and I thought Mika made that up. Well thanks, you learn something new every day
  12. Ok I wasn‘t sure if I should participate or not as I‘m not really sure about the song yet and will wait until it‘s fully released. But since we‘re talking about genres and musicality… This song is giving me massive Schlager vibes! I absolutely love the lyrics (the depth, the callback to elle me dit) but musically it is just SO simple.
  13. Ok super random but is this a common english speakers joke or a Mika insider? 😂 Because I recently found a Mika interview with Alan Cumming where he says that and I have using it since… Had never heard it before and now my brain won‘t stop going "Who‘d have THUNK"
  14. My gif turned out huge as well. Not sure you can change the size of a picture you upload?! As for the placing you have to make sure that the cursor is where you want the gif to be before you click on "insert". Bit hard to explain, sorry!
  15. I agree, I love reading the reports as they are obviously more subjective and convey the emotions that the person felt at the gig. While I love seeing all the videos of Mika on Insta, they don't add anything "new" after a while. And I like when the videos get posted in the gig threads here so I can find and watch them again later. Cause on insta they disappear or if they're posted as reels, I would still never find them again! I must admit it took me a while to get used to the whole forum format but I do like it now for those reasons and the fact that it's entirely our own place. I guess I wish it wouldn't seem as foreign and complicated to us younger fans (I can't even explain WHY it felt like that) 😅
  16. Wie geht es denn allen mit dem Hochwasser? Seid ihr davon betroffen?
  17. Hatte auch schon daran gedacht diesen oder den Deutsch-Thread wiederzubeleben nach dem Konzert in Tarvisio! Ich hab mich nur gefragt ob wir die vielleicht kombinieren bzw den Deutsch-Thread als deutschsprachigen Thread für alle verwenden sollten?! Aber wie ihr wollt, ich mische als deutsche Wahlsteirerin gerne wo auch immer mit, wenn ich darf 😅
  18. What was the author of this article on?? 😂 Um sure we love our capable elf man ❤️ Since when is Mika's audience mainly Gen Z?? I guess we should be flattered that we all pass for like 25 apparently 😅
  19. https://www.instagram.com/p/CvM64x8vxnh/ I love this video from the nobordersmusicfestival account so much!! Is there any way to download it from instagram?
  20. Since people (@Hero, @dcdeb, @TinyLove_CJ and @krysady) were discussing the Pachelbel Canon in the birthday thread, it reminded me that I've always wanted to ask if Mika ever said if the violin section in Happy Ending was inspired by it? Maybe it's just me but I think they sound very similar. (Also I didn't know where to ask this since I only found one happy ending thread under music and artwork that was closed and archived)
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