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Everything posted by CharlotteL

  1. I loved this second episode so much!! I mean in the beginning I was more skeptical than ever to be honest because there seemed to be even more focus on backstories instead of playing. But I felt like that changed about 1/3 through the episode like it suddenly took a complete turn and suddenly we just heard the talents play and that's what provoked all these emotions and I was crying the whole way through the second half basically. So many magical moments to use Mika bingo terms I also need to apologize to @crazyaboutmika (I think it was) whom I accused of posting spoilers cause I thought her comment implied that several talents were going to get picked in Cardiff. I now realize you might have just meant you saw some of talents in the audience. I also watched some of the documentary that was on right afterwards about Lucy and it's fascinating. It shows more of her daily life and her personality really comes through and about her teacher Daniel and the other kids he teaches as well.
  2. Not to be a buzzkill but would you mind putting these kinds of posts in a spoiler warning thingy? I like reading this thread for the discussions on previous episodes but would like to be surprised as much as possible in future episodes
  3. Yeah that's definitely a fair point. I already wished for them to put more emphasis on the playing last year but since I was prepared for it this year it didn't bother me as much even though you might be right that there's even more emphasis on the backstories this year. I find it really cool and interesting how different everyone's opinions are on their favourites (please keep them coming). I mean it makes total sense, it's such a subjective thing and of course you just intuitively connect more with some than others. And especially if you chose based on a combination of playing and backstory, that's gonna be messy. I personally really liked the little boy (Ethan?!), I felt his piano playing was just qualitatively the best especially for his age and I loved the ease with which he played. Now this I don't feel at all!! I thought he looked quite mischievous when he said Nirvana and I think Lang Lang knows just enough about pop music to know that Mika was joking as soon as she started playing And I don't think he comes across as snobbish. I mean we know winding people up is kind of his love language and the fact that he keeps teasing Lang Lang shows me that he's comfortable around him. And I feel like it's clearly fake outrage coming from Mika when he acts shocked that Lang Lang doesn't know what Marmite is or has never tasted a pasty. He's clearly aware that it's absolutely fine and normal for a Chinese person to not be familiar with these British things. But that's just how I perceive it of course.
  4. Jaa freut mich auch voll!! Natürlich sind die Deutschen wieder als erstes dabei wenns ums dubben geht
  5. Mhm I really don't understand where these negative reviews are suddenly coming from. I mean I don't even disagree with all the points they are making, but all of these are things that could have been criticized about the first series as well. It even took me some getting used to it in the first series, I was also surprised that there was more emphasis on the background stories than the actual playing and that sometimes it was cut so that you could barely see and hear their performance at all. But again, all of that isn't new, I don't think the second series is much different. I enjoy it more now that I know what I'm in for. They're very open and honest about it and have explicitly said it's a show about the stories of people who play the piano, not a piano competition. Now that I know that, I can embrace it. So maybe the reason that negative reviews are coming out now is that it's already such a hit, so that's the controversial thing to write now. Last year "this niche little show is surprisingly good" was a great headline, this year it's "this well beloved show is surprisingly bad". And any reviewer who thinks that Mika and Lang Lang have bad chemistry is clearly not to be taken seriously
  6. Jaa ich weiß, aber hier geht es darum wie es tatsächlich benutzt wird im Sprachgebrauch. Was weiß schon der Duden (Ja ok ich oute mich als Person die scheinbar fälschlicherweise Team "die" war).
  7. Ok wichtige Frage (die nicht wirklich mit Mika zu tun hat): Was ist der Artikel von Fandom? Der, die oder das Fandom? Hab da grade eine Diskussion mit @Mubbin Sarina drüber Da man ja leider nachträglich keine Abstimmung machen kann, könnten wir ja machen: "Haha" Reaktion für der, "Confused" für die und "Sad" für das.
  8. I'd look for flights to either Lyon or Marseille and then it's a 2-3h train ride from both airports.
  9. Wait what "smoking" moment? I haven't watched all of the battles, did I miss something?? But that's an interesting perspective and some good points you make, thanks!
  10. True, why is literally everyone crying?! Btw I've been meaning to ask... What do you all think of the current format of the battles? I haven't watched The Voice in a long time and was really surprised by how different the battles feel now, especially with the coach's chair being on stage now. I found that really weird and while I enjoyed the blind auditions, I honestly couldn't get into it the battles at all. Would be curious is anyone else feels that way or if some of you like it this way and why?
  11. Hey @Anna Ko Kolkowska I edited that one sentence out of your post cause I think it's a biig spoiler!!
  12. The first episode airs next sunday, 28th april, 9pm on channel 4
  13. I noticed that too! Is the one show live? Maybe he thought it was being pre-recorded for the day after and he had to pretend it was already saturday?! Or he's just as confused about his own schedule as we are, that's entirely possible I think.
  14. Oh my, 2 months on tour together and Alban already has the same mannerisms as Max
  15. Yeah I mean as beautiful as it is, I'm pretty sure they're gonna have a real piano for a show like this I've also been thinking about this. My guess would be he'll go with some classics that also sound good in an acoustic version like Relax or Love Today. Personally I think Origin or Tiny Love would also fit the occasion. Or over my shoulder, yes!! Well we'll have to wait and see I suppose. Not long now
  16. I only have the chords but I think you can find those by googling anyway
  17. No it was definitely more than that. From a quick yt search I also found Seoul, Schaffhausen, Paléo Festival, Mares Vivas Festival and Liège. He was wearing "normal" clothes at the Bestfest in Bucharest though But anyway, you're right they were all festival dates.
  18. Mhm that's still missing the tour @Jaela Is talking about though, the one in 2011 with the period clothing. That wasn't only at one gig although many not enough to be an official tour?
  19. Was @holdingyourdrink doing the mfctoo takeover? I really enjoyed it!
  20. Yess it is, I just haven't had the time but I'm still planning on doing good guys. Will definitely let you know when I do In general, I also find it hard to have the confidence to sing publicly. Sharing it online is easier because you can just do another take if you mess up so there's less pressure. But it still makes me nervous every time. As with everything, practice is key. The more you do it, the easier it gets. And yes joining a choir is one of the best things you can do as well, you get used to singing in front of other people and you learn a lot. Hahah that reminds me of Bea and I doing exactly that after the gig in Amsterdam. Definitely sounded awkward in English
  21. I'm the biggest All She Wants stan as well and as far as I'm aware he has never performed it and the closest we got was this preview he gave:
  22. I mean definitely not a coincidence We also have a thread for that if you ever wanna chat with our other queer mfc family members: And yess I know what you mean about the concerts being pure joy and magic
  23. Hello and welcome Becca! I enjoyed reading about your journey to finding Mika and am glad you found us. As CJ pointed out, lots of us bi (and neurospicy) folk here If you want to tell us more about the Brighton gig, this would be the place: And if you have any other questions about the forum, don't hesitate to ask!
  24. Nooo I feel so stupid, I don't know that song, I literally thought it was an og
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