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The Harry Potter Thread!!!!

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Grrrr.... I really dislike you now Zoe!!! (even though you're now in the same house as me!!!)


Fmbm: As much as I love Neville (I still think he is going to be the hero!) he's a little too young for me!


Age is not a factor.

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In the worst period of my life, when I've lose my "artistic vein", my fantasy and my desire to write and study, Harry brought me everything!!!

I've returned child :biggrin2:

And since I met him, I'm a new person :biggrin2:

A new child :biggrin2:

Love to JK Rowling, my hero :wub2:

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Oh My God.



I sat there completely mesmerised by it all....but then again I AM a Harry Potter fan. However, I have read two reviews that gave it 5/5 stars, and rightly so, so it's not just me.


The actress who plays Dolores Umbridge plays her with perfection. I never watched her and thought "hmm that was a bit odd" or "oooh that wasn't right" because the way she portrayed her character was exactly how it was meant to be.


The woman who plays Bellatrix LeStrange...wow. She is creepy, mad, completely insane and yeah, she did "wow" me. Seriously, you have such amazing and talented actors in this film.


INCLUDING Daniel. His acting skills really have progressed, and you see how good he actually is towards the end of the film.


The camerawork was really good too, and so were the graphics. You had scenes where music just played, all the characters voices were drowned out and it was all slow motion...it created such a great atmosphere and was just truly....well...amazing.


It was quite funny too, at times, which contrasted well with the ending scene because it all turned out to be completely different.



I'll stop here before I blabber on. But all in all, it was fantastic. Go see it!...When it comes out. mwahahaha!

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I can't wait to see it tomorrow when it airs in the DK!


I really do love the books.!


And the new movie seems to be really really good!



Except from Harrys hair. :thumbdown:

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I loved the movie, and I have to say, the girl who played luna was very well cast...adorable girl (in a loopy sort of way :biggrin2:)

And dolores umbridge, also another well cast character (I kept laughing at her little giggle.)

Have to say that the second time I saw it today (with a space of 3 hours in between), the audience seemed much more receptive, there was more laughter, making it a more enjoyable session.


Though as always with the flims there is still so much they have left out that would have been good included.

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I went to the midnight showing of HP5 last night, and honestly...I didn't really like it that much.


I kind of had a crappy night in general because my mom decided not to allow me to drive myself to meet up with my friends because it would mean driving on the interstate late at night, so I had to get one of my friends to come 30 minutes out of her way and pick me up, and it was one of those awkward moments where you could tell that the person was kind of annoyed but too nice to say anything. And after the movie, I saw some people from school who I had kind of hoped I would never see again since I graduated and they tried to make plans for me to come out with them one night, but I acted like I was too tired to think. Then, I got all embarrassed because I was standing there and my two best friends were kind of going back and forth about who was going to take me home, like I wasn't there...One friend lives 45 minutes away, the other lives about 30 minutes away...I almost suggested that I'd call my mom and tell her to pick me up because I was so embarrassed...


But I was just kind of disappointed. To me, the movie seemed like it was a 4 hour, properly timed movie, that someone had taken snippets from and pasted them together into a shorter movie. If I hadn't read the book, I don't think that I would've understood the beginning, as it was so confusing! I loved Luna, as she is exactly as I pictured her...


One thing that really disappointed me was the lack of Ron/Hermione action. In the 6th book they are almost together, or making progress anyway, and the 5th book had a lot of angsty moments that were not captured in the movie...The third and fourth movies start to show a little aggression and jealousy, but the fifth didn't seem to have much at all.


And also, the ending sort of made it looked like there is a future for Harry/Luna, instead of Harry/Ginny. I kind of wondered if whoever wrote the script had even read the 6th book...

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I went to the midnight showing of HP5 last night, and honestly...I didn't really like it that much.


I kind of had a crappy night in general because my mom decided not to allow me to drive myself to meet up with my friends because it would mean driving on the interstate late at night, so I had to get one of my friends to come 30 minutes out of her way and pick me up, and it was one of those awkward moments where you could tell that the person was kind of annoyed but too nice to say anything. And after the movie, I saw some people from school who I had kind of hoped I would never see again since I graduated and they tried to make plans for me to come out with them one night, but I acted like I was too tired to think. Then, I got all embarrassed because I was standing there and my two best friends were kind of going back and forth about who was going to take me home, like I wasn't there...One friend lives 45 minutes away, the other lives about 30 minutes away...I almost suggested that I'd call my mom and tell her to pick me up because I was so embarrassed...


But I was just kind of disappointed. To me, the movie seemed like it was a 4 hour, properly timed movie, that someone had taken snippets from and pasted them together into a shorter movie. If I hadn't read the book, I don't think that I would've understood the beginning, as it was so confusing! I loved Luna, as she is exactly as I pictured her...


One thing that really disappointed me was the lack of Ron/Hermione action. In the 6th book they are almost together, or making progress anyway, and the 5th book had a lot of angsty moments that were not captured in the movie...The third and fourth movies start to show a little aggression and jealousy, but the fifth didn't seem to have much at all.


And also, the ending sort of made it looked like there is a future for Harry/Luna, instead of Harry/Ginny. I kind of wondered if whoever wrote the script had even read the 6th book...



:(:(:(:(:(:(:((That does not too good)



Was Ralph Fiennes any good as Voldemort????


He was great in the last movie, I'm really looking foward to that show down between Dumbledore and L.V

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I'm going on sat.

I am glad to go but I am looking way more forward to the new and last book than to the film. the films are enjoyable but I prefer first ones and order of the phoenix, though good, is not my fave HP book.


well, the half blood prince, well, that's another story... :biggrin2: my fave HP book so far. I have great expectations for the film. :punk:

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well, the half blood prince, well, that's another story... :biggrin2: my fave HP book so far. I have great expectations for the film. :punk:




Præcis! The Halfblood Prince ROCKS! Damn, I love it! And I can't wait to see what happens next!

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Was Ralph Fiennes any good as Voldemort????


He was great in the last movie, I'm really looking foward to that show down between Dumbledore and L.V


yeah he was, creepy as always! but the person who blew me away the most was the actress (helena someone) who plays Bellatrix Lestrange. She was amazing, even if she wasn't in it long! I really wanted to feckin SMACK HER ONE at one particular point but i was so mesmerised by her acting I could do nothing but stare like this :shocked: !!

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Age is not a factor.


That might not be the case, but he's younger than me...


Hannah: That sucks that you didn't enjoy it...


Though I am pleased to see you don't think Harry and Hermione... people who ship that are delusional... and I'm a little worried about the lack of Harry/Ginny and Ron/Hermione action... very disappointing indeed... I shall have to go and watch it myself before I truly believe it! :naughty:

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yeah he was, creepy as always! but the person who blew me away the most was the actress (helena someone) who plays Bellatrix Lestrange. She was amazing, even if she wasn't in it long! I really wanted to feckin SMACK HER ONE at one particular point but i was so mesmerised by her acting I could do nothing but stare like this :shocked: !!


helena bonham carter, one of my fave actresses ever. she's GREAT. it's no surprise she was so good.

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all right guys!!!! HERES MY REVIEW!!!


O MY FREAKIN WOW this was the awesomest movie (well, Harry potter movie, EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AHHHH o my god you guys is was absolutely amazing!!!! I sat there in shock the whole time!!!!!! ahhhh! and the fight scene at the end was so INTENSE AND AMAZING!! that part was my favorite!!!!! (other than the kiss scene...)

Okay so the kiss scene... WOW .... it was so hot and steamy...it was just epic.... haha it went on seriously for around.... hmmmm.... like 5 minutes... hhehe it was nicce...

And the Ministry!!!!! HOLY CRICKET!! they couldnt have done it any better in my opinion!! It was so amazing!! I was just so amazed by how good it was the whole time!!! ahhh i still cant believe it!!! haha and its also SUPER hilarious!!!! AHH i loved it!!!

Okay, i must admit, they did butcher it. They took out a bit of some crucial stuff (in my opinion at least)...

they took out the whole big issue where PERCY is working with the ministry and Fudge and is fighting with the family and how theyre not talking and how the whole family is kinda falling apart a bit!

They dont have the part where they are in St.Mungos Hospital visiting Mr. Weasly, and they see Nevilles parents and also, Gilderoy (that really funny scene in the book).

They also took out all Signs of Quidditch!! None in there whatsoever! not even a tiny mention or utter of the word!!! grrrr... And in this one, Harry was supposed to PUNCH MALFOY (WOOOO!!) and get banned from Quidditch by Umbridge, and also, Ron and Ginny and all those people were supposed to join the team!!! So i didnt like that.

They also took out Ron and Hermione being prefects, and also, the one that i think is most important!!... They dont have anything in there about Neville being in the prophecy, and that other than harry, it couldve been Neville who was the boy who lived!!!! They dont have anything about Neville that much!!! O and they also dont have anything on rita skeeter, and Mundungus Fletcher!!!!!

okay, enough about what they took out.

VOLDEMORT WAS awesome and freaakin scarrryyy and evil as always!! he was PERFECT AND AMAZING!!! I lovedd him!!! The fight scene at the end with voldemort and dumbledore was just.... WOW... you are in commplete shock the whole time... its so intense and awesome and amazing and perfect!!!!!!!

LUNA LOVEGOOD was absolutely amazing for the part! Shes so cuutte and just how i imagined her! so they did really really good with her! The thestrals are absolutely AMAZING!!! i loved how those were!

And almost every single guy in this whole movie is SOOOO SOOOO SOOO freakin HOOOTT! ahhh! and in scenes theyre all in the same room, im just like WHOA and my eyes get real big... haha i absolutely LOVVEE RON sooo very muucchh! hes my favorite!! AND hes soooo HOT!!! haha he got verry muscley...<3333

AND DAN RADCLIFFE (HP) WAS AMAZING as always!!! EVERYONE in this movie did such amazing and AWESOME acting!!!!

haha and MALFOY <3 had only pretty much 1 line which made me really really MAD!!!! grrr...

And BELLATRIZ LESTRANGE IS ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!!! they couuldnt have chosen anyone better that HELENA BONHAM CARTER (LOVE HER!)!!!!!!! She was so crazzy and insane and amazing!!! it was perfect and she wasnt afraid to be insane and make the weirdest facial expressions!!!! so they did aabsolutely perfect with her!!

And i must admit that Hermione isnt annoying in this one! i like her now!!! Even though i still did like her before, but a little less! now i like her all the way! haha <33333

And also, GRAWP and UMBRIDGE are both amazing too!! umbridge was HILARIOUS!!! hhhahah she was perfect! and GRAWP was oo soo cutte!

O and also they took out Firenze when he comes to teach after Trelawney is sacked... :(

and the end part when fred and george leave, i loved.<33

Okay so i bet theres more to say, but im gonna stop!!

overall, it was SO ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!!! i enjoyed pretty much every bit of it!!!! It was amazing!! You'll understand it SO much better if youve reak the books!!!!!!! wooo!! So ABSOLUTELY GO AND SEE IT and ENJOY all the amazingness and HAVE FUN!! by far my most favoritest harry potter movie ever!!! (so far)...

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I absolutley LOVE all the HP books, and movies. It's so soon for the next one, and I'm so sad it's the last! I'd queue up at midnight if I was allowed! Rowling is a genius, I don't know how anyone could come with those amazing plotlines, the GoF one with the ghosts coming through the wands, and the explanation of Fawkes' feather in them was so clever! and the prophecy with Harry and Neville was incredible. I think she's an absolutley amazing writer!



OOTP [movieee] is out TOMORROW! =D

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I absolutley LOVE all the HP books, and movies. It's so soon for the next one, and I'm so sad it's the last! I'd queue up at midnight if I was allowed! Rowling is a genius, I don't know how anyone could come with those amazing plotlines, the GoF one with the ghosts coming through the wands, and the explanation of Fawkes' feather in them was so clever! and the prophecy with Harry and Neville was incredible. I think she's an absolutley amazing writer!



OOTP [movieee] is out TOMORROW! =D


yaay! haha same here!! JK is a genius!!!! woo!

I completely agree!!! I dont want the amazing series to end!! Not yet at least!! <33

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all right guys!!!! HERES MY REVIEW!!!


O MY FREAKIN WOW this was the awesomest movie (well, Harry potter movie, EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AHHHH o my god you guys is was absolutely amazing!!!! I sat there in shock the whole time!!!!!! ahhhh! and the fight scene at the end was so INTENSE AND AMAZING!! that part was my favorite!!!!! (other than the kiss scene...)

Okay so the kiss scene... WOW .... it was so hot and steamy...it was just epic.... haha it went on seriously for around.... hmmmm.... like 5 minutes... hhehe it was nicce...

And the Ministry!!!!! HOLY CRICKET!! they couldnt have done it any better in my opinion!! It was so amazing!! I was just so amazed by how good it was the whole time!!! ahhh i still cant believe it!!! haha and its also SUPER hilarious!!!! AHH i loved it!!!

Okay, i must admit, they did butcher it. They took out a bit of some crucial stuff (in my opinion at least)...

they took out the whole big issue where PERCY is working with the ministry and Fudge and is fighting with the family and how theyre not talking and how the whole family is kinda falling apart a bit!

They dont have the part where they are in St.Mungos Hospital visiting Mr. Weasly, and they see Nevilles parents and also, Gilderoy (that really funny scene in the book).

They also took out all Signs of Quidditch!! None in there whatsoever! not even a tiny mention or utter of the word!!! grrrr... And in this one, Harry was supposed to PUNCH MALFOY (WOOOO!!) and get banned from Quidditch by Umbridge, and also, Ron and Ginny and all those people were supposed to join the team!!! So i didnt like that.

They also took out Ron and Hermione being prefects, and also, the one that i think is most important!!... They dont have anything in there about Neville being in the prophecy, and that other than harry, it couldve been Neville who was the boy who lived!!!! They dont have anything about Neville that much!!! O and they also dont have anything on rita skeeter, and Mundungus Fletcher!!!!!

okay, enough about what they took out.

VOLDEMORT WAS awesome and freaakin scarrryyy and evil as always!! he was PERFECT AND AMAZING!!! I lovedd him!!! The fight scene at the end with voldemort and dumbledore was just.... WOW... you are in commplete shock the whole time... its so intense and awesome and amazing and perfect!!!!!!!

LUNA LOVEGOOD was absolutely amazing for the part! Shes so cuutte and just how i imagined her! so they did really really good with her! The thestrals are absolutely AMAZING!!! i loved how those were!

And almost every single guy in this whole movie is SOOOO SOOOO SOOO freakin HOOOTT! ahhh! and in scenes theyre all in the same room, im just like WHOA and my eyes get real big... haha i absolutely LOVVEE RON sooo very muucchh! hes my favorite!! AND hes soooo HOT!!! haha he got verry muscley...<3333

AND DAN RADCLIFFE (HP) WAS AMAZING as always!!! EVERYONE in this movie did such amazing and AWESOME acting!!!!

haha and MALFOY <3 had only pretty much 1 line which made me really really MAD!!!! grrr...

And BELLATRIZ LESTRANGE IS ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!!! they couuldnt have chosen anyone better that HELENA BONHAM CARTER (LOVE HER!)!!!!!!! She was so crazzy and insane and amazing!!! it was perfect and she wasnt afraid to be insane and make the weirdest facial expressions!!!! so they did aabsolutely perfect with her!!

And i must admit that Hermione isnt annoying in this one! i like her now!!! Even though i still did like her before, but a little less! now i like her all the way! haha <33333

And also, GRAWP and UMBRIDGE are both amazing too!! umbridge was HILARIOUS!!! hhhahah she was perfect! and GRAWP was oo soo cutte!

O and also they took out Firenze when he comes to teach after Trelawney is sacked... :(

and the end part when fred and george leave, i loved.<33

Okay so i bet theres more to say, but im gonna stop!!

overall, it was SO ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!!! i enjoyed pretty much every bit of it!!!! It was amazing!! You'll understand it SO much better if youve reak the books!!!!!!! wooo!! So ABSOLUTELY GO AND SEE IT and ENJOY all the amazingness and HAVE FUN!! by far my most favoritest harry potter movie ever!!! (so far)...


LMAO, I did get confused with the Neville/Harry thing, i wasnt sure if it was this book or the next one.

Yeah, reading back on your post, they DID miss out a lot, I completely forgot about Percy as well. I haven't read the book in AAAAGES but i remembered all the important bits i.e: what was in the film, so I think they took the right bits out.


hahaha told ya Bellatrix was amazing!

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Wow! I'm actually very surprised that I seem to be the only one who didn't really like it. :blink: Pretty much everyone coming out of the theater last night (er...this morning, really) was talking about how awful it was.


I think that my biggest issue with the film is just all the stuff that they cut out. It's kind of crazy that this is the longest HP book and yet the shortest movie. :blink: The movie seemed to have pretty much no formation of relationships. Example: Harry and Cho. The build-up of their "whatever" was about 10 minutes long. Then there was the mistletoe, and one scene afterwards that showed that they were kind of "together," but after that they were pretty much not in the picture at all.


SPOILERS...in case anyone hasn't read the book...


Another thing that bothered me to no end was the lack of emotion! When Harry saw Snape's memory of his father taunting him, it seemed like he didn't really care. In the book Harry was completely distraught over it! And Sirius' death. Come on. That was like, a 30 second scene and that was it. Yeah, the sound went off, Harry screams and runs, the end of Sirius. Something that made so many people cry while reading and evoked so many emotions was just...nothing in the movie. And Tonks. WTF?! She was one of my favorite characters in OOTP but it seemed like she didn't have a purpose at all. She looked like an angsty/punky teenager.


The beginning of the movie was pretty much a disaster, in my opinion. Ms. Figg was SO random! Oh, her only explanation was, "I'm supposed to watch over you..." Harry wasn't even the least bit surprised, it seemed! And the scene that kind of made me cringe from the awfulness was when Harry was dragging Dudley back to the Dursley's house. It looked like a complete joke! If I hadn't read the book, I would be a very confused girl indeed.


And they cut out the whole hospital scene and Quidditch! And also when Ron gets all loopy in the Ministry of Mystery at the end...that was gone too! I was really looking forward to that!


Okay, end of rant. I'm kind of depressed that David Yates is doing HBP, also.


My favorite movie was GoF, hands down. It had the perfect combination of fantasy and realism, and I really enjoyed the teenagery-ness of it, but that was hardly there at all in this movie.


Okay, rant over, once again. :roftl:

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i love the films! and i want to read the books, i am a bit behind right!


in the next HP movie (not this one out no but the next) i heard they are using a different character! im sorry but, daniel radcliff is like the harry potter!

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i love the films! and i want to read the books, i am a bit behind right!


in the next HP movie (not this one out no but the next) i heard they are using a different character! im sorry but, daniel radcliff is like the harry potter!


Daniel, Rupert and Emma are all three signed on for the last two movies. :thumb_yello:

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Wow! I'm actually very surprised that I seem to be the only one who didn't really like it. :blink: Pretty much everyone coming out of the theater last night (er...this morning, really) was talking about how awful it was.


I think that my biggest issue with the film is just all the stuff that they cut out. It's kind of crazy that this is the longest HP book and yet the shortest movie. :blink: The movie seemed to have pretty much no formation of relationships. Example: Harry and Cho. The build-up of their "whatever" was about 10 minutes long. Then there was the mistletoe, and one scene afterwards that showed that they were kind of "together," but after that they were pretty much not in the picture at all.


SPOILERS...in case anyone hasn't read the book...


Another thing that bothered me to no end was the lack of emotion! When Harry saw Snape's memory of his father taunting him, it seemed like he didn't really care. In the book Harry was completely distraught over it! And Sirius' death. Come on. That was like, a 30 second scene and that was it. Yeah, the sound went off, Harry screams and runs, the end of Sirius. Something that made so many people cry while reading and evoked so many emotions was just...nothing in the movie. And Tonks. WTF?! She was one of my favorite characters in OOTP but it seemed like she didn't have a purpose at all. She looked like an angsty/punky teenager.


The beginning of the movie was pretty much a disaster, in my opinion. Ms. Figg was SO random! Oh, her only explanation was, "I'm supposed to watch over you..." Harry wasn't even the least bit surprised, it seemed! And the scene that kind of made me cringe from the awfulness was when Harry was dragging Dudley back to the Dursley's house. It looked like a complete joke! If I hadn't read the book, I would be a very confused girl indeed.


And they cut out the whole hospital scene and Quidditch! And also when Ron gets all loopy in the Ministry of Mystery at the end...that was gone too! I was really looking forward to that!


Okay, end of rant. I'm kind of depressed that David Yates is doing HBP, also.


My favorite movie was GoF, hands down. It had the perfect combination of fantasy and realism, and I really enjoyed the teenagery-ness of it, but that was hardly there at all in this movie.


Okay, rant over, once again. :roftl:


yeah i know!! And Sirius's death barely even affected harry!!!! i would think he would have a part wheres hes sad and staring out the window, thinking, before he left Hogwarts, but they didnt have any of that!!!! And with Occulumency, in Snapes Worst Memory, it was supposed to be epic and in the pensieve, not in Snapes mind!!!!! grrrrr i expected that part to be so much more and bigger and better!!! I wish they wouldve had more about Lily and James and young snape!!!That part dissapointed me!!! They didnt make Sirius's death epic enough!!!!! Maybe it didnt affect me that much coz i was expecting it and i knew it was coming, but still!!!! And if they made Harry cry like a baby in the 3rd movie for now reason, then they shouldve here!!! He had tons more reason to cry for sirius's death!!!!

But, anyways, o well... I STILL LOVED IT!! haha

haha it was so fun when we went to see it!! We went to this big huge outside type mall/entertainment center/movie theater/carnival with a ferris wheel called the Irvine Spectrum! its an awesome placce! and there were about 10 theaters showing the new HP, and they were all sold out for midnight! and they also had 2 IMAX theaters showing it, and 12:00, and 3:00AM, and those were sold out too! haha We dressed up in stripes and we were supposed to be Prisoners who escaped from Azkaban...haha it was awesome!

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yeah i know!! And Sirius's death barely even affected harry!!!! i would think he would have a part wheres hes sad and staring out the window, thinking, before he left Hogwarts, but they didnt have any of that!!!! And with Occulumency, in Snapes Worst Memory, it was supposed to be epic and in the pensieve, not in Snapes mind!!!!! grrrrr i expected that part to be so much more and bigger and better!!! I wish they wouldve had more about Lily and James and young snape!!!That part dissapointed me!!! They didnt make Sirius's death epic enough!!!!! Maybe it didnt affect me that much coz i was expecting it and i knew it was coming, but still!!!! And if they made Harry cry like a baby in the 3rd movie for now reason, then they shouldve here!!! He had tons more reason to cry for sirius's death!!!!

But, anyways, o well... I STILL LOVED IT!! haha

haha it was so fun when we went to see it!! We went to this big huge outside type mall/entertainment center/movie theater/carnival with a ferris wheel called the Irvine Spectrum! its an awesome placce! and there were about 10 theaters showing the new HP, and they were all sold out for midnight! and they also had 2 IMAX theaters showing it, and 12:00, and 3:00AM, and those were sold out too! haha We dressed up in stripes and we were supposed to be Prisoners who escaped from Azkaban...haha it was awesome!




So Harry doesn't get that emotional when Sirius dies?


I was looking foward to the scene were he trashes Dumbledores office...and goes off and cries...oh well...just a movie, I'm going tommorw



I JUST WANT VOLDEMORT TO BE GOOD...Ralph Fiennes was great in H.P 4

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