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Starting to Experience a Major Turning Point...


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I think I'm a lot like Mandi since we both seem to be interested in a lot of different music along with Mika. I don't feel it's some crazy Mika obsession with highs and lows.


I think I'm just generally going through a music obsession but I hope it's going to last for the rest of my life even though artists will come and go.


I was crazy about music for the first 20 years of my life, but I lost it during the '90s. I thought I was just getting older and growing out of it, but I lost interest because the music truly sucked. Now with artists like Mika around all is right with the world again :biggrin2:


I can go through a Mika binge but it usually only lasts a day when something interesting is happening...like yesterday's radio show and Canadian Idol announcement. But today I had Arctic Monkeys on high rotation and had to re-watch Paolo Nutini at Live Earth.


I expect after I see him again in August I'll have less interest in Mika. I feel like I cheated myself by not taking a serious interest in his music before I saw his show and now that I'm a real fan I want to see him play again because I know it will be a completely different experience. Once that's passed though I can't imagine there won't be much going on that feels like "news" until he starts working on some new music.

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i can say i'm definately at my peak of mikaness at the moment.

i'm going to see him in september, so i've still got mika on repeat :P

but i can say that i'll never really get over my obsession with him.

because, pretty much the same thing happened with me last year, but with Queen. I bought shirts, posters, a signed record, (which, if you aren't objective to spending money, then go for it) and i even a freddie action figure.

and it will come and go, like somedays i'll be in a listen-to-queen-all-day mood, and somedays i'll always skip over the queen songs.

so. that's pretty much my obsessionness in a nut-shell.

the sad thing is, it's been like this since i was little.

i'm still obsessed with the Nightmare Before Christmas and the Princess Bride :D

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I can now go an eight hour work day without listening to Mika's music. This is progress! I still can't go more than a couple days, though - the cravings start to get intense.


I think for a lot of people, the Mika-obsession is a lot like the first part of a relationship. You meet someone and it's this crazy amazing magical fabulous thing that takes precedence over everything else in life. Then, slowly, you come back down to earth. You still have warm fuzzies - but not that out-of-bounds-over-the-moon craziness.


Suzy - being married for as long as you have, I suspect you'll totally understand that feeling. I know that the semester of college that I met my now-fiance, I got the lowest GPA of my entire college run. And for me anyhow, discovering the "Mika Magic" was that same brand of feeling all over again. It really is a form of magic. I think that because I've not seen him live (yet!), I'm still in a sort of magic holding pattern.


I must say, though, that as soon as I think I'm starting to come back down to earth, I'll watch a new Mika interview and suddenly I'm all bubbly and grinning from ear-to-ear again. And I've also noticed (don't laugh!) that some Hanson interviews still have that effect on me, and it's been ten years since that obsession was born.


So I don't think that after the pinnacle comes a huge downward fall - more like a resting on a gentle plateau that ensures that husbands aren't without food, school courses aren't neglected and kids aren't deviod of clean clothing forever. :thumb_yello:


Work/life balance is so passé; Mika/life balance is the new in-thing!

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I can now go an eight hour work day without listening to Mika's music. This is progress! I still can't go more than a couple days, though - the cravings start to get intense.


I think for a lot of people, the Mika-obsession is a lot like the first part of a relationship. You meet someone and it's this crazy amazing magical fabulous thing that takes precedence over everything else in life. Then, slowly, you come back down to earth. You still have warm fuzzies - but not that out-of-bounds-over-the-moon craziness.


Suzy - being married for as long as you have, I suspect you'll totally understand that feeling. I know that the semester of college that I met my now-fiance, I got the lowest GPA of my entire college run. And for me anyhow, discovering the "Mika Magic" was that same brand of feeling all over again. It really is a form of magic. I think that because I've not seen him live (yet!), I'm still in a sort of magic holding pattern.


I must say, though, that as soon as I think I'm starting to come back down to earth, I'll watch a new Mika interview and suddenly I'm all bubbly and grinning from ear-to-ear again. And I've also noticed (don't laugh!) that some Hanson interviews still have that effect on me, and it's been ten years since that obsession was born.


So I don't think that after the pinnacle comes a huge downward fall - more like a resting on a gentle plateau that ensures that husbands aren't without food, school courses aren't neglected and kids aren't deviod of clean clothing forever. :thumb_yello:


Work/life balance is so passé; Mika/life balance is the new in-thing!


you are too cute. :thumb_yello: and i totally agree.

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I think I'm a lot like Mandi since we both seem to be interested in a lot of different music along with Mika. I don't feel it's some crazy Mika obsession with highs and lows.


I think I'm just generally going through a music obsession but I hope it's going to last for the rest of my life even though artists will come and go.


I was crazy about music for the first 20 years of my life, but I lost it during the '90s. I thought I was just getting older and growing out of it, but I lost interest because the music truly sucked. Now with artists like Mika around all is right with the world again :biggrin2:


I can go through a Mika binge but it usually only lasts a day when something interesting is happening...like yesterday's radio show and Canadian Idol announcement. But today I had Arctic Monkeys on high rotation and had to re-watch Paolo Nutini at Live Earth.


I expect after I see him again in August I'll have less interest in Mika. I feel like I cheated myself by not taking a serious interest in his music before I saw his show and now that I'm a real fan I want to see him play again because I know it will be a completely different experience. Once that's passed though I can't imagine there won't be much going on that feels like "news" until he starts working on some new music.


I'm just a SPAZ, that's why! (Bipolar tendencies, Identity MAD - maybe I shoudn't be admitting this as you have yet to meet me and I might scare you off!):roftl: My very boring Myspace page reveals that I too, have not enjoyed music as much as the 80's and that before MIKA, my favourite songs were: C'mon Eileen, Red Red Wine and The Tide is High! How pathetic... :roftl:


I Forgot to add - Is Mika really going to be on Canadian Idol or did I just skim read it wrong?


dcdeb was the first to spread this news:


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I know I shouldn't say it because it is a dirty word :lmao: but to me all this has a lot to do with escapism. Yes, I said it. Sorry Mika - LOL

Or maybe it IS more suspending reality when reality is not perceived to be in top shape which is true for me at the moment. I'm aware that this is a passing state but I am thankful for it in a way. Besides I tend to say that if you are a MFC member you can't really say if it is Mika alone or this board or both what does it for you. Without this forum I would probably not think about that guy all the time, actually I don't anyway because there is so much more to talk about in here what - at a closer look - does not really refer to him. Oh, and I don't listen to LICM all the time, because even that is not an exception to the common rule of diminishing marginal utility. Still it is and will always be a highlight. And I still wish I knew the man. :blush-anim-cl: And I guess it will last for another while. And you all are great! :thumb_yello:

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Sorry to start a new thread... but considering I've been a member 2 days longer than Freddie...I shouldn't feel too guilty 'bout it. :wink2:


I knew this day would come...don't want this to sound too dramatic or sappy but it is a little sad. :sad:I do tend to analyze things way too much, so take this with a "grain of salt" (skepticism).


I've reached the pinnacle, the "climax" (if you will) with my MIKA obsession.


The intensity is starting to wane...I can feel it. And he didn't even cancel any concerts on me! Ironically - just the opposite, as there is now much anticipation over his return to North America in the fall!

Yes, of course there will still be the occasional "thrills" (Quebec concert, Canadian Idol, etc, etc) but overall, the culmination and intensity has passed. Perhaps its natural to go through these stages (I wouldn't really know as its never happened before). Perhaps its a little of what BonjourMika1990 has eluded to in her thread about wanting to remember Mika the way he is today. Maybe it's just getting over the excitement of Life in Cartoon Motion. Geez this is sappy...Somebody SLAP ME ALREADY!


I'll still be a forever fan, even if I don't like his next album. He's made a big impression on me with this one. :wub2:I can hear my husband breathing a sigh of relief already and exclaiming "KIDS - Mommy's back!"


What about you?


I understand what you are saying and I'm pretty sure that sooner or later this is gonna happen to all of us! an obsession never stays at the highest point, it always has to go down one day! I don't really know why, but I guess it has sth to do with routine (at least for me it has sth to do with it)! you know right now I'm so obsessed because it brought a whole new light to my life, but once I'll be used to that my obsession is surely gonna diminish! especially since it has come really quickly for me! I don't know if I made myself clear here lol


I do believe that I will like Mika and his music forever though! maybe I will just hang around less on the forums :naughty: but I really think I'm gonna buy all of his albums!

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Isn't it just like falling in love with someone? :wink2:


It is just impossible (physically and mentally) to stay on that pink cloud forever - everything is settling down after a few weeks or months. :wink2:


Oh well - with something extra: something that has enriched your life. :wink2:

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Isn't it just like falling in love with someone? :wink2:


It is just impossible (physically and mentally) to stay on that pink cloud forever - everything is settling down after a few weeks or months. :wink2:


What does not mean it's getting worse - but different. Good in a different way.

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Wow, I'm sorry I didn't look at this thread earlier. You all said many things that I agree with. I agree that every obsession once comes to an end, I think the limit is about 2 years (although you never jnow, my sister had an obsession with ABBA for about 5 years :naughty: ). As for my case with Mika, I became obsessed very quickly and I still am. I do not know how long it will lat, but now I'm planning to go to his gig together with my friend although I haven't been abroad without my family - just to see Mika. Yeah, it is kon of escapism to me (I am typical Pisces, you know), all about Mika is so inspiring, so positive. I've addicted to this forum, because people here are so great, friendly, active and creative - I just love all those wonderful gift projects for Mika! I know this will come to an end one day but still I feel that this whole Mika thing has changed my life and also my thoughts about what is important in life. I know I will always search for the feeling that Mika, his music and this forum gave to me.


Haha, I arranged my meeting with friend a bit later just to read this thread :roftl: Hope you understood what I mean although I write quite messy, thanks Suzy and everybody for the great thread :wink2:

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absolutely. it cannot be the same intensity forever, we'd all be in a psychiatric hospital otherwise.. :naughty: j/k


but I agree with blue: no one can live on cloud # 9 for the entire life without loosing contact with reality and that's not good.

all experiences enrich us powerfully (I strongly believe that: I have also got a tattoo that sticks to that meanining, but that's a long story..:bleh: ) and it doesn't mean, like violet said, this experience is over. it's only tranformed into smt more deep.

we don't have to talk about mika 24/7 to love him, or be on forum 24/7 to get on well with our friends here.. just the fact we come back rather often (or much even, sometimes more sometimes less) means we are attached to it.

and again, it's not a matter of prooving it: thought I understand the feeling can be a little "odd" for some of us, esp. the younger ones, but not only those.


i am grateful for this fun I am having and have had and will have also, and am most grateful for the people I met and for what all this is giving to me.


we are what we are also because of what we experience, that'll always be a part of us, and I am NOT saying this cause I am thinking my experience is fading or coming to an end. I'm just going philosophic.. :wink2:

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Sorry to start a new thread... but considering I've been a member 2 days longer than Freddie...I shouldn't feel too guilty 'bout it. :wink2:


I knew this day would come...don't want this to sound too dramatic or sappy but it is a little sad. :sad:I do tend to analyze things way too much, so take this with a "grain of salt" (skepticism).


I've reached the pinnacle, the "climax" (if you will) with my MIKA obsession.


The intensity is starting to wane...I can feel it. And he didn't even cancel any concerts on me! Ironically - just the opposite, as there is now much anticipation over his return to North America in the fall!

Yes, of course there will still be the occasional "thrills" (Quebec concert, Canadian Idol, etc, etc) but overall, the culmination and intensity has passed. Perhaps its natural to go through these stages (I wouldn't really know as its never happened before). Perhaps its a little of what BonjourMika1990 has eluded to in her thread about wanting to remember Mika the way he is today. Maybe it's just getting over the excitement of Life in Cartoon Motion. Geez this is sappy...Somebody SLAP ME ALREADY!


I'll still be a forever fan, even if I don't like his next album. He's made a big impression on me with this one. :wub2:I can hear my husband breathing a sigh of relief already and exclaiming "KIDS - Mommy's back!"


What about you?


I thing it's awfully normal.

Personally I think that happens because the first intensity has caused for the outcropping of hidden things in us. The best of life in us.

I think we adore Mika because he represents the best part of us that unfortunately were depressed by everyday life, by society and by sociality rules.

Freudian speaking, Mika allows our best (and our unease/das Unheimliche) in our Id(Es) to emerge to Concience. For some people that' s a struggle, yet, and only sooner or later (or maybe never :bleh: )that struggle will be solved.

In some people, instead, that struggle is almost solved.

And Mika will remain the lighthouse (because music is life) but not our obsession, because we are in more "peace" now with ourselves.

That's only my opinion, obvious. :blush-anim-cl:

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it's something like the rule of LOVE

when u just begin to start a relationship, u r always in a crazy-love mode

it's natural that the love begins to weaken after a while, it's unavoidable

but whether it fades out or grows to another level , it's hard to say.....

it's like in the beginning i listen to his album for entire week, i just loop the songs repeatedly until i get bored

then i stop, but a wk later, i listen to the album again , the feeling comes back again as if the first time to hear the songs:punk:

i think that's the point he want to do something in such a short time before anything cool down

there's always some new artist arising, and fans always change

he's really rising so rapidly , it's even difficult to for him to break his own record when the second album comes out

(but i definitely don't think he is one hit wonder! He is a all-round artist!He always surprise us!)

i remember an interview that he said he is confident that he will still do what he is doing now after 10 years


Just enjoy this moment, u still love him but not that die-hard way

i would say it is a more mature way

yeah i am also finding a balance:naughty:

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I can go through a Mika binge but it usually only lasts a day when something interesting is happening...like yesterday's radio show and Canadian Idol announcement.


yes, it's similar that when i obsess with my favourite singer before

he had been quite quiet for a long time, but when his news come out, i still find excitement on him

coz my feeling towards him already underneath in my heart, same rule apply to MIKA:naughty:

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i must be def. mad.:boxed:


mad as a crazy horse.:boxed:


it's like the first day i saw him on tv at the beginning of march.:boxed:


ok, come and get me to psych hospital then!:boxed:


Oh, Robertina! You sooooooo crazy! :roftl:


I'll be right over to take you away... only trouble is, they may

try to lock me up too -- because I'm still just as crazy about Mika

as you are! And it's been this way since JANUARY!


My poor family! :naughty:



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Oh, Robertina! You sooooooo crazy! :roftl:


I'll be right over to take you away... only trouble is, they may

try to lock me up too -- because I'm still just as crazy about Mika

as you are! And it's been this way since JANUARY!


My poor family! :naughty:




hehehehehhehe ahhhaahahhahhhaha iiiihhhiiihiiihhh:roftl: :roftl:

mad who? :naughty:

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Gosh, I hope this decreasing obsession doesn't have anything to do with watching him live on a concert. Of course I don't mean that he is not amazing live, I only mean that you are wainting for it for long-long months, you are preparing, you make gifts for him and plan what to wear... and when finally the big day comes, afterall it's only an hour or so. A superb hour, but afterwards you might fell kinda empty, missing him, and wondering when he will come to your city again.


But anyway, fortunately (or unfortunately?) I haven't got any similar problems, because Mika cancelled his concert here in Hungary :thumbdown: Poor me!!!

But back to the topic, the intensity of my obsession isn't decreasing at all yet, moreover it's more and more crazy! I mean I do have a life besides this forum (yeah, I'm not a big poster), and besides Mika's wonderful world. I have a sweet boyfriend :blush-anim-cl: , I have to study, I have my friends, I'm enjoying the summer and planning my holidays... and yes, I listen to a lot of other music. (Andrew Lloyd Webber, Johann Sebastian Bach, Carl Orff, U2, Nightwish, Queen, Apocaliptica, Robbie Williams, sometimes even religious church music... I know, a have a bit eclectic taste.)

But it's absolutely ok, and since I know Mika he is my very number 1 favourite :punk::mf_lustslow:


But once Mika said that he himself is afraid of meeting his idols personally, because he doesn't want to ruin the imaginary icon in his head.

Now I can understand it. I mean one thing I really love about Mika that he is not afraid of remaining a human besides the whole stardom, but I wouldn't like to meet him (or any of my idols) to find out that actually he never stops smoking backstage, or he is talking in a rude or impolite way with the others...

From all your concert-goers' posts I know he's not like that, these were just examples... Anyone got what I'm trying to say?

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Maybe such things are coming with age? :shocked:




Hey! I heard that, Blue! :roftl:


But you could be right... Robertina and I are the same age... OLD! :naughty:

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I thing it's awfully normal.

Personally I think that happens because the first intensity has caused for the outcropping of hidden things in us. The best of life in us.

I think we adore Mika because he represents the best part of us that unfortunately were depressed by everyday life, by society and by sociality rules.

Freudian speaking, Mika allows our best (and our unease/das Unheimliche) in our Id(Es) to emerge to Concience. For some people that' s a struggle, yet, and only sooner or later (or maybe never :bleh: )that struggle will be solved.

In some people, instead, that struggle is almost solved.

And Mika will remain the lighthouse (because music is life) but not our obsession, because we are in more "peace" now with ourselves.

That's only my opinion, obvious. :blush-anim-cl:


Makes perfect sense to me. For me he allowed my best to emerge.

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