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I think I shouldn’t be the one either looking for intellectual discussions.:naughty: As you all know English is not my first language and I have already got myself in to trouble by misunderstanding or not being fast enough when it comes to use the English!

In my language I am used to jump in to any kind of discussion, but maybe I should be a little more careful here?:mf_rosetinted:


Nah, just take part, many of us have the same problem.

Correct the missunderstandings if needed and learn more of the language as doing so.

Im only loading you cliches and feeling like a tw*t here but that's (too damn) easy for me as a non-native.

So maybe we'll gain some more lovely things like fine wizards... :bleh:

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Yes, every interpretation of a song or a book is of course your own and it is different from person to person, sometimes it says more about yourself than about the song it etc. But I think it’s interesting to listen to other peoples understanding.

That's how I see it, everyone reads what they want into a song and in the end the interpretation may reflect the listener's view more than the artist's views. In my opinion, interpreting song lyrics isn't entirely about trying to figure out what the author's view was, it's also about trying to figure out what it means to you. That's why it's interesting to read other people's interpretations, while you may learn something about the writer, you also learn something about the interpreter.


Some people, though, prefer to take a song at face value and find that interpreting lyrics brings other elements into the song experience and would prefer to enjoy it how it is at its superficial level; that's also perfectly understandable.


There once was something of Mika in a Finnish metro paper:


"Ihannemaailmassa ei edes keskusteltaisi

homoseksuaalisuuden hyväksymisestä tai hyväksymättömyydestä.

Päätellen kysymysmäärästä, minkä olen saanut Billy Brown -kappaleesta, emme todellakaan elä ihannemaailmassa."


And you may want a translation, directly goes something like this:


"There wouldn't even be a discussion of whether homosexuality is accepted or not in my ideal world.

As a conclusion for the amount of discussion that I've received of my song, Billy Brown, we certainly do not live in my ideal world."


I have no idea where is this from and how much of it has been modified after he (may have) said so. Just thought I'd share this mind-exploding reveal... :|

Interesting quote. In my ideal world censorship wouldn't exist either. You concluded that we don't live in an ideal world, Mika, can you show us your degree in rocket science?




I'll add that I have a lot of respect for everyone who posts here for whom English isn't their first language. I get into enough misunderstandings even when it is my first language let alone imagine if it wasn't. Kudos to you, I couldn't do the same.

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If he does read these forums, his reactions must veer between hysterical laughter and bewilderment.


Let's also add occasional disgust.


Well, no, he keeps himself too distanced for that (smart boy). So I guess "slightly discomfited bewilderment" will do.


Anyway, I just wanted to say that I think there's quite a difference between talking about the lyrics of a song and pointing out that they might suggest the narrator's homosexuality, and actively trying to "figure out" what that sexuality is by finding "clues," etc, when the person in question has said he'd rather that part of his life remain private.


The first is a given, I should think, and the second (in my opinion) is rather invasive and demeaning. For me, how public the discussion is also matters. I consider the MFC public, and I think some discussions are understandable when carried on in private between users, but not on the forum. It's kind of like if you have a friend and you're curious as to whether she's lost her virginity to her boyfriend yet or if her parents are having problems. That's normal, understandable curiosity, and even if it may not be your business, it's not really a big deal if you discuss it privately with another mutual friend who's equally curious. But calling a meeting or organizing a slumber party to discuss it would be gauche, imo, and that's kind of how I view MFC threads.


Then again, I am willing to admit that I have a somewhat unusual and perhaps overly protective personal view of Mika. I tend to approach things with the consideration of "what would he like?"--not in the I-must-not-criticize-him way, but in the as-a-a-human-being, how-would-I-treat-him? way. And yet since I don't actually know him, people may well point out that this is an unnecessary and perhaps even presumptious viewpoint, and maybe it shouldn't matter to me.


But still.



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Man, I miss you apples.


Also, how sad am I that I wasn't in London to meet you all? (seeing Mika was never a particular consideration.) I think Christine and Suzy ought to plan a spring holiday in NY.


Hello to all the new people I haven't met yet! (Not you, Greta. :wink2:)


And wtf is up with the wizard thing?



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I consider the MFC public, and I think some discussions are understandable when carried on in private between users, but not on the forum. It's kind of like if you have a friend and you're curious as to whether she's lost her virginity to her boyfriend yet or if her parents are having problems. That's normal, understandable curiosity, and even if it may not be your business, it's not really a big deal if you discuss it privately with another mutual friend who's equally curious. But calling a meeting or organizing a slumber party to discuss it would be gauche, imo, and that's kind of how I view MFC threads.


Then again, I am willing to admit that I have a somewhat unusual and perhaps overly protective personal view of Mika. I tend to approach things with the consideration of "what would he like?"--not in the I-must-not-criticize-him way, but in the as-a-a-human-being, how-would-I-treat-him? way. And yet since I don't actually know him, people may well point out that this is an unnecessary and perhaps even presumptious viewpoint, and maybe it shouldn't matter to me.


These are valid points. Many of us (including me) who claim to have much respect for Mika, often need to be reminded that. We don't want censorship, but we can easily forget the human element when we continue to place him on the celebrity pedestal.

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This will be my seventh time in London, I know exactly what you mean, I was so happy when I found Corus Hyde Park, it’s good.


But it’s a little expensive.

Please tell me if you are interested in sharing a flat!:thumb_yello:


Will do. I'm just exploring my options now and one of them is really only suitable for one person or a couple. It's on my old street and it looks like they've taken one of the standard sized flats and cut it in half so it's very small.


Oh and don't worry about the English. Like Scut said we could never do half as well in another language so no one is judging you. I am amazed at how many people on here venture to communicate in English every day and do it so well. It's really admirable.


I support the idea of Mika (officially) joining. Just to report stuff, or anything.

The objections I've most heard (read) goes roughly that it would change our way of behaviour here.

Would be surprising after all, as he might have been sneaking the site already.


As long as he's banned from the Appleman thread I don't care. :naughty:


Then again, I am willing to admit that I have a somewhat unusual and perhaps overly protective personal view of Mika. I tend to approach things with the consideration of "what would he like?"--not in the I-must-not-criticize-him way, but in the as-a-a-human-being, how-would-I-treat-him? way. And yet since I don't actually know him, people may well point out that this is an unnecessary and perhaps even presumptious viewpoint, and maybe it shouldn't matter to me.


But still.




I think there is an illusion here that the board is more private than it is. As Satu pointed out people would moderate their behaviour if Mika put in an occasional appearance. It's one thing to hear that he reads the board. It would be another thing altogether for him to crop up in the Mikagasmic pictures thread and say hi.


I don't think people (at least not everyone) are objectifying and disrespecting Mika as much as you seem to think - at least not intentionally. I think they are having their private conversations in places they feel are at least semi-private. Just like the tone of our comments changes in the Appleman thread since we assume far fewer people who would disagree or be offended are reading.


A little bit of self-censorship wouldn't be a bad thing but I think if all people did was take Mika's feelings into consideration every time they post the conversations would be pretty sterile and it would be difficult to get to know one another well enough to decide who it's appropriate to have more private discussions with.


You are very good at generating interesting discussion while being tactful and respectful but I think there are many people who are afraid to express their thoughts on a touchy subject for fear of being jumped on and criticized.


I have no problems never discussing Mika's sexuality on this board again. I don't feel any need to. But I am still disturbed when I see someone who never meant any harm being berated with I DON'T CARE. I think it's incredibly childish and no way to address an issue that we're going to be faced with on occasion whether people like it or not.


Also, how sad am I that I wasn't in London to meet you all? (seeing Mika was never a particular consideration.) I think Christine and Suzy ought to plan a spring holiday in NY.


Hello to all the new people I haven't met yet! (Not you, Greta. :wink2:)


And wtf is up with the wizard thing?




Yes, spring in NY.


As for the wizard, I can't quite explain it but for some reason we all find this particular phrasing hysterically funny.



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I think there is an illusion here that the board is more private than it is.


True. But I wish people would realize just how public it is. Forget about Mika reading it--all of his family and friends can (and some do), not to mention journalists who are curious enough, etc...


I don't think people (at least not everyone) are objectifying and disrespecting Mika as much as you seem to think - at least not intentionally. I think they are having their private conversations in places they feel are at least semi-private. Just like the tone of our comments changes in the Appleman thread since we assume far fewer people who would disagree or be offended are reading.


True. But I should note I never post anything ANYWHERE publically online that I would not be ok with the-subject-of-my-discussion reading. This thread included. And it's not like Mika's so special, I do this for everyone--other famous people I admire, people I know, etc. What I post doesn't have to be flattering, but it has to be something I consider respectful of privacy.


In fact! Random anecdote! When I was in the early stages of seeing the Lebanese boy, I posted a thread on this social networking site I frequent about how frustrated I was that he wouldn't make a move. It was done in a jokey tone and made fun of my predicament, and when I posted it I considered whether I was ok with him possibly seeing it. I didn't think it was likely he would, but it was on a public site, and he was aware of that site's existence and that I was a member of it. Anyway, come our next date it turned out that he did in fact see it. (And made a move accordingly.) But I was quite glad for my policy then, and that I posted with the awareness of him possibly reading it in mind.


A little bit of self-censorship wouldn't be a bad thing but I think if all people did was take Mika's feelings into consideration every time they post the conversations would be pretty sterile and it would be difficult to get to know one another well enough to decide who it's appropriate to have more private discussions with.


Oh no! None of you know me! :bleh:


But I am still disturbed when I see someone who never meant any harm being berated with I DON'T CARE.


Oh, definitely. But I think I've made my opposition to that type of attitude clear.


Btw, can anyone link me to the scandalous closed thread? I can't find it.



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Not. Wish I'd been here for all the discussion! But I was sick. Threw up 10+ times yesterday .. hangovers. Not going to drink again.




So, how did the Privat Life discussion go?

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I don't care :blink: I really ****ing don't :boxed: Tried to catch up on whatever I've missed in the discussion, but I can't give a **** even when trying hard :blink: Think the thing I care least about at the moment is other people's opinions...call me when everyone agrees with me, I seriously can't be bothered to discuss anymore :boxed:

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I don't care :blink: I really ****ing don't :boxed: Tried to catch up on whatever I've missed in the discussion, but I can't give a **** even when trying hard :blink: Think the thing I care least about at the moment is other people's opinions...call me when everyone agrees with me, I seriously can't be bothered to discuss anymore :boxed:


I agree with you. But I'm not going to call.

It's your turn. :mf_rosetinted:

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I was reading the lyrics to SITM today & was wondering if you guys know - is he talking to his parents there? I thought he was close to his family; why would he write a song like that? Or is it supposed to be someone else's POV? I'm asking you guys b/c I think you'd probably know more about this.

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I don't care :blink: I really ****ing don't :boxed: Tried to catch up on whatever I've missed in the discussion, but I can't give a **** even when trying hard :blink: Think the thing I care least about at the moment is other people's opinions...call me when everyone agrees with me, I seriously can't be bothered to discuss anymore :boxed:


I agree with you. But I'm not going to call.

It's your turn. :mf_rosetinted:


btw, What Is Up With People Who Writes Like This!? Isn't It Annoying?



Wtf. Magic mushrooms from india are great! You should try them :biggrin2:


Homework about pedophile radio-guy is also just yummi.

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Oh I missed all the action? You know how I love getting in the middle of the controversial threads.


Apples...it looks like no one is interested in NYC and it's looking rather expensive and boring to go on my own so I'm thinking f*ck it, I should just go back to London.


Who is going to be there in February??? Please tell me most of you are going!!


me going


He's a kumquat.




would love to meet him (and you)


I don't care :blink: I really ****ing don't :boxed: Tried to catch up on whatever I've missed in the discussion, but I can't give a **** even when trying hard :blink: Think the thing I care least about at the moment is other people's opinions...call me when everyone agrees with me, I seriously can't be bothered to discuss anymore :boxed:


i won't call you either


I was reading the lyrics to SITM today & was wondering if you guys know - is he talking to his parents there? I thought he was close to his family; why would he write a song like that? Or is it supposed to be someone else's POV? I'm asking you guys b/c I think you'd probably know more about this.


why would we (they) know ?? :blink:

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Yop, what was that about Mika shooting apples? Im in a evil mood right now, and I won't stand up to that kind of crap. :sneaky2: SHooting apples wtf.


wowowow calm down little fruit... i was pointing the fact that there were apples in the lollipop video that looked a lot like the apple i put on the badge, and i don't remember who and i'm too lazy to look who said that there was apple with a gun pointed at in the dvd booklet... but i looked :biggrin2: and i wouldn't say the gun is pointing at the aple... let's say it's at a reasonable distance not to be dangerous for the beloved fruit :mf_rosetinted:

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wowowow calm down little fruit... i was pointing the fact that there were apples in the lollipop video that looked a lot like the apple i put on the badge, and i don't remember who and i'm too lazy to look who said that there was apple with a gun pointed at in the dvd booklet... but i looked :biggrin2: and i wouldn't say the gun is pointing at the aple... let's say it's at a reasonable distance not to be dangerous for the beloved fruit :mf_rosetinted:



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But am I the only one who doesn't want to get into lengthy intellectual debates over the meaning of his songs?


No you aren't. I just want to listen to the music and that's it :mf_rosetinted: . I have to interpret so many things, I don't want to go on with it in my spare time.



He's a kumquat.



That's lovely :wub2:



Oh, and could someone please summarise the privacy thread from page 24 on? I just couldn't bear to read it anymore :bleh: . Any new discoveries?

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