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The appleman can!!! - The official SEQUEL!


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IM stands for 'Instant Messaging" and it's another type of msn/aim/etc.

i had a virus i couldn't get rid of until i reboot my pc... and i'm not ready for it... so until then, i'm not logging into msn cause it sends the virus to all my contacts (sending messages about a picture and an attachment...) so anyone you've seen online with my name is not me since 1 week or more... :naughty:



You haven't rebooted your pc in a week?:roftl: No wonder "things" are happening in it :naughty:

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I had guessed about the IM meaning...


I also knew of your virus problem.. it was so bad you had to format hardisk..? how unconvenient. :thumbdown:


well, I'l try and d/l that thing :bleh: just deleted yahoo and icq cause I was not using them anyway. :wink2: there's some free space on my pc: this way, pls, there's still room...... :mf_rosetinted:


lol ! i misread your post... it's happened a lot lately... misreading posts...

basically, you have a link on myspace saying "IM/SKYPE" and you click on it and download the IM software... easy ! :thumb_yello:

and i haven't formatted it yet... not ready... don't have the Microsoft Office DVD anymore, lent it to my cousin... and i'm always afraid of rebooting a pc and loosing all my stuffs :blush-anim-cl: (even if i have another external hard drive :bleh: )

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Of course he's not. He's going to marry me and we'll have 10 kids :thumb_yello:


Thanks for clearing that up :thumb_yello: Make sure you name them all after MFCers, he needs to show he cares about his fans :mf_rosetinted:

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Thanks for clearing that up :thumb_yello: Make sure you name them all after MFCers, he needs to show he cares about his fans :mf_rosetinted:


we are not fans, we are bonus. :mf_rosetinted: get updated :sneaky2:


Ok, so it will be:

Little Bonus Jr #1

Little Bonus Jr #2

Little Bonus Jr #3

.........ok I think I need a different name for the rest:roftl:

I guess you have to be quick then... summer is coming :naughty:


Ooopsssssssssssssss......Forgot about that:naughty:

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Yeh okay so I freaked a bit last night Not gonna take anything back though, I don't like that "person", but I'll put "him" on ignore and try to forget "he" was ever in the thread :boxed:


It took me some time to get updated on this new bonus-club, but I want to comment on this:


I think you did the right thing, you spoke your mind! :thumb_yello:


And as being one of the top posters in the deal threads I just want to say:

It takes a very, very special kind of mind set to “get” what is going on in there.

All kind of posters comes in and most of them jump out at fast as they can and say I don’t understand a thing of what you are talking about, I’m out! :boxed:

We have seen them come and go.:naughty:

But the little group who are still in there and enjoy the madness doesn’t leave.

To us it has a purpose, some posters may have a reason to stay anonymous, and it’s not for everyone to develop their participation in the fan-club.

I myself was very hesitant up until Mikas show in Stockholm in November, when I was contacted by this new member, Nika and felt safe with her.

And when I met you all in London I felt it was the best thing I have done in a long time!:wub2:

But it wasn’t an easy thing to step out of the anonymity.:blush-anim-cl:

Why.. I don’t know. Other than I am a little older than most of the members, and should I really be doing this… and, you know!:blush-anim-cl:


But back to the MuchoMacho figure, he has been talking a lot more than some of the figures in the deal, he has actually told us what he thinks about things from time to time.

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i had a virus i couldn't get rid of until i reboot my pc... and i'm not ready for it... so until then, i'm not logging into msn cause it sends the virus to all my contacts (sending messages about a picture and an attachment...) so anyone you've seen online with my name is not me since 1 week or more... :naughty:


I know. I met your virus. t told me funny things about your potential love/private life :naughty: . I felt a bit disturbed though :mf_rosetinted:

How are you all tonight?

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Morning Apples...

I'm feeling blah...i'm stiff all over and I've been taking so much Advil (ibuprofen) and now my tummy is complaining.


Yeah, I'm ranting and whining.


Because now I have to face an hour of traffic too, just to get to a pile of documents that need my signature and about a thousand investment trades that need to be approved. :thumbdown:


I'm looking forward to 5pm.

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