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too much Mika love?

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i wouldt go out of my way to deliberatly find mika

but if i was in town or something and he just walked past me, to be honest, i dont know what i would do.

i might just have a nervous breakdown or i might say hi and kiss his feet, i dont know, so im not going to say i wouldnt talk to him, cos i dont know what i would do

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I understand your dilemma about whether you should say hi after you've made eye contact. But how often do fans approach Mika just to say hi? Isn't it the case, more often than not, that they ask for a photograph and an autograph? Haven't you asked him for these things yourself?


well not at the airport of course. as it was said before, there is a time+place for these things. and actually i just ask for these things if someone else does it first... i'd much rather talk with him for 1 minute than have 5 pix with him. and don't even know if i'd ask for an autograph at all, somehow i'd feel stupid asking that for the sake of it - if i did, i would just use it as an excuse to talk with him. :naughty: well, i did get his autograph in florence, but he just signed everything people held out to him, he didn't even see who he was signing it for. and i did get a pic with him in ibiza before the show, so why should i ask him for another one? ok i wouldn't mind another one, cause i look really tired on that one... but certainly only if he takes pix with others already, then i'd get in line and ask for one, too.


having said that, there was a part in cynthias report, where she asked him to sign 5 t-shirts for mfc members, and he wasn't happy about it at all - although obviously he was currently signing a lot of autographs for *maybe* family members (i think she wasn't sure about that)... idk, i can't say much about it cause i wasn't there, but the way it sounded, maybe it was some distantly related family members, but they can't know him well if they have to ask cynthia for t-shirts and ask for his autograph... so although of course there is a difference between (also distantly related) family and fans, his reaction there wasn't fully understandable for me either. and that's also what i had that in mind when i talked about treating fans as "second class people". i don't wanna go into analyzing again now, it's just that my previous posts about what happened to me at the airport are closely related to what i read in cynthia's reports. of course after my meeting with him i thought ok well he's just tired and wants to be left alone, which of course is perfectly fine, but since reading cynthia's gma story, i'm not so sure anymore that it was just that.


about that paolo story, a behaviour like this really sucks!!! :thumbdown:

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i don't wanna go into analyzing again now, it's just that my previous posts about what happened to me at the airport are closely related to what i read in cynthia's reports. of course after my meeting with him i thought ok well he's just tired and wants to be left alone, which of course is perfectly fine, but since reading cynthia's gma story, i'm not so sure anymore that it was just that.


I think the reason your stories are so similar is that you both found yourselves trying to talk to him in places where he wasn't voluntarily meeting fans. If fans approach Mika in these situations they are opening themselves up to rejection.


Whether it's because Mika's understandably tired and cranky or it's because he's an arrogant jerk doesn't really matter. Fans would just be advised to gauge the situation closely and back off at the first indication that he's not in the mood to speak to them. Otherwise things will get awkward, the fans will get hurt and Mika will get ever more impatient when he feels fans are demanding too much of his time.

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I think the reason your stories are so similar is that you both found yourselves trying to talk to him in places where he wasn't voluntarily meeting fans. If fans approach Mika in these situations they are opening themselves up to rejection.


Whether it's because Mika's understandably tired and cranky or it's because he's an arrogant jerk doesn't really matter. Fans would just be advised to gauge the situation closely and back off at the first indication that he's not in the mood to speak to them. Otherwise things will get awkward, the fans will get hurt and Mika will get ever more impatient when he feels fans are demanding too much of his time.


Christine, you and I have already heard of one account where fans chose to "gauge the situation" and made the difficult decision not to disturb MIKA during his "non-performer" time...



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Christine, you and I have already heard of one account where fans chose to "gauge the situation" and made the difficult decision not to disturb MIKA during his "non-performer" time...




Well i agree with all three of you(mellody,cristine and suzy) on this, on all of your different of not so different perspectives, but My experience wasn't where Mika was away from his fans sight seeing or alone in a coffee shop or at the airport. He had just finished his performance and was previously signing autographs before and after he met us. So circumstances were a bit different.

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i don't wanna go into analyzing again now, it's just that my previous posts about what happened to me at the airport are closely related to what i read in cynthia's reports. of course after my meeting with him i thought ok well he's just tired and wants to be left alone, which of course is perfectly fine, but since reading cynthia's gma story, i'm not so sure anymore that it was just that.


Where can I find Cynthia's report? I admit I didn't spend much time searching for it cause maybe, one of you remembers where it was and can post a link? :wink2:




Mellody, you said something about Mika not being happy being asked to sign several items for people he doesn't know. I remember one of Mirtilla's reports where she said while she was talking to him some guy came with a couple of CDs which should get signed for some competition. Mika was not happy about signing them without names because he said in that case he could as well write 'To ebay with love' on them...

Maybe the same about the shirts?

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Actually when we saw Mika at Mancester TBA, Jems, Yuppy and myself watched Mika quite a lot as the gig was being set up, we didn't try to attract his attention because he was so obviously busy, talking to people, on the phone etc, in fact he looked very businesslike.

At one point he did actually come up to us and initiated a conversation with Jemma though.

But the rest of the time, he did not have his show face on, most definitely.

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Where can I find Cynthia's report? I admit I didn't spend much time searching for it cause maybe, one of you remembers where it was and can post a link? :wink2:




Mellody, you said something about Mika not being happy being asked to sign several items for people he doesn't know. I remember one of Mirtilla's reports where she said while she was talking to him some guy came with a couple of CDs which should get signed for some competition. Mika was not happy about signing them without names because he said in that case he could as well write 'To ebay with love' on them...

Maybe the same about the shirts?


cynthias report is in the gma thread... but it's verrrry long, might take a few hours to read. i copied it into word and it's 20 pages altogether. :naughty: her reports in the gma thread start around page 60 or 70, as far as i remember, and go on for about 30-40 pages, together with all the posts in between. but if you want i can send you the word document, then just pm me your email. :wink2:


about the shirts, yeah i remember mirtis story, and mika asked for names when signing the shirts and cynthia said the names were already on them. but he was already bothered before that.


and to what christine said and generally, yeah, of course you should back out of a conversation when you realize someone's not in the mood for talking. whether you're a fan or not, or whether it's mika or someone else. but if you're trying to tell me that i don't have the right to say hi to him because i'm a fan or because he's famous, then i disagree. what i'm trying to say here is not "oh mika was so mean to me!" (if it came across this way, then sorry, it wasn't what i meant), and therefore i don't expect an - to this statement fitting - answer like "well then just don't bother him!". but if anyone (you or mika) tries to tell me that i have less rights than any other person just because i'm a fan, then they can be sure that i'll disagree and start an argument about it. hope i finally got my point across now.

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My experience wasn't where Mika was away from his fans sight seeing or alone in a coffee shop or at the airport. He had just finished his performance and was previously signing autographs before and after he met us. So circumstances were a bit different.


From what you described you were not in a situation where he was voluntarily interacting with fans. You went uninvited to his dressing room and remained after the concert once the fans had left the club...?


I'm not saying you were wrong to take your chances and hope to get a few moments of quality time with him precisely because there weren't other fans around. But it is taking a chance and unfortunately it didn't pan out.


Maybe I misinterpreted, but it sounded like you sensed strongly that it was a bad time after the gig and felt awkward because you were the only fan left. I got the impression that your instincts were telling you to leave and it was only his mother and some of the band encouraging you to stick around and try to get the autographs. Not sure why they would do that and his mother especially should have known he wasn't in the mood.


I'm not judging anyone here, I'm just going by your own descriptions of your encounters. Mellody said that Mika appeared to be hiding from her and you said you thought that Mika was having an argument with one of his staff about your presence. To me those are unequivocal indications that things aren't going to go well and it's in your own best interest not to approach him, especially to ask for something.


If anyone (you or mika) tries to tell me that i have less rights than any other person just because i'm a fan, then they can be sure that i'll disagree and start an argument about it. hope i finally got my point across now.


It isn't a question of rights. It's a question of courtesy. Mika voluntarily gives his time to dozens, if not hundreds of strangers every day. If he's not in the mood to speak to yet another person he barely knows and he can't avoid them because they are in his dressing room or hanging around with his family or in an airport when he has to catch a flight then you can expect he's not going to encourage a conversation or requests for autographs by being as friendly and inviting as he is when he's "on".


I feel bad for both of you having these awkward encounters and especially Cynthia. She worked all day to assist his family and do what she could for his fans on his behalf. She doesn't sound even remotely like a crazed and pushy fan. If anyone had a right to speak to him that day it was her. But I doubt Mika knew that, especially since Cynthia spent much of the day trying to conceal her purpose.


I would just caution people to keep their distance from him when he is not voluntarily interacting with fans. Out of courtesy for him and to protect yourself from rejection. It's just not worth it.

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I would just caution people to keep their distance from him when he is not voluntarily interacting with fans. Out of courtesy for him and to protect yourself from rejection. It's just not worth it.


I agree:thumb_yello:

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From what you described you were not in a situation where he was voluntarily interacting with fans. You went uninvited to his dressing room and remained after the concert once the fans had left the club...?


I'm not saying you were wrong to take your chances and hope to get a few moments of quality time with him precisely because there weren't other fans around. But it is taking a chance and unfortunately it didn't pan out.


Maybe I misinterpreted, but it sounded like you sensed strongly that it was a bad time after the gig and felt awkward because you were the only fan left. I got the impression that your instincts were telling you to leave and it was only his mother and some of the band encouraging you to stick around and try to get the autographs. Not sure why they would do that and his mother especially should have known he wasn't in the mood.


I'm not judging anyone here, I'm just going by your own descriptions of your encounters. Mellody said that Mika appeared to be hiding from her and you said you thought that Mika was having an argument with one of his staff about your presence. To me those are unequivocal indications that things aren't going to go well and it's in your own best interest not to approach him, especially to ask for something.




It isn't a question of rights. It's a question of courtesy. Mika voluntarily gives his time to dozens, if not hundreds of strangers every day. If he's not in the mood to speak to yet another person he barely knows and he can't avoid them because they are in his dressing room or hanging around with his family or in an airport when he has to catch a flight then you can expect he's not going to encourage a conversation or requests for autographs by being as friendly and inviting as he is when he's "on".


I feel bad for both of you having these awkward encounters and especially Cynthia. She worked all day to assist his family and do what she could for his fans on his behalf. She doesn't sound even remotely like a crazed and pushy fan. If anyone had a right to speak to him that day it was her. But I doubt Mika knew that, especially since Cynthia spent much of the day trying to conceal her purpose.


I would just caution people to keep their distance from him when he is not voluntarily interacting with fans. Out of courtesy for him and to protect yourself from rejection. It's just not worth it.


I should really take a leaf off your book Christine-Your posts are always so measured, pragmatic,sensible, rational, and what you are saying always makes a lot of sense and is expressed just the right way.

Unforunately, and in typical mediterranean fashion, I tend to let emotion cloud my words and even though I try really hard to avoid it, it always ends up happening.

Therefore I really admire the fact that you always seem to get it right.

I know that this is slightly off topic but it's been on my mind for a while and on this thread you displayed a lot of it, so I thought it would be appropiate to post here.


Hopefully noone will mind me doing so!!


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(everything i say will probably already be said but too be honest i don't care)


if you were to suddenly become a well known person, like celeb style and everyone that likes what you do etc was to suddenly know what you like, do, birthdays, where you live, what you do to relax and all that, would you like it? everyone that knows your name automatically believes that they are going to be your partner and live blissfully happy together for the rest of time and then when you do find someone, your fans suddenly don't like you, or threaten to commit suicide (don't laugh i've known people to do it with over people). would that not then mean, just to keep your fans happy, you would then live your own life unhappy and unsettled?


and then you get people that slag you off and critise everything you do and what you say. what are you meant to do then? hit back or just take it in your stride? with no offence intended, we could be a little too protective of someone that we don't know in person. we post threads about people who critise him and take the mick, and yet we are the ones that take offence, if he doesn't have a problem with it, when then do we have one and find every oppotunity to hate the critisers??


we only see one side of him right? the happy person on the stage, tele, radio, whatever, and because of that, we seem to think that we know what he is like. but we don't really do we? one person may have many different sides to them. they only allow the side they want people to see, as it could be what they think people want to see, just because we have seen and maybe talked to him doesn't really mean that we know him.


instead of trying to find out everything possible about him, i think we should back off a bit, let him own a private life, coz we all know what it's like with those annoying friends that want to know exactly what you are doing at exactly every part of the day. if he was to get a partner, we shouldn't get on the band wagon of hate and go on about how you'd be the right one for him, we should just be happy and support him and that special person in his life. i know it'll be hard, i'd be first to admit, but he lives his life as well right? we aren't the ones living it for him.


i don't mean to drag every negative thing forwards like this but i do think that we can be a little unfair sometimes.


just because he cancels a gig doesn't mean we should be stupid like it, but you know, if his ill wouldn't you prefer for him to get better and perform at his best than perform when his ill and be at a bad show, and know his suffering after it???




lets just ease of his case for a bit, let him have his space and do what he wants without us being a pain in the bum for him


with love hunny


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I never thought i'd say this but i think there is too much fawning over Mika lately. Maybe im in a bad mood, but i don't think that's it



I don't want you to get the wrong impression. I AM NOT SICK OF MIKA. Not by a long shot. :naughty:


Some things have been bothering me lately


some examples are:



Mika's so innocent- he may be sweet but he is NOT innocent

he's a 24 year-old man for pete's sake!


He is SOOO gorgeous- , i think we've covered that :naughty:


OUR MIKA- aghhhhh! He is not 'ours'....you may think i'm crazy but that phrase bothers me the most

Sorry if this makes you mad. I just wanted to share what i've been thinking over the last couple days

I know this is a fan club but all the Mika is just......


:blink: i don't know...


i guess the word im looking for is overrated?


Don't get me wrong, this doesn't mean i don't love him 'cause i do.


I hope some of you agree with me.


all comments are welcome, though.:thumb_yello:

Mika is a human. Mika is not perfect. Mika is a relatively normal, non-innocent 24-year-old. Mika is GORGEOUS. Mika causes swooning.


But above all...


Mika is talented. Mika is a wonderful performer. Mika is charismatic. Mika is wonderful and beautiful.


posted by Hannah.



I dont think he is overrated, I just think that different people have different ways of expressing how much they like Mika.


Maybe your just sick of talking about the same things.:blink:

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I've been wanting to mention this for a while now, since this thread (or others where the same things were discussed) came up.


A number of people have mentioned that it bugs them when others have referred to Mika as 'our Mika' or 'my Mika', as this implies posessiveness of some sort, and Mika is not 'ours', but himself, etc.


Now, I don't think that I need to say that I totally agree with that statement; OBVIOUSLY Mika is noone but himself and that is not the point of my post. It's so obvious that he's not 'our' anything that it doesn't even require discussing- I just wanted to clarify something that has been on my mind.


There are people from many different cultures and mother tongues on this forum, and maybe sometimes we forget that different languages use different ways of expressing themselves.


As a Spaniard myself, I would like to say that it is a very common way of expressing tenderness or some form of affection to say 'my' or 'our' regarding someone, and this does not imply any sort of posessiveness whatsoever- it is just the way the spanish language and culture works.


We tend to be over-exhuberant in the way we speak and communicate, and using this sort of expression is just one more thing like the kissing, touching, arm and hand moving when speaking, etc.

It is just a cultural thing.


So yes, for example for a spanish speaker it would be a very natural and normal thing to say something like 'oh my dear little Mika' and this to them means nothing more than a normal, affectionate statement which can be made about someone that one doesn't even need to know on a personal basis, with no further meaning.

It would most definitely not mean that they think that Mika is theirs, or even that he is 'little' or young, it is just a way of expressing their emotions.


But then, the same statement for a German, or Swedish, or English speaker for example could have a far deeper meaning, etc...


Just food for thought!:thumb_yello:

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I should really take a leaf off your book Christine-Your posts are always so measured, pragmatic,sensible, rational, and what you are saying always makes a lot of sense and is expressed just the right way.

Yup! I always rely on Christine to set me straight and point out any bs to me when I get over-emotional or carried away. She is awesome. :thumb_yello:



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(everything i say will probably already be said but too be honest i don't care)


if you were to suddenly become a well known person, like celeb style and everyone that likes what you do etc was to suddenly know what you like, do, birthdays, where you live, what you do to relax and all that, would you like it? everyone that knows your name automatically believes that they are going to be your partner and live blissfully happy together for the rest of time and then when you do find someone, your fans suddenly don't like you, or threaten to commit suicide (don't laugh i've known people to do it with over people). would that not then mean, just to keep your fans happy, you would then live your own life unhappy and unsettled?


and then you get people that slag you off and critise everything you do and what you say. what are you meant to do then? hit back or just take it in your stride? with no offence intended, we could be a little too protective of someone that we don't know in person. we post threads about people who critise him and take the mick, and yet we are the ones that take offence, if he doesn't have a problem with it, when then do we have one and find every oppotunity to hate the critisers??


we only see one side of him right? the happy person on the stage, tele, radio, whatever, and because of that, we seem to think that we know what he is like. but we don't really do we? one person may have many different sides to them. they only allow the side they want people to see, as it could be what they think people want to see, just because we have seen and maybe talked to him doesn't really mean that we know him.


instead of trying to find out everything possible about him, i think we should back off a bit, let him own a private life, coz we all know what it's like with those annoying friends that want to know exactly what you are doing at exactly every part of the day. if he was to get a partner, we shouldn't get on the band wagon of hate and go on about how you'd be the right one for him, we should just be happy and support him and that special person in his life. i know it'll be hard, i'd be first to admit, but he lives his life as well right? we aren't the ones living it for him.


i don't mean to drag every negative thing forwards like this but i do think that we can be a little unfair sometimes.


just because he cancels a gig doesn't mean we should be stupid like it, but you know, if his ill wouldn't you prefer for him to get better and perform at his best than perform when his ill and be at a bad show, and know his suffering after it???




lets just ease of his case for a bit, let him have his space and do what he wants without us being a pain in the bum for him


with love hunny




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I dont think he is overrated, I just think that different people have different ways of expressing how much they like Mika.


Maybe your just sick of talking about the same things.:blink:


:doh: Just realized what i wrote!


what i meant was all the Mika fawning is overrated not Mika himself.


Thanks for pointing that out. :original:

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Yup! I always rely on Christine to set me straight and point out any bs to me when I get over-emotional or carried away. She is awesome. :thumb_yello:




Well...I do classify you in the same 'category' as Christine :thumb_yello:

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