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too much Mika love?

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Well,when I talked to him he didn´t smell to anything in particular... AND,HE WORE THE SAME CLOTHES HE WORE AT THE SOUNDCHECK :mf_rosetinted: (yes,believe me.... it was long spoken in the Murcia thread).

Instead of that,I can say he drank something with alcohol after that gig :mf_rosetinted: :mf_rosetinted:


And we should wait for Mary here,cause Mika hugged her after the Lisbon gig (before having his deserved shower) and I don´t know her opinion,but Mika himself said "I smell like cheese!!" so..... :aah:

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Well,when I talked to him he didn´t smell to anything in particular... AND,HE WORE THE SAME CLOTHES HE WORE AT THE SOUNDCHECK :mf_rosetinted: (yes,believe me.... it was long spoken in the Murcia thread).

Instead of that,I can say he drank something with alcohol after that gig :mf_rosetinted: :mf_rosetinted:


And we should wait for Mary here,cause Mika hugged her after the Lisbon gig (before having his deserved shower) and I don´t know her opinion,but Mika himself said "I smell like cheese!!" so..... :aah:


I don't know what kind of alcohol he drinks that smells and tastes like cheese:shocked:

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I agree with a lot of your points Violet. I have always had a problem with standing in line to meet Mika. I mean, I realise that in most circumstances it is just about the only way to do it. But it just seems very wrong to me. It is like being an animal in a zoo, standing at one side of a barrier when he is at the other side.


Yeah, the first time John asked us to form a queue I asked him if he was joking. There were less than ten of us.

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Yeah, the first time John asked us to form a queue I asked him if he was joking. There were less than ten of us.


Perhaps he just got orders from the boss?:mf_rosetinted:


Twas funny, John tried to make us queue in Antwerp, which 2 of us did and the rest just ignored him. Then Mika started beotching and everyone just stared at him. I wanted to high five him for finally showing some backbone:teehee:

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Perhaps he just got orders from the boss?:mf_rosetinted:


Twas funny, John tried to make us queue in Antwerp, which 2 of us did and the rest just ignored him. Then Mika started beotching and everyone just stared at him. I wanted to high five him for finally showing some backbone:teehee:


I remember in Murcia,there was a girl in charge of the numbers thingie,but then I was talking to him and he told me "now you are in charge of this,and a guy will come here and will told you what you need to do" :shocked: and then left.

And the boy he sent couldn´t speak english or spanish,just italian :mf_rosetinted: (thank God my father knew italian and I could understand a bit) and it was totally a mess. We needed to go to queue near the back door (which was quite far from where we were at first) but we needed to go there to an specific time,and queue exactly as they told us,in single file,with no separation...pffffff

I felt as a soldier... SIR,YES SIR!!!!! :mf_rosetinted:

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I remember in Murcia,there was a girl in charge of the numbers thingie,but then I was talking to him and he told me "now you are in charge of this,and a guy will come here and will told you what you need to do" :shocked: and then left.

And the boy he sent couldn´t speak english or spanish,just italian :mf_rosetinted: (thank God my father knew italian and I could understand a bit) and it was totally a mess. We needed to go to queue near the back door (which was quite far from where we were at first) but we needed to go there to an specific time,and queue exactly as they told us,in single file,with no separation...pffffff

I felt as a soldier... SIR,YES SIR!!!!! :mf_rosetinted:


Yeah, same in Dusseldorf. They wanted me to give up my spot so I could check all the numbers. I said no, no, no:mf_rosetinted:

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I think John remembered me from Lisbon,I still was newbie and I fell for it. It will never hapen to me again :mf_rosetinted:


Yeah, John just said: WHO HAS THE LIST? Security man, arrange it with her:naughty:


And I just said: Until number 52, then we're done! M'kaybai!:aah:

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Yeah, John just said: WHO HAS THE LIST? Security man, arrange it with her:naughty:


And I just said: Until number 52, then we're done! M'kaybai!:aah:


You rock! The girl who was managing the numbers in Murcia has like 100 numbers,and when John decided (all by himself) that it was me who was taking care of the situation since then,he said "and up to 150".. and I was like "ARE YOU CRAZY?? IT´S NOT THAT BIG!" and he: "it´s that big. bye.":mf_rosetinted:

So,next gig,Vigo,I arrived voluntary later,so I was like number 50 or so,front row but no headaches :biggrin2: (and though I tried to hide,I needed to talk to him again :mf_rosetinted:,yes I know,he´s gonna hate me forever:mf_rosetinted:) Sure he won´t remember me next tour!!!! *dyes hair,put sunglasses on*

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You rock! The girl who was managing the numbers in Murcia has like 100 numbers,and when John decided (all by himself) that it was me who was taking care of the situation since then,he said "and up to 150".. and I was like "ARE YOU CRAZY?? IT´S NOT THAT BIG!" and he: "it´s that big. bye.":mf_rosetinted:

So,next gig,Vigo,I arrived voluntary later,so I was like number 50 or so,front row but no headaches :biggrin2: (and though I tried to hide,I needed to talk to him again :mf_rosetinted:,yes I know,he´s gonna hate me forever:mf_rosetinted:) Sure he won´t remember me next tour!!!! *dyes hair,put sunglasses on*


Haha, in Helsinki he said that defo 50 people could be front row. I was number 13 and just managed to get a spot at the side. It was that small:naughty:


He did write something nice on my tshirt in Edinburgh:mf_rosetinted:

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Haha, in Helsinki he said that defo 50 people could be front row. I was number 13 and just managed to get a spot at the side. It was that small:naughty:


He did write something nice on my tshirt in Edinburgh:mf_rosetinted:


something that you need to share with me now:mf_rosetinted:

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don´t mess things Ingie!!!


he drank in Murcia,but smelt like cheese in Lisbon :mf_rosetinted:


He didn't smell like cheese in Lisbon!:aah:


Welll, at least, until i bumped my head on the wall...then, maybe he did but i couldn't feel much after that....:naughty::mf_rosetinted:

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Me, myself and I are a bit schizophrenic when it comes to MIKA. I've always been. (:wub2:connie_1.gif:trumpet::bash::camping:)

I've never been a fan of fandom. It took me quite a while to sign in to the forum, just because the concept of superior-star-vs-submissive-fanatic was something I strongly disapproved of for myself. But I was so smitten with the enigma of Mika that I wanted to know everything anybody had to say about him. I didn't want to miss a single bit of footage.

Still up to that point queueing in a line to wait for a popstar to sign whatever object and keeping one's dignity were mutually exclusive things for me. It confused me to meet people who seemed perfectly sane and normal to me and still did that kind of thing.

Some time this week I've read a post in the twitter thread about the concept of treating Mika like an equal. I always really loved that thought. I just never thought it was possible. We all prefer to talk to equals, don't we? Well, I do. I don't want to look down on people. Especially not when I talk to them. Now that is easy because in one way or another we're all equal. I don't really mind looking up to people, actually. But when I talk to that kind of folk, I would like to think that there is a reason for them to listen. Namely listen to me as an individual.

I always looked up to Mika. I still do, for many reasons that go from a as in art to z as in zorro. I like him on his pedestal and I like him when he steps down from it. I don't really think that there is such a huge difference between pedestal Mika and eye level Mika [fig.] at all. There are traits, like his empathy, that appear through his intuitive actions so manifestly for everyone that they can impossibly be part of a manufactured persona. When he cares to make his signature tangible for a blind girl for example.

I'm not saying I don't believe that he can be difficult. Yet those pieces of Mika that are for the public are enough for me to not mind looking up to him and get in the queue. And maybe even keep my dignity. In fact it only occured to me lately that maybe he doesn't even look as far down on us as we (or I) look up to him.



Oh I remember the long discussions we had about waiting to meet him after a gig or not!:wink2:


And in spite of my hesitation I did it and I've done it a lot of times since then. If you keep in mind that I don't know him and he doesn't know me and we talk different languages you can say it went well under the circumstances!:naughty:

He seems nice and polite.:wink2:

What I however have got a bigger problem with is the endless waiting in a queue before the show. I'm so tired of that, that I really doubt I will do it ever again. Sure, I love to be in front row but is it really worth it?

Rain and cold, people being suspicious on one another. I've come to like it less and less.

Sorry, but that is just how much of a bad fan I've become!:teehee:

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He didn't smell like cheese in Lisbon!:aah:


Welll, at least, until i bumped my head on the wall...then, maybe he did but i couldn't feel much after that....:naughty::mf_rosetinted:



He didn't smell like cheese, trust me! :aah:

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I am those who enjoy those sort of things :naughty:

really, many of you who is for a long time in this forum are tired of fangurling, becoming more thoughtful and kinda mature. Moreover, you've seen him live much more than, for example, me. Of course you feel like in another level. As for us, who had seen him only 2 or 3 times, fangurling threads are the only way to cope with sadness and distance. I post a pic, girls share my feelings, and I don't feel lonely, if helps to alleviate the things.

One more thing- you know for sure (I tell about Sara and girls who call themselves core fans) that you will see him anyway - in the next tour, maybe in some performances. I seriously doubt that I will have such possibility. That is why it is hard for us to understand each other completely, we are in totally different situations and it make us to have severe discussions in the past (I suppose we never got to agree with each other).

So, about Mika.

I'm on that level now, when it is never enough of Mika love. Of course I can critisize him and disagree, I was almost the only one who didn't like kilt pic (kilt I liked but not da Boss himself) and I laughed at his birdie t-shirt. I see his mistakes and flaws, I'm not blind. But in total I'm always on his side. In all the situations I try to look at things from his point of view, from his side (as much as it is possible. Especially with little information). It is not like serville (or what was ghat word of Sariflor?) attitude. I just love him (again, don't tell me how can I love a man via Internet :naughty: yes I can!)


I know that your comments aren't completely directed at me, but I thought I'd reply. I've only seen him twice :blink: (2 years, 5 months and 22 days apart :naughty:)... Also Australia is pretty far away from London and we don't know if Mika will come back here, so I guess we're in similar situations. I had to put together a petition to remind Mika that the Asia-Pacific region actually exists and that he should tour here (and luckily Mika has been back to Japan and other Asian countries since the promo visit at the end of 2009, though he missed out on NZ and he keeps saying he'll come back to Oz after the promo visits, but he doesn't).


To be completely honest with you, part of the reason why I don't go into all those threads is because I get a little jealous that he doesn't come here very often.



I personally wasn't going to tell you or anyone how you can love someone over the internet. Very few people know this but I had very strong feeling for someone that I'd never met in person but knew quite well on here, so I'd be the last person to say you can't do it.


but the point of this thread isn't how "other fans make us feel" but more how we behave/think when it comes to Mika. is our way of thinking rational and realistic?


ex: i read somewhere this week that Mika and his entire family have been gifted with a beautiful smell. now... really????? under normal circumstances, they could have a smell that is distinct to them & it is nice. but all the time? did the sweat glands fairy skip their entire family??? to me, that totally ridiculous. :freak: they are only humans, not gods!


and for the record, i've only seen Mika twice in concert + 1 tv show, so putting him on a pedestal because i don't see him as often as other fans, doesn't seem to apply. I think it's a personality trait or personal circumstances.


all that being said, i still think he is THE BEST popstar i've ever known & i am happy to be part of his fan club. :wub2:


Really? I don't think I want to smell him, even if he's had a shower. It seems just a bit weird (I thought it was weird when I first became a fan too).



You're in pretty much the same position as me, though I've never seen him on a tv show except for on TV... Do you ever get the feeling that he doesn't really exist, except for in your imagination? I get that a lot :naughty:


One is certain: he doesn't hate his fans (especially girls) like Kurt Cobaine did and threw the bottles towards the first row.:naughty:


And if he did he'd hear a lot of fangurls bitching about him :naughty:


I thought it was quite scary that after we took the picture at the concertgebouw, where he leaned into me, that people started asking me what he smelled like. Because naturally, when a tall man suddenly throws his entire weight on you, the first thing you think of is: LET'S SNIFF THE B*TCH!:mf_rosetinted:


Geez Ingie, why didn't you???


Yeah, the first time John asked us to form a queue I asked him if he was joking. There were less than ten of us.


That's funny, he never asked us to form a queue when we met him the first time in Sydney...


What I however have got a bigger problem with is the endless waiting in a queue before the show. I'm so tired of that, that I really doubt I will do it ever again. Sure, I love to be in front row but is it really worth it?

Rain and cold, people being suspicious on one another. I've come to like it less and less.

Sorry, but that is just how much of a bad fan I've become!


See, I don't mind the waiting in line... Then again the experiences I've had waiting for Mika had been pretty good (one where I got there at 3pm, the other one where I got to go inside and wait backstage)...

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You're in pretty much the same position as me, though I've never seen him on a tv show except for on TV... Do you ever get the feeling that he doesn't really exist, except for in your imagination? I get that a lot :naughty:


yes, in a way, we are in the same position...

i know he exists, :naughty: cuz i've seen him.


i remember at the taping for the tv show, all i kept thinking about was, how strange that i knew he was with Robie the day before & then, he was in front of me :naughty:

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You're in pretty much the same position as me, though I've never seen him on a tv show except for on TV... Do you ever get the feeling that he doesn't really exist, except for in your imagination? I get that a lot :naughty:


yes, in a way, we are in the same position...

i know he exists, :naughty: cuz i've seen him.


Well, I've met him only once and it was a bit weird. Sometimes I just look at my signed LICM and at my signed "pillow" that we made for the show, and just think if they just appeared in my home. :blink:

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