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MIKA vs MIKA : In the Sun Newspaper


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I personally think she's insane.She's not the only 'Mika' singer that I've heard of.




There's Mika Singh from India and Mika Nakashima from Japan.Why didn't she have any friction with them instead?


There is also other artists called Mika is she taking them all to court????

As I have said Universal will stand by our man so no worries! :0)



(Ok don't stone me for this, but a few points)

Firstly, yes there are other artists named Mika, such as Mika Nakashima, but the name they are registered under includes their last name/additional name. They do not use the name Mika alone, as our Mika does, and so would have no grounds to sue. To do so would be like Britney Spears sueing Britney Murphy, Or Jennifer Aniston suing Jennifer Garner.

As Sophie and Mika are both using the name Mika, and as she did in fact register it first (as much as we don't like the matter, she does have the rights to the name), she can sue our Mika


Even if she did have it registered, she's demanding damages. It's up to her to prove loss.


Even though there is little chance of er proving damages, I mean Mika was only around the last year or so, and what little career Sophie had was already floundering by this point, the fact of the matter is that due to the publicity of these things they are often settled out of court. Either Mika will change his name, she will be paid enough damages to keep her quiet, or both. An out of court settlement would also probably end up being cheaper, as there would be minimal fees to lawyers etc...

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MIKA faces a blow to his bid for pop supremecy - from a Belgian female raggae artist with the same name.



The other Mika is threatening to sue our rising new superstar for allegedly nicking her moniker.

She claims she registered it in the 1980's.

And she wants her London-based rival to either change his name or pay the damages.

Despite having released five albums the Belgian Mika isn't exactly a household name - even in her own country.

But she insisted "I was called Mika before him and have registered the name. Even though his real name is Mica, I think he should change it."





A source close to the, erm, star said "She's not happy. There's only enough room for one Mika in the popworld - and she was here first."

Reggae Mika has hardly set the charts alight.

She released debut single MLK in 1989 but it attracted little attention. If you want to to buy it you can get it from her website for £2. (LMFAO sorry but that so made me laugh hard!)

Her subsequent releases haven't done much better.

In contrast our Mika burst onto the Pop scene in January with no.1 single Grace Kelly.

Just eight months later his debut album, Life In Cartoon Motion, has sold more than three million copies worldwide, including more than 900, 000 in the UK, making it triple platinum.

The album has hit No.1 in a dozen-plus countries, from across Europe to the Far East.

He is the biggest new artist in Europe and the biggest selling UK act in the world this year after Amy Winehouse.

His private life makes for pretty amazing reading too.

Mika's family were forced to leave war-torn Lebanon to Paris before moving to London when he was a child.

So I don't think he'll be losing too much sleep over this latest attack.

But it could end up costing him a bit of money since his real name is spelt slightly differently. (EVEN THOUGH BELGIUM WOMAN'S REAL NAME IS SOPHIE!)

Last night his manager was not available to comment. In the past, acts have been forced to cough up to keep a disputed name or have had to change it - including Liberty X, who were originally called Liberty.

Sounds to me like this other Mika is trying to take liberty too.



So. Proof. It's all for publicity and money, she's even made UK papers now!


It's all an attempt to get her own recognition...and some bucks. Why did she wait this long? Also, there are a few Mika's who are in the business. I don't think he'll have a real problem. It's so ridiculous.

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she's an absolute cow and I hate her already lol.


Mika could change his name to Mika P. Or Mika Penniman. He can always add something after to keep the same spelling of his first name.


Or maybe Mika From London because Mika From Belgium Is A Complete Bitch :bleh:


do you think she'd mind that?



LMAO :roftl:


This is only my personal opinion: I don't think that Mika will give up on this without a fight. Mika wants to stay as Mika. Does anyone want to go for a drink?

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the're is a lot of people called Mika...

Mika nakashima (musician), mika kallio, mika hakkinen, (F1) Mika Boorem (actor) ,

even the president of digital media of MTV is called Mika! (Mika Salmi )...even though they discriminate our Mika...


so...it's just a coincidence...the thing is, if Mika is an artistic name she has the right to do it but...she could let the thnigs as they are, she`s not famous worldwide...

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And who said Sophie Mika wasn't famous world wide, seems thanks to this she now is, albiet for the wrong reasons.


She's now in the Aussie papers as well now it seems. She's more famous now for anything she's ever done, I mean people in her own country don't even know her music and now worldwide her name is known. Personally I think this negative publicity wouldn't be desired, but then any publicity is good publicity as they say.


I really hope Mika doesn't let her win this

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And who said Sophie Mika wasn't famous world wide, seems thanks to this she now is, albiet for the wrong reasons.


She's now in the Aussie papers as well now it seems. She's more famous now for anything she's ever done, I mean people in her own country don't even know her music and now worldwide her name is known. Personally I think this negative publicity wouldn't be desired, but then any publicity is good publicity as they say.


I really hope Mika doesn't let her win this


Its all a publicity stunt...

Still, it makes me soooo angry:sneaky2:

Mika (ours) can't lose...he just can't...

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Just another article about the same thing... but with another photo. That's the only reason I'm posting this :bleh:





Pop star Mika in Sydney in May.

Photo: Natalie Boog


Hmm, I just saw the same article on a different site. :naughty:

EDIT: Hmm, very similar site, still a bit different. Hmm... okay. :blink:

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the're is a lot of people called Mika...

Mika nakashima (musician), mika kallio, mika hakkinen, (F1) Mika Boorem (actor) ,

even the president of digital media of MTV is called Mika! (Mika Salmi )...even though they discriminate our Mika...


so...it's just a coincidence...the thing is, if Mika is an artistic name she has the right to do it but...she could let the thnigs as they are, she`s not famous worldwide...


ive said this before but i'll say it again. look at the differences:


belgium: MIKA

England: MIKA

Japan: Mika Nakashima

Finland: Mika Hakkinen

actor somewhere: Mika Boorem


They all have something after their name, so it's not confusing, and they're not even big or even at all known in Belgium so she has nothing to complain about. Mica's stage name is EXACTLY the same as Sophie's and THAT'S why it's a problem.

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If you look on itunes there is also an elctronic artist called Mika, no surname, just Mika. Wonder if she's suing him/her.


it depends if they're in Belgium or not. I suppose the name itself counts, but bing famous in Belgium counts, too. After all, they might be "sabotaging" her "career" because fans will get "confused".


I hate to say it, but she IS in the right. i don't agree with why she's doing it, I don't like the fact that she's doing it, I think she's a whiny cow, but she has the law on her side. Even the press think that her attack is stupid because ALL the articles have been ridiculing her, even we do. She practically put herself up for it lol but you know...just sayin.

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I don't think she actually expects our Mika to change his name. If she has half a brain, she'll realize that millions of people around the world now associate the name "Mika" with our adorable British lad. I'm sure she realizes that if you were to walk down the street in Paris, Toronto, LA, London, Sydney, Tokyo, and probably even Brussels and asked people at random who Mika is, those who had an answer would probably say something like "Isn't he the guy who sings 'Grace Kelly"? I don't care if Mika changes his name to Alfred Googenheimer, the name Mika is now burned into people's minds as referring to our Mika - for better or for worse.


My hunch is that Belgian Mika knows this. She also knows that the name "Mika" is an identifiable part of our Mika's "brand" which makes the name valuable to Mika, and more specifically, to Universal. She further knows that Universal is making a decent chunk of money from the brand that is Mika. And because she "registered" this name when our Mika was six years old, she figures that gives her enough of a case to try to squeeze some money out of our Mika. It's totally a money grab, more than anything. If she's selling her CDs for £2, I doubt she's exactly rolling in the money, and this gives her a fairly easy way to line her pockets.


It's clearly a case of someone who is likely frustrated at trying unsuccessfully eke out a career for decades, who then sees someone else come along and rocket to fame with the same stage name. The gears start turning, and before you know it, she's calling a lawyer.


Universal won't easily part with the name Mika. From a marketing perspective, the name Mika now has a hefty dollar value on it. What's unfortunate is that she will likely get some sort of financial settlement to shut her up and make her go away, which will probably happen sooner rather than later now that UK papers have picked up on her claims. And what's even more unfortunate is that our Mika has to deal with this crap, even if it's indirectly through his people at Universal. He's just a talented, bright young guy following his dreams - and now he has to contend with being sued for using his own freaking name. Our Mika is thick skinned and might even be a little amused by all this - but it's still ridiculous that he should be subjected to all this craziness. Some people just can't reconcile within themselves the idea that others can be successful when they, themselves, are not.


People annoy me. </rant>

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MIKA faces a blow to his bid for pop supremecy - from a Belgian female raggae artist with the same name.



The other Mika is threatening to sue our rising new superstar for allegedly nicking her moniker.

She claims she registered it in the 1980's.

And she wants her London-based rival to either change his name or pay the damages.

Despite having released five albums the Belgian Mika isn't exactly a household name - even in her own country.

But she insisted "I was called Mika before him and have registered the name. Even though his real name is Mica, I think he should change it."




A source close to the, erm, star said "She's not happy. There's only enough room for one Mika in the popworld - and she was here first."

Reggae Mika has hardly set the charts alight.

She released debut single MLK in 1989 but it attracted little attention. If you want to to buy it you can get it from her website for £2. (LMFAO sorry but that so made me laugh hard!)

Her subsequent releases haven't done much better.

In contrast our Mika burst onto the Pop scene in January with no.1 single Grace Kelly.

Just eight months later his debut album, Life In Cartoon Motion, has sold more than three million copies worldwide, including more than 900, 000 in the UK, making it triple platinum.

The album has hit No.1 in a dozen-plus countries, from across Europe to the Far East.

He is the biggest new artist in Europe and the biggest selling UK act in the world this year after Amy Winehouse.

His private life makes for pretty amazing reading too.

Mika's family were forced to leave war-torn Lebanon to Paris before moving to London when he was a child.

So I don't think he'll be losing too much sleep over this latest attack.

But it could end up costing him a bit of money since his real name is spelt slightly differently. (EVEN THOUGH BELGIUM WOMAN'S REAL NAME IS SOPHIE!)

Last night his manager was not available to comment. In the past, acts have been forced to cough up to keep a disputed name or have had to change it - including Liberty X, who were originally called Liberty.

Sounds to me like this other Mika is trying to take liberty too.



So. Proof. It's all for publicity and money, she's even made UK papers now!

If she has been around since the 80s and hasn't yet made her mark yet, then she isn't going to now!! All she wants is fame!! She can't seriously think we can't tell the difference between a hot, sexy, multi-talented maestro, and a 'never-was-famous, silly old idiot, with delusions far above her station. She must be nuts. I hope to God that the one-and-only Mika does not have to change the name he's worked so hard to make famous! SOPHIE can get lost!!


Love from Marilyn

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Just another article about the same thing... but with another photo. That's the only reason I'm posting this :bleh:





Pop star Mika in Sydney in May.

Photo: Natalie Boog


I'm in love with that pic:wub2:


See the BMika, couldn't make people fall in love with a pic:glasses2:

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I don't think she actually expects our Mika to change his name. If she has half a brain, she'll realize that millions of people around the world now associate the name "Mika" with our adorable British lad. I'm sure she realizes that if you were to walk down the street in Paris, Toronto, LA, London, Sydney, Tokyo, and probably even Brussels and asked people at random who Mika is, those who had an answer would probably say something like "Isn't he the guy who sings 'Grace Kelly"? I don't care if Mika changes his name to Alfred Googenheimer, the name Mika is now burned into people's minds as referring to our Mika - for better or for worse.


My hunch is that Belgian Mika knows this. She also knows that the name "Mika" is an identifiable part of our Mika's "brand" which makes the name valuable to Mika, and more specifically, to Universal. She further knows that Universal is making a decent chunk of money from the brand that is Mika. And because she "registered" this name when our Mika was six years old, she figures that gives her enough of a case to try to squeeze some money out of our Mika. It's totally a money grab, more than anything. If she's selling her CDs for £2, I doubt she's exactly rolling in the money, and this gives her a fairly easy way to line her pockets.


It's clearly a case of someone who is likely frustrated at trying unsuccessfully eke out a career for decades, who then sees someone else come along and rocket to fame with the same stage name. The gears start turning, and before you know it, she's calling a lawyer.


Universal won't easily part with the name Mika. From a marketing perspective, the name Mika now has a hefty dollar value on it. What's unfortunate is that she will likely get some sort of financial settlement to shut her up and make her go away, which will probably happen sooner rather than later now that UK papers have picked up on her claims. And what's even more unfortunate is that our Mika has to deal with this crap, even if it's indirectly through his people at Universal. He's just a talented, bright young guy following his dreams - and now he has to contend with being sued for using his own freaking name. Our Mika is thick skinned and might even be a little amused by all this - but it's still ridiculous that he should be subjected to all this craziness. Some people just can't reconcile within themselves the idea that others can be successful when they, themselves, are not.


People annoy me. </rant>



i loved your post. I applaud you!

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If the worst comes to the worst he could just change it to Mica. Although there is someone called that too. Realistically, if HMV can sell stuff by three different Michael Jacksons, I don't see how its harming this woman at all for Mika to use that name too. She's never even been heard of, let alone internationally like Mika has

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I don't think she actually expects our Mika to change his name. If she has half a brain, she'll realize that millions of people around the world now associate the name "Mika" with our adorable British lad. I'm sure she realizes that if you were to walk down the street in Paris, Toronto, LA, London, Sydney, Tokyo, and probably even Brussels and asked people at random who Mika is, those who had an answer would probably say something like "Isn't he the guy who sings 'Grace Kelly"? I don't care if Mika changes his name to Alfred Googenheimer, the name Mika is now burned into people's minds as referring to our Mika - for better or for worse.


My hunch is that Belgian Mika knows this. She also knows that the name "Mika" is an identifiable part of our Mika's "brand" which makes the name valuable to Mika, and more specifically, to Universal. She further knows that Universal is making a decent chunk of money from the brand that is Mika. And because she "registered" this name when our Mika was six years old, she figures that gives her enough of a case to try to squeeze some money out of our Mika. It's totally a money grab, more than anything. If she's selling her CDs for £2, I doubt she's exactly rolling in the money, and this gives her a fairly easy way to line her pockets.


It's clearly a case of someone who is likely frustrated at trying unsuccessfully eke out a career for decades, who then sees someone else come along and rocket to fame with the same stage name. The gears start turning, and before you know it, she's calling a lawyer.


Universal won't easily part with the name Mika. From a marketing perspective, the name Mika now has a hefty dollar value on it. What's unfortunate is that she will likely get some sort of financial settlement to shut her up and make her go away, which will probably happen sooner rather than later now that UK papers have picked up on her claims. And what's even more unfortunate is that our Mika has to deal with this crap, even if it's indirectly through his people at Universal. He's just a talented, bright young guy following his dreams - and now he has to contend with being sued for using his own freaking name. Our Mika is thick skinned and might even be a little amused by all this - but it's still ridiculous that he should be subjected to all this craziness. Some people just can't reconcile within themselves the idea that others can be successful when they, themselves, are not.


People annoy me. </rant>


That was a fantastically well-written post. You actually had something very interesting to say, you made a lot of sense, and I enjoyed hearing your thoughts...considering the subject matter, I commend you for that! I love the way you think. :thumb_yello:


I'm in love with that pic:wub2:


See the BMika, couldn't make people fall in love with a pic:glasses2:


It's true, it's true. *nods in agreement*

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I don't like your attitude towards this Belgian woman. She may not be famous, that's true, but it must be damn irritating for her that here comes this vivacious young guy crashing the doors of the music scene where she's been struggling for almost two decades to be noticed and shares her name.

Which she registered. She even has rights to protect her.

You must understand that the name Mika associates with Mica. So if she ever released a hit single maybe (I'm only talking about possibilites her without mentioning probabilities!!!) she would face some "identity problems".


You seem to be making fun of her for not being famous. It's just f*g heartless of you. Millions of TALENTED musicians don't ever get famous. (Nota bene, I'm not implying that she's a musical genius, for I haven't listened to her works yet, and don't intend to...). Still, she has the right to be equally treated as Mika or MIKA or whatever he comes up with next.


Yes, you (we) are biased, for yeah we're all discussing this matter on the MFC boards, not her forums. But guess what, amussing she had some fan base out there in Belgium, her fans would be equally freaking out, or with an even bigger amplitude, for SHE HAS A RIGHT FOR THE FRIGGIN NAME.


She may want money, okay. We all want money. I'm pretty sure that's one of her major intentions. But just try to "be in her shoes" for a while...


Possible solution? Heaps of dollars. But I fear that this isn't real reconciliation. (Moral aspects.) Personally, I'd be pissed if someone that famous (operating in the same field) had the same name.



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