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Mika @ Heineken Music Hall, Netherlands: 11-11-2007 -- REVIEWS!


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Here is part one of my report:


I arrived around 12:10 in Amsterdam but I had no idea where the HMH was so I just started to walk. And it turned out that I was walking in the right direction because all of a sudden I saw the HMH and the I looked around and there where a view people already waiting and then I saw rockinbabzz. I wasn't wearing my costume yet it was still in a plastic bag. Babz and i talked a bit and after a wile I put my costume on. And after that more MFCers arrived. I think tat it was around 14:00 that I went to the back door to wait for MIKA and the band. Nobody wanted to come with me so i went alone. When I was standing there for like a 1 minute 2 people came to me and asked if I was waiting for Mika and I said YES. We started to talk about Mika and they didn't knew much about him they just wanted to let him sign there stuff and find a ticket so that they could get in. But they were really really nice and time passed by really fast. The door opened a view times and the security guys where laughing at me because i was wearing a tiger costume.

But the way the talked about me was really rude they talked about me as if I wasn't there. But I just kept on waiting. And all the time that we where waiting these blue busses just drove away and came back but every time they where emty. But then i saw the big tour bus and I got my DVD out of my bag. The bus went in the building and the security people were standing in front of us but then I saw Cherrise and I called her name and she came to me. I gave here the bag with pressie that I brought with me. I had 6 little dutch goody bags for al the band member and Mika here is a picture of the content of the goodie bags (the thing in the back is the paper bag.):



She was really nice and thanked me and she put the bag in the bus. In the meantime Saranayde and Luke had also stepped out off the bus and I told them to that there where presents for them in the bag. They where all really nice and the thanked me. Then Luke saw my DVD and he asked if he could look at it. and wile he was looking at the pages Saranayde also looked at it. I guess they didn't see it before :naughty: Then they had to go and I said goodbye and wished the good luck. So my pressies had arrived. After that the 2 people where surprised that i knew all of the band members by name. I thought that that was funny. Then when it slowly started to get dark Jolijn came with (i think her cousins) and they joined us with the waiting. And ofcourse the blue busses were still going and leaving and they stayed empty. Then Mika's tour manager arrived and he said that we could wait inside but the mean security people didn't let us. So we stayed outside. But then the door opened again and there was a white bus arriving and when they got in the door closed again. But it was a big door so that took a while, and the security guys where standing in front of us again. But then Mika's mother got out of the bus and then MIKA. Mika started to walk towards us But when he was in front of us the door was almost closed so he and we had to wait till it was completely closed. And then the door in the door opened and there was the Mighty M :punk:



He recognized me and said something like "I remember you you where the girl that fained" And again I had to tell him that I didn't faint. So I guess he will always remember me as the fainting girl that didn't faint or something. I have never ever fainted in my life so if I ever meet him again and he says it again I'm going to ask him why he wrote Grace Kelly :roftl: (Sorry I like to tease people) I also said that there was a pressie for him in the bus and he thanked me. So then I gave him my DVD and he signed.



Then out of nowhere some girl appeared walked passed us and stood next to Mika and her friend made a picture and disappear again and then we weren't allowed to make pictures anymore and Mika left. I was a bit mad because I was waiting in Amsterdam since 12:10 and I wanted to be in a pic with Mika to and then someone just came out of nowhere and got a pic. But I guess I have to try it next time.


So then we walked back to the front and then I realized that I was the first person in the world with a signed copy of the LiCM DVD (well that was what I thought). So when we arrived at the front there was a big crowd waiting and I thought OMG but I'm going to the front I don't care what they think. I had the right to be at the front. I was there since 12:10. But then I thought how? :boxed:


So first i started to look for rockinbabzz and Blue (they had diadems so that was easy) But then I had to squeeze myself trough the crowd. So I decided to speak English and act like a stupid person that didn't know dutch. And it worked. I got to the front and was standing against a door next to rockinbabzz and Blue. I showed them my DVD and the we waited somemore.


More tomorrow

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But then I had to squeeze myself trough the crowd. So I decided to speak English and act like a stupid person that didn't know dutch. And it worked. I got to the front and was standing against a door next to rockinbabzz and Blue.

How smartly! :naughty:


Thanks for the wondrful report :thumb_yello:. I can't wait for the second part! :biggrin2:

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So, no signature and people from the MFC in cartoon motion project, I couldn’t give it to him neither to someone else so we have to find another way. But right now it really doesn’t matter. Because I’ve seen Mika, I’ve seen him from very close and I will never forget this. Mika, if you read this, next tour you better come back again because we loved you and you gave me one of the best nights ever. I might not have met him this time, but my time will come. I’m already saving money for the next gig! And I will always cherish the memory of last night. Forever!


I'm so happy that you enjoyed it but sorry you didn't get to meet him.


Your time will come. :thumb_yello:


Vix x


PS Some of your pictures are amazing!!! :shocked:

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all my vids are up, finally :)

Mika - Live @ HMH


And although I'm not a regular MFC-er, here's my review. It's not written for here, so some things can be irrelevant.


Second gig of this month, and it was FANTASTIC! Can't believe I wasn't really looking forward to it a few weeks back. Mika Mania has returned! This review won't be as long as others (I think) coz there are no pre and after show stories to tell…yes, a 'normal' gig haha.


At the end of June, Mika's gig was announced. Was super happy. After initially ignoring Mika's music, I was pulled into the mania back in February and C. and I were the only two people of the Jensen Show audience in March who were a fan, or who knew who Mika was. The gig wasn't sold out immediately, I think the explosion was a few weeks later, when Grace Kelly really hit the charts and Relax was released soon after. Suddenly, everyone wanted to go, and 'Ebay' prices went up to ridiculous amounts. After the Mika hype started over here, it got a bit too much for me. Suddenly, Mika was everywhere, and it was all about the world of Mika. I became less excited about the gig, so I took my time off. Only two weeks before the gig that I started looking forward to it again. And especially after C. and I decided not to go for front row and going through that whole waiting and pushing process again, but to go for a balcony view, I got ready to party!


OK, let's start with the gig day. Got there at 18.15 (doors open at 18.30). It was raining and it was cold, so I was glad we hadn't come earlier. I expected a bigger crowd queuing, but it was not too big. Also expected lots of crazy outfits…but nope, unless they were hiding, I didn't spot many. After we got in, we found a great view in the middle of the highest balcony…only to be send away after a few minutes, as apparently, those seats were reserved for the fanclub or something…they should've taken care of that before people got in, but OK. So we moved a bit to the left. Support act Alphabeat was alright, happy bouncy music, and the male leadsinger was enjoyable to watch, very hyperactive. But I wouldn't take time to find more about them. I think they only played 20 min. So Newton did better with at least half an hour for The Fray :P.


A bit after nine, Mika started ^_^. The setup of the stage was great. In the background was a tree and there were lamps hanging in lines from the ceiling. First spotlight happening was a big ball in the middle. Music had started and when the ball exploded, a golden angel gave us an intro dance. Then the tune of Relax started and the party had begun.


Here's the setlist:

Relax: when he appeared on stage, it struck me again how tall this man is.

Big girl: although we did not get big girls, we did get one big inflatable big girl, he 'crushed' Mika near the end of the song. Mika, the lady who did background vocals and guitarist Mikey Choi did a little dance, which was cute ^_^.

My interpretation: before this song, Mika did some awesome Dutch speaking! Could understand him very well, although his Dutch had a bit of a German accent haha. Crowd went crazy =). Love it how he has a seat for the keyboard, but doesn't really use it :P.

Billy Brown: more Dutch, about that the 'platenmaatschappij' (cute cute cute!) said he could never release this song in the USA. And he said: 'Dat zullen we nog wel eens zien', which means 'we'll see about that'.


Holy Johnny: a 'new' song, or as Mika said: 'dit is een nieuw liedje'. Great song, played with other instruments and the band including Mika stood in a line, cute!

Any other world: Mika let the crowd sing a bit. Was slightly disappointed by lack of lights in the crowd.

Ring ring: great song to do after the more quiet Any other world. Back to the dancing!

How much do you love me: another 'new' song. I like I like =)

Stuck in the middle: love this song ^_^. At some point, Mikey stepped up on Mika's keyboard platform…to be just pushed away by Mika (playfully of course) haha.

Missionary man: they pulled out a big 'M' for this song and Mika and the lady who sang this with him could get on this 'M'.


Happy ending: first a band introduction, then this pretty song. Mika seemed a tiny bit breathless in this song.

Love today: such a great party song ^_^. The intro included a huge puppet, who gave Mika a hug. They did a bit of jamming too, Mika with no shirt on, yum hehe. Oh, if you check out my youtube vid, go to 5.40 hahaha!

Grace Kelly: A huge crowd favourite, for obvious reasons.


Intermezzo: this was so hilarious! They had set up a brilliant shadow play, with the children's song 'Teddy Bears' Picnic' as theme. Dressed up in different animals, they danced and did some obscene things (not suitable for kids). That's until Mika, dressed up in a crocodile costume, finished the 'bad bunny'.

Lollipop: after the play, they all came out in their costume and performed Lollipop Girl. Big balloons came out of nowhere, confetti all over the place, BIG party!

Relax: after Lollipop, they left the stage. People started to leave, but the lights weren't on yet…but I couldn't think of a song Mika hadn't done yet, so was a bit confused too. Encore or no encore? Turned out they did Relax again! But a different version. Very cool!


After the support act, I'd 'installed' my camera. Filmed the whole thing, and didn't need to hold it woohoo! But didn't dare to check my cam during the gig, so C. did that haha. I'd brought some break lights with me, so we'd done our tiny part of dressing up :P. Right from the beginning till the end, the energy level was high. It was a spectacular show. The band was great, they are really part of the show and do crazy stuff as well. Only a tiny bummer that there were no Lollipop Girls and Big Girls. Sound was good. Could hear Mika's vocals above everything at all times, so no problems with loud singalongs.


Oh, duh, forgot. Mika was wearing white skinny trousers, and a white shirt with two vertical silver (?) stripes. He wore a few different jackets throughout the evening, changed into a T-shirt near the end, but not after he took his shirt of to do some drumming :P. Man, can he jump around! You couldn't stand still if you wanted, his dancing is so infectious. And he still managed to sing at the top of his lungs and get the high notes. He interacted lots with the crowd, seemed in a great mood and did a great job speaking Dutch (quite some lines I must say). It was an amazing gig, and I felt like both the crowd and Mika could have continued for hours…

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i did meet him :blush-anim-cl: he signed my dress wich i made for this gig (i've painted the cover of licm on it) and mika was really impressed , he said : that dress is amazing.:biggrin2: i can't stop smiling now. it feels like a dream , everytime i have to look at my dress to remind me it is real :biggrin2:

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i did meet him :blush-anim-cl: he signed my dress wich i made for this gig (i've painted the cover of licm on it) and mika was really impressed , he said : that dress is amazing.:biggrin2: i can't stop smiling now. it feels like a dream , everytime i have to look at my dress to remind me it is real :biggrin2:


Do you have a picture?

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