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Mika's Personal Life


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Especially in childhood i.e Freud's Psychosexual Stages of Development Theory.


I you're wondering, honestly, it's real. Just pick up any Psychology textbook.


I know... I took Psychology. Our psychology teacher told us to always remember two things about Freud: Sex and childhood but mostly sex.


Some of theories are...interesting to say the least.


Like the Oedipus Theory or the Electra Complex. I don't remember being jealous of my mom when I was younger because she was with my dad...:naughty:

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I know... I took Psychology. Our psychology teacher told us to always remember two things about Freud: Sex and childhood but mostly sex.


Some of theories are...interesting to say the least.


Like the Oedipus Theory or the Electra Complex. I don't remember being jealous of my mom when I was younger because she was with my dad...:naughty:


That's why I loved this part of our psychology exam, you can pretty much write the same stuff for any Freud-related question. No wonder I got highest marks in that module!

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:shocked: what happened to this thread?? Looks like Jack and Titania came here and then nobody talked about sexuality. I don't want to be disrespectful to them but...why they have so much influence in the kind of things you should or shoudn't say in this thread?....



I know... I took Psychology. Our psychology teacher told us to always remember two things about Freud: Sex and childhood but mostly sex.


Some of theories are...interesting to say the least.


Like the Oedipus Theory or the Electra Complex. I don't remember being jealous of my mom when I was younger because she was with my dad...:naughty:



I DO remember :boxed: . But I was jealous of my dad when I was younger because he was with my mum, and she had to be mine. I dunno how the theory is called, but I know I'm not the only one...

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:shocked: what happened to this thread?? Looks like Jack and Titania came here and then nobody talked about sexuality. I don't want to be disrespectful to them but...why they have so much influence in the kind of things you should or shoudn't say in this thread?....




I DO remember :boxed: . But I was jealous of my dad when I was younger because he was with my mum, and she had to be mine. I dunno how the theory is called, but I know I'm not the only one...


Yes to the first comment. They tend to have a heavy influence on the board...


Well actually, if you are a female, are you? I think it would be the opposite. You would be jealous of your mom because she was with your dad and dad had to be yours. And it would be the Electra Complex. According to Freud anyway...


Then there was the Anal, Oral, Genital, Phallic stages...and fixation.


Oh yeah and of course you're not the only one. Lots of people agree with it. I just am not one of them (that part at least). Another thing our teacher told us was that psychology nowadays is mostly people agreeing with Freud's theories and building on them or people disagreeing on Freud's theories and disproving them.

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On topic now. Sadly, such is the tabloid press in this country (England) that Mika can only hide for so long. As much as many on here would hope - I am quite sure he is no saint, angel or virgin and sooner or later something will come out. In all honesty, I would pity any partner he has, for as long as he remains intent on concealing certain areas of his life they would have to hide also and pretend that they were not together.


Can you imagine that? not being able to go out in public together or tell many people who your partner is?


I don't think Mika is hiding. I think he just has no intention of discussing his personal life with reporters - ever. I also don't think the press is that interested in Mika's personal life that they are stalking him and waiting for him to go out in public with a date.


Yes reporters have asked him direct questions about his sexual orientation but that was months ago when he and his background were relatively unknown. They also used to ask the same questions ad nauseam about where he was born, how he was bullied in school, etc. It was their job to ask background questions and it was Mika's job to reveal as much as he could to generate interest in his music while concealing enough to keep his privacy intact.


It's all old news now and unless he starts dating another celebrity or getting himself into other kinds of public mischief so they start monitoring his behaviour, I don't see anyone even taking notice if Mika gets into a relationship.


He is, I'm guessing, always surrounded by people - employees, industry people, friends, family. How would anyone know or care if one of them happened to be his partner? Hypothetically speaking (just for argument's sake here ppl, I'm not speculating at all), Mika could be dating Lorna, or Andy or one of his managers or roadies. He's seen with these people all the time and as long as he's not making out with them every 5 minutes in front of the whole world, who's going to notice?


I don't live in England so I don't know what's going on with the tabloids but I'm assuming if they were following Mika around all the time stories and photos would be showing up on MFC. I think everyone here is more closely monitoring Mika's activities than any member of the press and I'm sure 99.9% of us know less than nothing about any sexual relationship he's had.


I also don't see anyone selling stories to the press. It seems to me that Mika's circle is close and protective. It's been a year now and something would have surfaced before when the press and public were more interested in finding out about his background and sexual orientation.


I do feel sorry for celebrities to some degree, but for the most part the ones who get harassed incessantly are asking for it. If you don't want the tabloids to stalk you then don't date drug addicts, don't make porn tapes, don't drink and drive, don't wear mini-skirts with no underwear, don't bounce in and out of rehab every 3 days.


There is a reason why Amy Winehouse is on the cover of the tabloids every day and Mika is not. As long as he keeps doing what he's been doing I think he'll be fairly free to live his life.

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Guest Emz-Mika-Luva

So we can't speak about Mika's personal life? I always just tend to talk about eveything about him to everyone with out really thinking ! i feel rather guilty considering the fact Mika might take this to offence and i sooo hope he dont ! i just find him so interesting and i love way he speaks and the way he talks and all about him ! and the gay thing O.....i dont really care i dont even really think about it some times....well some times i think "is he homosexual? " but i dont really care, i accept Mika for who he is as a wonderful musican i love Mika so much more than a lot of people think oh gosh now i sound weird lol......

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I don't think there's a bad influence in what we talk about Mika.


If there's any post of his family pictures it's always with

much loving care and respect. If we know he is gay I'm sure

there will be too much love and respect for him as well.

If we see anything about him we will comment with much loving

care I'm sure. And if anybody from out of this forum sees what

we are writing, even if this person hates Mika, I'm sure there

will be another point of view, deep inside, about Mika for this




I don't know, I think that if we are talking about him that's

because we care, and if we care there's love. The way this love

is expressed sometimes seems bad, but actually it's not.



And if anybody says anything bad be sure there will always be

somebody to fight for Mika's respect.


The things he does, his personal life... we are all humans.

There's no way to be different on Earth, so there's not much to

know... There's not much to talk about. These are all small

things and in fact nobody even cares. It's only talky talk.

Maybe people do this here to feel closer to Mika and that's a way of loving I think. There's nothing to worry about.



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Vixen great to hear your opinions! And Scut_Monkey you amaze me!


Clever people on this forum!

And I'm loving all of you!


PS One thing we DO know is that Mika is Sexy. There! That's a fact! :P


Thank you! :biggrin2:


Oh, and well said!


For those of us who find Mika irresistable (me! me! me!) he will still be as sexy to us regardless of who he himself finds attractive.........as long as you can get past the "mmmmmm...if we were together on a desert island then maybe, just maybe he'd fall head over heels for me" scenario then it really makes no difference!

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So we can't speak about Mika's personal life? I always just tend to talk about eveything about him to everyone with out really thinking ! i feel rather guilty considering the fact Mika might take this to offence and i sooo hope he dont ! i just find him so interesting and i love way he speaks and the way he talks and all about him ! and the gay thing O.....i dont really care i dont even really think about it some times....well some times i think "is he homosexual? " but i dont really care, i accept Mika for who he is as a wonderful musican i love Mika so much more than a lot of people think oh gosh now i sound weird lol......


No, that's not it exactly. The thread is more about where you personally draw the line on talking about Mika's personal life. Or at least that's what I've gotten out of it.

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:shocked: what happened to this thread?? Looks like Jack and Titania came here and then nobody talked about sexuality. I don't want to be disrespectful to them but...why they have so much influence in the kind of things you should or shoudn't say in this thread?....


I just think that it was the opinions of the group of people that were online at the same time that switched it over. It's like the prominent night-posters are pro-talking about sexuality, and the prominent day-posters are con.


Plus, Jack is very respected, on my part anyway, for her intelligent, insightful posts, regardless to whether or not I agree with all of them. :thumb_yello:


I don't think Mika is hiding. I think he just has no intention of discussing his personal life with reporters - ever. I also don't think the press is that interested in Mika's personal life that they are stalking him and waiting for him to go out in public with a date.


Yes reporters have asked him direct questions about his sexual orientation but that was months ago when he and his background were relatively unknown. They also used to ask the same questions ad nauseam about where he was born, how he was bullied in school, etc. It was their job to ask background questions and it was Mika's job to reveal as much as he could to generate interest in his music while concealing enough to keep his privacy intact.


It's all old news now and unless he starts dating another celebrity or getting himself into other kinds of public mischief so they start monitoring his behaviour, I don't see anyone even taking notice if Mika gets into a relationship.


He is, I'm guessing, always surrounded by people - employees, industry people, friends, family. How would anyone know or care if one of them happened to be his partner? Hypothetically speaking (just for argument's sake here ppl, I'm not speculating at all), Mika could be dating Lorna, or Andy or one of his managers or roadies. He's seen with these people all the time and as long as he's not making out with them every 5 minutes in front of the whole world, who's going to notice?


I don't live in England so I don't know what's going on with the tabloids but I'm assuming if they were following Mika around all the time stories and photos would be showing up on MFC. I think everyone here is more closely monitoring Mika's activities than any member of the press and I'm sure 99.9% of us know less than nothing about any sexual relationship he's had.


I also don't see anyone selling stories to the press. It seems to me that Mika's circle is close and protective. It's been a year now and something would have surfaced before when the press and public were more interested in finding out about his background and sexual orientation.


I do feel sorry for celebrities to some degree, but for the most part the ones who get harassed incessantly are asking for it. If you don't want the tabloids to stalk you then don't date drug addicts, don't make porn tapes, don't drink and drive, don't wear mini-skirts with no underwear, don't bounce in and out of rehab every 3 days.


There is a reason why Amy Winehouse is on the cover of the tabloids every day and Mika is not. As long as he keeps doing what he's been doing I think he'll be fairly free to live his life.


I agree with you completely. I think that if the media were SO focused on digging up every detail about Mika's sexuality, they would have contacted people from his past and brought out some dirt or information. I can't imagine that it would be that HARD to find out what his sexuality was if they wanted to, unless he refused to speak about it while he was in school.


Mika's particular situation where he refuses to reveal his preferences is working toward his advantage if he is in a relationship, or for possible relationships in the future. When the media do not know what gender to look for, it's a lot harder to report that he has a partner. A straight man hanging out with a girl a lot would be suspicious, as would a gay man hanging out with a guy, but a sexually ambiguous man's case cannot be treated that way.


I don't think that Mika will ever publicly declare his sexuality a la Lance Bass, but I also don't think that it will remain a mystery forever. It is bound to come out some way, whether it be through himself in a song, or leaked information from someone that knows of him. He has stated before that his vow of silence on the subject could change in the future, and I think that he is biding his time and building respect for himself and his career before he takes such a step.

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Oh goodness, I do not have that much influence! No one has ever stopped talking about any subject before just because I've mentioned I wasn't all that fond of talking about it! :roftl:


I will say though that I find the discussion now--Big Girl's post about how difficult it would be for any partner of Mika to have to keep quiet, and Christine's post on how much it is even possible to know about Mika's life--far more interesting than trying to ferret out his sexuality.


And while I am not sure I agree with Christine than any celebrity who gets stalked by paparazzi must deserve it, I do agree that Mika's set up a nice little circle for himself. By having it well established that he hires friends or schoolmates to help with the stage show, and that he tends to have a large entourage of family and friends, it's very true--anyone he chooses to date can be easily incorporated into the entourage without us batting an eye. I had in fact been thinking for a while how funny it would be if Mika were dating Lorna or Andy or whoever all this time, right under everyone's noses so to speak--and how likely that is. I'm pretty sure that if that's not true yet, it soon will be.


Oh, and to clear up a joke: no, Titania's not really my alter ego! I still do not know Mika and I still don't work for him.





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Oh goodness, I do not have that much influence! No one has ever stopped talking about any subject before just because I've mentioned I wasn't all that fond of talking about it! :roftl:


I will say though that I find the discussion now--Big Girl's post about how difficult it would be for any partner of Mika to have to keep quiet, and Christine's post on how much it is even possible to know about Mika's life--far more interesting than trying to ferret out his sexuality.


And while I am not sure I agree with Christine than any celebrity who gets stalked by paparazzi must deserve it, I do agree that Mika's set up a nice little circle for himself. By having it well established that he hires friends or schoolmates to help with the stage show, and that he tends to have a large entourage of family and friends, it's very true--anyone he chooses to date can be easily incorporated into the entourage without us batting an eye. I had in fact been thinking for a while how funny it would be if Mika were dating Lorna or Andy or whoever all this time, right under everyone's noses so to speak--and how likely that is. I'm pretty sure that if that's not true yet, it soon will be.


Oh, and to clear up a joke: no, Titania's not really my alter ego! I still do not know Mika and I still don't work for him.






Hey I'm actually online at the same time as you Jack!


I know everyone misses you and that you've got yourself a shiney new superdooper life but I just wanted to say I still look out for your posts even now.


There aren't many people on here who's opinions I take any notice of but you are one of the ones that I do!



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Awww, that's so sweet Vix! My life is less shiny and more busy!


But I don't intend to drop MFC, you know. I'm not gone, and I hope to work on the MikaManiacs site too!


Besides, how can I live my daily life without knowing the names of Mika's bus driver, cameramen, biscuit deliverer and laundry lady? Only MFC can give me this vital information.



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Plus, Jack is very respected, on my part anyway, for her intelligent, insightful posts, regardless to whether or not I agree with all of them. :thumb_yello:


Yeah...and I was thinking that it's also because Jack doesn't post that much anymore so everyone is glad to see that she hasn't forgotten about us completely. :naughty:

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Awww, that's so sweet Vix! My life is less shiny and more busy!


But I don't intend to drop MFC, you know. I'm not gone, and I hope to work on the MikaManiacs site too!


Besides, how can I live my daily life without knowing the names of Mika's bus driver, cameramen, biscuit deliverer and laundry lady? Only MFC can give me this vital information.




And where they all live as well...

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Awww, that's so sweet Vix! My life is less shiny and more busy!


But I don't intend to drop MFC, you know. I'm not gone, and I hope to work on the MikaManiacs site too!


Besides, how can I live my daily life without knowing the names of Mika's bus driver, cameramen, biscuit deliverer and laundry lady? Only MFC can give me this vital information.






I tend to only visit certain threads that excite the inner me! :mf_rosetinted:


Bus drivers etc don't cut the mustard with me. :roftl:


Anyway, remember that many people enjoy your posts so even if you only get on now and again.......write a little comment on what you see to keep us all happy!


Take care and I hope you're still enjoying your lebanese boy! :naughty:

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Yeah...and I was thinking that it's also because Jack doesn't post that much anymore so everyone is glad to see that she hasn't forgotten about us completely. :naughty:


Of course not! I still check in myself to see how some of you are doing!


And by the way, Hannah, I enjoy your posts a lot too.


And where they all live as well...


Oh, damn, I don't know that! I guess I'm not as much on top of things as I thought!


Vix, my work has kept me so busy that I even had to cancel seeing the Lebanese boy this weekend! So you see, everyone suffers! Well, he's not really suffering; right now he's out buying himself some cinnamon buns, I think. Aside from that, I'm still trying to convince him that he's gay and Jewish.



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Of course not! I still check in myself to see how some of you are doing!


And by the way, Hannah, I enjoy your posts a lot too.




Oh, damn, I don't know that! I guess I'm not as much on top of things as I thought!


Vix, my work has kept me so busy that I even had to cancel seeing the Lebanese boy this weekend! So you see, everyone suffers! Well, he's not really suffering; right now he's out buying himself some cinnamon buns, I think. Aside from that, I'm still trying to convince him that he's gay and Jewish.



:roftl: :roftl: :roftl:


Good work Jack!


Right, I'm off to bed as it's stupid o'clock here and I have to be up early.....grrrrrrrrrrrr! :sneaky2:

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Can someone please tell me who are Jack and Tatiana? I just don't know who they are and am intrigued as to why they have such a large influence over the people on this forum.


Thanks :D <---new.


Ha ha!

When JackViolet first joined the MFC, everyone got excited that another "boy", (and a very intelligent and insightful one, with well written posts) joined our forum.

But "he" turned out to be a "she" - everyone just assumed! Then we of course saw her pictures at the Washington DC gig, but she remained mysterious as she avoided showing her face to anyone because she wore a mask!

Everyone continued to enjoy her creativity and enlightening posts and she is still as intriguing today!


Titania is an enigma because she mysteriously delights and produces for us, amazing, professional, public photographs and articles of Mika that no one else can seem to find. And because she has not given much information about herself either, it makes her even more mystifying.

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Oh goodness, I do not have that much influence! No one has ever stopped talking about any subject before just because I've mentioned I wasn't all that fond of talking about it! :roftl:


I will say though that I find the discussion now--Big Girl's post about how difficult it would be for any partner of Mika to have to keep quiet, and Christine's post on how much it is even possible to know about Mika's life--far more interesting than trying to ferret out his sexuality.


And while I am not sure I agree with Christine than any celebrity who gets stalked by paparazzi must deserve it, I do agree that Mika's set up a nice little circle for himself. By having it well established that he hires friends or schoolmates to help with the stage show, and that he tends to have a large entourage of family and friends, it's very true--anyone he chooses to date can be easily incorporated into the entourage without us batting an eye. I had in fact been thinking for a while how funny it would be if Mika were dating Lorna or Andy or whoever all this time, right under everyone's noses so to speak--and how likely that is. I'm pretty sure that if that's not true yet, it soon will be.


Oh, and to clear up a joke: no, Titania's not really my alter ego! I still do not know Mika and I still don't work for him.






Someone PMed and said did you suspect that Jack was Titania?? :roftl:


I think of all the fans I've ever encountered you are the most likely to have a non-fan relationship with him and I think you'd be a great advisor. He is a demi-god but you are a goddess . Maybe Titania can sort that out for you.:wink2:


To be clear, I do not think that anyone deserves to be stalked by the paparazzi. Just that there are choices you can make in your life to avoid it and some of them don't make those choices and the consequences are predictable and inevitable.


Mika knows this and that is why his introduction to the world has been so controlled and he has avoided so much unwanted attention.

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