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Mika's Personal Life


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My friends and I have the same style than mika... but they are all straight! I don't think it's due to his clothes.

His high-pitched voice? well Michael jackson and christophe willem (a french singer)... what can they say?... Of course they were "accused" of being gay!

His friends such as Perez Hilton and Mika (shooting for a gay magazine) play with this ambiguity.... You have to admit, it's maybe lead by a commercial goal.

I don't know!

Oooh, poor Mika, I guess we are experienced enough for this **** music industry to tell that he is not ... and having company of gay friends is quite nice !

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sigh. sometimes I think I'm gonna take a break from here, honest... :boxed:


that's right

i prefer threads under 10 pages ...

still ... it's much better than those little creepy novel about M I K A having tea or eating chicken or something, i never get the idea of those stuff

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Ok, I've just done another square eyed stint to catch up on the 20-30 new pages since my last rants....erm, I'm mean intelligent comments!


How's about this for an idea.


We open a thread (stickied) called "Curious about Mika's sexuality? Then please read the first page of this thread."


The opening page clearly states that neither Mika or anyone associated with him has ever stated what his sexuality is and that he chooses not to discuss any aspects of his personal life, including his sexuality, with the media.Therefore, any articles/reports, etc are pure speculation.

However, should people have questions or opinions on the subject then they should post them here as there are many regualr members who can answer their questions, point them in the directions of many interviews/videos/etc and and share their own opinions at length.

The MFC is dedicated to ensuring everyone's opinions are heard in a respectful environment where consideration for Mika's privacy is paramount.

Therefore, there are some things which are off limits which include personal information/photographs of both Mika and his family and friends along with discriminatory or infamitary views being expressed which will not be tolerated by either your fellow MFCr's or, if reported to/identified by; the moderators themselves.


As for the idea that's come up about his music could we have a sub forum called Music/Videos with individual threads for each track the way we have a seperate one for each live show? With maybe a poll at the start of each one for people to rate the song/video?


I would love to be able to post at length about specific songs lyrics for example (I know Suzanne is more into the music itself and others may want to discuss the themes of the videos etc) I do from time to time post my thoughts about the song meanings (as I have in this thread already) as I find lyrics fasinating......they are toally different to poems or short stoires, they have a rythmn of their own.


I don't visit the many threads there are about minuet parts of his anatomy (believe me I'm not one of the "he doesn't really do it for me" people...I fancy the pants off him and would run off with him in a heartbeat!) However, I tend to like threads (like this one) where the discussions are deeper, more mature and thought provoking. Oh, I also love spoof threads too......I love to laugh and mock the riddiculousnessnees of everything we talk about on here!! :roftl:

Something else that I've said before and that seems to be a little controversial.......I don't really want to chat to people on here about general things.........ie what's happening in my real life or just about me, my job, etc.......I just want to talk about Mika! I have lots of people (who I neglect to come on here!!) to talk about other things with........but I can't talk to them about Mika! I know lots of people are very friendly with others (including me! Hello Ingie, Diana, Christine) on here but I do like to keep on topic! :blink:

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Close the case and go on with our lifes? :wink2:


Well I was doing that anyway. :naughty:


I have a life already. And when I knew, it will be the same love the one I'm gonna experience for him. Nothing important is gonna change...

That is not the reason I suscribed this thread...I wanted a place to talk freely about subjects some people refused to talk here. As you can see, Mika is not the only topic I mentioned here...


So Vixen...Liz...If you're going to open a new participative thread, just let me know...:thumb_yello:

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Actually, the interview wasn't "Jools Holland," but it was Jensen IN Holland. :lmfao: But, watch this when Jensen calls his music "gay as a three dollar bill" and pay close attention to Mika's face.




I don't see it. He was looking down at his hands before Jensen even made the statement. It may not have been awkwardness about the camp/gay references per say, but more Jensen's out there manner and colourful phrasing, especially since it was in reference his music and he might not have been so used to people reacting so enthusiastically about it at that point.




I just want to say firstly I haven't read this entire thread as I was away at Happikali's having a Life! :naughty:

secondly, *worships Scut* it's so obvious why we have all nighters on MSN..

thirdly, regarding Mika interviews where people think he looks uncomfortable with specific questions.. Have YOU ever thought that it is YOU who is uncomfortable about the topic or uncomfortable for Mika..

Turn down the volume and watch the interview (assuming you haven't memorised the interview) and see if you can pick the part he feels 'uncomfortable'.. I did it with the Jensen interview and I noticed that throughout most of the video his body language was the same no matter what the topic...

quite often when you watch a video of someone you care for, like etc.. if you see a moment where you would get uncomfortable, or your perception of that person is that they would get uncomfortable.. you tend to think it is they that are uncomfortable.. rather than yourself (lol.. confused? read it again)

All I see in the Jensen interview is Mika listening to the question, wondering where Jensen was going to go with the question and then thinking of an answer.. Jensen says 'as camp as christmas'.. Mika was probably just smirking at his feet and thinking 'hadn't heard grace kelly described that way before'...

just don't assume Mika is awkward and uncomfortable with these topics because of how you perceive it..

ok back to reading.. i'd try multiquoting but I doubt I'll beat Scut's record :wink2:

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I just want to say firstly I haven't read this entire thread as I was away at Happikali's having a Life! :naughty:

secondly, *worships Scut* it's so obvious why we have all nighters on MSN..

thirdly, regarding Mika interviews where people think he looks uncomfortable with specific questions.. Have YOU ever thought that it is YOU who is uncomfortable about the topic or uncomfortable for Mika..

Turn down the volume and watch the interview (assuming you haven't memorised the interview) and see if you can pick the part he feels 'uncomfortable'.. I did it with the Jensen interview and I noticed that throughout most of the video his body language was the same no matter what the topic...

quite often when you watch a video of someone you care for, like etc.. if you see a moment where you would get uncomfortable, or your perception of that person is that they would get uncomfortable.. you tend to think it is they that are uncomfortable.. rather than yourself (lol.. confused? read it again)

All I see in the Jensen interview is Mika listening to the question, wondering where Jensen was going to go with the question and then thinking of an answer.. Jensen says 'as camp as christmas'.. Mika was probably just smirking at his feet and thinking 'hadn't heard grace kelly described that way before'...

just don't assume Mika is awkward and uncomfortable with these topics because of how you perceive it..

ok back to reading.. i'd try multiquoting but I doubt I'll beat Scut's record :wink2:


I'm not uncomfortable about it, personally, at all, though what I see causes me to feel uncomfortable FOR Mika, but if I didn't see anything in the first place, I wouldn't be bothered. Just watch at about 1:21, you can see the "Oh God, what is he saying," behind his eyes, and that little "okay," is far from comfortable-sounding. He's avoiding Jensen's eyes when saying it and looking into his lap, which is a sign of nervousness. Again, it may just be the general subject of it all, who knows? Whatever. I see it, but if you don't, then you don't. It may very well be because it IS some sort of sexuality assumption, calling his record "gay" and "camp," so regardless of his sexuality, the fact that he's keeping it all a secret to the media was probably playing a part in his nervousness. Also, because he wasn't sure how to react to the whole thing, and not comfortable with the subject being brought up in the first place. I still see it in more recent interviews when he was pressed with an assumption or the question, but maybe I'm just over-analyzing his body language. It's sort of an "eyes" thing for me. I don't know, I stare at people a lot.

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Actually, the interview wasn't "Jools Holland," but it was Jensen IN Holland. :lmfao: But, watch this when Jensen calls his music "gay as a three dollar bill" and pay close attention to Mika's face.




I don't see it. He was looking down at his hands before Jensen even made the statement. It may not have been awkwardness about the camp/gay references per say, but more Jensen's out there manner and colourful phrasing, especially since it was in reference his music and he might not have been so used to people reacting so enthusiastically about it at that point.


Just watch at about 1:21, you can see the "Oh God, what is he saying," behind his eyes, and that little "okay," is far from comfortable-sounding. He's avoiding Jensen's eyes when saying it and looking into his lap, which is a sign of nervousness.


No offense to anyone involved in this particular debate (I respect both of you highly), but THIS is the kind of minute picking-over that I think becomes rather demeaning to Mika as a person and to personal privacy. Are we really going to monitor all the boy's face twitchings and any possible instances of limp wrist frame-by-frame just to figure out his sexuality?


This is also the kind of picking-over which is, and will forever be, pointless, because it will always end up in self-defeating standstill. Each one of us has formed their own idea of what Mika is, I'm sure, due to all sorts of circumstantial (or sometimes not) evidence that has collected over the past year, much of which may even be too vague to put into words. Great. But again, none of us, at this point, can prove anything, either way, because Mika is a clever boy, and really quite-quite good at revealing only what he wants to reveal in front of cameras. I believe that whatever his sexuality, he is entirely comfortable with it, and prepared for questioning, and thus does and will not get flustered enough in any interview for us to "read" him.



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No offense to anyone involved in this particular debate (I respect both of you highly), but THIS is the kind of minute picking-over that I think becomes rather demeaning to Mika as a person and to personal privacy. Are we really going to monitor all the boy's face twitchings and any possible instances of limp wrist frame-by-frame just to figure out his sexuality?


I think we're at the point now where no one expects to have some sort of epiphany about Mika's sexuality - no light bulb is going to suddenly turn on above our collective heads based on some offhand comment he makes, particularly in some regular old media appearance.


It's whole process of considering and exploring and learning that some find intriguing. It sheds light on the concept of sexuality in general.


And I have to disagree with you about the "demeaning" point of view; while I'm sure being analyzed by complete strangers would be a bit bizzare to Mika, (I imagine anyone might find that a bit odd), we're talking about an appearance on a widely distributed television program. No one is reading his diary.

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If this really is a referendum-type thing, how many options are there going to be? Because opinions run from one extreme to the other, and everything in between....


Morning :biggrin2:


You know for me I would just like an overview really .. there are so many great opnions here , but we need just a feel of how the whole MFC feels .. :thumb_yello:


Can you work on me on the options?? , cause me being a simple type I would just have yes or no :blink:

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The poll should be easy:


Do you care?

a) Yes.

b) No.

Absolutely not, that's completely biased. This is not about whether we care what Mika's sexuality is, it's about whether the topic of Mika's sexuality should be banned on the MFC. What about those who "don't care" themselves but are against censorship and limiting freedom of speech of others? Your poll not only doesn't address the true issue but also biases the answers to your point of view.


It should be:

"Should discussion of Mika's sexuality be allowed on the MFC?


a) Yes.

b) No.


Please state your reasons if you wish."


It's ok. You don't have to discuss this anymore. I just made a thread that answers EVERYTHING and renders this obsolete!



Where? Link me.


We don't care. Quite easy.
Yeh basically we dont care

You don't care. Please don't make assumptions and abuse the term "we".



Let this thread open for hell's sake :)


As i said to Freddie:

I DO care about M's Sexuality

BUT I don't care what his sexuality is.


It's very philosophical but it's my interpretation and don't have to make sense to you, nah

Hmmm, you mean that you do want to know what is his sexuality is but you consider any sexuality equal? Have I misunderstood what you're saying?


This is also the kind of picking-over which is, and will forever be, pointless, because it will always end up in self-defeating standstill.


...again, none of us, at this point, can prove anything, either way, because Mika is a clever boy, and really quite-quite good at revealing only what he wants to reveal in front of cameras.

No one claims to prove anything. Yes he's indeed very good and no noone will find the real answer. But knowing that no final answer is possible has never been a reason for not discussing a topic.

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Absolutely not, that's completely biased. This is not about whether we care what Mika's sexuality is, it's about whether the topic of Mika's sexuality should be banned on the MFC. What about those who "don't care" themselves but are against censorship and limiting freedom of speech of others? Your poll not only doesn't address the true issue but also biases the answers to your point of view.


It should be:

"Should discussion of Mika's sexuality be allowed on the MFC or not?


a) Yes.

b) No.


Please state your reasons if you wish."



15 hours later and no poll in sight?



Where? Can you link me?




You don't care. Don't make assumptions and abuse the term "we".



Hmmm, you mean that you do want to know what is his sexuality is but you consider any sexuality equal? Have I misunderstood what you're saying?



No one claims to prove anything. Yes he's indeed very good and no noone will find the answer. But knowing that no final answer is possible has never been a reason for not discussing a topic.


Scut you post this .... your upto speed and would be perfect .. ok???


You ok today ??? .. I dont feel sunshine or laughter coming from you?? :blink:

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Morning :biggrin2:


You know for me I would just like an overview really .. there are so many great opnions here , but we need just a feel of how the whole MFC feels .. :thumb_yello:


Can you work on me on the options?? , cause me being a simple type I would just have yes or no :blink:


Morning? Dude, I'm on my way to bed! :roftl:


Problem is, with so many people from all sorts of ages, perspectives and backgrounds, I don't think there's any way to really measure how "the whole MFC" feels. That and, this place is dynamic; in six months, the general voice will no doubt be different than it is today.


But, to really water things down, it seems as though on one hand some believe that we should indeed feel free to discuss whatever we like, and on the other extreme, some feel we should solely discuss things that pertain to the music (no body parts, no sexuality, no "are the curls real?!" - nada). In the middle are people who want measured freedom - e.g, one thread about sexuality, where ideas and thoughts can be discussed freely, and controlled moderation about other subjects (e.g, no stressing over analyzing lyrics to a song that he's sold to more than 4 million people).


I'm sure there are many other perspectives, though, that my quick summary hasn't touched on.

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Morning? Dude, I'm on my way to bed! :roftl:


Problem is, with so many people from all sorts of ages, perspectives and backgrounds, I don't think there's any way to really measure how "the whole MFC" feels. That and, this place is dynamic; in six months, the general voice will no doubt be different than it is today.


But, to really water things down, it seems as though on one hand some believe that we should indeed feel free to discuss whatever we like, and on the other extreme, some feel we should solely discuss things that pertain to the music (no body parts, no sexuality, no "are the curls real?!" - nada). In the middle are people who want measured freedom - e.g, one thread about sexuality, where ideas and thoughts can be discussed freely, and controlled moderation about other subjects (e.g, no stressing over analyzing lyrics to a song that he's sold to more than 4 million people).


I'm sure there are many other perspectives, though, that my quick summary hasn't touched on.


Damn these time zones :naughty:


End of the day its going to be impossible to please all ......


One thread sounds a fair idea ...

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Scut you post this .... your upto speed and would be perfect .. ok???


You ok today ??? .. I dont feel sunshine or laughter coming from you?? :blink:

I'm perfectly fine, my usual cynical and misanthropic self.


I'll do it, I don't mind. How does one post a stickied poll?


I would like to get people's ideas on how to word the poll first, which is best: "Should discussion of Mika's sexuality be allowed on the MFC?" or "Should discussion of Mika's sexuality continue to be disallowed on the MFC?" ?


I prefer the latter since it included the fact that the current policy is to disallow it and we are discussing whether the current policy should be continued. But I'm struggling to find the correct word: I started off with "banned" but Deb disagrees with that term, so is "disallowed" reasonable? Or how about "censored", or would that confuse the non-native English speakers? Is there a better word for it?


I do think that the wording is important as it has a big influence on how people respond.

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I'm perfectly fine, my usual cynical and misanthropic self.


I'll do it, I don't mind. How does one post a stickied poll?


I would like to get people's ideas on how to word the poll first, which is best: "Should discussion of Mika's sexuality be allowed on the MFC?" or "Should discussion of Mika's sexuality continue to be disallowed on the MFC?" ?


I prefer the latter since it included the fact that the current policy is to disallow it and we are discussing whether the current policy should be continued. But I'm struggling to find the correct word: I started off with "banned" but Deb disagrees with that term, so is "disallowed" reasonable? Or how about "censored", or would that confuse the non-native English speakers? Is there a better word for it?


I do think that the wording is important as it has a big influence on how people respond.


Ok so this is how you post a poll ....


Create a new thread and then go down to the bottom you will see :


Post a Poll

Yes, post a poll with this thread

Number of poll options: (Maximum: 10)


Tick that you want to post a poll then add the number of options you want .. it will take you through it


Any probs PM me :thumb_yello:

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