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From Big Girl to Lollipop Girl, Mika's Fat Club


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Hello Fat Fighters!

I had quite a good day today until about half an hour ago. I had a mini Xmas pudding:sneaky2: I am very cross with myself and it wasn't even that nice (but it smelt divine:naughty:)

My main problem now is work. I travel a lot and food on the go is not good and I visit hair salons where real coffee with cream and sugar is the norm (and the coffee is normally served with biscuits or chocolate). It's far too temping and I must have more will power. I had 4 coffees today (but I normally have about 8 LOL) but no biscuits, I restrained myself:naughty:


good girl! im proud!

go back a page or two to read about my fight with chocolate! :biggrin2:



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Hello Fat Fighters!

I had quite a good day today until about half an hour ago. I had a mini Xmas pudding:sneaky2: I am very cross with myself and it wasn't even that nice (but it smelt divine:naughty:)

My main problem now is work. I travel a lot and food on the go is not good and I visit hair salons where real coffee with cream and sugar is the norm (and the coffee is normally served with biscuits or chocolate). It's far too temping and I must have more will power. I had 4 coffees today (but I normally have about 8 LOL) but no biscuits, I restrained myself:naughty:


downright FUNNY

hope you get it !! fight the fat i mean ! :mf_lustslow:

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Hi Robi, thanks for printing out your diet for me. Others will be following it to I think!

I will try very hard but I'm going to need shouting at when I get low.

Thanks for all the encouragement that's going around. It has worked today. I've been out and bought some jogging bottoms £5.00 (no intention of jogging) but if I put them on with my trainers, it will make me feel like exercise and not eating cake!

Read back a couple of Pages Jemma, I can't remeber who wrote it (sorry) but it was a long entry full of encouragement. It worked for me, so thank you in anticipation whoever wrote it. (I'll name check you later)

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Chickadee it was you, thank you. That made all the difference to me.


Ircazo, Are you pregnant or is that old news now?


Jemma, I suggest you start with removing that gorgeous Tunnocks Tea-cake pic!!!!

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go jemma go! tomorrow will be better than today and worst than the day after!

and caz, i feel what you feel...i have the house full of snacks and chocolate for hubby and sons...thay cannot starve because of me!

but believe me....it's so hard, so hard!

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Chickadee it was you, thank you. That made all the difference to me.


Ircazo, Are you pregnant or is that old news now?


Jemma, I suggest you start with removing that gorgeous Tunnocks Tea-cake pic!!!!

I can't :tears: As long as I'm not eating it and only looking it's ok, isn't it? :sad:

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Chickadee it was you, thank you. That made all the difference to me.


Ircazo, Are you pregnant or is that old news now?


Jemma, I suggest you start with removing that gorgeous Tunnocks Tea-cake pic!!!!


Yeah Ircazo is pregnant and is expecting Mika's chickens in a few months!!!:wub2:

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Sorry I shouldn't be mean. I was actually kidding she isnt pregnant! She was joking by saying she was expecting Mika's chickens! Sorry, thought I better make things right and stop messing about! :wink2: So,jus to clarify, Ircazo is not pregnant!!

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Chickadee it was you, thank you. That made all the difference to me.


Ircazo, Are you pregnant or is that old news now?


Jemma, I suggest you start with removing that gorgeous Tunnocks Tea-cake pic!!!!


Hey, glad I could help! Isn't that what we're all here for?

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The thing that suprises me is how many times a day I turn to food for comfort from whatever ill (boredom, frustration, sad, angry etc). When I'm conscious of it, and consciously watching my thoughts and stopping myself from going to the pantry on autopilot, I get quite a shock. I've already done it once this morning. I know there are some jaffa cupcakes in there that I made yesterday (and ate a lot of yesterday), but I also know I don't need them so that makes them less tempting. So this is not about being virtuous and good but about recognising thought patterns and switching them off.

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PM Jemmalee otherwise she might overlook you in the long thread...


Well, I just dealt with one of my triggers. I just got off the phone with my SIL and she always annoys me, so I had some yogurt instead (as it is mid-morning and I was already hungry).

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Hey all!

I've been good today, I ate Slimming World recipe Spag Boll for lunch, then I had chicken with salad for tea. :D

I am having Slimming World chilli con carne recipe for lunch tomorrow and Prawn salad for my tea and I bought a yellow melon thingy! And I did 20 minutes of my exercise DVD last night-doubled from previous nights. WOO!

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Hey all!

I've been good today, I ate Slimming World recipe Spag Boll for lunch, then I had chicken with salad for tea. :D

I am having Slimming World chilli con carne recipe for lunch tomorrow and Prawn salad for my tea and I bought a yellow melon thingy! And I did 20 minutes of my exercise DVD last night-doubled from previous nights. WOO!



That is great! I wish I could say I was doing as well as u but I am determined to start tomoz, have been putting it off too long, i need to get on with it!!!

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*deletes pms in outbox*


funny thing, loosing weight was my new years resolution, then i got home and my dog had put on a lot of weight too! so yep, me and me dog wanna join. (wait do "big dogs" count too?)


Big doggy, you are beautiful! :wub2:


How is 'ol Boff these days, anyhow?

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