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The Oldlings Thread (Part 8)!!!


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Thats a very kind invitation - but I am happy here :wub2:


Well.. at least you won't get lost between here and there then mom..:huglove:


There is actually another big difference over there..:shocked:


I am NOT the topposter..:shocked::roftl:


Leator is with just a bit more as 4000 posts..:lmfao:


What a difference..:doh:

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Well.. at least you won't get lost between here and there then mom..:huglove:


There is actually another big difference over there..:shocked:


I am NOT the topposter..:shocked::roftl:


Leator is with just a bit more as 4000 posts..:lmfao:


What a difference..:doh:


Wont take you to long to catch up with him then!!! :wink2:

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Heylo Wendy!


How are you today?

Has the weather gotten a bit better?


It has stopped snowing, but it took me ages to get away from

my house today - its still really deep, and the tyres were spinning

like crazy. The main roads are all clear though!! :thumb_yello:

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Hi Diana..:biggrin2:


I gotta go again..:blink:


It's getting busy in Germany..:doh:


Bye mom..:huglove:


Bye bye Diana..:huglove:


Bye Sasje :huglove:

Well, I didnt get to sleep till 5am this morning - dratted

Restless Leg Syndrome!! :boxed: So, am off for an early night.

Sweet dreams everyone xxxx

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Did not see a thread for moms who are getting identity mad thanks to mid-life crisis, so I figured "oddlings" was the place to go to try to get sorted with a lot that may understand.

The first pangs came after we saw Mr. Mika in NYC in August @ Good Morning America and that took a bit to work out.

Being in the city was a bit over whelming in that I just felt such possiblities but not a clue how to grab them.

So, its been in my head ever since and some things bring out more than others.

A wedding yesterday did me in after I saw myself in the lavatory mirror. I couldn't dance, eat or have a good time.

I use to be very fit and now I'm not and 85% of that was a series of reasons that wasn't my fault. Wouldn't go into detail.


So I don't look they way I want or expected to look at the age of 38.

Not sure what I want to do when I grow up. I have ideas though.


I want to do something to my hair before the Mika show in Feb. in NYC

That was my thing back in the day was doing my hair.

Not Boy George hair more like the guy from Dead or Alive when they did the "You Spin Me" video.


Course my kids are a little afraid of what I might do with my hair as they have hit the age of death by embarrasment.

It wouldn't be too crazy.

I use to eat, sleep and live music and fashion when I was young.


So if you have experienced a mid-life funk or watched one in a loved one you could PM me or post it here.


Sorry for the discombobulated rambblings.


I'd like this to get sorted soon.:yay:

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Welcome to the MFC Mom4mika! Glad you found your way over here. :)


I'm probably not the best person to answer this but I feel it's never too late to change! If you're unhappy with yourself at this point, there's no reason why you shouldn't persue what you'll think make you happy!

Mika brings out a lot in all of us and has given many the strength or that last little push they needed to break out of their shell and start living the way they always felt they should've.

There's a lovely lady on this board who went to a couple of shows in a penguin suit, something she never thought she'd ever do. Something that was completely unlike her.. but she did it anyway and had a great time!


So just go for it. Do your hair, wear a crazy costume and have fun!

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Hi. I'm not stopping, but I wanted to second what Diana said. I am not the only one here who doesn't believe the things I've done since discovering the Mika effect. If only it could be bottled!

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Thanks for the speedy reply. Finding Mika's music has been so fresh and invigorating. It is also an inspirational story he and his family has.


See I haven't had a concert outing since becoming a "Big Girl" and the idea of just putting myself out there in my new form is a wee bit scary, but chances are I am going to do it as I intend to live the words I've spoken to my girls and they need to see me put them in action.



I am worried about the day after let down of the NYC concert. Beating myself up for not doing something creative in the music/fashion business.


Watching many interviews w/ Mika about his motovation behind the "Grace Kelly" lyrics I realized I did listen to the nay sayers and believed the so called "support" people in my life that I walked the other way.

Now, nowing what I know I wish I had said f**k off and trusted myself.

I said f-off about too many things but why not to something I loved?




Edit: I've been Mikafied and that is wonderful. I just have to let go of the crap that is in my head and let Mika take me to Mikaland.


Where is the MFC Mothers Club and can I put Oddlings #65 on my signature area?

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Constant headaches, eye pain and dizzy spells. Has been about a

month now!! :boxed: Hope I get some answers at the hospital on

Tuesday!! :thumb_yello:


It doesn't sound very good, does it? Well, I hope at the hospital that they find it's just something very simple and easy to correct. *fingers crossed*

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Did not see a thread for moms who are getting identity mad thanks to mid-life crisis, so I figured "oddlings" was the place to go to try to get sorted with a lot that may understand.

The first pangs came after we saw Mr. Mika in NYC in August @ Good Morning America and that took a bit to work out.

Being in the city was a bit over whelming in that I just felt such possiblities but not a clue how to grab them.

So, its been in my head ever since and some things bring out more than others.

A wedding yesterday did me in after I saw myself in the lavatory mirror. I couldn't dance, eat or have a good time.

I use to be very fit and now I'm not and 85% of that was a series of reasons that wasn't my fault. Wouldn't go into detail.


So I don't look they way I want or expected to look at the age of 38.

Not sure what I want to do when I grow up. I have ideas though.


I want to do something to my hair before the Mika show in Feb. in NYC

That was my thing back in the day was doing my hair.

Not Boy George hair more like the guy from Dead or Alive when they did the "You Spin Me" video.


Course my kids are a little afraid of what I might do with my hair as they have hit the age of death by embarrasment.

It wouldn't be too crazy.

I use to eat, sleep and live music and fashion when I was young.


So if you have experienced a mid-life funk or watched one in a loved one you could PM me or post it here.


Sorry for the discombobulated rambblings.


I'd like this to get sorted soon.:yay:



How about falling "in love" (read infatuation) with a friend's 18yr old son? Does that count as mid-life funk?


I'm nothing like what I would like to be at 35. I could never picture myself at this age so that's not an issue, but I'm not what I'd like to be.

Since discovering Mika I've actually been listening to the charts, to popular music which I hadn't done for far too long. I'm playing the keyboard again, songwriting again, and thinking about learning the guitar. I get excited about things and I'm experiencing joy in my life again. Yesterday a friend of mine (who is 14 btw) called me a teenager cos I got really excited about finding a cool function on my phone to do with photos that I didn't know was there (and I've had the phone for two years:shocked: ). I'm becoming more internet savvy (ok still got a long way to go, but it's an improvement for me).

And after having been overweight for a long time and essentially giving up on what I looked like, I'm caring again. I think that's a good thing??


My son's not quite at the death by embarassment age yet (he's 11) and my daughter's only a toddler so she doesn't care yet, but I do think hubby frowns a bit to himself. From not too long after we got married we seemed to be always listening to talk back radio and I feel like I got "old" long before my time. Like I missed out a bit on some of my twenties, when it would still have been perfectly ok for me to be interested in popular music and pop culture. I sometimes feel though that now I'm midway through my 30's there's a part of society that believes I'm old and past it and shouldn't care about music and fashion (actually to be truthful, I don't care about fashion too much. I usually hate everything current...). But maybe that's just because I've given off that vibe.


In the movie "A Chorus Line", one of the characters is discussing her mother and says "She was middle-aged and frumpy". Someone else says "Who's isn't?" and she replies "At fifteen, she was middle-aged and frumpy". That's how I always felt as a teenager and now I really am middle-aged and frumpy, and I've decided NO! Enough is enough. I'm not going to do this anymore. And I don't care what people think (well, most people. I really care about that 18yr olds opinion of me but that's another, sad and pathetic, story). So stick out both your hands and grab life by the throat and just tell yourself that you don't care.


Anyway..... Sorry, that's my 2 cents worth. This place is like a therapist sometimes...

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Hello, it's the insomniac again!:shocked:


Just had a read back to see what I missed last night. I actually played Scrabble. Ab and I went through a phase a couple of years ago where we played it all the time but I realised last night that we had not had a game since becoming Mikafied. As well as trying to think of the things I should really be making with my letters I spent ages looking for Mika words and thought what fun it would be to make an entire Mika scrabble board with all the Mika words interlinked!:roftl:


So.............Hi to the newbie..sorry, can't remember exact name (Oldling failing, it is at least five minutes since I read your post :naughty: ). Mid life crisis is a well known subject area here....but to most of us, we don't find that being Mikafied is a crisis realy..it is just amazing! As has been said, it has given many of us such a whole new lease of life. I think that for quite a few people here it has been an amazing transformation. Not so much for me...because I have always been fairly mad and those that know me are used to me doing crazy things. However, I did go through an actual MLC as I aproached my fortieth birthday (well, from about 38 really) and did some pretty scarey things! But the other day, in here, Carri posted a lovely piece of text where someone was saying about growing older and the benefits that it brings.....like not really caring so much about what other people think, having the confidence to be yourself and most of all, being grateful for actually still being here (alive, not actually on MFC although that is good too :naughty: ) when others who should be our age are not so fortunate.


I hope you feel at home here. We are fairly mad in the Oldlings. We talk about anything and everything...there is no such thing as :offtopic: here.:roftl: PM DC Deb to have your name added to the Oldlings. I think you will find the 'Mothers' thread in general chinwagging like this thread.

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OMG. I can't believe I'm reading 3 posts all about "mid-life" crisis. :shocked:

This is just too scary...because I am in that mode big time this month. One really smart, youngling has given me advice and psychoanalysis that it might be due to the start of a new year. We become more pensive and think about where we are in life.


I am currently questioning a lot of important things myself. Its a little scary because I often act without thinking and I need to really do a lot of thinking.

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hi Suzy!


Yes, I think it is also the time of year for it isn't it? We do a lot of thinking as the year changes. At least you know that you are amonst friends here..and that you can PM any of us if you want to discuss things in more detail..we are pretty good at psycoanalaysis and self help I reckon!

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hi Suzy!


Yes, I think it is also the time of year for it isn't it? We do a lot of thinking as the year changes. At least you know that you are amonst friends here..and that you can PM any of us if you want to discuss things in more detail..we are pretty good at psycoanalaysis and self help I reckon!


Oh kath! :tears: Thanks so much...

I might consider your offer.

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Hi Suzy Kath and new Oldie - Mika mom - MLC - pah been there sseen it done it!!!!


Now all I say is I like Mika and am proud of it!


Grab life and enjoy it - ok I dont always do that but we should and stuff every one else!!


PS Suzy - looking to come back over to GT end of May for another hol / recce trip :) Will you and Chrsitine be around?


C x x x


PS Suzy - yr welcome to pm me too about to MLC!!

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