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Mika, each time you repeat one of your soundbites on stage, I like you a little less.


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I am really taken aback by how many times I say that I am not saying he should make up any new "funny" stories and yet people keep bringing it up as an argument!



I am really taken aback by how many times I say that I am not saying he should make up any new "funny" stories and yet people keep bringing it up as an argument!


I was not simply replying to your post but also arguing with others, who seem to want Mika to communicate with the audience and each time come up with something funny .... However, I don't think you can be communicative and funny at concerts 221 days a year, without scripting some of it...

So that's why I'd rather have him concentrate on the pitch which is NOT always perfect, by the way. :cool:

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Why on earth do you have to pick at every little thing he does?

This is a guy who does everything he can for his fans....meetings, getting them up on stage,mentions them all the time in interviews, we mean so much to him.

He needs to repeat the same things usually for timing issues and secondly poor guy doesn't even realise what country he is in most of the time he tours that much. The fact there will be many fans who have never seen MIKA live and will enjoy hearing about the background of his songs means alot too.

Yeah I have heard the same story loads of times but now look at it from the angle.....does he get it right?...every word in the right order! LOL!

If that is all you have to pick at after all he does for us, then just don't go to the gigs! If it makes you unhappy. MIKA is there to make happpiness happen!!

I wish you all would appreciate him for what he is/does instead of condemning everything he says or moves he makes, clothes he wears etc.

You guys are the first to say you love him but first to criticize him too!

Maybey it's just me but I would hate to be him or his family reading these boards,as sometimes he can do nothing right according to alot of you!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Since this thread have had its use I thought I could complain here instead of starting a thread cause I don't know the rules etc.


Is it just me or does it annoy you too when he keeps his eyes closed while singing?

Maybe it's because of the flashes of cameras but still, to me it looks like he's singing to himself...


And another thing, sometimes he keeps running on stage so everyone could see him but on a vid that I took in the Brixton Academy on the 26th it's flagrant :shocked:

I'm wondering what he's going to do on the stage at the Parc des Princes, because it's going to be much bigger.


I know his tour is over but there are gigs this summer :thumb_yello:

I'm NOT saying the gigs aren't great but I was disappointed with the last one I went to.

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Ooooooo-eeeeer, are you going to get it now! :sweatdrop:


I've never been annoyed by him keeping his eyes closed (or even noticed it much, to be honest) and I don't quite understand what the issue with running is (I like when he runs around and jumps), but certainly other people may feel differently.


Just be prepared for a lot of flak... :naughty::fisch:


Oh, and while this has been revived, I just want to thank Mika for apparently officially retiring the Billy Brown story! :huglove:



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Since this thread have had its use I thought I could complain here instead of starting a thread cause I don't know the rules etc.


Is it just me or does it annoy you too when he keeps his eyes closed while singing?

Maybe it's because of the flashes of cameras but still, to me it looks like he's singing to himself...


And another thing, sometimes he keeps running on stage so everyone could see him but on a vid that I took in the Brixton Academy on the 26th it's flagrant :shocked:

I'm wondering what he's going to do on the stage at the Parc des Princes, because it's going to be much bigger.


I know his tour is over but there are gigs this summer :thumb_yello:

I'm NOT saying the gigs aren't great but I was disappointed with the last one I went to.


Some interesting points. And you are very daring to say you were disappointed with a gig. I thought it was only the apples who said things like that. :mf_rosetinted:

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Maybe it's because of the flashes of cameras but still, to me it looks like he's singing to himself...



:thumb_yello: that's good


actually i've been to all 3 london shows, they are all different

songs were sung differently, settings were different, the crowd was also so different. the set list was also completely different from october's. but still i wouldn't be that willing to see the same live act for several times. and it's just normal i think. i really don't understand what you people think and do sometime. for instance, what made you all following Mika around. anyway, there are quite a lot things to see, maybe im lucky that i've got a better location and stuff. oh, dunno

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Oh Jack, I don't know if anyone has mentioned it yet but Mika said on Monday that it was the last time he was going to tell his Billy Brown story and he meant it! He used a different intro for the other two gigs.


I think someone is listening. :fisch:

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:thumb_yello: that's good


actually i've been to all 3 london shows, they are all different

songs were sung differently, settings were different, the crowd was also so different. the set list was also completely different from october's. but still i wouldn't be that willing to see the same live act for several times. and it's just normal i think. i really don't understand what you people think and do sometime. for instance, what made you all following Mika around. anyway, there are quite a lot things to see, maybe im lucky that i've got a better location and stuff. oh, dunno


Not sure what you mean about a better location? but as for following Mika, well it's just an example of how everyone is different.

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I know his tour is over but there are gigs this summer :thumb_yello:

I'm NOT saying the gigs aren't great but I was disappointed with the last one I went to.


maybe you were too front, another reason why i didn't want to stand at the front: hands, cameras and extremely loud screams which might made me numb about what was actually going on the stage.

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Oh Jack, I don't know if anyone has mentioned it yet but Mika said on Monday that it was the last time he was going to tell his Billy Brown story and he meant it! He used a different intro for the other two gigs.


I think someone is listening. :fisch:


Hahah, no, I think he was maybe just as tired of it as I was! :roftl:


Besides, as someone pointed out, it has less relevance in the UK...


But I am very happy to hear this, and as you can see above, I thanked Mika for doing that! :blush-anim-cl: Very obliging of him, don't you think? And I can stick my tongue out at people who said I should not post this thread. :-P


(Although I don't actually think Mika read it and was all, "oh gee, one of my fans doesn't like the Billy Brown story? I'd better scrap it right away!" :naughty:)



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Besides, as someone pointed out, it has less relevance in the UK...


But I am very happy to hear this, and as you can see above, I thanked Mika for doing that! :blush-anim-cl: Very obliging of him, don't you think? And I can stick my tongue out at people who said I should not post this thread. :-P




He actually started telling this story in the UK so I don't think the lack of relevance concerned him before.


I am curious to know why he actually announced that he was retiring the story before doing it one last time.

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I was disappointed with one of the London gigs, I liked the Hammersmith one cos I hadn't seen him since November and was looking forward to it, but I was expecting more from it as he did say these cancelled gigs were going to be something special and they weren't at all, and he didn't even come out to meet anyone that night he just stuck his head above the car for a few seconds, and that was really disappointing, (I know he doesn't HAVE to meet us I think it's just from what he said before that I was expecting it to be more special in some way but it just felt so rushed and I have never felt like that before in any of his gigs).

The 1st Brixton gig I had got myself into such a stropp I hardly enjoyed it at all. the whole Queueing experience had spoiled the whole thing for me, I also didn't like Yelle cos I couldn't understand a word she said so it was an irritating noise for me, This gig also felt rushed but as I wasn't having much fun (apart from Ring Ring and Lollipop and probs Love Today that got me bopping about a bit), then I wasn't even bothered much about it.

He certainly made up for everything on the last Brixton gig it was nearly as good as the Newcastle gig, The Queueing was a little better this time but some people still insisted on jumping in front of others which really does infuriate me and they were ppl from all ages and some even from MFC who DO know better!

But the gig itself was really really fun and he seemed to have more energy for it or maybe he was just putting a lot into it as it was the last for a while, he said this about the 1st two but there was certainly a difference between them. (wasn't keen on the support for the 2nd Brixton gig either but I think I have been spoilt by seeing Palladium so many times and they are by far the best support he has had that I have seen).


So to sum it up I think the 2nd gig that I had to try to force myself to enjoy was more to do with my own mood than how Mika was really cos he wasn't that much different to the 1st gig (Hammersmith) but as I say the last one was def a different gig all together and I loved it all.


ps I don't think Mika sings with his eyes closed much at all and he gives a lot of eye contact usually I guess he does it when he concentrates on trying to hit the right notes maybe, and he always leaps all over the stage (apart from when he is at the keyboards but even then he can hardly sit still on some of those songs lol), I like that he moves a lot, yeah it's poopy if your trying to take his pic but it makes it exciting that he moves about and not just stuck to the spot, but no matter what he does someone somewhere is gonna winge about it cos you can never please every body all of the time so he may as well please himself that is my view on it.

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Hahah, no, I think he was maybe just as tired of it as I was! :roftl:


Besides, as someone pointed out, it has less relevance in the UK...


But I am very happy to hear this, and as you can see above, I thanked Mika for doing that! :blush-anim-cl: Very obliging of him, don't you think? And I can stick my tongue out at people who said I should not post this thread. :-P


(Although I don't actually think Mika read it and was all, "oh gee, one of my fans doesn't like the Billy Brown story? I'd better scrap it right away!" :naughty:)




are you actually craving for some self-approvals ??

your tongue is relevant to none here, you can stick it out and show it to your mummy

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He actually started telling this story in the UK so I don't think the lack of relevance concerned him before.


I am curious to know why he actually announced that he was retiring the story before doing it one last time.


Oh, well, when you put it THAT way, then it was obviously a nod to me. :mf_rosetinted:


At our meetings in person he's often rushed or preoccupied, so he decided to let me know I was special this way. It's ok, I like you too, Mika! :wub2:



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Is it just me or does it annoy you too when he keeps his eyes closed while singing?

Maybe it's because of the flashes of cameras but still, to me it looks like he's singing to himself...


And another thing, sometimes he keeps running on stage so everyone could see him but on a vid that I took in the Brixton Academy on the 26th it's flagrant :shocked:




Eyes closed? Maybe concentrating, never thought about it.


The moving around:


This is one of my absolute favourite gestures, when he walks fast along the stage holding the mic in one hand and waving the other, long steps keeping pace with the music. I love when he does that! Quite simply love it!:wub2:


In his body language he has this way to constant move around (some people do, I’m one to know because I tend do the same) and when he is in on stage it becomes so obvious.

That is one of the things I love so much about Mika!:wub2:




I think someone is listening. :fisch:


Haha, you listening to Mika or Mika listening to Jack?:roftl:


Anyway, it was a relief that he didn’t tell the story the two last times and the funny thing is that I had probably not even noticed without Jacks comment earlier.:naughty:

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Seriously. You're so good at everything else, can't you drop the painfully staged scripts and engage in some spontaneous stage banter, like in SLC?


I was really moved by your quote about radio play and live shows in Philly because it was new, and seemed genuine. I joked that I would bet you'd be repeating it at every show since, but of course you are. Yes, it was a good bit, but not as a "bit"--it was only moving and good as something earnest and real. I had thought your slight hesitation prior to saying it was because you were disclosing something vulnerable, a confession of sorts--not because you were trying to remember the latest addition to your script.


The overly-worn Billy Brown bit just makes me grind my teeth at this point.




I was thinking about this and about the fact that whatever Mika would do for us fans we would never think it was enough.


Yesterday when I got home from my trip to London I was soooooo tired. I had to stay a night in Stockholm because I missed my flight home, so I got home yesterday. And yesterday evening we had a gig with my own little hobby-band. I was so tired when my boyfriend picked me up from the airport and I got to thinking. This is what it feels like. This is what it’s like to be a star. Then my boyfriend said: “Now imagine that you have to go for a press conference and do a lot of interviews and then perform at the show later the same evening!” And he’s right. It’s not easy to change the “script”, it’s not easy to always say funny, new and exciting stuff.


Bye the way, it’s a small group of crazy fans – like you and me – that go to so many shows that we recognize all his moves and monologues. Most of the people are there for the very first time, and for them everything is sparkling new! :wink2:

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I'm totally late on this, AND barging in unexpectedly (I'm sure :naughty:), and I did not read the last 15ish pages, but did we mention his "unplanned" hitting himself in the face with the mic at least 4 times a week on stage? :sneaky2:


How self destructive it can get to thoroughly plan out your shows. Must we resort to that, Mika? :mf_rosetinted:

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