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Private Information Seeker


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It has come to mine and a couple of other peoples attention that there is a member of the MFC adding other users to MSN or sending private messages asking for private information on MIKA, mainly his address...Personally i find this unacceptable as it is NOT down to people of the MFC to provide such information if known to random MSN adders and it is unfair to pester other members for information whether they know it or not. It has also come to light that this particular person has gone to great lengths to find out private information and has claimed to of used "council/goverment" information. The person in question maybe nothing more than a fantasist but i am just writing this to warn others of the activities going on and to ignore it and just to genrally say, to go to great lengths to invade somebodys privacy should NOT be accepted on here.

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Yeh .. its daily for me now :boxed: , I hate it


I know lots too .. did you know that the earth will die!! :boxed:


The moon is moving away from us and we will be sucked into deep space , also the sun will die eventually


Nobody will give a stuff about Mika then btw ,, its 100,000 million years away

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Yeh .. its daily for me now :boxed: , I hate it


I know lots too .. did you know that the earth will die!! :boxed:


The moon is moving away from us and we will be sucked into deep space , also the sun will die eventually


Nobody will give a stuff about Mika then btw ,, its 100,000 million years away


Phew! :sweatdrop:

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It has come to mine and a couple of other peoples attention that there is a member of the MFC adding other users to MSN or sending private messages asking for private information on MIKA, mainly his address...Personally i find this unacceptable as it is NOT down to people of the MFC to provide such information if known to random MSN adders and it is unfair to pester other members for information whether they know it or not. It has also come to light that this particular person has gone to great lengths to find out private information and has claimed to of used "council/goverment" information. The person in question maybe nothing more than a fantasist but i am just writing this to warn others of the activities going on and to ignore it and just to genrally say, to go to great lengths to invade somebodys privacy should NOT be accepted on here.


The problem is what you're describing is happening OFF the MFC

-- and unfortunately

my authority as a moderator ends once I'm off this forum. If a person

is doing something in PMs or here on the forum that's one thing, but on MSN... what can I say?


Obviously, if you know private information about Mika, I would hope you

would keep it private... but outside these cyberwalls... :blink:




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The problem is what you're describing is happening OFF the MFC

-- and unfortunately

my authority as a moderator ends once I'm off this forum. If a person

is doing something in PMs or here on the forum that's one thing, but on MSN... what can I say?


Obviously, if you know private information about Mika, I would hope you

would keep it private... but outside these cyberwalls... :blink:





I think she's been sending pm's too...i know shes lgging on here and taking peoples addies for MSN

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Yeh .. its daily for me now :boxed: , I hate it




I know lots too .. did you know that the earth will die!! :boxed:


The moon is moving away from us and we will be sucked into deep space , also the sun will die eventually


Nobody will give a stuff about Mika then btw ,, its 100,000 million years away


yep I already knew that :naughty:

Did you know that a couple of million years ago 1 day had only 18 hours

every day that passes lasts longer so eventually we would have to change all the clocks and add a view hours :naughty: but that won't happen in hour lifetime.

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I hope that people here who have more than the usual amount of knowledge about our favourite singer are being very judicious in their protection of it.


There are some very strange ways of showing how much you are a fan. Some obsessions know no bounds.


And Mika and his family and friends will only like you LESS for harrassing him/them. What's the point????

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I hope that people here who have more than the usual amount of knowledge about our favourite singer are being very judicious in their protection of it.


There are some very strange ways of showing how much you are a fan. Some obsessions know no bounds.


And Mika and his family and friends will only like you LESS for harrassing him/them. What's the point????


Thats so true, I mean what would they DO with THAT kind of information, INVITE THEMSELVES FOR TEA?!:blink: so really there is no point to having the info unless you want Mika and his family to to view2 you with mistrust and suspicion.


I think the problem must be because it seems factual that some people have information and others want privy to it too. Perhaps if those who DO know stuff kept it to themselves and not drop hints about it on MFC etc then no one would have been the wiser. We have seen how some fans behave disrespectfully around Mika already without making things worse for him his family and in the end ourselves.

BTW, I only ever get these types of messages off ppl "Hi I'm new is Mika gay" :naughty: I of course know the answer to this information because the 3 second conversations I have had with him outside gigs he just blurted it out to me. :mf_rosetinted:

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And Mika and his family and friends will only like you LESS for harrassing him/them. What's the point????


Yes, as exciting as the idea of having Mika's address is, it's pretty worthless from a practical standpoint. Either you go there and see nothing and you've wasted your time. Or you go there and see Mika or a member of his familiy and wish you hadn't because you're embarrassing yourself and annoying them.


It's a lose/lose situation.


Hopefully they set up a fan address soon so people don't feel a need to contact him at his home. I think fans felt more in touch with him when he was checking his MySpace and now that connection is gone.

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Yes, as exciting as the idea of having Mika's address is, it's pretty worthless from a practical standpoint. Either you go there and see nothing and you've wasted your time. Or you go there and see Mika or a member of his familiy and wish you hadn't because you're embarrassing yourself and annoying them.


It's a lose/lose situation.


Hopefully they set up a fan address soon so people don't feel a need to contact him at his home. I think fans felt more in touch with him when he was checking his MySpace and now that connection is gone.


i agree with you 100%

he probably doesn't even look at his myspace personally anymore, therefore it's useless to leave messages (although i could be wrong)

i think a fan mail address is a great idea. ;o)

most artists have one no?

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Perhaps if those who DO know stuff kept it to themselves and not drop hints about it on MFC etc then no one would have been the wiser.


I totally agree with that, but unfortunately it was Mika who opened his mouth and let the cat out of the bag. Up to that point there had been an implicit agreement between Mika and what I think were relatively few fans who knew where he lived. We knew where he lived, he knew that we knew where he lived, and no one talked about it publicly.


As soon as he mentioned people dropping off gifts at his house in December I was certain this would happen. Mika's a smart boy, but that was a pretty dumb move.

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The girl in question was weird though, thats why i brought it to attention on here to warn people, and to say her sister searched government / council records for it...surely thats illegal if she is a council worker! Aparently she is going to knock on his door when he isn't famous anymore...honestly what goes through peoples heads? I mean people "joke" about it, but i can honestly say that me and the others she contacted think she was a little bit crazy!

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The girl in question was weird though, thats why i brought it to attention on here to warn people, and to say her sister searched government / council records for it...surely thats illegal if she is a council worker! Aparently she is going to knock on his door when he isn't famous anymore...honestly what goes through peoples heads? I mean people "joke" about it, but i can honestly say that me and the others she contacted think she was a little bit crazy!

Why would he still live there when he isn't famous anymore... He would have made more than enough to buy a nice house somewhere on a gorgeous beach :naughty:


But yeah... A bit weird. It's like that commentary I watched about some band (Boyzone/Westlife/someone like them) and fans would find out where they lived/were staying and would camp outside. I just instantly felt sorry for them.

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But yeah... A bit weird. It's like that commentary I watched about some band (Boyzone/Westlife/someone like them) and fans would find out where they lived/were staying and would camp outside. I just instantly felt sorry for them.


What I wonder is if those people have nothing better to do in their lives? :blink:



I'm so happy that I'm not famous.:mf_rosetinted:I'd probably shoot at people if they were camping outsidue my house.icon_paperbag.gif:naughty:

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Thanks for posting bout this Niki. There are some weird and nosey people who will go to great lengths just to get what they want even if it's not theirs. Not much you can do, but you can always try and prevent a situation from getting really worse :S

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