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What makes you the way you are?


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What makes me ME:


-Pride: I take pride in who I am, my upbringing, my country, my religion, my family..


-I hate hurting people's feelings and will always try my best not to

-I have a massive birthmark on my left hand which is quite a lot darker than my actual skin..

-I love to meet new people and make friends

-I have my own bold, in your face sense of style

-I tend not to follow the crowd/go with the follow

-I believe that good things can happen and I believe that miracles happen everyday

-I think that everyone's equal in every possible way, shape and form.. And I hate racism and people who are mysogenist (spelling?).. I am therefore also very feminist..

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why are you afraid to drive? it's not that bad seriously :wink2:


I don't know, it happened gradually over the years. I noticed it when I was nearing the age where I could learn to drive. I guess it was cos I never used to think about it before because I had no reason to.


My family would talk about it and I'd just end up crying. My mum was driving once and had a watery eye, so she went to rub it and asked me to move the gear stick. I was hesitant but did as I was told, but even doing that made me choke up. It's really quite bad.


I don't even want to drive, either. There's just something about it; I don't have a connection with it.

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Most of the people here are either Lutheran or Catholic. But most of the Catholics were born into it. We don't get many converts.


I imagine. I never heard of any here either lol why did you want to convert?

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I imagine. I never heard of any here either lol why did you want to convert?


I just really didn't like my mom's church, and felt really uncomfortable in it. So I didn't go to church for a while (couple years) and then I just randomly started reading about Catholicism and went to church with my Catholic friends, etc. I really liked it, so I looked into it and took these long classes on it and everything. Then I converted.:cheerful_h4h:

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I just really didn't like my mom's church, and felt really uncomfortable in it. So I didn't go to church for a while (couple years) and then I just randomly started reading about Catholicism and went to church with my Catholic friends, etc. I really liked it, so I looked into it and took these long classes on it and everything. Then I converted.:cheerful_h4h:


Wow that's really cool!

How old are you again?

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What makes me ME:


-Pride: I take pride in who I am, my upbringing, my country, my religion, my family..


-I hate hurting people's feelings and will always try my best not to

-I have a massive birthmark on my left hand which is quite a lot darker than my actual skin..

-I love to meet new people and make friends

-I have my own bold, in your face sense of style

-I tend not to follow the crowd/go with the follow

-I believe that good things can happen and I believe that miracles happen everyday

-I think that everyone's equal in every possible way, shape and form.. And I hate racism and people who are mysogenist (spelling?).. I am therefore also very feminist..


is equality between men and women still a sensitive topic in your country? sorry I'm being very curious tonight lol


I don't know, it happened gradually over the years. I noticed it when I was nearing the age where I could learn to drive. I guess it was cos I never used to think about it before because I had no reason to.


My family would talk about it and I'd just end up crying. My mum was driving once and had a watery eye, so she went to rub it and asked me to move the gear stick. I was hesitant but did as I was told, but even doing that made me choke up. It's really quite bad.


I don't even want to drive, either. There's just something about it; I don't have a connection with it.


my sister had the same problem, she got her license now, but she's still not completely over it. she has had some bad experiences, that's mainly why she was so afraid. way before she learned to drive my dad wanted her to move my car to get some training. but he forgot that if you don't start the motor the brakes don't work, so she crashed with my car in my mom's. my mom and I were yelling at my dad and my sister was just there crying and saying she'd never get in a car again. it took her long and 3 tries to get the license. I guess if you don't necessarily have to drive it's okay, but we live in a very remote place, so it's hard to live without a car

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I just really didn't like my mom's church, and felt really uncomfortable in it. So I didn't go to church for a while (couple years) and then I just randomly started reading about Catholicism and went to church with my Catholic friends, etc. I really liked it, so I looked into it and took these long classes on it and everything. Then I converted.:cheerful_h4h:


that's funny. I don't think I'd convert to catholicism if I wasn't a catholic. but I actually so don't care about religion that I don't want to convert ot any other religion either.

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I don't know, it happened gradually over the years. I noticed it when I was nearing the age where I could learn to drive. I guess it was cos I never used to think about it before because I had no reason to.


My family would talk about it and I'd just end up crying. My mum was driving once and had a watery eye, so she went to rub it and asked me to move the gear stick. I was hesitant but did as I was told, but even doing that made me choke up. It's really quite bad.


I don't even want to drive, either. There's just something about it; I don't have a connection with it.


When I had my licence for not even two weeks, I got hit by a car that was standing behind my own car. The man was talking on the telephone and not concentrated on what he was supposed to be doing: keep his concentration on driving.... It was not my own fault, but I was terrified for a while... But I had to go home and there was no other way than drive.... I think that was the best I could have daone, otherwise I might have been too scared to drive again...

I've had serious pain and for that I had to take lots of morphine, so I wasn't allowed to drive for over two years. I really missed it, also because I'd bought a new car (a really new one, I love it :wub2:It's a Ford Ka, but I call it my MiKa:naughty: ) and I couldn't drive in it.... It made me so dependent...everytime I had to go somewhere I had to ask my mum to bring me. Last year I switched the morphine to Symoron, that makes me not so sleepy, and I started to drive again... It's just so great to be independent again! My car means a lot to me, because of my lungproblems I'm not that mobile. And my car can take me anywhere I want to go:thumb_yello:

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I'll turn 18 this year.:thumb_yello:


wow i think that's amazing!


is equality between men and women still a sensitive topic in your country? sorry I'm being very curious tonight lol



No not really.. well at least wehre i live.. in more rural areas and such it might be a bit more different..

but that's not the only type of equality i meant.. i also meant that i think everyone has the same intelligence and that we all encouter the same amount of happiness and sadness in our lives..


but yes i also meant more obvious types of equality.. and i thnk that equality doesn't really exist properly anywhere in the world.. stereotypes still exist and in most societies people will think that a certain race or ethnic group etc in their society is still inferior.. and that most modern societies are still patriarchal.. and women are still objectified in many ways.. they almost put themselves on display.. and it really frustrates me..

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wow i think that's amazing!




No not really.. well at least wehre i live.. in more rural areas and such it might be a bit more different..

but that's not the only type of equality i meant.. i also meant that i think everyone has the same intelligence and that we all encouter the same amount of happiness and sadness in our lives..


but yes i also meant more obvious types of equality.. and i thnk that equality doesn't really exist properly anywhere in the world.. stereotypes still exist and in most societies people will think that a certain race or ethnic group etc in their society is still inferior.. and that most modern societies are still patriarchal.. and women are still objectified in many ways.. they almost put themselves on display.. and it really frustrates me..


I know what you mean! I have big concerns with that too!

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What makes me me... dunno really, but I did used to be a virgin too once..no honestly I was one once (till I was nearly 20 but my future husband got impatient) :sneaky2: still I guess we have been together for 28 years now (blimey I would get less for murder) :bleh:


my childhood affected who I am in a bad way really, it's left me with no confidence which is a shame cos I am a closet show off



and even more recently



I like to try to write poetry


and have had 2 published (but have only ever sent 2 off to BE published lol

this is one of them


The Lords My Shepherd.


I was taken quite unawares,

While I sat and watched T.V,

A congregation singing in the distance,

As a part of my life remembered itself to me.

I sang along to every word,

I was back in song with my class,

I pictured it so vividly,

It was like being frozen in the past.


The song rang out all around,

And I felt happy and yet kind of sad,

A melancholy hazy daydream,

With every friend I ever had.

Then all too soon it was snatched back,

Leaving an aura of a nostalgic hollow,

And a little worry at my brow,

Of how fast come those tomorrows.



I have somehow managed to make it a tradition in our house to bake birthday cakes that kinda fit in with what my kids were into at the time and THAT has been a right pain at times, here's one of those as well lol




I have also made numerous dancing costumes for my daughter and have not really had proper training I just make it up as I go along lol but my proudest thing I made was an ice blue ballet tutu ( it looked like a real proper one).


I havn't seen my parents since I got back from my honeymoon 24 years ago so I miss not having any family and that has shaped me too.


I used to go to gigs with some mates in the 70's and followed the same band around the UK (oh those were the days lol).


If I could afford it and wasn't afraid I would have a me transplant and be someone else lol.


I didn't have a job from being late on in my pregnancy with my 1st child (who is now 22) until about 3 years ago then I plucked up courage to get a job and I like meeting people cos I had turned into a bit of a hermit, come to think of it since Mika burst into my life I am a hermit again living on MFC :sneaky2: oh well I guess it keeps me happy lol, and I don't feel as alone as I have made lots of new friends and have been out to different parts of the UK to meet them etc.


I passed my driving test 1st time many many years ago but was terrified to drive for years, I still hate driving but since I got a sat Nav to go to Mika gigs I feel a LITTLE bit better about it now.


Iv'e written waay too much cos I tend to wear my heart on my sleeve too much pfft.

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I think my family makes me the way i am. We're weird, i get told that constantly, but in a good way.

Nutshell life story lol

My dads a herpetologist (studies reptiles, so i grew up with tons of turtles, snakes lizards etc) he's also an incredibly gifted artist (same with my grandpa and great grandpa) and he's always singing or humming. I used to think it was annoying, but when he leaves the house, it's strangely quiet and weird- uncomfortable. haha and now I do the same thing! (my sister is like my mom and doesn't, she usually yells at me to stop, but pshhh she likes it....) only i don't normally hum, i just sing, sometimes whistle. you can always tell when i'm sick or really sad, because thats the only time when i don't feel like singing. i have my dads quirky sense of humor. My mom is an artist, she was an art major in college.....but some how she's a urologist now???!! lol, when she retires, i'm sure she will have a second childhood and then become an artist. They both make me eat hippy food too, and are unhealthily addicted to health magazines lol. If i want some decent junk food i have to buy it myself haha.

My school is really preppy and stuff, so i've never really fit it, but i'm lucky that i've found friends who *usually* accept me. though they LOVE to mock me in all my quirkiness, they always get a laugh out of it. i've never been particularly self-concious,a and even if i was i probably wouldn't admit it or show it. i've never liked to follow people, i'm too stubborn and hard headed, i always have to do things me way. i could go on, but i wont lol.


PHEW:blush-anim-cl: :wink2::blink: ....:mf_rosetinted::biggrin2:

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I think my family makes me the way i am. We're weird, i get told that constantly, but in a good way.

Nutshell life story lol

My dads a herpetologist (studies reptiles, so i grew up with tons of turtles, snakes lizards etc) he's also an incredibly gifted artist (same with my grandpa and great grandpa) and he's always singing or humming. I used to think it was annoying, but when he leaves the house, it's strangely quiet and weird- uncomfortable. haha and now I do the same thing! (my sister is like my mom and doesn't, she usually yells at me to stop, but pshhh she likes it....) only i don't normally hum, i just sing, sometimes whistle. you can always tell when i'm sick or really sad, because thats the only time when i don't feel like singing. i have my dads quirky sense of humor. My mom is an artist, she was an art major in college.....but some how she's a urologist now???!! lol, when she retires, i'm sure she will have a second childhood and then become an artist. They both make me eat hippy food too, and are unhealthily addicted to health magazines lol. If i want some decent junk food i have to buy it myself haha.

My school is really preppy and stuff, so i've never really fit it, but i'm lucky that i've found friends who *usually* accept me. though they LOVE to mock me in all my quirkiness, they always get a laugh out of it. i've never been particularly self-concious,a and even if i was i probably wouldn't admit it or show it. i've never liked to follow people, i'm too stubborn and hard headed, i always have to do things me way. i could go on, but i wont lol.


PHEW:blush-anim-cl: :wink2::blink: ....:mf_rosetinted::biggrin2:


puff!!! that's incredible!!!:naughty: in the really great sense!! i love it!!,


i've always have been stubborn too and i have my own ideas and don't usually change them, my dad is a daydreamer like me, he's always in another world wich sometimes is bad because you loose the sense of what are you doing or listening or where you are (that's what i have trouble with my grades at school) anyway, but i love it! as well i can travel with my head...

my father too is a hobbie writer and he usually mixes reality with fiction, which is great!! i do it as well, i'm like a copy of my father's personality (genes)...we like the same things and are very curious...though, i do things only my mother does...like laugh for silly things and getting so angry!

like out of the blue i start dancing in the car or in my house, even if there's no music on...i start singing too, doesn't matter if everybody's watching, haha...but i make fun of myself, so i don't care cause i laugh with me/of me!

I think also i'm like how i am cause of my family, we've almost since i was born never lived with the rest of the family, so we are like far and not involucrated a lot with the family, so we're "different" from them. And also maybe my parents are divorced but are very good friends, so maybe that has "affected" my personlaity too.

I've never followed anyone, never liked it and never will...i haven't ever followed waves...

ok, tht's it i wrote a lot:mf_rosetinted:

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To sum it up, I am the "anti realist" and that has gotten me everything and more in life believe it or not. Reality, well... it brings you down..so why not make your dreams a reality??? I have already begun, and it is making a huge difference!




Be it known, that I don't take B.S from anyone, and as soon as some line is crossed, I will defend myself.


I've got this balance of rocker, audrey hepburn, artist thing goin for me...


I fall in love very easily, and I hate hate hate pessimistic people... nothing good every came from being a "debbie downer"



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To sum it up, I am the "anti realist" and that has gotten me everything and more in life believe it or not. Reality, well... it brings you down..so why not make your dreams a reality??? I have already begun, and it is making a huge difference!




Be it known, that I don't take B.S from anyone, and as soon as some line is crossed, I will defend myself.


I've got this balance of rocker, audrey hepburn, artist thing goin for me...


I fall in love very easily, and I hate hate hate pessimistic people... nothing good every came from being a "debbie downer"


I never give up!!! never never never...there is no defeat that I can't overcome... WHERE THERE IS A WILL THERE IS A WAY... I AM DETERMINED.



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what are your strong qualities?

what makes me who i am:


*i'm 4ft 11

*i'm very under weight for my age but for me its normal

*i carnt swim

*i love boy bands especailly back street yes u may :naughty: and :thumbdown: but i dont care

* i'm an ealry person much to peoples disliking

*i dress in comfy clothes i hate fashion

* i'm a very caring person

*love kids cartoons

*people think im 12 years old thanx to my height

*love buying clothes from the kiddies department

* i'm highly sensitive


*i'm very easy to entertain




i'm not affored to be who i am

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