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Mika's Secret Double Life


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That picture looks like it comes from the 1970's or something, decor, lighting, clothes, etc...



well, he's also 30 years older than he claims to be and already had 2 kids in the 70s. hurray for plastic surgery. :roftl:

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That's OK. We just need to be more sensitive towards Mika's wife's feelings. She might read this thread and feel hurt, it couldn't have been easy for her to come out y'know.



Yeah yeah, i know :naughty:

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Well he must have adopeted those kids cos they look NOTHING like him at all..where are the lovely dark curls and olive complexion eh eh!:mf_rosetinted:


PS. I am not Bumblebee_vix I am her mum Sparkly1 cos we have swapped pc's just now cos she is printing lots of stuff out :naughty: )

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Mika's secret double life




Published: 31 Mar 2008








Fans of Grace Kelly singer will be shocked to learn today that the famous UK popstar has been leading a double life. Infamous for keeping mum about his sexuality, the star has been outed publicly by his own wife.


"I just couldn't do it anymore. I know he kept quiet out of a desire to protect me, but the pressure is too much," the young woman, who wishes to remain unnamed for now, told us in a exclusive interview.


"I see him on the Tv, and touring the world and all I want is to be there with him. But he wanted to protect me, and so I stay at home. It's putting too much pressure on our marriage.



All I want is to be there for my husband in this important stage of his life. To be able to wake up beside him, to be able to share in his success. Instead I'm lucky to be able to see him one month out of 12."


However, if the news of Mika's wife wasn't surprising enough, fans will be shocked to learn that the 24 year old singer has children as well, 2 little girls who just celebrated their 4th birthday (pictured above with the singer).


"Obviously it's hard for them. They see Daddy on the TV, yet they don't understand why he is not at home. They don’t care about the music, or the fame or anything, all they want is their father.


"Poor Meeks finds it just as hard. He loves his little girls. They’re the most important things in the world to him and everything he does is for them. Every time he comes home, it's with a suitcase full of toys and presents for them, and he lavishes attention on them. But you can tell it's not enough, his heart breaks every time he leaves and I fear he won't be able to do this much longer"


When asked if she was worried about how his fans would react the woman had this to say.


"I know they'll be upset. To them, it'll mean that someone they saw as single, someone they fantasized about, is no longer available to them. And I know they'll resent me. However, all I ask is that they understand. I never asked for any of this. I didn't want to be the wife of a popstar, all I wanted to be is the wife of Mika. The pressure of keeping silent is putting too much stress on him, and on me and our children, and it's no wonder he is getting sick so often. I hope in time his fan base learns to accept me, because I'm not going anywhere"







(I found this while searching online... will post link soon)


OH no, it's happening again!!!:lmao: I think it became a habbit now that on April 1st "Mika" finally reveals all the details of his private life! I remember I totally fall for it last year!:roftl: Everybody else did! Everybody was searching for the link on perez's site and nobody find anything and then we all realised that it was just a joke! :naughty: that was funny!

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This photoshop really sucks :roftl: But its catchy anyway! :punk: This is just a beginning,eventually Mika will be divorced at least twice with bunch of children while the others think he is gay,:mfr_lol: Both things are stupid...:mf_pain:

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This photoshop really sucks :roftl: But its catchy anyway! :punk: This is just a beginning,eventually Mika will be divorced at least twice with bunch of children while the others think he is gay,:mfr_lol: Both things are stupid...:mf_pain:


can you do better?

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The little blonde is so cute.. she must look like her mummy..

And the brunette looks just like Mika.. *sigh*


Holy crap, his blonde daughter looks just like me! Really! *points to signature*


I wasn't wandering around London four years ago...now was I? :blink:


This is just a beginning,eventually Mika will be divorced at least twice with bunch of children while the others think he is gay


Man, I hope not. For the sake of the woman he married, and the sake of those sweet little girls, I hope they can keep it together. :tears:

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Holy crap, his blonde daughter looks just like me! Really! *points to signature*


I wasn't wandering around London four years ago...now was I? :blink:




Man, I hope not. For the sake of the woman he married, and the sake of those sweet little girls, I hope they can keep it together. :tears:

LM... you wouldn't happen to be married to Mika, and unable to keep quiet about it any longer would you :fisch:


And I would hate to see what would happen to those girls if he did get divorced. They barely see their daddy as it is

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Surprise! And I'm the wife! :naughty:


No but really - you girls were cutie-patooties.

If there was a poll and I had to vote for someone to be Mika's Wife.. I'd vote for you..

why? Cos you've got the buns hun :wink2::naughty:





Holy crap, his blonde daughter looks just like me! Really! *points to signature*


I wasn't wandering around London four years ago...now was I? :blink:




Man, I hope not. For the sake of the woman he married, and the sake of those sweet little girls, I hope they can keep it together. :tears:

o_O.. Were we separated at birth? She looks just like me when I was 4 too!!!

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