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Mika goes to India!


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I actually posted about it yesterday in the apple thread. :thumb_yello:


****! It's not the April 1st joke! :naughty:


I hope someone will make a joke today. :blink:


If not, i'll PM Enfa to open again "the girl/boyfriend thread". :bleh:

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btw, has it been sorted out yet wether this is an april fool or not ???

Cause i'll definitley love to hear more indian influences in Mika's music !!

Remember the acoustic version of Relax with tablas on Jo Whiley's show ???

that was just :wub2: :wub2: :wub2: :wub2:


Still, having been to Rishikesh, i can tell you for sure that it's not the best place to retreat. It's full of tourists !!!!! No way he's gonna find a hotel with running water without at least of couple of londoners backpackers in it !! :naughty:

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Remember the acoustic version of Relax with tablas on Jo Whiley's show ???

that was just :wub2:

I agree, that was awesome. :thumb_yello:


But I honestly don't think he'll go all George Harrison-ey and incorporate Indian elements in his music, I think he's just gone there to get his head sorted out after the craziness of the last year so that he can get on with finishing the rest of his album.

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I agree, that was awesome. :thumb_yello:


But I honestly don't think he'll go all George Harrison-ey and incorporate Indian elements in his music, I think he's just gone there to get his head sorted out after the craziness of the last year so that he can get on with finishing the rest of his album.


If he's gone at all, that is...:fisch:

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I actually think Mika is quite spiritual. It's only an impression, but I think he is, but he's looking for something.

I think he's very tense and needs the peace and tranquility to focus his thoughts and his artistic talents. He really WANTS to do this album. He isn't shying away from it, but he probably needs to get away from his record company's pressure, and even from his fans who (quite naturally) are desperate for his album and we have several threads about it on here.


We've been a lot more fortunate, as fans of Mika, than fans of other stars have been, because Mika has been so accessible to us for so long, and has managed to meet so many of us with his constant touring. So that now, everyone feels like they are in a vaccum without him.


But if we love him, we want what's best for him. We know he suffers from anxiety (I do too, and it's really debilitating) so we don't want Mika more stressed than he needs to be.


Could I propose that we don't speculate about his second album anymore, but just let him get on with things and come back when he's ready, and could we maybe not have so many 2nd album threads, so that if he does log on, he won't be bombarded with them.


Please, we must let him relax and take it easy in India. He'll be back when he's ready, he just needs this time away, and we need to let him have that time, to get the balence of mind, body and soul, he needs.

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Awww, I hope you make it back sometime soon. (When the time is right, or something like that.)


I want to go to India...but I've heard so much about the pollution and poverty that I'm a little (well, a lot) concerned about going as a foreigner. Plus, hearing Mika and others talk about "Delhi Belly" and how easy it is to get sick there.


But it is so beautiful too, and I would be able to do yoga and study with Jehangir and my teacher at the end of the year...


*sigh* I think for now I'll stick with doing yoga in Michigan...however uneventful Michigan is at the moment. :mf_rosetinted:


my sister is a dancer and travelled there for 4 days, and she got REALLY ill. She was getting dizzy, lost her appetite and shizz. Her illness stayed when she left as well, but the weather cleared up her dermatitis!

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But if we love him, we want what's best for him. We know he suffers from anxiety (I do too, and it's really debilitating) so we don't want Mika more stressed than he needs to be.


I didn't know that. When was this said?

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Neasedn :shocked: that's just up the road from where I live :tears:.. not that I care :fisch: hmmm... India? makes me really keen to hear the second album now :blink:


You live near Neasedn ?:blink:

I think it's gonna be a long time since the 2nd album will be out !:boxed:

But he really needs a rest and this was the only option to go to india :blink:

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From Asian Lite.


I hate it when he's far away.


I too find it hard to listen to where his stress level is all the time! I want him to be calm and at ease. If India does it for him – than good for him. I sure hope he finds what he’s looking for.


Although a friend of mine went to a congress in India not long ago. He stayed at a fancy hotel in the middle of skid row. People begging everwhere, garbage and a waterfall of poop…..


He will never go to India again. Of course it’s probably nice somewhere in India but on the other hand he got to see the real India if you know what I mean, not the tourist side of it.


But I hope Mika is cooling down and finding HIMSELF not some religion…. But that’s just my own opinion.

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