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Hi! I babble...a lot.


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Haha, Hey!! I quite enjoyed your intro :das:

Anyways.. WELCOME!!!

I'm preeetttyyy positive you'll like/love it here haha.. All we do is babble, it doens't matter what it's about...{MIKA}. So, have fun!! If you are in an especially babbly mood, feel free to PM me or thread stalk me!

I'm Vanessa by the way. Have fun!!

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I'm glad that so many have enjoyed my intro. It was fun to write.


I live in one of the very small towns on the Olympic Peninsula of Washington state in the States. That's as far north as I can get without being in Canada and as far west as I can get without falling into the Pacific Ocean.


I turned 30 a year or two ago, but I haven't done any "grown up things" like getting married or having kids. So, I feel like I'm still in my 20's. :punk:


interesting place where you live! I love your introduction! I hope you enjoy it here!!

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Welcome to the MFC! This is totally the right place for you to be :biggrin2:.


Your intro was fun!! Mine was like: "Hi, i'm new.. ok, bye" :roftl: So not creative at all!! :roftl:


Anyway, welcome again an soon you are gonna be a forumholic, that's a dangerous thing but fuuuun!!! I am one and... *cough* i'm proud... :mf_rosetinted:



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That's so cool!! Well, yes indeed... you are very creative! You should be writting and publising! I know a lot of people would love to read you :wink2: (including me)


And it's incredible what a song can do for a life! Since i heard "Happy Ending" i've been in touch with my very sentimental side :tears: and that's not bad at all... *sigh* Oh, Mika... how can you be so awesome??

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AAAWWW! Thank you! With encouragement like that, how could I stop? :)


When I don't know what to write next or I start to think that my writing isn't good enough, I work on my fun project because it reminds me that the whole point of writing is that I love doing it. My fun project is a bit of fluff and nonsense inspired by Mika. When it's finished, I'll see if I can find a way to get it to him because I think it would make him laugh. Until then, it can just be our little secret ;)


Ok, shhhhhhhh!! I wont tell anybody. I love to write comedy as well! Not about Mika... it's more like a "Dane Cook" style. If you can understand spanish, then go to my myspace page and read "Mi día como Man" (My day as a man) :naughty: i love it.


And... Your secret is safe with me :blush-anim-cl:.

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Hi, it's nice to meet you all! My story begins when I was born in *puts hand over the microphone* what do mean I don't have to tell my life story? Oh, alright, I'll get to the point. *removes hand from microphone*


So, I live out in the middle of nowhere and only hear new music when someone I know happens to link to a video on youtube. Mostly, I listen to old school British punk and American goth from the 80's because I always thought I would look awesome with a purple mohawk, but my parents wouldn't let me *hand over the mic* I'm doing it again? OK. ok. *hand off the mic*


During the last week of February, somebody linked to the video for Big Girl on their blog. It was cute and fun, but I said it was lyrically challenged and not particularly interesting. Still, there was something compelling about someone being that genuinely cheerful in a song. I had to see more.


Now that I have, I can't get enough. Big Girl is easily one of my all-time favorite songs because I always feel beautiful and never feel objectified when I hear it. I've heard it compared to other songs and think those people must be completely daft and a little deaf because those songs are totally objectifying and not at all *hand over mic* Ok, already, I'm almost done. I promise. *hand off mic*


So, here I am entirely disappointed that I didn't know about Mika when he played Seattle because I could have hopped on a ferry and been there. It would have been way more fun than what I was doing that night. Well, it was a sweet night because my mom took me out to dinner, but still it was Valentine's day and *hand over mic* Last time I SWEAR! *hand off mic*


I'm a Mika fan and this looked like a fun place to hang out and keep up with the latest news.


Yeah, I could have just said that, but how entertaining would that have been? :punk:




DO I know you????

a ferry away you say?

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I'm glad that so many have enjoyed my intro. It was fun to write.


I live in one of the very small towns on the Olympic Peninsula of Washington state in the States. That's as far north as I can get without being in Canada and as far west as I can get without falling into the Pacific Ocean.


I turned 30 a year or two ago, but I haven't done any "grown up things" like getting married or having kids. So, I feel like I'm still in my 20's. :punk:



lets talk! I am in Victoria ,BC and I met a few people from Washington state!

You folk in western Washington are like honorary Victorians and other northwest places! :) Welcome to the world that is MFC! next time he comes to Seattle and Vancouver and hopefully Victoria (suzanne has serious plans if that happens!) We must keep in touch! I went to the Seattle and Vancouver concerts and had a blast!



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Hi and welcome to the very nearly official fan club.

Are we there yet? :yay:

I turned 30 a year or two ago, but I haven't done any "grown up things" like getting married or having kids. So, I feel like I'm still in my 20's. :punk:

I turned 30 last year and I haven't done any of those "grown up" things either!!

:punk: Isn't it wonderful!?!?! :naughty:


And :welcomeani: to the MFC :wink2: Have fun!

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Hi, my names Kim and I live on the coast of Oregon. I am originally from California but I can't tell any one here 'cause they don't seem to like us very well but I am not sure why, haha. I must say everyone I have met here is very very nice and you will love it. We will also love you because you are hilarious and I can tell writing is your thing. Me, not so much. I am a very analytical person so if you need math done I'm your girl lol. Enjoy and again WELCOME.

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It's fun that people here are enjoying my sense of humor. I'm so used to people giving me that look. You know that look. That look that says, "You are strange and I'm going to back away slowly so you don't say anything else unexpected before I get away." :roftl:


Nice - you'll fit in here perfectly! :roftl:


One of my favourite Mika quotes:


"Generally, the people who like my music are the less conventional ones – the outsiders, the weirdos. It's amazing how many of us there are."



When you have a moment, check out our FAQ - and don't hesitate to PM me or any of us mods if you have questions! :thumb_yello:



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That quote fits me like my favorite pair of slippers! :roftl:


I'm an old school usenet (message board) reader. I always check the FAQ first :D


You'll hear from me if I get stuck. Of course, now I'm doing that thing where I'm looking around wondering if I've committed a faux pas or if you just say that to all the girls ;)


I'm quite addicted to this little punk guy :punk:


Ahh, usenet. Kickin' it old school.


Nope, no faux pas! I'd recommend, though, against starting a thread to be like "yo, is Mika gay? Does he love Freddie Mercury?" That might not go over so well. :roftl:


Love the punk smiley. :punk:

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Late again as per usual... but your intro was really nice.... so hello there..


Won't say you'll have fun here ... cos' I think you already are... come and join us in the Oldlings if you have time... we're all very chatty, well when people are here .... I seem to be on my tod today..... :(


Oh and you'll always find me in Mikagasmic Thread.... I can't seem to leave and appear to be stuck there......

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Hi, it's nice to meet you all! My story begins when I was born in *puts hand over the microphone* what do mean I don't have to tell my life story? Oh, alright, I'll get to the point. *removes hand from microphone*


So, I live out in the middle of nowhere and only hear new music when someone I know happens to link to a video on youtube. Mostly, I listen to old school British punk and American goth from the 80's because I always thought I would look awesome with a purple mohawk, but my parents wouldn't let me *hand over the mic* I'm doing it again? OK. ok. *hand off the mic*


During the last week of February, somebody linked to the video for Big Girl on their blog. It was cute and fun, but I said it was lyrically challenged and not particularly interesting. Still, there was something compelling about someone being that genuinely cheerful in a song. I had to see more.


Now that I have, I can't get enough. Big Girl is easily one of my all-time favorite songs because I always feel beautiful and never feel objectified when I hear it. I've heard it compared to other songs and think those people must be completely daft and a little deaf because those songs are totally objectifying and not at all *hand over mic* Ok, already, I'm almost done. I promise. *hand off mic*


So, here I am entirely disappointed that I didn't know about Mika when he played Seattle because I could have hopped on a ferry and been there. It would have been way more fun than what I was doing that night. Well, it was a sweet night because my mom took me out to dinner, but still it was Valentine's day and *hand over mic* Last time I SWEAR! *hand off mic*


I'm a Mika fan and this looked like a fun place to hang out and keep up with the latest news.


Yeah, I could have just said that, but how entertaining would that have been?


:lmfao:! I love you!

I heard you talk somewhere about your intro post and had to check it out :naughty:

Anyway, a "Welcome" is a bit pointless now, but "Welcome" anyway :biggrin2:

I wish someone would follow me around and put a hand over my microphone(/keyboard) sometimes (well, I get the idea other people wish someone would do that :naughty:).

We should make a thread for people who like to tell their off topic life stories at inapproproate times :cheerful_h4h:

Oh, and in answer to your last question - not at all entertaining :thumbdown:

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Thank you for the warm welcome


My understanding of the California thing is:

The stereotype is that if you are originally from California, you will get a bad time for it in Montana, Washington, and Oregon (maybe a few other states, but those are the states I grew up in) because you are seen as the big city folk coming in and ruining our pristine countryside with your bad driving habits, tendency to drive up property values so they aren't affordable anymore, liberal big city attitudes, and interfering with our logging because of your eco-friendly tree-hugging attitudes. It's that whole natives vs outsiders thing that is never fun for anybody.


The way I see it, people are going to end up living where they love to be no matter where they are from and things are always going to change eventually, so there's no point blaming people because they happen to be from a certain state. I may have grown up in small towns, but that's no excuse for narrow views and a small mind


It's fun that people here are enjoying my sense of humor. I'm so used to people giving me that look. You know that look. That look that says, "You are strange and I'm going to back away slowly so you don't say anything else unexpected before I get away."


Writing is my compulsion. There have been times when I haven't had pen and paper, so I've used whatever was available, whether it was dust on furniture, ketchup packets with toothpicks and napkins, or bits of charred wood on rocks.


Also, it's awesome that you love math! I was taught to hate it and think that I'd be terrible at it because I'm a girl. It's taken me many years to realize that math is awesome. I'm numerically dyslexic, so I struggle with things like addition and multiplication, but I love the possibilities in formulae, especially when I get to study the theorums that are taught in calculus and trigonometry classes. I'm much better with abstract concepts than I am with concrete numbers.


Did I mention total geek? :punk:


(I swear someone removed the word "concise" from my dictionary!)


:lmfao::lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Oh god. You're just great!

Me too! :roftl:

*long-winded high five* :naughty:

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