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Mikagasmic part 14! yeah already!


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ooooh you can also get married in vegas :naughty:


ehehehe..."Mika would you like to come to Vegas with me?...whats that you say? Don't want another drink? oh Come on..thats like what..only your 8th...pour the kid some more Vodka!! RUM, Rum all around!!..."


and from there on..who knows!

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OMG!!! Ice Man! *worships*




The guy in the background has been christened Ice Man... he was Mika's security guard and he never smiles... not sure if he still works for Mika or not...


I'd post a Mika pic, but all the ones I've got people have seen heaps of times....


AHA! he must, because I believe I saw him on the m and g video from amsterdam.

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well the older you get the better it is I guess...the first time I spend the trip in the hotel room throwing up out of both ends, I almost missed some of the shows because I couldn't move.

that was the sickest I have ever been, my parents were debating bringing me tot he hospital, and I couldn't even walk I was so weak.


try flying in that condition...not fun. I took soo much medication and spent the flight kinda crying and sleeping...then my sister was sick with me the flight home, but she wasn't so bad.


you know whats awkward? when your throwing up in the bathroom and people keep asking you if your okay. its like...excuse me, let me barf this last bit before I answer you. :thumbdown:



WOW, that's so mikagasmic :naughty:


LOLOLOL jk! I was like, wth are they talking about? hahahah

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have you been there?


Cirque Du Soleil!! and the shows, and Blue Man Group!! Me and my sister had our days planned to the fullest when we went there! my feet hurt sooo bad at the end....but the hotels are soo amazing and beautiful.


I like to party, because I like the social aspect


drinking...I don't get drunk..I mean I know when to stop, and I never plan on getting drunk to the point of blacking out or even throwing up, and I have never drank enough to have a hangover...but I think me and my sister are lucky because we don't really get hangovers...because one time I was pretty far gone...well she did once but she was SMASHED. Its just about knowing where you are and being strong enough to say no when you feel you have had enough.


Even though I am 18 and legal to Gamble in my state I never have..just never got the urge I guess.

Blue Man Group!!!! :dance_man:



If Mika ever does a gig in Vegas, I am going 100% for sure :glasses3:

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OMG!!! Ice Man! *worships*




The guy in the background has been christened Ice Man... he was Mika's security guard and he never smiles... not sure if he still works for Mika or not...


I'd post a Mika pic, but all the ones I've got people have seen heaps of times....



he could cut people with those cheekbones. :mf_rosetinted:


Blue Man Group!!!!



If Mika ever does a gig in Vegas, I am going 100% for sure


oo same here! have you seen Blue Man Group?


I'm quite a huge fan..um..there music does stuff to me...to a very..far level..:chkn:


I have seen them three times. one of them was like fourth row or something. Mike Relm, their opening act for two of the shows is AMAZING. :naughty::thumb_yello:

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AHA! he must, because I believe I saw him on the m and g video from amsterdam.






I knew he was at the London gigs earlier in the year... you don't often get pics of hm now...


its such a comparison betwee ice man and mika really is beauty n the beast....he cant be ice man my x bf when we were dating called me an ice queen cause i never smile :lmfao:





Geez, nice nickname!


He's called ice man cause he never smiles... apparently someone called him ice man to his face and he half smiled...


he could cut people with those cheekbones. :mf_rosetinted:


He sure could!

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he could cut people with those cheekbones. :mf_rosetinted:




oo same here! have you seen Blue Man Group?


I'm quite a huge fan..um..there music does stuff to me...to a very..far level..:chkn:


I have seen them three times. one of them was like fourth row or something. Mike Relm, their opening act for two of the shows is AMAZING. :naughty::thumb_yello:



I'm sure he could !

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