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soo why didn't he post it before on facebook and myspace and whatnot?

thats what confuses me, why would he post those today but not when he updated Mikasounds? It wasn't like he was giving his fans a preview or anything...so is he really that unorganized that he forgot/didn't have time to post on the other websites?


Unorganized, you say?

1) Why not send an email to those suscribed to the Mikasounds newsletter about this new video and site? I usually get them, here, nothing. He's actually lucky some of us still lurk on this site despite nothing's happened there in months.


2) Why upload a video in which he announces and POINTS to a blog that aint there? Either you wait to upload the vid, either you hurry and write that bloody blog, even if it's like 3 lines and you dictate it to someone over the phone.


What saddens me in this whole story is that Mika again looks totally messy. :(

We are fans and we're kinda used to this by now, we all grinned when we saw the blog was missing, I am sure, but what about the rest of the world who watches the video and goes "pfff, what a retard, there's no blog there, mouaha" ???

He shot himself in the foot once more, I'm afraid:(

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wow you guy's really know how to make someone depressed and ashamed of being here at the same time :boxed:


what's with all the conspiracy theories? :blink:

That it's just for French people, because they where late, that I can live with but making MIKA's team look this bad go's a little to far for me :boxed:


Maybe they were just so busy with the planning of the show that the contest got behind. :blink: Or what about bad communication between MIKA's teammembers? Or both? :blink: Ever thought of that? Lately people here are pointing fingers at others way to fast. And I don't like it. :boxed:

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wow you guy's really know how to make someone depressed and ashamed of being here at the same time :boxed:


what's with all the conspiracy theories? :blink:

That it's just for French people, because they where late, that I can live with but making MIKA's team look this bad go's a little to far for me :boxed:


Maybe they were just so busy with the planning of the show that the contest got behind. :blink: Or what about bad communication between MIKA's teammembers? Or both? :blink: Ever thought of that? Lately people here are pointing fingers at others way to fast. And I don't like it. :boxed:


Keep in mind I may not be correct, and I am a bit of a pessimist and this is just my opinions, but Mika should not be letting bad communication happen on his team. Yes it happens, but with an international contest and something so important as announcing the launch of his new webby and starting it with a messy contest?


The people of the MFC might understand, but those who are new to the scene (not that I have been here a while) might see it and say "uh..this sucks..there is some writing..is that supposed to be a blog? where is the rest of the new stuff" and then get uninterested. If the internet and his webby is such a big deal to him and such a window for him to gain fans then he should have waited before everything was perfect to post it, rather than rushing in and being unorganized.


again, I love Mika's music and I am still a hardcore fan this thing is just bugging me...

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I think that there is a lot that we don't know- about that contest and what is going on behind the scenes. I imagine things are extremely hectic for Mika right now. Wait until after this string of shows and I'm sure everything will work out. If i was going to play for 55 thousand people in a matter of days, i probably wouldn't have time for much of anything. Yes, Mika seems amazing most of the time, but he's only human.

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Unorganized, you say?

1) Why not send an email to those suscribed to the Mikasounds newsletter about this new video and site? I usually get them, here, nothing. He's actually lucky some of us still lurk on this site despite nothing's happened there in months.


2) Why upload a video in which he announces and POINTS to a blog that aint there? Either you wait to upload the vid, either you hurry and write that bloody blog, even if it's like 3 lines and you dictate it to someone over the phone.


What saddens me in this whole story is that Mika again looks totally messy. :(

We are fans and we're kinda used to this by now, we all grinned when we saw the blog was missing, I am sure, but what about the rest of the world who watches the video and goes "pfff, what a retard, there's no blog there, mouaha" ???

He shot himself in the foot once more, I'm afraid:(


you write what I am thinking much better than I ever could. :thumb_yello:

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I think that there is a lot that we don't know- about that contest and what is going on behind the scenes. I imagine things are extremely hectic for Mika right now. Wait until after this string of shows and I'm sure everything will work out. If i was going to play for 55 thousand people in a matter of days, i probably wouldn't have time for much of anything. Yes, Miks seems amazing most of the time, but he's only human.


I agree!


but he has taken a while off....


I just think he put everything on his plate at once, having the 'new' website posted and a huge contest right before the biggest show ever might have been a bit much...even for the fans.

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I've only read 2 pages (so if this has been pointed out I apologise) however those who say they doubt there will be a winner, tbh I'm not surprised. Mikasounds has never quite been wonderful with organisation (Manchester, TBA with the last minute annoucement that it was free and the iTunes tickets where they failed to point out you had to be over 16). Plus, as far as we know, the Walkman phone they had a competition on was never won. So I can't say I'll be shocked if these tickets mysteriously don't go out to anyone we know.

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I've only read 2 pages (so if this has been pointed out I apologise) however those who say they doubt there will be a winner, tbh I'm not surprised. Mikasounds has never quite been wonderful with organisation (Manchester, TBA with the last minute annoucement that it was free and the iTunes tickets where they failed to point out you had to be over 16). Plus, as far as we know, the Walkman phone they had a competition on was never won. So I can't say I'll be shocked if these tickets mysteriously don't go out to anyone we know.


Walkman phone?:blink:


Edit: Oh wait, remember it:thumbdown:

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Unorganized, you say?

1) Why not send an email to those suscribed to the Mikasounds newsletter about this new video and site? I usually get them, here, nothing. He's actually lucky some of us still lurk on this site despite nothing's happened there in months.


2) Why upload a video in which he announces and POINTS to a blog that aint there? Either you wait to upload the vid, either you hurry and write that bloody blog, even if it's like 3 lines and you dictate it to someone over the phone.


What saddens me in this whole story is that Mika again looks totally messy. :(

We are fans and we're kinda used to this by now, we all grinned when we saw the blog was missing, I am sure, but what about the rest of the world who watches the video and goes "pfff, what a retard, there's no blog there, mouaha" ???

He shot himself in the foot once more, I'm afraid:(


wow you guy's really know how to make someone depressed and ashamed of being here at the same time


what's with all the conspiracy theories?

That it's just for French people, because they where late, that I can live with but making MIKA's team look this bad go's a little to far for me


Maybe they were just so busy with the planning of the show that the contest got behind. :blink: Or what about bad communication between MIKA's teammembers? Or both? :blink: Ever thought of that? Lately people here are pointing fingers at others way to fast. And I don't like it. :boxed:



I agree with what Nikki said.


Starrats: I find it sad that you feel sad (if you know what I am trying to say:roftl:) but the reality of it is that it has been a bit of a mess.

I don't think that anyone is trying to make anyone sad, or upset, or even to say bad things about Mika. It's not about that.


It's just the realisation that he is making things difficult for himself, that is all.

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wow you guy's really know how to make someone depressed and ashamed of being here at the same time :boxed:


what's with all the conspiracy theories? :blink:

That it's just for French people, because they where late, that I can live with but making MIKA's team look this bad go's a little to far for me :boxed:


Maybe they were just so busy with the planning of the show that the contest got behind. :blink: Or what about bad communication between MIKA's teammembers? Or both? :blink: Ever thought of that? Lately people here are pointing fingers at others way to fast. And I don't like it. :boxed:


I'm sorry that we make you feel this way, but seriously, we are not pointing fingers at one unfortunate incident. If there hadn't been a long and highly annoying history of double-bookings, late/wrong or simply missing announcements, bad communication, poorly organized contests and events, broken promises and top of the week nonsense, then we would probably have been a bit more positive. I'm just simply all out of excuses by now :thumbdown:

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try with another email address :boxed: I had to try 4 different ones before I got a confirmation, it seems pretty random :bleh:

I tried 2 e-mail addresses, but I don't think I got a confirmation...



Can someone please say what it says in the confirmation e-mail, just so we know what to expect.


really, I feel a bit cheated if only some of the e-mails get confirmed:boxed:

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I tried 2 e-mail addresses, but I don't think I got a confirmation...



Can someone please say what it says in the confirmation e-mail, just so we know what to expect.


really, I feel a bit cheated if only some of the e-mails get confirmed:boxed:


Got this:


Hi Katarina,


Thanks for registering to receive updates from Mika.


To confirm your registration, please click on the link below. This will ensure that your email address has been recorded correctly and has not been submitted by someone else.




If you do not click the link, you will NOT receive messages from Mika.


If at any stage you wish to opt out of these updates you will be given the opportunity to do so on the first and any subsequent updates you receive. Alternatively there is an Update My Details link on every mail by which you can change all your preferences yourself.


Privacy Policy: http://www.universalmusic.co.uk/privacy.html


The Universal Music Group team.


PS: Don't forget to save our email address do_not_reply@inbound.vice-versa.info into your address book to ensure our emails get through to you OK!


and then this:


Thanks for signing up!


You are now a member of the Official Mika mailing list. You'll get all of the latest news, gig dates, ticket info and exclusive competitions straight to your inbox and before it hits the site.


Opted in for mobile news? If you've given us your mobile number and opted in, we'll send you the latest news direct to your mobile free of charge.


WANT IT? Just text MIKA to 82665 and we'll add you to the list.


(Texts are completely free to you with the exception of the initial registration text which will cost your standard network charge)


so...not much :mf_rosetinted:

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If this is a real contest and this is how it's organized, I think it would border to irresponsible for them to fly someone in from another country. Imagine to land in Paris and this fantastic communication continues. Wouldn't it be just wonderful to stand in the airport, not sure if you're gonna meet someone somewhere or how to get the tickets, let alone how to get to the hotel. Perhaps you wouldn't even know which hotel you're staying at...if any at all :mf_rosetinted: This is not gonna happen on such short notice, it's just not possible.


Of course he knows what he's doing. If this was about giving something nice to his fans, then why not make the contest for the MFC? We are the ones most likely to actually drop whatever we're doing and jump on a plane to Paris anyway :doh: So much for officialness No but seriously, I have a hard time seeing what exactly he's gonna gain from this :boxed: It's not really getting him any publicity and errr if he wanted to throw the fans a bone, then he has pretty much missed the target


Unorganized, you say?

1) Why not send an email to those suscribed to the Mikasounds newsletter about this new video and site? I usually get them, here, nothing. He's actually lucky some of us still lurk on this site despite nothing's happened there in months.


2) Why upload a video in which he announces and POINTS to a blog that aint there? Either you wait to upload the vid, either you hurry and write that bloody blog, even if it's like 3 lines and you dictate it to someone over the phone.


What saddens me in this whole story is that Mika again looks totally messy. :(

We are fans and we're kinda used to this by now, we all grinned when we saw the blog was missing, I am sure, but what about the rest of the world who watches the video and goes "pfff, what a retard, there's no blog there, mouaha" ???

He shot himself in the foot once more, I'm afraid:(


Aww, poor Mika, whatever he does, he can never please us :insane:


But seriously, I'm thinking the same as expressed so elaborately in the quotes above. It's a mess - again. Not that I want to deny only the best intentions behind it, it's just all carried out so dilettantely.

The cherry on top was just them announcing the competition on myspace only today. :doh:

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This is absolutely not normal for a contest. It's normal for a contest that you know the approximate conditions before you enter it. It's not like it would be the end of the world for me if I won it and paid a one way flight and got stuck in Paris with nowhere to stay and couldn't get a refund right away because of communication problems or whatever worst case scenario could be here , I would no doubt figure something out anyway. But imagine an 18 year old, who never travelled alone before, flying in from the US and ending up in such a situation :insane:


You know you can always stay with me though, don't you?

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thats it?!:blink:


Oh well then I was confirmed about a year ago :mf_rosetinted::boxed:


And I just registered with the second e-mail address yesterday and got the same, plus a Bjork quote:blink:


a Björk quote? Why didn't I get that? :sneaky2::roftl::roftl:

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a Björk quote? Why didn't I get that?




you didn't?!


It was really weird it said all this stuff about welcome to the land of anticapation?! or something like that....it was very odd. Its my sister's e-mail so I don't have it here to check..


but it said at the end, "in the wise words of Bjork, Grapefruit, amen"



Argh, I wish I had the e-mail handy, its really weird, and different from the one I got about a year ago when I registered.

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thats it?!:blink:


Oh well then I was confirmed about a year ago :mf_rosetinted::boxed:


And I just registered with the second e-mail address yesterday and got the same, plus a Bjork quote:blink:

:lol3: Yep:


"Welcome, step inside... Thank You for signing up to the Mika mailing list. Hours of joy, surprise and anxious withdrawal symptoms await you. But do not fear, we will not leave you without Mika news, exclusive content, free downloads and goss for too long. Knowing how futile some of these mailing lists can feel we aim to make ours the best, obviously.


We hope this is the beginning of a long and fruitful relationship.


In the wise words of Bjork, "Grapefuit" amen.






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you didn't?!


It was really weird it said all this stuff about welcome to the land of anticapation?! or something like that....it was very odd. Its my sister's e-mail so I don't have it here to check..


but it said at the end, "in the wise words of Bjork, Grapefruit, amen"



Argh, I wish I had the e-mail handy, its really weird, and different from the one I got about a year ago when I registered.


:blink::roftl: I'm gonna try a 5th email now :sneaky2:

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:lol3: Yep:


"Welcome, step inside... Thank You for signing up to the Mika mailing list. Hours of joy, surprise and anxious withdrawal symptoms await you. But do not fear, we will not leave you without Mika news, exclusive content, free downloads and goss for too long. Knowing how futile some of these mailing lists can feel we aim to make ours the best, obviously.


We hope this is the beginning of a long and fruitful relationship.


In the wise words of Bjork, "Grapefuit" amen.






thats it! anxious withdraw, not the land of anticipation:lmao:


I really wonder where I got that from now:naughty:

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