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Same here :lol3:

I get so excited when I see that he's tweeting but then I can't go back to bed :naughty:

Though I must read them in my sleep sometimes, because I'll check in my inbox and it'll say I've read the message :blink:


I do that too!! I often wake up to be still holding my phone or My phone will be under my pillow. I originally thoguht! OOOH MIKA updates while I'm at work. But I see to mostly get them when I'm asleep. I'm a night owl too so I'm most likely to be asleep at 5-6. I don't usually crawl out of bed for work until 8:30. It cracks me up thoguh.

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When you phone rings obnoxiously at at three or five in the morning. This is of course is due to Mika deciding to have a tweet fest and you have your twitter account set to receive @mikasounds tweets texts direct to your phone. Yay for times zones... (nice thing to wake up to in the morning thoguh:roftl:)


Same here :lol3:

I get so excited when I see that he's tweeting but then I can't go back to bed :naughty:

Though I must read them in my sleep sometimes, because I'll check in my inbox and it'll say I've read the message :blink:






Lucky for you you're young and healthy, but maybe, just maybe, you should take a brake sometimes?:naughty:

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You know you're a Mika fan when you're at a party and a person that you don't even really know, requests a Mika song for you. When the song starts playing, the people you're with look like: :blink: 'what kind of music are they playing now?'?? :sneaky2: But once they realise it's Mika, they all put on a big smile and start jumping/dancing and singing along like crazy with you, just because they know you're such a big fan :aah:



Yes that happened last night :naughty:

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You know you're a Mika fan when you hear his songs even when they're not playing anywhere except in your head, when your kids have Mika songs stuck in their heads because you're playing or singing them all the time, when your husband can't even stand hearing the word "Mika" and you don't even dare telling him how badly you want to go to one of Mika gigs and buy three "boys who knew too much" (one CD in France, Two CDs in France and one ordered from Mikasounds-order for which you had to go back to the French post office four time in one afternoon, so as to get an international money order cause you hubby won't let you use a credit card on internet, when you also preordered both wag vinyls and wag CD and you had to go back to that shop in another town three times because their computers didn't work, when you only have Mika's CDs in your car and in your MP3 Player, when your husband is jalous of the time you spend on MFC, when you feel lost if twitter doesn't work and you can't see Mika's last tweet, when you play "Rain" and danse in the kitchen with your broom, dishes, sponge or whatever, when you get mad at your printer because it won't print Mika's lyrics and pics,when you visit the supermarket music corner just to turn Mika on as loud as you can, so everybody hears his new CD, when you tell the people in the music shop that Mika is n°1 and that they have to put his CD in first, when Mika always puts you in a good mood no matter what was your mood before you listen to his music or watch one of his videos, when you start wearing bright colors again, when you feel sixteen again just by hearing one of his songs, when you make a book of Mika's lyrics and pictures in which you also write poems and draw because Mika's so inspiring, when you feel alive again thanks to Mika's music, when you have Mika's laugh remix in your MP3 along with his songs...other fans mentioned it too, but I do feel the urge of looking for Mika's DVDs and CDs, even though I already have them all:) all those crazy things we do for Mika!:)

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You know your a Mika fan when people randomly stop you in the corridors and say "Hey! your that girl who likes Mika, right?"



OMG! that would be awesome if that happened to me! :roftl:

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You know your a Mika fan when people randomly stop you in the corridors and say "Hey! your that girl who likes Mika, right?"


Haha that happened to me!!! I was introduced to some people I didn't know and they said : 'Ha so that's you, the MIKA fan' !

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You know you're a Mika fan when you find yourself sewing golden sequins spelling Mika on your own hand made t-shirts even though you don't sew at all! And when the guy who prints two t-shirts with Mika (one in golden and one with bright sparkling colors) for you calls you "the Mika fan"... I loved it :)

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