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I believe it's because all of the details aren't yet ironed out. But the mods did have confirmation that it was so. I expect with the new album and gigs and so on , they will be working hard to get everything running as it should be, for example we were also promised a new website, perhaps the two are linked so we won't see any differences till that is launched?

I have every faith.


I have every faith too- but which will I see first- heaven, or an organised, interlinked, Mika fanclub-forum-blog-website?


Tbh, I don't really see what sort of issues could stop Mika/ his management linking to his official fansite from Mikasounds. And that would clear up a lot of confusion, though a message to MS forum would probably also be in order, if they used to be official, like Freddie said.

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Heeehee i wish I knew the dates its killing me I really want to know if I can go or not! Yeah Westerpark was wonderful brilliant atmosphere. Umm i wonder if we met?

I was with my stupid ex who totally embarrassed me. He followed mika around everywhere with a camera in his face:thumbdown: Thats why I cant wait to see him in Ireland I dont have to be with an idiot like that! And it is that idiot who has ruined our lives.


aw. I'm also dying to hear the dates, it'll soon get too late and i'll be screwed again as I was last year! (I think you know what I mean)

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I know this is a completely different topic, but since I’ve felt the need to expose it many times before, I’m taking this opportunity to do so :wink2:


As I explained at my first ever post here, I registered on this forum in order not to have problems at gigs in the future, as I realized non-MFCers in general don’t have it easy to even get a good spot at the front no matter how early they start queuing or the number on their hands, and that’s just an example…


It is also true that I’m enjoying the experience and that I actually think there are very nice people here (as well as not-so-very-nice people, that’s life :thumb_yello:)


I’ve been expectant ever since last summer to see how things will happen next time, trying to convince myself everything will be ok, but to be honest, as the moment gets nearer (in case I can make it to attend a gig, of course :blink:), I feel more and more worried about it.


I cannot help fearing unfairness. If tickets are to be distributed by MFC, I suspect favoritism will probably take place on who gets them. Contacts and string-pulling is natural in everyday life (we know a lot about that in Spain, unfortunately :thumbdown:), but should be strongly avoided in an upright organization like this, and I’m not sure if that’s going to be the case, quite honestly. I really hope so, but wouldn’t blindly bet on it.


And I’d rather not try to figure out about potential M&Gs…


That was it. I’m REALLY REALLY REALLY looking forward to be proven wrong, believe me, there are few things I want more… :punk:

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I cannot help fearing unfairness. If tickets are to be distributed by MFC, I suspect favoritism will probably take place on who gets them. Contacts and string-pulling is natural in everyday life (we know a lot about that in Spain, unfortunately :thumbdown:), but should be strongly avoided in an upright organization like this, and I’m not sure if that’s going to be the case, quite honestly. I really hope so, but wouldn’t blindly bet on it.


Why would you fear this when it was explained to you ad nauseam how the Madrid meet and greet worked? No members of MFC who requested to attend the meet and greet by the deadline were not given the opportunity to go. If any Mika fans missed that opportunity, favouritism by the administrators of this forum is certainly not to blame but simply their own lack of participation in what goes on here where the information was freely available to them.


Scarcity is going to create situations where not everyone who wants something will get it but we are not working in isolation here. Mika communicates what he wants through his management and no we're not going to go against his wishes to simply benefit ourselves and our friends.

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so true. :wub2:

Well I'm not Mika's personal friend, so I will act like a spoilt child whenever I feel like it I want an icecream :crybaby:

It sucks when your favourite flavour of icecream is only offered on another continent you know But still I'm able to appreciate that it's actually offered to people who will really enjoy it, rather than just handed out on random. Thank you for letting the MFC know about this gig, it's awesome to know that some of the fans will be able to go and I believe most of us are thrilled that we got to know first - just a bit jealous that we can't be there


And about that email, seriously that's just unbelieveably rude :shocked:

I love mika flavoured ice cream damnit.:emot-sad:

oh FFS. Bloody f*ckin hell. :lmfao: Envy green is not a pretty colour. This forum thrived because it's got a user friendly vibe. The only people that don't last here are the over-sensitive stab you in the back then claim to be the victim types. Clearly proven once again.


I love that it's going to be in L.A. even though I can't get there. I'm not a selfish whore that wants Mika to perform in some obscure location and have a half-hearted career.


That just screams, zhhzzhhzzhhzzhhzzhhz. LMFAO @ KELZ.

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First of all I'd like to say I admire Perez's honesty. I appreciate the fact he came on here first to tell us about it. We MFCers may have strange reactions but usually it's all in good fun.


Now I want to get to the point as I am rather shocked by the fact that this all occured. It shouldn't have. I understand the MS forum feels a bit pushed aside by the MFC, but there is no need to blackmail the MFC just because of this. No we're not the only fans of Mika and there are less vocal fans as well. But the MS forum doesn't have silent fans. So I think you're talking about the wrong group here as you post your love for Mika as much as we do. BUT this is not about us being the only fans, this is about the fact that we've heard it first as I am sure most of the MS forum members wouldn't be able to go themselves anyway. It's pure jealousy and I'm actually kind of hurt. We're being pointed at as the big bad wolf that's swallowing the little animals which is completely unfair. I'm not saying the MS forum is a bad place, but there is a reason why MFC is bigger. We're more updated etc. etc. I joined the MS forum 2 years ago and it was as dead as a stone and I joined the MFC and I never went away. The people here are lovely, we're one close community, we're always updated and supportive of Mika no matter what. Yes we can be critical and yes we're not always: OH MIKA WE LUVVLES UUUU when we disagree with him on something. But I only think that's healthy. We support him no matter what, all the members here and I can't express how it disgusts me that this happened. And you could say we have no right to speak because we're the lucky ones in this case, but seriously this jealousy must STOP.

We don't think we are everything and if one or two people have said some things that are not favourable maybe, it doesn't mean we're all like that. I'm directing this at Patricia now. WHEN did you EVER feel that we from the MFC felt better than you? Everytime we met at gigs it was going perfectly well and not ONE of us felt we had more right to meet Mika than any of you. The finger was sometimes pointed at us accussingly, but it was NEVER the case. We always got along well, when you posted here on this forum we accepted you as we accept EVERYONE. This backstabbing disappoints me deeply.

We're all Mika fans. Just the fact that Perez posted this on here first should not be the reason for a huge war against the forums. It's not worth it. The whole "We're official!" "No, WE'RE official!" thing has gone too far. I just don't understand. When Mika will post new tourdates and release dates everyone will find out the same time. What's the big deal? He doesn't love us more than he loves all his other fans. We get that. But as Mika would sing: Point the finger and place the blame, it's not necessary. We shouldn't find and just enjoy the music and our favourite artist: Mika.



well said!:wink2:

Edited by DarkLight
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Wow :blink:

ok, I know you talked about that few hours ago but I wanted to react. Maybe my reaction isn't appropriate because I'm not a hard core Mfcer.


I think it's very sad to read such stories while we just had some wonderfull news...

I know that the whole rivality stories lats since long time ago.

I belong to the french forum, the Mikawebsite for the one who know it. There were many rivalities with this forum too, at the beginning.


At first, I didn't find the interest to register on the MFC but with the time, I understood that MFC is the biggest community of fans so I had to be part of this. Even if I don't post very often, I come here several times a week to check what happen because for me, this is the official fan club (the proof with this last story of secret gig and Perez). There are many forums in many countries (in France, there are at least 3 with big rivalities too...) but the Mfc is the Mfc... I don't know if I'm clear but we all know, on the other forums that the Mfc is so important. After that, everybody has to feel free to join or not.


But me, I'm feeling very good to belong to 2 forums : the French one which is my home because I know all the people, because I spend my time on it and I love it and there is the MFc. Indeed, many members of the MWS belong to the MFC too...


Everyone has to find his own balance but no one can blame the Mfc to be what it is... It's like that, so you have the choice to be part of this and get all the informations very quickly, or not.


Freddie is right, we have to be one... because we all love Mika.

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Ha- I don't think there's anyone one here (who posts anything interesting) that hasn't wanted to take something back because it hasn't come out right.


Hehe, that's why the delete buttons comes in handy!:blush-anim-cl::naughty:


I know, believe me!:roftl:

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I just got explained what's happening.

Thanks DarkLight for quoting Ingie, otherwise I couldn't have said this: I agree with you Ing.


Patricia, do you think Perez can help it? He just said he didn't even know about the Mikasoundsforum. The link to it isn't even on Mika's site anymore I think.

And we also got the PDP Trailer before MS, and no complaints about that either no, so why about this?

Why would you even send an email like that? It really puts us in a bad daylight.


''ve told some of them but dont you think it's unfair that we are pushed aside by mfc all the time?we've been with mika from the start.

we always support him and we're never rude to him , and thats a thing i can't say about the mfc.''


Seriously, when did we ever really pushed you aside? Did we ever offend the MS forum? Haven't we been with him from the start as well?

Aren't you now doing the same thing as you say we do with MS?

You're never rude to him? Good for you.

I think the MFC in general is a pretty nice forum. We are happy for everyone who get to go to gigs and who meet him.

And I can't remember that we've ever been really rude to him.

You say we're rude, so you probably have an example too? Would you mind to show that example?

There's a big difference between poking fun and being rude.


Sorry for this big rant, but this kinda annoys me, and hurts me as well.

I can perfectly understand why Perez is pissed off now.

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Freddie is right, we have to be one... because we all love Mika.



I think oficially we can only be one.. Of course this fan club can have many divergent forums, and I belong to another fan club too, the portuguese one of course. But I'm proud too to belong to both, because on one side, the portuguese is like my home aswell, where I get to talk my language, and I'm closer with the members there, but I love it here too. I wouldn't think it'd be proper to get this kind of news on first hand in ALL the fan clubs, because it would just be really confuse, and I think all the forums and fanclubs converge here, and that's the good thing of it. I understand that mikasounds was the first, but this one is the big guy right now, more seen as official, with a better structure, and the members of mikasounds will have to change if they intend to keep up to date. They can register and still be quiet, and go to the other forum they prefer!

And I find somethings that were said in that e-mail were unfair and it's backstabbing as many previously said it.

And it's not Perez that's going to sort this rivalry, so I think the e-mail was really useless...


But I won't say anything else:naughty: I think plenty of us have showed their opinions and mine isn't making any difference:roftl:

Edited by Neiobi
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But I'm proud too to belong to both, because on one side, the portuguese is like my home aswell, where I get to talk my language, and I'm closer with the members there, but I love it here too.

and I think all the forums and fanclubs converge here, and that's the good thing of it. !


:thumb_yello: (sorry for the using of the "modo smiley" :naughty:) this is exactly what I think, and what I feel about my home forum... And you're totally right for the part in bold. We all converge here...


They can register and still be quiet, and go to the other forum they prefer!


That's exactly what I do !! :punk::wink2: (I sooooo quiet, except in the french speaking thread ! )

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:thumb_yello: (sorry for the using of the "modo smiley" :naughty:) this is exactly what I think, and what I feel about my home forum... And you're totally right for the part in bold. We all converge here...




That's exactly what I do !! :punk::wink2: (I sooooo quiet, except in the french speaking thread ! )


You don't have anything to be sorry about haha:roftl:



It's far more comfortable to speak in your own language and with people from your country most time! But still it's good too to practice your english :biggrin2:

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But me, I'm feeling very good to belong to 2 forums : the French one which is my home because I know all the people, because I spend my time on it and I love it and there is the MFc. Indeed, many members of the MWS belong to the MFC too...


Everyone has to find his own balance but no one can blame the Mfc to be what it is... It's like that, so you have the choice to be part of this and get all the informations very quickly, or not.


Freddie is right, we have to be one... because we all love Mika.


Thanks Deb. This is how I see it and I'm confident that this is how it's going to be in the future.


If my French was better I would be interested in MWS and if I had been able to get an account I would have been posting on Mikasounds forum as well. No one on MFC wants to do away with the other social groups nor do they want to deny anyone else who's been a loyal fan to Mika the same things MFC (as a social group) has gotten.


MFC is going to be the place to come for certain things (perks, information, etc.) and everyone is welcome to be a part of that. You don't need to participate a lot in the social aspects of the forum in order to be a member here so these complaints that other forums do not get the same perks are not warranted. That's just not how these things work.

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It's far more comfortable to speak in your own language and with people from your country most time! But still it's good too to practice your english :biggrin2:


Yeahh exactly !! and you know most of the people because you met them at gigs, at meetings... it's different :wub2:

You're right for the english part ! even if I don't post very often in english, it's good to read it !


and btw, congrats for your english ! you're very young and you speak very well :wink2:

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Yeahh exactly !! and you know most of the people because you met them at gigs, at meetings... it's different :wub2:

You're right for the english part ! even if I don't post very often in english, it's good to read it !


and btw, congrats for your english ! you're very young and you speak very well :wink2:


Quite different, it's really good:wub2:

Well you could try to post more, you'll get better you'll see!


Thankyou... I learned a lot from here!

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You don't have anything to be sorry about haha:roftl:



It's far more comfortable to speak in your own language and with people from your country most time! But still it's good too to practice your english :biggrin2:


And I get to practise my Portuguese (not) :roftl:


But I am picking up bits of other languages :thumb_yello:

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