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MIKA on GOOD MORNING AMERICA - Friday, Sept. 25 2009


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I just got off the phone with Lucy! She is SO frickin' HAPPY it is CRAZY!!!! OMG - she cannot even find her way around right now - she is SO disoriented! :roftl:


Lucy was the first one there this morning. She arrived at 4:30 AM. There was A LOT of VIP's ther this time,and the MFCers did not think they would get into the studio - but, were very happy (just to be there - and seeing him through the window) . . . anyways at some point Dr. John came out - and they were telling him how last year there was a list for the MFCers to get in - and blah blah blah . . . when he found out they were MFCers he put them on the VIP list and that is how they got into the studio.


I like most of you WAS TAPING IT and waiting anxiously . . . I thought my heart was going to explode!!!! Then thy showed a little teaser of him *doing Love Today* and Robin said that was Mika performing Grace Kelly!!! MY GAWD - can they get ANYTHING right! DID YOU SEE THE L O O K on Mika's FACE!!!!! aaahhh I felt SO bad!!! I was SCREAMING at the t.v. (more like screaming at Robin :sneaky2:


Anyways - what ever then the darn PRES has to come and RUIN my morning/day/week/month . . .WHY did they FEEL THE NEED to show that? It is NOT like he was 'addressing the American people' . . . WTF! I KNEW right that moment that I would NOT be seeing anymore of MIKA!


Behind the scenes though Lucy said that when they announced to us that the East Coast would not be seeing Mika perform it could be seen online MIKA WAS PISSED!!!! She said he mouthed to his mum 'ONLY ON LINE' like WTF!!!

And then he stormed out and talked to his mum - when he came back out she said he was all calm and SMILING that beautiful smile - and they all got individual pics with him!!!! He did not sign anything just took pics! :wub2:


Lucy has waited over 2 YEARS to get a pic with Mika so I am THRILLED for her and jealous as hell! :huglove:

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Can't wait to see the BIOTG performance, come on! What's taking so long :sneaky2:


is there one before the one next week?! :shocked:


Oh ok I get it now!



Are we talking of Mika or politics?:roftl::roftl:


no, but Mika is also a threat to the world... a threat of awesomeness!!! :naughty:

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I just got off the phone with Lucy! She is SO frickin' HAPPY it is CRAZY!!!! OMG - she cannot even find her way around right now - she is SO disoriented! :roftl:


Lucy was the first one there this morning. She arrived at 4:30 AM. There was A LOT of VIP's ther this time,and the MFCers did not think they would get into the studio - but, were very happy (just to be there - and seeing him through the window) . . . anyways at some point Dr. John came out - and they were telling him how last year there was a list for the MFCers to get in - and blah blah blah . . . when he found out they were MFCers he put them on the VIP list and that is how they got into the studio.


I like most of you WAS TAPING IT and waiting anxiously . . . I thought my heart was going to explode!!!! Then thy showed a little teaser of him *doing Love Today* and Robin said that was Mika performing Grace Kelly!!! MY GAWD - can they get ANYTHING right! DID YOU SEE THE L O O K on Mika's FACE!!!!! aaahhh I felt SO bad!!! I was SCREAMING at the t.v. (more like screaming at Robin :sneaky2:


Anyways - what ever then the darn PRES has to come and RUIN my morning/day/week/month . . .WHY did they FEEL THE NEED to show that? It is NOT like he was 'addressing the American people' . . . WTF! I KNEW right that moment that I would NOT be seeing anymore of MIKA!


Behind the scenes though Lucy said that when they announced to us that the East Coast would not be seeing Mika perform it could be seen online MIKA WAS PISSED!!!! She said he mouthed to his mum 'ONLY ON LINE' like WTF!!!

And then he stormed out and talked to his mum - when he came back out she said he was all calm and SMILING that beautiful smile - and they all got individual pics with him!!!! He did not sign anything just took pics! :wub2:


Lucy has waited over 2 YEARS to get a pic with Mika so I am THRILLED for her and jealous as hell! :huglove:


Sucks for Meeks to be booted from the show, but great for Lucy!

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Hey hey hey!!!


I'm still in a mika-daze... but here's my report:


I met lucy in front of the studio and surprisingly, no one else was there! it was times square and the police department was right across the street, so it seemed pretty safe. we could see the crew setting up inside...



MommyLovesMika and JackViolet arrive and we wait more. There was a girl there (i forgot her name), but she had tattooed mika's autograph on her hip/stomach and she also had sequins glued all around her eyes, she looked awesome! and i met Rilo too (i think thats your name on mfc)



security starts getting us into line order. we were super sad to find out that people with "confirmation letters" got to go in front of us. They didnt even know who Mika was and were asking us what kind of music he played, etc... But MommyLovesMika talked to Samantha and told her that Dcdeb had been emailing, etc.... so one of Mika's managers (Allison) came out and told us she wanted the fan club members in front to support Mika! so they put us behind the VIP line (which is short, and makes us in front of the confirmation-letter-people).


7:30ish am

we start to go into the studio.... we see band members... here's descriptions...

Martin: wearing black polka dot & glittered shirt... with a black hat on.... he was very smiley and friendly

Cherisse: looked AMAZING, she was wearing a super glittery shirt and i told her i loved it and she said "thanks"

new keyboard guy (sorry dont know the name): he was quiet, but cute... dressed in all black and a black hat as well

new bass player (forgot the name too, sorry): he was looking very good. and he kept taking pics with his own camera during their off-time. i had to awkwardly smile in the background of one of them.



we are in the studio anxiously waiting for mika. it turns out that one of the girls in the studio was an old "big-girl"... she was pretty cool



MIKA comes out!!!!!!! he was giddy, smiley, in a good mood. i was trying my best not to faint from being starstruck. a guy kept coming over to fix his hair. then they recorded little snippets of love today. (no idea why). theyre about to get ready to film more, when obama's speech had to be put through. then gma was either going to bump the cooking or mika. and they chose the cooking (ughhh). mika was just sitting next to the piano with a "what-the-hell look on his face" and was obviously not too happy about that. but at the end, they taped him performing "blame it on the girls" and we had to do the "clap" for him. he was dancing around the stage and looked great. performing really makes him happy, so if he was upset about gma's decision.... performing defintiely changed his mindset. of course he was amazing!!!! afterwards he went over to our side and talked to us. he even gave drumsticks to this girl who had some special reason to be there. no idea what though.


at the end he stood at the kitchen section and took pictures with everyone in the studio. he was so smiley and sweet. we all got to hug him when we took pics. it was amazing! when it was my turn i said "hi you were great!" and he just smiled and said "hi! thanks"... then we took a picture and i left. i was in a daze as i was walking out, it was amazing.


its clear he really cares about his fans and knows that a lot of fans were expecting to see him on tv. so i think thats why he was so upset. but performing definitely cheered him up!!

oh he also talked about his pub-party in london.... and then he said that a secret/suprise nyc thing might be happening soon. we'll see!!!!


so far thats all i can remember/type about. it was a pretty short mika experience, but SO WORTH IT!!!!

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Meeks! :teehee:



Oooh, sorry... :blush-anim-cl:

s'ok just wondeing :D

I just got off the phone with Lucy! She is SO frickin' HAPPY it is CRAZY!!!! OMG - she cannot even find her way around right now - she is SO disoriented! :roftl:


Lucy was the first one there this morning. She arrived at 4:30 AM. There was A LOT of VIP's ther this time,and the MFCers did not think they would get into the studio - but, were very happy (just to be there - and seeing him through the window) . . . anyways at some point Dr. John came out - and they were telling him how last year there was a list for the MFCers to get in - and blah blah blah . . . when he found out they were MFCers he put them on the VIP list and that is how they got into the studio.


I like most of you WAS TAPING IT and waiting anxiously . . . I thought my heart was going to explode!!!! Then thy showed a little teaser of him *doing Love Today* and Robin said that was Mika performing Grace Kelly!!! MY GAWD - can they get ANYTHING right! DID YOU SEE THE L O O K on Mika's FACE!!!!! aaahhh I felt SO bad!!! I was SCREAMING at the t.v. (more like screaming at Robin :sneaky2:


Anyways - what ever then the darn PRES has to come and RUIN my morning/day/week/month . . .WHY did they FEEL THE NEED to show that? It is NOT like he was 'addressing the American people' . . . WTF! I KNEW right that moment that I would NOT be seeing anymore of MIKA!


Behind the scenes though Lucy said that when they announced to us that the East Coast would not be seeing Mika perform it could be seen online MIKA WAS PISSED!!!! She said he mouthed to his mum 'ONLY ON LINE' like WTF!!!

And then he stormed out and talked to his mum - when he came back out she said he was all calm and SMILING that beautiful smile - and they all got individual pics with him!!!! He did not sign anything just took pics! :wub2:


Lucy has waited over 2 YEARS to get a pic with Mika so I am THRILLED for her and jealous as hell! :huglove:

Wow good for her!

So did I understand right that Mika didint agree to to do off line show to show it off later on? Good,very good Meeks!:thumb_yello:

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Hey hey hey!!!


I'm still in a mika-daze... but here's my report:


I met lucy in front of the studio and surprisingly, no one else was there! it was times square and the police department was right across the street, so it seemed pretty safe. we could see the crew setting up inside...



MommyLovesMika and JackViolet arrive and we wait more. There was a girl there (i forgot her name), but she had tattooed mika's autograph on her hip/stomach and she also had sequins glued all around her eyes, she looked awesome! and i met Rilo too (i think thats your name on mfc)



security starts getting us into line order. we were super sad to find out that people with "confirmation letters" got to go in front of us. They didnt even know who Mika was and were asking us what kind of music he played, etc... But MommyLovesMika talked to Samantha and told her that Dcdeb had been emailing, etc.... so one of Mika's managers (Allison) came out and told us she wanted the fan club members in front to support Mika! so they put us behind the VIP line (which is short, and makes us in front of the confirmation-letter-people).


7:30ish am

we start to go into the studio.... we see band members... here's descriptions...

Martin: wearing black polka dot & glittered shirt... with a black hat on.... he was very smiley and friendly

Cherisse: looked AMAZING, she was wearing a super glittery shirt and i told her i loved it and she said "thanks"

new keyboard guy (sorry dont know the name): he was quiet, but cute... dressed in all black and a black hat as well

new bass player (forgot the name too, sorry): he was looking very good. and he kept taking pics with his own camera during their off-time. i had to awkwardly smile in the background of one of them.



we are in the studio anxiously waiting for mika. it turns out that one of the girls in the studio was an old "big-girl"... she was pretty cool



MIKA comes out!!!!!!! he was giddy, smiley, in a good mood. i was trying my best not to faint from being starstruck. a guy kept coming over to fix his hair. then they recorded little snippets of love today. (no idea why). theyre about to get ready to film more, when obama's speech had to be put through. then gma was either going to bump the cooking or mika. and they chose the cooking (ughhh). mika was just sitting next to the piano with a "what-the-hell look on his face" and was obviously not too happy about that. but at the end, they taped him performing "blame it on the girls" and we had to do the "clap" for him. he was dancing around the stage and looked great. performing really makes him happy, so if he was upset about gma's decision.... performing defintiely changed his mindset. of course he was amazing!!!! afterwards he went over to our side and talked to us. he even gave drumsticks to this girl who had some special reason to be there. no idea what though.


at the end he stood at the kitchen section and took pictures with everyone in the studio. he was so smiley and sweet. we all got to hug him when we took pics. it was amazing! when it was my turn i said "hi you were great!" and he just smiled and said "hi! thanks"... then we took a picture and i left. i was in a daze as i was walking out, it was amazing.


its clear he really cares about his fans and knows that a lot of fans were expecting to see him on tv. so i think thats why he was so upset. but performing definitely cheered him up!!

oh he also talked about his pub-party in london.... and then he said that a secret/suprise nyc thing might be happening soon. we'll see!!!!


so far thats all i can remember/type about. it was a pretty short mika experience, but SO WORTH IT!!!!

WOW amazing!


Caz: I told you hell be doing BIOTG:roftl::roftl:(sorry I had to)

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Hey hey hey!!!


I'm still in a mika-daze... but here's my report:


I met lucy in front of the studio and surprisingly, no one else was there! it was times square and the police department was right across the street, so it seemed pretty safe. we could see the crew setting up inside...



MommyLovesMika and JackViolet arrive and we wait more. There was a girl there (i forgot her name), but she had tattooed mika's autograph on her hip/stomach and she also had sequins glued all around her eyes, she looked awesome! and i met Rilo too (i think thats your name on mfc)



security starts getting us into line order. we were super sad to find out that people with "confirmation letters" got to go in front of us. They didnt even know who Mika was and were asking us what kind of music he played, etc... But MommyLovesMika talked to Samantha and told her that Dcdeb had been emailing, etc.... so one of Mika's managers (Allison) came out and told us she wanted the fan club members in front to support Mika! so they put us behind the VIP line (which is short, and makes us in front of the confirmation-letter-people).


7:30ish am

we start to go into the studio.... we see band members... here's descriptions...

Martin: wearing black polka dot & glittered shirt... with a black hat on.... he was very smiley and friendly

Cherisse: looked AMAZING, she was wearing a super glittery shirt and i told her i loved it and she said "thanks"

new keyboard guy (sorry dont know the name): he was quiet, but cute... dressed in all black and a black hat as well

new bass player (forgot the name too, sorry): he was looking very good. and he kept taking pics with his own camera during their off-time. i had to awkwardly smile in the background of one of them.



we are in the studio anxiously waiting for mika. it turns out that one of the girls in the studio was an old "big-girl"... she was pretty cool



MIKA comes out!!!!!!! he was giddy, smiley, in a good mood. i was trying my best not to faint from being starstruck. a guy kept coming over to fix his hair. then they recorded little snippets of love today. (no idea why). theyre about to get ready to film more, when obama's speech had to be put through. then gma was either going to bump the cooking or mika. and they chose the cooking (ughhh). mika was just sitting next to the piano with a "what-the-hell look on his face" and was obviously not too happy about that. but at the end, they taped him performing "blame it on the girls" and we had to do the "clap" for him. he was dancing around the stage and looked great. performing really makes him happy, so if he was upset about gma's decision.... performing defintiely changed his mindset. of course he was amazing!!!! afterwards he went over to our side and talked to us. he even gave drumsticks to this girl who had some special reason to be there. no idea what though.


at the end he stood at the kitchen section and took pictures with everyone in the studio. he was so smiley and sweet. we all got to hug him when we took pics. it was amazing! when it was my turn i said "hi you were great!" and he just smiled and said "hi! thanks"... then we took a picture and i left. i was in a daze as i was walking out, it was amazing.


its clear he really cares about his fans and knows that a lot of fans were expecting to see him on tv. so i think thats why he was so upset. but performing definitely cheered him up!!

oh he also talked about his pub-party in london.... and then he said that a secret/suprise nyc thing might be happening soon. we'll see!!!!


so far thats all i can remember/type about. it was a pretty short mika experience, but SO WORTH IT!!!!

:shocked: I hope its during the NY gig:naughty:


Thanks for the report:wink2:

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Behind the scenes though Lucy said that when they announced to us that the East Coast would not be seeing Mika perform it could be seen online MIKA WAS PISSED!!!! She said he mouthed to his mum 'ONLY ON LINE' like WTF!!!

And then he stormed out and talked to his mum - when he came back out she said he was all calm and SMILING that beautiful smile - and they all got individual pics with him!!!! He did not sign anything just took pics! :wub2:


Yes, I imagine he was p****d, but he seems to have handled it extremely well.

I bet he'll be more disillusioned when he learns that it was cut out because of something with absolutely no earth shattering importance:sneaky2:


Thanks for posting us Lucy's report.:flowers2:

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wow. I watched the entire Good Morning America show. In texas all we got was where they snippeted Love today by calling it grace kelly. Then they tortured us with cooking. MIka did play Blame it on the Girls. I'm still glad I got to see him. I wish it had been longer. I did not see the president thing but I wasn't really listening I was just waiting for our dear Meeks.

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wow. I watched the entire Good Morning America show. In texas all we got was where they snippeted Love today by calling it grace kelly. Then they tortured us with cooking. MIka did play Blame it on the Girls. I'm still glad I got to see him. I wish it had been longer. I did not see the president thing but I wasn't really listening I was just waiting for our dear Meeks.


you saw him!!? :(( we watched entire show onthe net and he wasnt there! well except the snippet

Did you record it?

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It's working it's way across the country. Texas is ahead of me in time and I'm just about to see Mika play. So yes, true about the rest of the country. Unfortunately, more people live on the east coast..

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That was a good performance! They had shots of the crowd. I saw the girl with the glitter eye and lots of people singing along.! At first he seemed a little shy but got over that quickly and started dancing around (grey undie top sighting) and making eye contact with the camera! He rocked it out!

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