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BIOTG video and Jools Holland


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OMG I remembered something!!!


Mika blew his nose, and we looked to see if he inspected his tissue but he didn't LOL! And then he threw the tissue (TWO tissues, actually) behind his set of speakers or something, I hope there was a bin behind them! :aah::lmfao:


Ugggggh, he's a boy, he probably didn't even look to see if there's a bin. Out of sight, out of mind, that's how ALL men act. Even the adorable ones.

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OMG I remembered something!!!


Mika blew his nose, and we looked to see if he inspected his tissue but he didn't LOL! And then he threw the tissue (TWO tissues, actually) behind his set of speakers or something, I hope there was a bin behind them! :aah::lmfao:


thanks for the nose blowing report.... i think :mf_rosetinted:



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Remember when I told you that? :naughty:


Yes ma'am! This has been the best month I have EVER had in my LIFE! :aah:


Ugggggh, he's a boy, he probably didn't even look to see if there's a bin. Out of sight, out of mind, that's how ALL men act. Even the adorable ones.


thanks for the nose blowing report.... i think :mf_rosetinted:




LOL you're welcome! xD It was quite funny to be honest haha

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I was going to launch straight away I guess that what I'm trying to say is that I don't understand why it's suddenly somehow "expected" that everyone who's going to any event relating to Mika needs to formally announce it here, or automatically make it this huge production.


I find this very amusing to read now..


When not long ago the mods were given all this crap..

For 'not announcing going to a Mika related event.'


Funny. :teehee:

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Ok, so finally my report from this night....Let's see if (hopefully:naughty:) I remember everything....

We got there around 6, and did the usual thing (queue at the door), and start getting really excited. Until then everything had been so fast, and with leaving work early and all, that it was a bit like the buildup was mainly stress and trying to fit everything in, and by the time we actually got to the bbc studios in Sheperd's Bush we were already exhausted :biggrin2:.

When they let you in it's all like this massive circus, where you have to go through a security check like at an airport, with the security guards and the metal detector that you walk through, and even a scanner for your bags and all that jazz. Basically, exactly like an airport, which I found hilarious. Once inside they got us all sitting in a cafe-like area they told us the "rules": no coats or big bags (they had to go in the cloackroom), dark clothing (we didn't really know about that before), no cameras and picture or video taking, no food or drink, obeying the crew instructions at all times, etc...

I think that we must have been there for around an hour or even a bit longer, just sitting there chatting all excitedly and rehearsing the moves that we would do to the songs. We had a perfect choreography for WAG but then he didn't do that one, dammit :naughty:. For Rain someone (I think it was Sarah? Or Jemma? Came up with the brilliant "rain falling" movement that you saw on the videos, which we thought was fantastic, and would suit the chorus really well. Seriously Mika,you need to hire us as backup dancers/fill ins for your shows and videos in the future, hahaa :aah:.

At some point shortly after that they called everyone out through the speakers saying that we'd be going into the studio soon, and that if there were any Mika fans in the audience we needed to go to the front of the door so we'd get in the right position. There were also some Shakira hard core fans there, and I think that they wanted to make sure taht they put the right fans in the right place so that we could cheer the artists properly. I mean, if we're there we may as well do a proper job, right? :naughty:

We went in and it was quite weird- The studio was very different to the chat show studios that I've been to. This was like a massive "floor" like you see on TV, but then you walk around it, and it has entrances in every corner more or less, so that you walk around the sides of the square that the floor makes if that makes sense, and when you get to the right spot you enter the main square through the corner. Anyway so we were placesd in the Mika/The Cribs corner and after much chaos about where we should stand (move to the right/ now to the left, etc) we sort of stayed in the correct position from where we had a great view of Mika (just next to his stage, and next to the corridor where he came out onto the floor from).

I have no idea how long we waited like that for, but basically people were running around organising things and yelling instructions at eachother and sometimes at us if they thought that we'd get run over by a camera if we didn't move, and finally we started seeing the band come out and roam around the instruments, etc. Much banter was exchanged with the roadies, one of which always finds great pleasure in saying that "the usual suspects are here" when he sees us :lmfao:

There was a lot of interaction with the band as well and quite a bit with Mika later on just because there was a lot going on and a lot of dead waiting time between takes, or when other people were busy doing things, so the situation was just really chilled and conductive to that.

I spent a lot of time observing Mika because I just love to look at him when he's off camera and see what he does, and it did seem like he was a bit nervous before the show. He looked very cute just focusing and being really "in the zone", and also watching the other acts with a lot of interest (especially Gladys).

Let me carry on in a new post now, as this is getting long.


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OMG I remembered something!!!


Mika blew his nose, and we looked to see if he inspected his tissue but he didn't LOL! And then he threw the tissue (TWO tissues, actually) behind his set of speakers or something, I hope there was a bin behind them! :aah::lmfao:



HAHAHA! I remember checking to see if he was inspecting it, and telling Daz that he was obviously lying in those interviews because he blew his nose a few times last night and he never inspected the tissue :biggrin2:

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HAHAHA! I remember checking to see if he was inspecting it, and telling Daz that he was obviously lying in those interviews because he blew his nose a few times last night and he never inspected the tissue :biggrin2:


That's exactly what me, Jems and Babs said! Jemma was like "He was lying! He always lies!!" ahahaha! :roftl:

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Why is it funny that I say so? :blink: Where did I post giving them crap?


Comment wasn't directed at you personally.

It didn't say YOU gave the mods crap.

Said the mods were given crap.

For the same thing.


I think it's funny that other people can now feel how we felt then.

To an extent. Cuz we were given much more crap obviously. :mf_rosetinted:

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That's exactly what me, Jems and Babs said! Jemma was like "He was lying! He always lies!!" ahahaha! :roftl:


I know, that's probably why he sort of fears us in a way, because we're always there to point things like these out :roftl:.




Comment wasn't directed at you personally.

It didn't say YOU gave the mods crap.

Said the mods were given crap.

For the same thing.


I think it's funny that other people can now feel how we felt then.

To an extent. Cuz we were given much more crap obviously. :mf_rosetinted:


Ah, alright, thanks for clarifying :thumb_yello:. There is a slight difference which is that this was a show where anyone in the uk could apply for tickets to and not a private party, so I'm not sure that the situations can compare 100 percent. Who cares though. I really don't want to get into that story again, there was enough drama in this place back then.

Anyhow, I REALLY don't want to discuss that, honestly, I don't care about it and want to get cracking with the rest of my report :naughty:.So let's move on :teehee:

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hey _Sara - I think the reason there was a "reaction" on mfc / twitter is that normally for such events there is a link to how to apply for tickets . . .I was late to pick up on the Jools event - being sooo far away!! But when I did realise I looked on the JH website to see if you could apply for tix - not that it would do me much good - but just because . . .it said it was too late !


so as you and Chrstine have said - some peeps look more than others in to things . . .to get tix erc . .


the other aspect being that no one said anything bout it on twitter etc . ..so it was a surprise - nice on tho when we were watching and then went oooh look there's . . . .



Its similar - ish - to the big girsl video shoot - we didnt want to tel everyone what we did in it , so that when the video was released it had more impact,

but peeps moaned at us on here for having secrets!!


any way thats my view . . . :biggrin2:

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hey _Sara - I think the reason there was a "reaction" on mfc / twitter is that normally for such events there is a link to how to apply for tickets . . .I was late to pick up on the Jools event - being sooo far away!! But when I did realise I looked on the JH website to see if you could apply for tix - not that it would do me much good - but just because . . .it said it was too late !


so as you and Chrstine have said - some peeps look more than others in to things . . .to get tix erc . .


the other aspect being that no one said anything bout it on twitter etc . ..so it was a surprise - nice on tho when we were watching and then went oooh look there's . . . .



Its similar - ish - to the big girsl video shoot - we didnt want to tel everyone what we did in it , so that when the video was released it had more impact,

but peeps moaned at us on here for having secrets!!


any way thats my view . . . :biggrin2:



I think everybody knew about the Big Girl shoot. We even found out from Mika in Birmingham 2 days before where it was being shot, so it was no big secret.

Just a complete mess up by the people organising it, on what was happening.

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I think everybody knew about the Big Girl shoot. We even found out from Mika in Birmingham 2 days before where it was being shot, so it was no big secret.

Just a complete mess up by the people organising it, on what was happening.


Oh yes peeps knew it was happening but after the shoot people was asking for all the details of what it was like and those of us that had taken part thought we shouldnt say too much so that the video wasnt compromised. That seem to upset some others on here!


Indeed the organisation for the shoot was a nightmare - we should have realised then that it was just a sign of things to come!! :blink:

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Pips? :blink:


Ah. Youth :-))


I didn't know people from here were going, I was really pleased to see them (and again, just a tad jealous - I'm getting used to it though)


I hope he knows that the ones who go are representing us all......

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Ah. Youth :-))


I didn't know people from here were going, I was really pleased to see them (and again, just a tad jealous - I'm getting used to it though)


I hope he knows that the ones who go are representing us all......


Maybe thr new flag should have a pic of each person on it too - eh Rose -something to keep you busy if you could just do an embroidery of each of us :)

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OMG I remembered something!!!


Mika blew his nose, and we looked to see if he inspected his tissue but he didn't LOL! And then he threw the tissue (TWO tissues, actually) behind his set of speakers or something, I hope there was a bin behind them! :aah::lmfao:


Hey you real fans: I expect you picked the tissues up and put them in a frame by now?!:mf_rosetinted:



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So part 2 of my report of the Jools Holland night....

At some point Mika's turn came, and he did his first performance of BIOTG that night. He seemed quite at ease I think, and like he was enjoying it quite a bit. Before he started playing for the cameras he was sitting at the keyboard playing a bit and pretending to sing, and it was really cute. He was jsut "getting ready" I guess, but it was sweet. The band were all in really good spirits and the atmosphere was just really relaxed and great. During BIOTG Mika was looking in our direction a lot, and I think that he quite liked the clapping that we did because he requested more of it when we started to wane :roftl:. It was funny.

What else? Gosh, its' so hard to remember bits and tell them in order. I find myself remembering bits here and there but not sure of which order they came in. Ok so the format was pretty much: when it was his turn to perform he did his songs, looking at the camera in front of him of course, but also looking in out direction every now and then, and you could just feel that when we'd shout or move a lot or make noise he got like a bit of extra wind, and started jumping about more or stuff like that :naughty: It was funny.

At some other point he changed his shoes, from the spiky Loubotins to the high spikey converse looking Loubotins (I think they are also L??). He was wearing red socks btw which I found hilarious, not sure why. He also had his hair fixed in between takes with some hairspray that some chick put on him :roftl:. His hair reminded me a bit of Edward Scissorhands last night, so IMO not the best look he's had. I really don't know what it is with Mika and his hair and clothes, but I always find that he looks perfect and absolutely gorgeous after gigs, but then I don't quite like his look DURING the gig as much. Weird. He did look stunning as usual, just because he is beautiful so he can't NOT look good, but you know what I mean.

Oh something else that was also funny was that they kept polishing the piano that they brought for him to do PUOTF on (goodness how bad does that acronym sound :roftl:) and it was just really funny to see the roadie polishing. It reminded me (and I told him) of the scene in Karate Kid where he goes "wax on, wax off" :lmfao:

Jools came up at some point when Mika was sitting at the piano and they were joking around playing with the lid, opening and closing it and laughing but I'm not sure what the story was there.

Other bits...Hmmm...At one point Mika was just sitting there like a little boy waiting for his turn, biting his nails. That was sweet. He's so different from the "popstar" when he's being himself, and I think that this is one of the reasons why I like him so much. HE's just so sweet and refreshing. Not affected and up his own ass.

I must say though that I think that he was watching us as much as we were watching him. Throughout the night I could see him looking at us on many separate occasions, not when he was performing but just when he was waiting around and everyone was doing different things. He was just stalking errr observing us :biggrin2: and often laughing. I remmeber at one point I just looked and smiled at him, so he pulled this funny face and then started sort of laughing. As others said, it was just really relaxed and there was a lot of naturally happening banter/interaction. Oh and it was really hilarious when he noticed the "Rain dance moves" and came around laughing and said "what was that all about?", but he was doing the moves totally wrong :lmfao: and it looked like he was riding a horse :naughty:. Just really funny. I guess that some of these things seem really hilarious when you're in the situation but not as much when you're being told a day later so bear with us if we go on about these things and you don't find them funny or even remotely interesting :aah:.

What I did find very sweet is that after the first song that he did, BIOTG, he looked really happy and mouthed at us "well done!". It just seemed like he was honestly pleased about how it had gone, and the support that he'd gotten, because seriously, some of that audience looked like they didn't hve any more life in them than a freaking cold fish. I really wonder why some people bother going to these things and "fighting" for a front position when they are not willing to get into the spirit of things. Weird.

After the show he also seemed really happy and he thanked us for being there, saying that if it hadn't been for us there wouldn't have been any atmosphere there at all. Damn right he was :naughty:.

Ok, let me post this and I will recap and think of a few more bits now in a minute......

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hey _Sara - I think the reason there was a "reaction" on mfc / twitter is that normally for such events there is a link to how to apply for tickets . . .I was late to pick up on the Jools event - being sooo far away!! But when I did realise I looked on the JH website to see if you could apply for tix - not that it would do me much good - but just because . . .it said it was too late !


so as you and Chrstine have said - some peeps look more than others in to things . . .to get tix erc . .


the other aspect being that no one said anything bout it on twitter etc . ..so it was a surprise - nice on tho when we were watching and then went oooh look there's . . . .



Its similar - ish - to the big girsl video shoot - we didnt want to tel everyone what we did in it , so that when the video was released it had more impact,

but peeps moaned at us on here for having secrets!!


any way thats my view . . . :biggrin2:


Thing is Carri, that is what I meant- There isn't always a link on how to apply for tickets, or even mentions on threads about every single thing that he's doing.

Anyway about saying it on twitter beforehand, I think that it was probably just because everyone was so flipping stressed trying to make it after work, etc, rushed, queuing, traffic and parking problems ,etc etc etc...

Anyway, I really don't think that it's a problem or relevant so really I'm not sure why we're still discussing it :naughty:

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