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Not really. The only time when I got to interact with him was when Jimmy was drawing. After that Jimmy took Danika and I to the bar so it was just us 3, and we chatted for about half an hour lol.


Well we had also spoken to him after we chatted with Jimmy at the bar. Remember when he was telling us about his new movie with RPattz? :aah::naughty:

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I fully agree. That acoustic tour was downright magical. Although in Tegan's defense I'm not sure it's something you can quite "get" if you weren't able to see it live. It was so special. Now, I love all the theatrical aspects of the big tours for sure, but everything stripped down like that was just so...pure?


I whip this video out whenever I can... how awesome is this performance? :wub2:



I think you just hit the nail on the head there Mana. Even if I was fangurly around the time of the acoustic gigs, I don't think I would've quite understood how good it was without being there.


Although, I think I sort of understand after watching that video... it put a big smile on my face :biggrin2:


He's got a mic, so in theory he must be singing. :roftl: But I agree, I've never noticed, have no idea what he sounds like.


Cherisse has a microphone too, but I'm not 100% sure she sings...


Haven't you listened to videos of Jimmy with Ben? he sings backing vocals for a few of his songs...


You know, I really think David has come a long way. I noticed it on the North American tour and then especially in that Paris Jam Session video. If you watch Mika closely, you'll notice he's quite prone to changing things on the fly (especially when performing acoustically like at Jam Session). And David now seems to be able to keep up, to take the curveballs Mika throws and roll with it.


I wish I'd had the chance to speak with him on the last tour. He really should get on Twitter, it would be nice to get a sense of him as a person and not just "that guy on keys".


I think it's good that he's improving. If he didn't improve then it would be a worry. Besides, Mika obviously thinks he's good enough, otherwise he would've been replaced by now (I thought of that at about 2am this morning :naughty:).


And you so should chat to him... he is so friendly, we had a great chat to him! He was a little guarded when we came up ti him, but once we told him that hwe liked him he loosened up. I was surprised that he recognised some of the girls from the front row and when I told him that I was a big girl he high fived me! And he tried to be taller than Oakie Doke by standing on his tippy toes, but then she just got on hers! :teehee:


He really is great! I think that once you get to chat to him you'll understand why we Aussies like him so much!




There was a lot of anti-Mika coming from your lovely land for a while there, indeed. I hope the Sydney gig helped to calm some of that.


Definitely a lot of anti Mika sentiment... I think people can understand why I started to go a bit off Mika when all we talked about was Mika going other places and not coming here.


I can't speak for the others, but it definitely calmed it with me! Then again, most of the anti Mika sentiment went away with that bunch of flowers! :teehee:


I must admit though, there are a few Aussies that are being impatient about tour dates... I accept that he's got other places to go and I'm happy to wait... as long as I don't have to wait another 2 1/2 years for another concert! :naughty:


For fans of Mika's live performances, of course the band are an integral part. Their talents and performing styles affect the gigs in a huge way. The thing I really love about iMMa and Jimmy in particular is that they're not just musicians, they're performers. You couldn't have some wallflower on stage next to Mika; it just wouldn't work. And when you combine iMMa and Jimmy, they feed off of each other, too. And that's particularly important at these bigger shows; when Mika's on the far end of the stage, the people on the other side need something to keep their attention. iMMa and Jimmy are really great at that.


I'm a Mika fan, so of course I like watching Mika, and if he's standing right in front of me he'll have my attention for sure. (Well, unless he's leaning on Jimmy while he's playing the intro to Grace Kelly, that's a whole 'notha ballgame. :swoon:), but I like having other people on stage who add to the whole electricity of the show.


They really are performers, aren't they? I think they fit in so well with the existing members, and I bet Cherisse is glad that there's another girl there!


I :swoon: when Mika's leaning all over Jimmy too... I also :swoon:ed when Jimmy was leaning on Martin at Sydney :wub2:... it was so sweet, and my sister got a sweet pic of Jimmy leaning on Martin's shoulder...


[offtopic]I love the fact that the deputy Prime Minister just said crap on morning tv! Sorry, back to the topic at hand...[/offtopic]


I'd call getting my kids taken away because our house was too big and took too long to get to them, a massssive issue.


You bad person! :shocked:




Well we had also spoken to him after we chatted with Jimmy at the bar. Remember when he was telling us about his new movie with RPattz?


Bloody RPattz! :sneaky2:



I've read a few tweets from Ben about working on a movie he's in... he reckoned he is going to pretend to not know who he is :teehee: RPattz should be honoured that he's going to work with someone like Ben!


..like?..I'm actually interested in that *puts aside the wine*



Knew we'd get your attention :roftl:


Aww why would you write that in the Jimmy thread?


Jimmy, if you're reading, I love you more than the rest.


I love Jimmy as much, and sometimes more than, Martin! :shocked:



I would love to see his reaction to the comments made in here lately :lmfao:

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jimmy is the best in the world whe i got a big hugg from him:mf_lustslow: the camera would not work so he stod and hugg me it was a terable picture of me but next time ill have to pretend it wont work again so i can get another hugg and hopefully :wub2: i will look better:wink2:


(to jimmy who comes here and reads this thread in secret come back to australia and if mika wonte let you we will make him take you alonge)


*huggs jimmy again*:wub2:


beyy all gotta go do my assinment for the HSC :sneaky2:

:teehee:have fun i know i wont

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Hmm...I seem to remember someone messing up Relax every time in the summer of 2009. In fact he couldn't remember the chords at all in LA. :fisch:


But of course we love him anyway. :wink2:


I don't think you can compare what Dan and Jimmy were/are doing vocally because the acoustic tour used completely different arrangements. I really liked everything and everyone on the acoustic tour. It was such a treat to see him singing with Ida and Alexander and breathing new life into old songs like that.


But Jimmy and iMMa are a very good fit with the big "regular" show. They are both such high energy performers and really seem to connect with the audience. I liked Saranayde's singing and she was cute but there was something reserved about her...like she was acting as you would in a musical and not really feeling it the way musicians do when they're enjoying themselves on stage.


I thought after the Luke fiasco that you'd never get new musicians fitting in the same way but to me they feel just as much a part of the Mika package as Martin and Cherisse always were.


i agree christine, they are both great additions to the band. they fit in perfectly with Martin and Cherisse. i like the way the interact with us.

we got to know their personality via twitter, which was great.


as for David, well, i really don't know much about him. i did see him live in october and he did great. he looked more "at home" with the group then i remember seeing in vids this summer.


I'd call getting my kids taken away because our house was too big and took too long to get to them, a massssive issue. :lmfao:


that happened to me also :fisch:

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jimmy is the best in the world whe i got a big hugg from him:mf_lustslow: the camera would not work so he stod and hugg me it was a terable picture of me but next time ill have to pretend it wont work again so i can get another hugg and hopefully :wub2: i will look better:wink2:


(to jimmy who comes here and reads this thread in secret come back to australia and if mika wonte let you we will make him take you alonge)


*huggs jimmy again*:wub2:


beyy all gotta go do my assinment for the HSC :sneaky2:

:teehee:have fun i know i wont


I say that if Mika won't bring him back, we should just kidnap him! :biggrin2:


i agree christine, they are both great additions to the band. they fit in perfectly with Martin and Cherisse. i like the way the interact with us.

we got to know their personality via twitter, which was great.


as for David, well, i really don't know much about him. i did see him live in october and he did great. he looked more "at home" with the group then i remember seeing in vids this summer.


I think he's really starting to fit in with the group...

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Sweet, just found this thread :thumb_yello: Hullo!



I say that if Mika won't bring him back, we should just kidnap him! :biggrin2:




I think he's really starting to fit in with the group...



Def have to kidnap him muahaha! :thumb_yello:




jimmy is the best in the world whe i got a big hugg from him:mf_lustslow: the camera would not work so he stod and hugg me it was a terable picture of me but next time ill have to pretend it wont work again so i can get another hugg and hopefully :wub2: i will look better:wink2:


(to jimmy who comes here and reads this thread in secret come back to australia and if mika wonte let you we will make him take you alonge)


*huggs jimmy again*:wub2:


beyy all gotta go do my assinment for the HSC :sneaky2:

:teehee:have fun i know i wont



I was waaaay too shy to even go up to Jimmy! I so regret it now. I only spoke to Cherize and Imma......oh and Mika of course :blush-anim-cl:

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I was waaaay too shy to even go up to Jimmy! I so regret it now. I only spoke to Cherize and Imma......oh and Mika of course :blush-anim-cl:


You so should've come up to Jimmy... we got to have a great chat to him while we waited for Martin to return the marker he took... I had two but someone else had the other one...


Poor boy was worried that we wouldn't like him! :wub2: We all replied "No, we love you Jimmy!" :naughty:


Next time, you have to at least say hello to Jimmy...

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Could be to do with the fact that you jumped up on your soapbox about David...



Either that or she's a bit of a David fan... :teehee:


Don't get me wrong, I never really used to be, and all because of the Luke fiasco. But hey look, he's still here, the band clearly like him and I think he's doing alright. What's past is past. It's the future I'm looking at :thumb_yello:


Of course Sara is entitled to her opinion and it doesn't matter what she thinks really, I still love her to pieces.

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I finally Made it to this thread!! :wub2:


this is the man who made fun of my accent Backstage at the sydney gig!

he made me say Fush and chups and then Rofled at me!

hes a classic!


He scares me a little...hes spechul!


Dan and I spoke to Jimmy about you :naughty: He was trying to remember who was Australian and who was a Kiwi lol.

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