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Sorry, can't stop fangirling over Jimmy


that's what the thread is for!!!


He DOES read this thread, he told me. He stalks the MFC. A lot.


God he's a stalker...


At least I haven't said anything about him to embarrass myself lately :teehee:




*hides in a corner*


I doubt you'll have to hide in a corner... after all, I was the one talking about his underwear :doh:


Did you not hear the story? OMG woman, you're SO behind :aah: I met him properly at his own gig and he knew where I worked and where I live. The dude can probably tell me my own life story now. He remembered people from Canada and their names...everything...seriously, the guy is a professional stalker


Hi Jimmy.


He remembered me too! :wub2: Yay, I made an impression on someone! :teehee:



BEN!!! :fangurl: :fangurl:



You have to go to another Ben gig or to a Braxton Hix gig... I have to live vicariously though you seeing as there's pretty much NO chance of Ben coming here.. :tears:


To me it became quite clear after reading his report of the gig


I haven't read any of his reports... I've been so slack...


Aww, I remember when like, one of my scripts even involved Luke Juby. 2008 Dan, 2008 is when I did those scripts! So long ago! *goes all dramatic*


Well you know the bit where the plastics are talking to Lindsay (or Cady, whatever) in the lunch hall, and they look over at the "Art Table" (where Cady's friends are) and they're putting meat on their faces? And the gay one's going "MEH MEH MEH" or making some sort of stupid noise? We should go to a concert and cover our face in pancakes or something. I'm feelin' it.




Precisely that, yes. Forget Mika, it's all about impressing the ginger one.


We need a ginger smilie...


Fo' sho'.


I'm trying to draw him. But I don't know how to do his hair without making him look like Conan O'Brien.




Show us!!!


I'm not gonna attempt to draw him cause I can't draw at all! I might jsut stick to fangurling...



I'm looking for ginger emoticons... no such luck...


I know that the Korean thread have Mika ones, so maybe we can do something similar? :dunno:

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That's what I was thinking! Hrmph. :shun:


Sorry Jimmy, the spotlight ain't always about you, babe! :naughty:


Awwwww, poor Mana!


I just downloaded an emoticon creator... once I finish eating my pancakes (:drool:) I'll attempt to make a Jimmy one, and then I'll make a Mana one...


But I have to ask, what is a Mana emoticon supposed to look like???

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I know. :emot-sad: It's quite pathetic, actually. :lmfao:


You go do that.

I want to see what you're going to make.

Not Conan. :mf_rosetinted:


Mine aren't that good... they're pretty pathetic actually!









And a Ben one...





I could ask the person that made this smiley *points down*




how he did it and we can make our own set of Jimmy smileys...


:pinkbow:Yes, I have my own pink bow smiley

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Mine aren't that good... they're pretty pathetic actually!









And a Ben one...





I could ask the person that made this smiley *points down*




how he did it and we can make our own set of Jimmy smileys...


:pinkbow:Yes, I have my own pink bow smiley


wow, jimmy smilies! that would be pretty cool :teehee:

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I doubt you'll have to hide in a corner... after all, I was the one talking about his underwear :doh:


I guess I'm just embarrassed easily :aah:


LOL I did NOT read that *searches*




I was thinking about tweeting it to him but...look at it. :blink:


:lmfao: Hilarious, I'd recognize him! :naughty:


Mine aren't that good... they're pretty pathetic actually!









And a Ben one...





I could ask the person that made this smiley *points down*




how he did it and we can make our own set of Jimmy smileys...


:pinkbow:Yes, I have my own pink bow smiley




Nico .. you should do a jimmy simms project .. you know you want to


She'd have enough participants me thinks


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Freddie, you're secretly fangurling over Jimmy too ... don't deny it :bleh::roftl:

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Freddie, you're secretly fangurling over Jimmy too ... don't deny it :bleh::roftl:


Secretly?? LOL:roftl:


Part of me still thinks freds is a little jealous of all the attention Jimmy's getting now :pinkbow: just a little :pinkbow::teehee:

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