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MIKA TO-FU on Hong Kong newspaper!!!


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and then i would tell you more, but i am not signed in, and my mum knows the account password, and i do not


WOOOOW :mf_lustslow: :mf_lustslow: thank you :huglove:

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IT has the remix of rain that is from his tour! it is addictive!


it's fabulous, how much did it cost you in the end, with shipping etc


i'd love to get one but not sure if i can afford to get it shipped over to the Isle of Man


it's super duper nonetheless :thumb_yello:

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okay, i haven't been around for a while and i really do not have the time to go through all the thread, so where on earth can i get one? :teehee:

as if i have money to buy one anyway, :no:


thanks, :original:


Courtesy of eloise.shaw :original: :




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Grml... I won't have time to put money on my card for the next 2 or 3 weeks, so I asked someone if they could buy it for me... we'll see! I WANT IT!

they'll be prolly on sale on ebay but will surely be more expensive

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I am not sure it is limited or not. But I saw the price of this CD box-set is raised 15% in a HK CD warehouse within half an hour. I were shocked. :yikes:



how much is it in cd warehouse/widesight/hk records now? which one offers the cheapest do ya know?? :aah:


anyway, the rise in price means it's selling well:thumb_yello:


i'm pretty sure even if it is really sold out in shops, we can still buy the album at gigs. and i'm very pleased to help if anyone needs :biggrin2:

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I am not sure it is limited or not. But I saw the price of this CD box-set is raised 15% in a HK CD warehouse within half an hour. I were shocked. :yikes:


i was shocked too!

i bought my tofu cd last week and realised the price is raised yesterday!

it was the same shop i went to last week!

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Courtesy of eloise.shaw :original: :




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then right at the top of the screen there is a my basket button. click on i

oh thank-you :original:

turns out I do have money for it (though it was going to cost more than that). :original:

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i was so excited when i saw this!!!!!

translation coming!




國際巨星MIKA 6月16晚會黎香港開演唱會,當日下午仲會率先現身荷里活廣場添!

MILK crossover TO-FU OYAKO豆腐人的最新潮藝攪作, 將於荷里活廣場舉辦一個名為「MIKA TO-FU Art Show @Plaza Hollywood」的展覽,不但首展MIKA x TO-FU 模型,仲會展出大量MIKA私人珍藏,fans更可以同1米高既MIKA x TO-FU figure影相,免費入場架,唔去就蝕了!!!


「MIKA To-Fu 潮藝展 @荷里活廣場」揭幕大典

為隆重其事,MIKA 將現身為展覽舉行揭幕禮,更會與Fans大玩遊戲,大派限量版MIKA TO-FU Figures。





「MIKA To-Fu 潮藝展 @荷里活廣場」

展覽日期: 6月16日至30日

展覽時間: 中午12時至晚上10時

展覽地點: 鑽石山荷里活廣場一樓明星廣場

全球首展多款從未曝光MIKA x TO-FU初版Figures、一系列Mika私人設計及創作品、多款TO-FU別注項目、4大一米多高的MIKA TO-FU模型歡迎Fan合照相,免費入場。



消防換領「MIKA To-Fu限量珍品」

1) 於場內消費滿HK$800 (須組合2張不同商戶之即日機印發票),即可換領MIKA最新專輯(限量版)《The Boy Who Knew Too Much (Asia Tour Edition)》一隻;

2) 於場內消費滿HK$300 (以當日單一機印發票計算),則可換領MIKA TO-FU限量貼紙一套 (共7款)。





更多詳情睇下隨附圖片啦 !



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i was so excited when i saw this!!!!!

translation coming!




國際巨星MIKA 6月16晚會黎香港開演唱會,當日下午仲會率先現身荷里活廣場添!

MILK crossover TO-FU OYAKO豆腐人的最新潮藝攪作, 將於荷里活廣場舉辦一個名為「MIKA TO-FU Art Show @Plaza Hollywood」的展覽,不但首展MIKA x TO-FU 模型,仲會展出大量MIKA私人珍藏,fans更可以同1米高既MIKA x TO-FU figure影相,免費入場架,唔去就蝕了!!!


「MIKA To-Fu 潮藝展 @荷里活廣場」揭幕大典

為隆重其事,MIKA 將現身為展覽舉行揭幕禮,更會與Fans大玩遊戲,大派限量版MIKA TO-FU Figures。





「MIKA To-Fu 潮藝展 @荷里活廣場」

展覽日期: 6月16日至30日

展覽時間: 中午12時至晚上10時

展覽地點: 鑽石山荷里活廣場一樓明星廣場

全球首展多款從未曝光MIKA x TO-FU初版Figures、一系列Mika私人設計及創作品、多款TO-FU別注項目、4大一米多高的MIKA TO-FU模型歡迎Fan合照相,免費入場。



消防換領「MIKA To-Fu限量珍品」

1) 於場內消費滿HK$800 (須組合2張不同商戶之即日機印發票),即可換領MIKA最新專輯(限量版)《The Boy Who Knew Too Much (Asia Tour Edition)》一隻;

2) 於場內消費滿HK$300 (以當日單一機印發票計算),則可換領MIKA TO-FU限量貼紙一套 (共7款)。





更多詳情睇下隨附圖片啦 !








OH MY F-GOD!!!!!!!!!

thanks Sui you are my hero :huglove:

let's go there in the morning to get the best positions:naughty:


so basically there will be TOFU dolls and some mika's "personal collections" being exhibited. you can get "MIKA TOFU stickers" if you've spent HKD 300 in the mall.


and fans can play games with him to win the 6" doll! :swoon:

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here we go!




The international pop star Mika is going to have his Live in Hong Kong on 16th June!

Guess what? He is going to appear at the Plaza Hollywood in the afternoon on the same day!


MILK crossover TO-FU OYAKO is going to hold an exhibition titled:

MIKA TO-FU Art Show @ Plaza Hollywood


Not only MIKA x TO-FU figure will be shown there, but also showing a bunch of Mika's personal collections!

Fans will also get a chance to take photos with a 1m tall MIKA x TO-FU figure!


It is free admission!

So what are you waiting for?



"MIKA TO-FU Art Show @ Plaza Hollywood" Opening

To celebrate the release of Mika tofu, Mika is attending the exhibition's opening. He will be there playing games with fans, giving out MIKA TO-FU Figures.

Date: 16th June, 2010

Time: 1:30 pm

Venue: Star Square (?), 1/F, Plaza Hollywood, Diamond Hill



"MIKA TO-FU Art Show @ Plaza Hollywood"

Date: 16th June - 30th June, 2010

Opening time: 12:00 pm - 10:00 pm

Venue: Star Square (?), 1/F, Plaza Hollywood, Diamond Hill

Showing a bunch of first ever MIKA x TO-FU Figures (first/ original edition), a series of design and art productions by Mika, numbers of special edition TOFU and 4 huge 1m tall Mika TOFU Figure

You can take photos with them. Free Admission



Shop and get "MIKA x TOFU Limited Products"

1) Spend at an amount of $800 (must be a sum of 2 reciepts from different shops in the plaza) and get 1 copy of Mika's The Boy Who Knew Too Much (Asia Tour Edition)

2) Spend at an amount of $300 (must be 1 reciept from different 1 shop in the plaza) and get 1 set of Mika TOFU limited edition stickers (7 in 1 set)

Date: from 16th June until out of stock

Time: 12:00 pm - 10:00 pm

Venue: Customer Service counter, 1/F, Hollywood Plaza, Diamond Hill




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OH MY F-GOD!!!!!!!!!

thanks Sui you are my hero :huglove:

let's go there in the morning to get the best positions:naughty:


so basically there will be TOFU dolls and some mika's "personal collections" being exhibited. you can get "MIKA TOFU stickers" if you've spent HKD 300 in the mall.


and fans can play games with him to win the 6" doll! :swoon:



therefore pls throw the words u've said this aftnoon away XDD

let's get the 6" doll!

honestly i am interested in the stickers... :naughty:

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...ooh on 16th June i've a day off....

how many hours to fly to HK from Brussels??????:biggrin2:

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