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MIKA TO-FU on Hong Kong newspaper!!!


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...ooh on 16th June i've a day off....

how many hours to fly to HK from Brussels??????:biggrin2:


whoooooa congrats!!!!! :roftl:


it takes 12 hrs from Hong Kong to London and around 10 hrs from Zurich to Hong Kong, i think it's similar for going from brussels to here.

You wanna join us? :teehee:

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...ooh on 16th June i've a day off....

how many hours to fly to HK from Brussels??????:biggrin2:



i've orderd one too, a few days ago and i wondered... how many days passed between you placed the order an the arrival?

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i've orderd one too, a few days ago and i wondered... how many days passed between you placed the order an the arrival?


i've Pre-order on 1st June,

and i receive an "order in process" mail on 3rd June,

and in fact i receive the cd on Tuesday 8th June, but i was'nt home :sneaky2:then i'm going this morning @ the postoffice to take my packet:wink2:


@ Emerald: already sold out? :blink:


ok, maybe another time to fly to HK....:aah:

i'll join you just in spirit :naughty:

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i've Pre-order on 1st June,

and i receive an "order in process" mail on 3rd June,

and in fact i receive the cd on Tuesday 8th June, but i was'nt home :sneaky2:then i'm going this morning @ the postoffice to take my packet:wink2:





that's actually pretty fast :aah:

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gosh, i'm so freaking excited now!!!! :boing: (thzz Wai for letting me know this)

hope this hasn't been posted yet??





MIKA與 20港迷同台賀端陽








人氣唱作歌手 MIKA,下月 16日端午節會在灣仔會展舉行個唱,他日前在倫敦接受本報電話訪問時表示,今次個唱會跟上年在九展的完全不同,除了舞台會化成骷髏嘉年華會之外,也會在開場前挑選 20名香港 fans一起上台演出。


籲 fans提早到場


MIKA在電話中說:「今次個唱絕對跟上次的完全不同,這次舞台概念是來自墨西哥的嘉年華會,會有很多很有趣的骷髏出現,佈置得繽紛耀眼。我也會安排工作人員在開騷前挑選 20名香港觀眾,邀請他們上台跟我一起演出,我已預備了不同的戲服給適當的人選,所以有興趣的觀眾最好在開場前一個半小時到場。」

坦言很喜歡香港的 MIKA表示去年 11月現身何文田英皇佐治五世學校跟一班學生見面,令他又感動又難忘。由於香港站是 MIKA亞洲巡迴尾站,他透露將會留港多日度假,並說:「我很喜歡香港的美食和服飾,當然也不忘在香港買玩具。」

MIKA還透露歌曲《 We Are Golden》 MV中出現的睡房是由他親自設計,跟自己放滿玩具雜誌的睡房差不多。被問到擁有多少玩具收藏時, MIKA說:「我已儲了 3,500多個 action figure,我將會放在朋友的咖啡室作裝飾。」





MIKA受訪時表示很喜愛日本 DEVILROBOTS的豆腐人公仔,最近他更跟 DEVILROBOTS大玩 crossover。 DEVILROBOTS以 MIKA的招牌曲髮造型套在豆腐人頭上,設計了 2吋和 6吋的 MIKA TO-FU figure(圖)。 2吋的 MIKA TO-FU figure限量隨《 The Boy Who Knew Too Much》亞洲演唱會雙 CD特別版附送。 6吋 MIKA TO-FU figure則限量 300隻,定價 480港元,限定在會展個唱場內發售。 MIKA下月 16日中午也會現身鑽石山荷里活廣場跟 fans見面。




online chinese-english translation terribly sucks!! our language is too weird:aah: below is my own version, pardon my poor english though!




MIKA is coming at Dragon Boat Festival

& dancing with 20 fans!



On 16th June, singer-songwriter MIKA is going to hold a concert at Wan Chai Convention and Exhibition Centre. He told us on phone that the gig will be completely different from last year's. Not only will he throw a skeleton carnival by then, he will also select 20 fans from Hong Kong to go on stage with him.


Fans can arrive earlier to grab the chance


MIKA said, "This time, the idea comes from those Mexican carnivals. There will be a lot of interesting skeletons and the venue will be decorated with all the colourful and eye-catching stuffs. I will ask my crew to select 20 audience to perform with me. I've already prepared different costumes for them. Anyone who is interested can come 1.5 hour earlier before the show!"


MIKA told us he loves Hong Kong and the meet-up with students from King George V School last Novermber was a touching and memorable experience. As Hong Kong is the last stop of this Asian tour, he is going to stay here for a couple of days after the gig. He said, "I love the food and clothes in HK and of coz, the toys."


MIKA revealed that the bedroom shown in the video of We Are Golden was designed by him, and it's actually quite similar to his own bedroom which is also filled with loads of toys and megazines. So, how many toys does he exactly have? He said, "I've got more than 3500 action figures now. I will display some of them in my friend's cafe, as decorations."


Dreams come true- Becoming a real Tofu doll


During interviews, MIKA always showed how much he loves the Japanese Tofu doll by DEVILROBOTS. Recently, inspired by the boy's trademark curls, DEVILROBOTS even has designed a "MIKA TO-FU figure" (2-inch & 6-inch). The 2-inch one will be included in TBWKTM Asian-2CD-edition as a gift while the 6-inch MIKA TOFU can be purchased at Wan Chai Convention and Exhibition Centre on the show day. Each figure costs HK$480 (~US$60) and there will be only 300 for sale. MIKA will also meet his fans on 16th afternoon at Hollywood Plaza in Diamond Hill.











1.OMG!!! the TOFU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2.OMG!!! he's gonna stay here after the tour!!!!!!!!!!!!

3.OMG!!! we are gonna meet him before the gig that day????

4.OMG!!! i wanna be a lollipop girl!!! (i suppose inviting audience to go on stage means this??)




OMFG :fangurl:






HEYY SO what time do we go to the hollywood plaza??? LIKE you said the fans are going to meet him earlier What time does the afternoon one start???

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HEYY SO what time do we go to the hollywood plaza??? LIKE you said the fans are going to meet him earlier What time does the afternoon one start???



here we go!




The international pop star Mika is going to have his Live in Hong Kong on 16th June!

Guess what? He is going to appear at the Plaza Hollywood in the afternoon on the same day!


MILK crossover TO-FU OYAKO is going to hold an exhibition titled:

MIKA TO-FU Art Show @ Plaza Hollywood


Not only MIKA x TO-FU figure will be shown there, but also showing a bunch of Mika's personal collections!

Fans will also get a chance to take photos with a 1m tall MIKA x TO-FU figure!


It is free admission!

So what are you waiting for?



"MIKA TO-FU Art Show @ Plaza Hollywood" Opening

To celebrate the release of Mika tofu, Mika is attending the exhibition's opening. He will be there playing games with fans, giving out MIKA TO-FU Figures.

Date: 16th June, 2010

Time: 1:30 pm

Venue: Star Square (?), 1/F, Plaza Hollywood, Diamond Hill



"MIKA TO-FU Art Show @ Plaza Hollywood"

Date: 16th June - 30th June, 2010

Opening time: 12:00 pm - 10:00 pm

Venue: Star Square (?), 1/F, Plaza Hollywood, Diamond Hill

Showing a bunch of first ever MIKA x TO-FU Figures (first/ original edition), a series of design and art productions by Mika, numbers of special edition TOFU and 4 huge 1m tall Mika TOFU Figure

You can take photos with them. Free Admission



Shop and get "MIKA x TOFU Limited Products"

1) Spend at an amount of $800 (must be a sum of 2 reciepts from different shops in the plaza) and get 1 copy of Mika's The Boy Who Knew Too Much (Asia Tour Edition)

2) Spend at an amount of $300 (must be 1 reciept from different 1 shop in the plaza) and get 1 set of Mika TOFU limited edition stickers (7 in 1 set)

Date: from 16th June until out of stock

Time: 12:00 pm - 10:00 pm

Venue: Customer Service counter, 1/F, Hollywood Plaza, Diamond Hill









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Please, PLEASEEEEEEE... if anyone gets the chance to get a 6" Mika ToFU will you get me one too....:bow:

I have a paypal account so can pay straight away.

I know the chances are slim but I soooooooooooooooooooo want one.

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Darn! And just when I was about to get paid enough to get one. . .


Am I the only one who thinks these things are just a bit of ****ty tat?


Probably not. I think they are awesome, though! You get a multiple toys in one, for the price of one, plus I saw a gloomy bear one that was in key chain form! . . . they might not be as cool as we make them out to be, but hey, watchya gonna do?

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Darn! And just when I was about to get paid enough to get one. . .




Probably not. I think they are awesome, though! You get a multiple toys in one, for the price of one, plus I saw a gloomy bear one that was in key chain form! . . . they might not be as cool as we make them out to be, but hey, watchya gonna do?


Well maybe you have an excuse as you seem to be young. I grew out of toys some time ago and can't understand grown up people's fascination with them. And that includes Mika.

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Well maybe you have an excuse as you seem to be young. I grew out of toys some time ago and can't understand grown up people's fascination with them. And that includes Mika.


OMG Babs they are fantastic! I was pleased when i found out MIKA was a collector of Urban Vinyl as i collect and love it all for years!...tbh thought it was just a boys thing...then the inet showed it is genderless.

I do think there are a few people who have never heard of Devil Robots before and are just investing as it is MIKA related...and i think it's fab that more people might get interested in the whole scene.

They are not toys you play with...they are collectors items most are limited numbers and blind boxed -so you dunno what you are getting and this makes you want more(dust collectors!..altho most of mine are in the loft somewhere) Just like some people collect china items and put them on display and never use it..they are kinda like that...but made of plastic! :roftl:

THAT IS WHY I NEEEEEEEEEED A BIG ONE!!...oooh err! :roftl:

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Well maybe you have an excuse as you seem to be young. I grew out of toys some time ago and can't understand grown up people's fascination with them. And that includes Mika.


Maybe for the magic of them? Or they could be reminising. I don't know, why do teenagers watch certain kids shows? (I actually know the awnser to that one, they like to see the pyschotic things we're teaching children :teehee:)

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