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Out of tune?


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I don't like Mika singing out of tune, I find it unbearable.

His songs are not his anymore, they are ours too, and they are like jewels.

Spoiling them is just something I cannot bear!


There have been times when I stopped a live video not to listen to him.

I can understand flaws from time to time, but I repeat, he gives the impression to be more focused on visuals than being professional on music.

We've had so many examples so far...we cannot be blind, or deaf!


What to do? nothing.

We can only complain and wait. :mf_rosetinted:


Exactly... It's the impression that HE is giving, by his actions and omissions :dunno:



I don´t remember who said it, but someone said few posts ago that "if Mika were more confident about his voice...."... do you really think he´s not confident? is he trying to hide his voice behind a flamboyant new jacket? :boxed:



I think Christine said it, but she was basing it (I think) on things that Mika himself told us at different points, especially at the acoustic tour.


One night, after the Milan gig in June, I said to him: "Mika, that was absolutely fu*king...." and I was going to add "AMAZING!!" but he interrupted me when I was half way saying it, laughing and saying "oh, I thought you were going to say that it was fu*king sucking!!" :lmfao:


So that was his frame of mind, that I was going to tell him that it had totally sucked? :shocked::roftl:


During this chat he was also saying how hard these shows were, because it was all about the music, the voice, and there was nothing to distract or hide things.


So yeah, I am not going to say that he's scared, or that he doesn't realise how good he is, because I do genuinely think that this varies depending on his frame of mind and the night in question, but I do think that there is a certain element of him needing reassurance in his talents sometimes. He has asked for feedback too many times, for it to be coincidence.





I have all the respect in the world for people who strives to express them selves in a second language, believe me!:wub2:

I understand what you mean, at least I think I do!


This is how I see it though: We can sit around all day to find excuses for him to make "not-so-good-performances" but in the end of the day, what we have here is an artist who was standing on stage in his jeans and a T-shirt and took 'the world with storm'(Swedish expression, but I think you know what I mean:wink2:) and now when he is a little well known fills the stage with props and costumes and seems to forget about the most important of it all: His Singing!


I want him to be big, I want to be able to talk about him with my friends and relatives...today most people around me have no idea who he is, and I know it's their loss and all that but I think he is talented enough to be a really big name around the world. But maybe I'm wrong?

And...most of all...I want him to be able to continue to make a living of his music so he can stay in the business for many years and his name(music) will be remembered for generations!


Yes, creativity is a sensitive instrument and I really hope he will find ways to work around those difficulties, because he can be writing thousand of songs but they won't make anyone happy if he doesn't take the opportunity to perform them in a good way when he has the chance!:wink2:


Excellent post, Sienna, I could not have said it better :teehee:




Yes, and I don´t want to make up excuses for him. He should be more "ready", true. It´s what we have talked several times, maybe he had very serious personal troubles, but then again, we all have them and we need to do the best in our jobs, so.... :dunno:

Exactly. It's called 'being professional'. He is doing these festivals to make some money over the summer and get his name out there again, so his part of the bargain is to make sure that, if he's doing it, he's doing it properly.


Why is it that all the people who are finding excuses for him now, I can totally imagine not being that sympathetic if they had to justify the failings of other professionals who they pay in their daily life to get things done?


If your boiler had broken down and the person coming to fix it is more worried about his hair and retouching his eau de toilette than fixing your boiler, would you be so patient?


If your kids' teachers showed more concern in dressing your kids up or getting them to do certain things which are not the basic academic activities that they are supposed to be doing in the curriculum, would you not complain?


If the supermarket cashier is super hot and friendly, and lovely, chatting you up but not scanning your groceries properly, would you be ok with that? And the list goes on....



At the end of the day, he is a professional, and this is his livelihood. And he's making a bloody good living out of it, so he may as well be accountable for it. I'm not being mean, not being a b*tch, but just saying it as it is, really :dunno:


Plenty of other artists get it right all the time. It just takes time and dedication.




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It just takes time and dedication.





you know why I' m so angry at him sometimes?

because I'm exactly like this! :teehee:


I want it fast and perfect, without paying too much dedication and effort.

Feeling angry with Mika is feeling angry with myself, actually.


Not denying that he's magical, and creative, and fantastic.

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One night, after the Milan gig in June, I said to him: "Mika, that was absolutely fu*king...." and I was going to add "AMAZING!!" but he interrupted me when I was half way saying it, laughing and saying "oh, I thought you were going to say that it was fu*king sucking!!" :lmfao:


So that was his frame of mind, that I was going to tell him that it had totally sucked? :shocked::roftl:.


I need to say it in Spanish: joder, eso dice mucho de lo que él espera de ti,no?? :aah::aah::aah:



During this chat he was also saying how hard these shows were, because it was all about the music, the voice, and there was nothing to distract or hide things.

So yeah, I am not going to say that he's scared, or that he doesn't realise how good he is, because I do genuinely think that this varies depending on his frame of mind and the night in question, but I do think that there is a certain element of him needing reassurance in his talents sometimes. He has asked for feedback too many times, for it to be coincidence.







Please, someone tell this guy what being a musician is about :mf_rosetinted:








Exactly. It's called 'being professional'. He is doing these festivals to make some money over the summer and get his name out there again, so his part of the bargain is to make sure that, if he's doing it, he's doing it properly.


Why is it that all the people who are finding excuses for him now, I can totally imagine not being that sympathetic if they had to justify the failings of other professionals who they pay in their daily life to get things done?


If your boiler had broken down and the person coming to fix it is more worried about his hair and retouching his eau de toilette than fixing your boiler, would you be so patient?


If your kids' teachers showed more concern in dressing your kids up or getting them to do certain things which are not the basic academic activities that they are supposed to be doing in the curriculum, would you not complain?


If the supermarket cashier is super hot and friendly, and lovely, chatting you up but not scanning your groceries properly, would you be ok with that? And the list goes on....



At the end of the day, he is a professional, and this is his livelihood. And he's making a bloody good living out of it, so he may as well be accountable for it. I'm not being mean, not being a b*tch, but just saying it as it is, really :dunno:


Plenty of other artists get it right all the time. It just takes time and dedication.





Yes, that was what I meant. I think I´m just still a bit fangurl cause I seriously know it´s like that, but I want to excuse him :roftl:pfffff what a cute face can do :shun:

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After reading the whole, yes, the whole thread, and after a month away on the beach all i have to say is...


GEEEEE, guys, you can keep the fire burning on this forum! :naughty:


Seriously you read the whole thread? :roftl: :roftl:


"the fire burning" thing reminded me of these lyrics



Sneaking downstairs on Christmas Eve

I saw a sight that you just wouldn't believe

St. Nick by the fireplace dusting off his head with a frown on his face

He said hey - I said what - he said you - I said what

He said you left the fire burning and I burnt my butt

so now I've learned you've got to turn the fireplace down

so Santa won't get burned



nice to see you here Carlita!!!

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Seriously you read the whole thread? :roftl: :roftl:


"the fire burning" thing reminded me of these lyrics



Sneaking downstairs on Christmas Eve

I saw a sight that you just wouldn't believe

St. Nick by the fireplace dusting off his head with a frown on his face

He said hey - I said what - he said you - I said what

He said you left the fire burning and I burnt my butt

so now I've learned you've got to turn the fireplace down

so Santa won't get burned



nice to see you here Carlita!!!


I had to, after all the publicity i've seen on twitter about it....:mf_rosetinted:


Naahce lyrics, where from?:teehee:


It's nahce to be back...:naughty:

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I had to, after all the publicity i've seen on twitter about it....:mf_rosetinted:


Naahce lyrics, where from?:teehee:


It's nahce to be back...:naughty:


Sorry but no way I´m making a fool of myself admiting whose are those lyrics :aah: :aah: I have a reputation here :mf_rosetinted:



New Kids on The Block, the song "funky christmas"

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After reading the whole, yes, the whole thread, and after a month away on the beach all i have to say is...


GEEEEE, guys, you can keep the fire burning on this forum! :naughty:


Yeah, got to keep us warm while you're away!:biggrin2:


Welcome back!:wub2:

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Why is it that all the people who are finding excuses for him now, I can totally imagine not being that sympathetic if they had to justify the failings of other professionals who they pay in their daily life to get things done?


I don't think I'm "finding excuses" I just tell how I see things and why I'm not worried or angry. I still quote you because I honestly felt his shows this summer were totally worth the money I spent and more. I guess it's a subjective experience each and every time and assume you were not pleased with his shows this year :dunno:

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Sorry but no way I´m making a fool of myself admiting whose are those lyrics :aah: :aah: I have a reputation here :mf_rosetinted:



New Kids on The Block, the song "funky christmas"




NKOTB????? Really???:mf_rosetinted:


Yeah, got to keep us warm while you're away!:biggrin2:


Welcome back!:wub2:




:teehee: Of course :biggrin2:


Not that I own that album or anything ... nooooooooooooooooooo :no:


Liar, liar, pants on fire...:naughty:

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NKOTB????? Really???:mf_rosetinted:








Liar, liar, pants on fire...:naughty:


Hee ... I have to admit the first concert I ever saw was when I was 16 and it was New Kids at Wembley :teehee: I was in love with Jordan ... what can I say :aah:

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I don't think I'm "finding excuses" I just tell how I see things and why I'm not worried or angry. I still quote you because I honestly felt his shows this summer were totally worth the money I spent and more. I guess it's a subjective experience each and every time and assume you were not pleased with his shows this year :dunno:


I'm not saying that you're finding excuses in the sense of thinking it's worth your time/effort/money, etc. If you think that the shows were worth it, then yes, that is your subjective view and experience, to which I am not opposing. I may disagree, but it is what it is for each different person.


What I'm saying is that you ('you' used in a general way here, so you and anyone else who is saying the same thing) are finding excuses as to why he is not prepared for the handful of shows that he's doing. And this is not subjective.

If he hasn't prepared a song properly, that he doesn't know the lyrics (which bizarrely, Ida seems to have had time to learn!) or that he he is not singing it in tune, and all the other things that we've discussed, then the fact is that he's not prepping things the way he should. Some people may have a problem with it (me) or others won't (you) and these are our individual subjective opinions, but the objective fact is that he has not prepared the music aspect of the recent shows, even though he has prepared the visuals of it, and that is just a fact :dunno:

When I mention finding excuses, it's because a couple of you have come up with a few 'reasons' why this is ok, such as "he's lost in the creative process and can't do both at the same time" and all sorts.

Which may be a fair point, who knows, but that is not the point. If he REALLY is so engrossed in the creative process that he can't get his head in the right place to prepare his shows properly (which I personally don't think for a second, as he is clearly able to go about his daily life, go to parties, travel, etc.) then he should not commit to shows which he will do half assedly.


Another thing that irks me about this summer is that if I am not mistaken, the Compiegne show was advertised (or should I say, marketed?) a month or few before hte actual gig, as "DDEBUTING NEW SONGS". This means that he must have known weeks in advance that he was doing new songs, so he had time to either change this, not debut them, or freaking make sure he was ready. He even said himself that he'd written EMD in two days! Surely that doesn't scream of being ready?

This is my point.


I decided that it was not worth my while to go to the summer shows because I want to hear his proper new stuff, not a couple of songs that he's hastily thrown in, and these huge venues 'festival style' just don't do it for me. So yes, you could say that I wasn't pleased with this summer's gigs, because I chose to avoid them knowing that they would not be enjoyable for me to justify the time off and expense. And you know that I have not been exactly measured in the past in taking off to distant (and expensive) places to see him, so it was a matter of it really not being worthwile for ME.


After I saw the videos, heard the reports, etc, I am 100% happy that I decided to skip them and that I will wait for a proper tour.


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I'm not saying that you're finding excuses in the sense of thinking it's worth your time/effort/money, etc. If you think that the shows were worth it, then yes, that is your subjective view and experience, to which I am not opposing. I may disagree, but it is what it is for each different person.


What I'm saying is that you ('you' used in a general way here, so you and anyone else who is saying the same thing) are finding excuses as to why he is not prepared for the handful of shows that he's doing. And this is not subjective.

If he hasn't prepared a song properly, that he doesn't know the lyrics (which bizarrely, Ida seems to have had time to learn!) or that he he is not singing it in tune, and all the other things that we've discussed, then the fact is that he's not prepping things the way he should. Some people may have a problem with it (me) or others won't (you) and these are our individual subjective opinions, but the objective fact is that he has not prepared the music aspect of the recent shows, even though he has prepared the visuals of it, and that is just a fact :dunno:

When I mention finding excuses, it's because a couple of you have come up with a few 'reasons' why this is ok, such as "he's lost in the creative process and can't do both at the same time" and all sorts.

Which may be a fair point, who knows, but that is not the point. If he REALLY is so engrossed in the creative process that he can't get his head in the right place to prepare his shows properly (which I personally don't think for a second, as he is clearly able to go about his daily life, go to parties, travel, etc.) then he should not commit to shows which he will do half assedly.


Another thing that irks me about this summer is that if I am not mistaken, the Compiegne show was advertised (or should I say, marketed?) a month or few before hte actual gig, as "DDEBUTING NEW SONGS". This means that he must have known weeks in advance that he was doing new songs, so he had time to either change this, not debut them, or freaking make sure he was ready. He even said himself that he'd written EMD in two days! Surely that doesn't scream of being ready?

This is my point.


I decided that it was not worth my while to go to the summer shows because I want to hear his proper new stuff, not a couple of songs that he's hastily thrown in, and these huge venues 'festival style' just don't do it for me. So yes, you could say that I wasn't pleased with this summer's gigs, because I chose to avoid them knowing that they would not be enjoyable for me to justify the time off and expense. And you know that I have not been exactly measured in the past in taking off to distant (and expensive) places to see him, so it was a matter of it really not being worthwile for ME.


After I saw the videos, heard the reports, etc, I am 100% happy that I decided to skip them and that I will wait for a proper tour.



I just wanted to remark that part.

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I just wanted to remark that part.


Ah, and I forgot to reply to something you said yesterday.... :teehee:

Basically, it's not that he's always expecting something negative from me (In fact I've given him plenty of 'gushy' feedback to his face, so he knows I do really like things often enough :roftl:) but I think that he just knows at this stage that I will tell him what I think, pretty straight out and without sugarcoating it :blush-anim-cl:.

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After I saw the videos, heard the reports, etc, I am 100% happy that I decided to skip them and that I will wait for a proper tour.



I just wanted to comment on your final point.






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Ah, and I forgot to reply to something you said yesterday.... :teehee:

Basically, it's not that he's always expecting something negative from me (In fact I've given him plenty of 'gushy' feedback to his face, so he knows I do really like things often enough :roftl:) but I think that he just knows at this stage that I will tell him what I think, pretty straight out and without sugarcoating it :blush-anim-cl:.


I know you do (like him) that´s why I wanted to remark that part, cause I´m pretty sure many people will only see the first part of the post, forgetting that you are already waiting for the album, like the rest of us...

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I just wanted to comment on your final point.








You... you..... :lmfao: nugget!!! :lmfao:




I know you do (like him) that´s why I wanted to remark that part, cause I´m pretty sure many people will only see the first part of the post, forgetting that you are already waiting for the album, like the rest of us...



Aaah, yes, gotchya.

To be honest though, I thought that the fact that I'm bothering reading and posting on his fanclub is enough to show that? If 'some' people can't see that, and wish to focus on the negatives...then that is their loss, IMO :dunno: and nothing I can (or really want to) do about it. Mika and the fans who I'm close to or whose opinion I really value know that, and that's enough for me, really.

I can't control what a few will think :teehee:

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You... you..... :lmfao: nugget!!! :lmfao:







Aaah, yes, gotchya.

To be honest though, I thought that the fact that I'm bothering reading and posting on his fanclub is enough to show that? If 'some' people can't see that, and wish to focus on the negatives...then that is their loss, IMO :dunno: and nothing I can (or really want to) do about it. Mika and the fans who I'm close to or whose opinion I really value know that, and that's enough for me, really.

I can't control what a few will think :teehee:


I´m long enough a member of the MFC to know what you have done for Mika and that you really loved him. But to be honest during the last months I lost the feeling that you still like him but if you tell me that you still like him I believe you :wink2:

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After I saw the videos, heard the reports, etc, I am 100% happy that I decided to skip them and that I will wait for a proper tour.


But that's good for you! We can't see everything, we just have to make our decisions.


You know, if you had been there you would have seen how his festival shows consisted mostly of songs from LICM and TBWKTM (naturally, because he is only in the middle of recording TOOL) and how he did very good shows! It genuinely looked people got what they paid for and even more.


He could have refused to sing his new songs in Compiegne (I don't think it was his idea alone, we can guess the timing had something to do with ticket marketing) because he wasn't totally prepared especially with BIOTW but


a) he knew people are looking forward to his new music

b) those three songs fit well with his show

c) he must know many fans appreciate hearing "raw" versions for his songs.


So he decided to debut them. I guess you just don't belong to the people mentioned in c) :dunno: Personally I absolutely love hearing also early versions for his songs, we don't hear them often. So there are different opinions about this but at least we all are waiting for new/proper tour :teehee:

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But that's good for you! We can't see everything, we just have to make our decisions.


You know, if you had been there you would have seen how his festival shows consisted mostly of songs from LICM and TBWKTM (naturally, because he is only in the middle of recording TOOL) and how he did very good shows! It genuinely looked people got what they paid for and even more.


He could have refused to sing his new songs in Compiegne (I don't think it was his idea alone, we can guess the timing had something to do with ticket marketing) because he wasn't totally prepared especially with BIOTW but


a) he knew people are looking forward to his new music

b) those three songs fit well with his show

c) he must know many fans appreciate hearing "raw" versions for his songs.


So he decided to debut them. I guess you just don't belong to the people mentioned in c) :dunno: Personally I absolutely love hearing also early versions for his songs, we don't hear them often. So there are different opinions about this but at least we all are waiting for new/proper tour :teehee:


I agree here. I´d love to hear him singing new songs a capella and with the lyrics in his hands if necessary... And I love him when he "forgets" the lyrics to Toy Boy EVERY DAY...


But this summer I went to two gigs and the first one was totally forgetable. Not that he messed lyrics up (he did with GK btw) but he was totally out of place IMO. And at the second one, he had the flowery set, which I hate....


But for me, the worst of everything is that this summer, I expected something "new". Not necessarily songs, but something new... He did the same again, with BIOTG.... with lollipop... pffff... what about changing a bit? I mean... I´ve seen almost the same performance for 6 times now!! Mika knows fans tour with him, come on!! I wonder if he ever heard of impromptu performance... ok, I don´t know how to explain it in english...

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I agree here. I´d love to hear him singing new songs a capella and with the lyrics in his hands if necessary... And I love him when he "forgets" the lyrics to Toy Boy EVERY DAY...


But this summer I went to two gigs and the first one was totally forgetable. Not that he messed lyrics up (he did with GK btw) but he was totally out of place IMO. And at the second one, he had the flowery set, which I hate....


But for me, the worst of everything is that this summer, I expected something "new". Not necessarily songs, but something new... He did the same again, with BIOTG.... with lollipop... pffff... what about changing a bit? I mean... I´ve seen almost the same performance for 6 times now!! Mika knows fans tour with him, come on!! I wonder if he ever heard of impromptu performance... ok, I don´t know how to explain it in english...


Well, I saw the flowers in Hungary, and for me the old flowery set and Mika in simple clothes was that "basic" Mika I had missed so much... I could purely enjoy the show and his relaxed performance :mf_lustslow:, it was awesome, one of the highlights for the tour. Compiegne was chaotic and not his best show at all, but I was happy to see the new set at that special venue, and hear the new songs for the first time. After that the show just got better and better, so I really can't complain. It's not that I'm blind or so stupid that I can't see things clearly, but I've learnt to enjoy many different things. For me it's interesting to see him in different situations/see different versions.


Everyone wants different things from him. You hate his flowery set but at the same time he should not use his time for visual things. Some people want new songs, some wants them raw and some want them only totally perfect. The list is endless. He just can't please everyone. So he makes his own decisions, we make ours. So far I have been more than happy and for me it's absolutely worth it.


Btw, the amount of fans who tour with him is always small compared to the whole audience. Most people see Lollipop, BIOTG etc for the first time. For them it doesn't look boring, only practiced :wink2: There is no point to change it too much. I still think he does a lot of small changes to his songs and I always love it, it's worth several watching :wub2:

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