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If Mika Asked You To Marry Him...


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Aww, he is such a sweetheart! :fangurl: I love hearing about things like that he's done in the past, even though it makes me sad because I wasn't there and I probably never will experience anything like that. But it just shows me that he does care a great deal about his fans and I find that utterly amazing (and adorable). :wub2:


... Now I feel kind of bad about what I said about his 'Twitter behaviour' earlier. Please forgive me Mika, you're the best! :teehee:


Well when someone does that you think that they care. And then they disappear for a year or two and you think...


Maybe we're just spoiled but I think it's natural and I can't just switch it on and off according to Mika's recording/release schedules. So Mika may be "on" now but I'm not. :naughty:

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Well when someone does that you think that they care. And then they disappear for a year or two and you think...


Maybe we're just spoiled but I think it's natural and I can't just switch it on and off according to Mika's recording/release schedules. So Mika may be "on" now but I'm not. :naughty:


Luckily I'm smart enough to avoid that trap or otherwise I'd get shipped to the naughty corner. :naughty:

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Yeah :lmfao:




Yes he joined Twitter in March 2009 and seemed wary of it becoming invasive but also spoke about it being a tool so I imagine he thought he had to at least try it while he was gearing up to promote the album since a lot of celebrities were jumping on the bandwagon at that point.


One Wednesday Perez tweeted asking which celebs you'd like to see on Twitter and I started harassing him about Mika. And on Friday Mika opened up an account. :teehee: They had just gone to a gig together I think and maybe they were already talking about the possibility of promoting a secret gig together.


But I always like the way he's used Twitter. It's never been "Buy my album, buy my album." He was really staying in touch with people around the launch of TBWKTM. There were people saying they couldn't get wristbands to the secret gig and he was messaging them to arrange for them to get in. Through a bit of a mix-up MFCers missed out on the chance to speak to him before the gig when he was greeting everyone at the ice cream truck and he messaged me to say that he wanted to say hi to everyone the following day and agreed to a private M&G just for the MFCers who were there.


We were waiting in a queue in NY and he was still in Montreal doing some promo and he said he'd heard rumours that a queue had formed and asked for a pic. So we sent him a photo and he said he'd send an ice cream truck around later (and he did).


It was just really nice because he was always sort of checking in and you felt like he was personally keeping an eye on things and it wasn't just a record company or a "team" and he wasn't just trying to flog CDs.


Oh,GREAT ! Now,when I decided to hate him,and blame him,and hate him again,you came with this ! And now I'm a mush :aah: Just can't resist to ice cream !!!:mf_rosetinted:

Now seriously,thanks for telling this,I didn't know,so nice he did it. :wub2: I bet it was great times then...

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  • 3 weeks later...
Yeah :lmfao:




Yes he joined Twitter in March 2009 and seemed wary of it becoming invasive but also spoke about it being a tool so I imagine he thought he had to at least try it while he was gearing up to promote the album since a lot of celebrities were jumping on the bandwagon at that point.


One Wednesday Perez tweeted asking which celebs you'd like to see on Twitter and I started harassing him about Mika. And on Friday Mika opened up an account. :teehee: They had just gone to a gig together I think and maybe they were already talking about the possibility of promoting a secret gig together.


But I always like the way he's used Twitter. It's never been "Buy my album, buy my album." He was really staying in touch with people around the launch of TBWKTM. There were people saying they couldn't get wristbands to the secret gig and he was messaging them to arrange for them to get in. Through a bit of a mix-up MFCers missed out on the chance to speak to him before the gig when he was greeting everyone at the ice cream truck and he messaged me to say that he wanted to say hi to everyone the following day and agreed to a private M&G just for the MFCers who were there.


We were waiting in a queue in NY and he was still in Montreal doing some promo and he said he'd heard rumours that a queue had formed and asked for a pic. So we sent him a photo and he said he'd send an ice cream truck around later (and he did).


It was just really nice because he was always sort of checking in and you felt like he was personally keeping an eye on things and it wasn't just a record company or a "team" and he wasn't just trying to flog CDs.


You rock Christine :thumb_yello:

And this is not :offtopic: because a fan twitted him to marry her just this morning ...I even retweeted it :lmfao:

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i likes the proposition so much, but they are only propositions...

afortunately i can take elections on my life but if the cause it´s the attachment i couldn´t to have eny election i must do it... now i hoping other rithm in my life...

could be a boy th_Jump4Joy.gif or a beautifull girlaab4954d30d23892348114ce3bf33deb.gif





omofobia, firme contro la legge

Ma C1: l'iniziativa non é nostra

Rimini: Il ragionamento suona piú o meno cosí:"Se quella legge passa, noi che da sempre ci battiamo, per dire, contro i matrioni omosessuali, siamo destinati a diventare in automatico dei criminali".

Colpevoli di un reato "ver" l´omofobia.

Al meeting du Rimini ci si mete in coda anche per firmare. Oltre alla sottoscrizione ufficiale lanciata da CL per lédizione 2013 (contro le persecuzioni dei cristiani nel mondo, che ha ovviamente raccolto l´adesione di tutti i politici finora arrivati in Riviera) si trovno tra i tanti stand delle associazioni Ç"collaterali" almeno altri due appelli decisamente piú controversi. Quelo che chiede ai parlamentari di fermare l´approvazione della legge sull´omofobia destrinata ad arrivare al voto definitivo entro la fine dell´anno, si trova nello stand di "Tempi" , la rivista vicinissima da sempre al movimento di don Giussani. L´iniziativa va detto, non porta la fima di Comunione e Liberazione. Almeno ufficialmente. La campagna nasce tre settimane fa da un piccolo quoti

diano online ("La nuova bussola quotidiana") que poi ha coinvolto altre reltá del catolicesiomo militante. "lo sono un ciellino" dice Riccardo Cascioli uno dei promotori dell´appello;"Pero ho hatto le cose in autonomia", i vertici del movimento non c´entrano nulla..

Battersi contro una legge che vuole estendere gli effetti della legge Mancino alle discriminazione sessuale. Ma perche? "Perché é liberticida e ideológica , ecco perché. Il catechismo della Chiesa che giudica ´omossesualitá un disordine oggettivo sarebbe allora da considrarsi a tutti gli effetti un testo criminale. Le pare possibile?"Trentacinquemila adesioni in venti giorni. In massima parte raccolte online attraverso i portali cattolici. Da qualche giorno peró la petizione é arrivata anche in Fiera, tra il popolo di C! che senza troppi clamori dimostra di gradire. "Qualche centinaio di firme al giorno", dicono allo stand di "Tempi". Dobiamo intenderci, aggiunge peró Cascioli: "Noi siamo contrari a ogni forma di violenza di reale discreiminazione nei confronti delle singole persone. Altra cosa peró é obbedire a quanto chiede la lobby gay" . La lobby gay, appunto . "Che vuole una sola cosa da questa legge che si riconosca l´omosessualitá come una condizione naturale". Luigi Amicone, direttore di Tempi, sceglie toni piú soft"Noi siamo contro l´omofobia e su questo non ci piove . Peró siamo anche contro le leggi speciali che vogliono limitare la libertá d´espressione."

Altro padiglione, altro modulo di adesione. A Rimini va cosí. Allo stand del MOvimento per la Vita si raccolgono firme per chiedere all´Europa "Di fermare la sperimentazione sugli embrioni". Ci vogliono un milione di sottoscrizioni da expedire Bruxelles. Anche in questo caso il successo di pubblico é asiicurato, e pazienza se a spiegarti il senso della battaglia trovi un ragazzo giovanissimo che lege l´incipit del volantino: "Ogni donna sa che lémbrione é giá un essere umano, é giá un figlio..."Ottimi_ e qui é la C1 ufficiale che parla -- anche i risultati della campagna lanciata dal Meeting edizione 2013. Lápello per fermare le persecuzioni contro i creistiani nel mondo ha raccolto in pochi giorni migliaia di adesioni. Mai piú cristianofobia, é il titolo . Andre Senesi.

in Spagnolo:

homofobia , firmas contra la ley

Pero C1: la iniciativa no es nuestra

Rimini : El razonamiento suena más o menos así: "Si esta ley es aprobada , que siempre estamos a favor de , por ejemplo, matrioni contra los homosexuales , que están destinados a convertirse automáticamente criminales . "

Culpable de un delito de homofobia "ver " .

En la reunión de Rimini du destinos en la cola para firmar . Además de la firma oficial lanzada por CL La edición de 2013 (contra la persecución de los cristianos en el mundo , lo que , evidentemente, ha logrado el apoyo de todos los políticos hasta ahora llegaron a la Riviera ) están en la vecindad de los muchos stands de las asociaciones Ç " secundarios " al menos otros dos apelaciones mucho más controversial . Lo que cuenta pide diputados para impedir la aprobación de la ley sobre la homofobia destrinata para llegar a la votación final a finales de año, es el stand de la revista "Time" ha estado siempre muy cerca del movimiento de don Giussani . La iniciativa hay que decirlo, no trae fima de Comunión y Liberación. Al menos oficialmente . La campaña nació hace tres semanas a partir de un pequeño diario

dar en línea ( "El nuevo compás de cada día" ), entonces esto ha implicado otras líneas rectas de catolicesiomo militante. "Soy un CL ", dice Riccardo Cascioli uno de los iniciadores de la apelación , "Pero las cosas Hatto independiente", los líderes del movimiento no tienen nada que hacer ..

La lucha contra un proyecto de ley que extenderá los efectos de la Ley Mancino ssuale contra la discriminación. Pero ¿por qué ? " Oerché es liverticida e ideológica , es por eso . Catecismo de la Iglesia que omossesualitá jueces un desorden objetivo estaría en efecto a partir considrarsi un texto penal . ¿Le parece posible? " Treinta y cinco accesiones en veinte días. En su mayor parte recogida en línea a través de los católicos portales. Durante unos días , sin embargo , la petición era probable que también en la Feria, entre la gente de C ! que sin mucha fanfarria demuestra gusto . " A unos cientos de firmas al día", dicen en el stand de "tiempo" . " Tenemos que ser claros", Cascioli agrega , sin embargo : " Estamos en contra de cualquier forma de violencia en Relæ discreiminazione congronti de individuos Otra cosa es lo que quiere obedecer al lobby gay . ". El lobby gay , apppunto . " ¿Qué quieres que una cosa de esta ley que reconoce a la homosexualidad como una condición natural. " Luigi Amicone , director de veces, elegir tonos más suaves , " Estamos en contra de la homofobia y no hay ninguna duda sobre esto . Pero también están en contra de las leyes especiales que se quieren restringir la libertad de expresión. "

Otra sala , otra forma adesion . En Rimini es así. En el stand del movimiento pro-vida se recogen firmas para pedir a Europa " Al detener la experimentación sobre los embriones humanos". Se necesita un millón de suscripciones de expedire Bruselas. Una vez más el éxito de publlico es asiicurato , y la paciencia de explicar si el sentido de la batalla a encontrar un joven que Lege las palabras de apertura de la hoja : " Toda mujer sabe que el embrión es ya un ser humano, ya sea un niño .. . " Ottimi_ y aquí y NS funcionario C1 que habla - los resultados de la campaña lanzada por la edición de Meeting 2013 . Lápello para detener la persecución de creistiani en el mundo ha recogido miles de firmas en pocos días . Nunca más la cristianofobia , es el título. Andre Senesi










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A Melacchi se refere en Milano:

animalisti boicottano il convegno con Garattini la replica: antidemocrratici. La protesta partita dal lea. animalisti uyn beagle portato in braccio durante una delle manisfestazioni contro l´allevamento Green hill di Montichiari dove si praticava la viviSezione.

Milano marco cappato definisce un "comportamiento fasc ista a 5 stelle". Perché-- argomenta il tesoriere dell Associazione Luca Coscioni--"comunique la si pensi sulla sperimentazione animale, operare per eliminare la presenza di un esponente autorevole della comunitá scientifica da un pubblico dibattito é un comportamento in perfetto stile fascista". Al contrario Carla rocchi presidente nazionale3 dell´Enpa, l Ente nazionale protezione animali "· un incontro senza contradditttorio e solo un sjimposio tra sodali"

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You rock Christine :thumb_yello:

And this is not :offtopic: because a fan twitted him to marry her just this morning ...I even retweeted it :lmfao:


:naughty: he must get those quite often.


i don't retweet things that are not important or silly :naughty:

i'd rather keep my retweets for things i'd really like him to see, otherwise, he'll just ignore his tweets again :teehee:

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