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Secret listening party in Milan!


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Honestly, at the first listen I can not give a positive or negative comments to songs: it would not even be fair for Mika who worked on them for months :wink2:

I think it would be nice if there will be him also because I think we could better understand the true meaning of the songs maybe listening to his comments while he present the new album: a bit like he did in Paris last month.

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yay, nina, great to see that you won as well! :biggrin2:


Would Mika's presence be a plus, or just a disturb?

Are you going just hoping he will be there or do you think he will distract the fans from a serene listening of the new album?


I'll be 100% sincere: I hope he won't be there. I will see him the day before (as 99% of the winners) and it can be enough.

As in the past, we know his presence can be quite upsetting for some, and create issues among fans. And I'm 100% sure we haven't got over it, and this will repeat over and over.


Just in case he's there, my only wish is that he asks for our opinion about the album and not simply offer himself to the usual assault.

Having witnessed 5 years of spoiled chances, I'm a bit fearful about this listening party.


I think I'd have the same concern but based on the list of attendance I have seen so far it should be fine.


i agree with suzie here. having been to several m+g's myself where mika got mobbed, i understand your concerns robi. but firstly, i think it's only the 10 random facebook fans we might have to worry about, but the MFCers shouldn't be the problem, and we are twice as many :bleh: (though of course i don't know who everyone is taking as their +1...). besides, i could think of several scenarios where it wouldn't be a problem even if the 10 facebook winners were crazy screaming kiddie fans, for example if mika came in only after we finished listening, or if it wasn't just fans but also press, then i think they'd behave too. :wink2:


the reasons why i have a feeling that mika might be there are a) the secret location, not even us winners know it yet! and b) that they "only" invite 30 fans... if mika wasn't there, i guess it wouldn't be a problem to invite 50 fans or even more. :dunno: although yes ok, 30 is many already, in either case... but still... well, i just can't help being an optimist. :teehee: and i'd definitely concentrate on the music, even if mika sat right next to me (ok maybe not TOO close...:teehee:), since i will have seen mika on monday and tuesday, but never heard those songs before! :wub2:


I have already some considerations on the whole Mika project in my mind that I would share with him :mf_rosetinted, involving this album too.

I only need to try to be polite :mf_rosetinted

and avoid those big chestnut eyes too.:mf_rosetinted


remember, mika steals your brain. :mf_rosetinted::naughty:


i also hope we can tell our opinion on the songs to mika or to someone of his team, maybe with a questionnaire. of course i also came to like songs that i didn't like at first, but most of my favourites i loved at the first hearing. and it's also important for a song that people like it and keep it in mind when they first hear it, because then it also works on the radio. and if not on the other songs, i think we can at least have an opinion on the recorded versions of tool, lola and underwater, as we know the live versions already, so it's not SO much new info to take in. :teehee:


btw, i hope someone who knows latin will listen closely to the latin part of the recorded version of tool, maybe there it's finally understandable... :naughty:

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yay, nina, great to see that you won as well!






i agree with suzie here. having been to several m+g's myself where mika got mobbed, i understand your concerns robi. but firstly, i think it's only the 10 random facebook fans we might have to worry about, but the MFCers shouldn't be the problem, and we are twice as many :bleh: (though of course i don't know who everyone is taking as their +1...). besides, i could think of several scenarios where it wouldn't be a problem even if the 10 facebook winners were crazy screaming kiddie fans, for example if mika came in only after we finished listening, or if it wasn't just fans but also press, then i think they'd behave too. :wink2:


the reasons why i have a feeling that mika might be there are a) the secret location, not even us winners know it yet! and b) that they "only" invite 30 fans... if mika wasn't there, i guess it wouldn't be a problem to invite 50 fans or even more. :dunno: although yes ok, 30 is many already, in either case... but still... well, i just can't help being an optimist. :teehee: and i'd definitely concentrate on the music, even if mika sat right next to me (ok maybe not TOO close...:teehee:), since i will have seen mika on monday and tuesday, but never heard those songs before! :wub2:




remember, mika steals your brain. :mf_rosetinted::naughty:


i also hope we can tell our opinion on the songs to mika or to someone of his team, maybe with a questionnaire. of course i also came to like songs that i didn't like at first, but most of my favourites i loved at the first hearing. and it's also important for a song that people like it and keep it in mind when they first hear it, because then it also works on the radio. and if not on the other songs, i think we can at least have an opinion on the recorded versions of tool, lola and underwater, as we know the live versions already, so it's not SO much new info to take in. :teehee:


btw, i hope someone who knows latin will listen closely to the latin part of the recorded version of tool, maybe there it's finally understandable... :naughty:


mmmmh...another good reason for him to be there then?

we can ask politely! :bleh:


the total of fans should be

MFC 10+10

FB 5+5

Universal forum Mikamusic 10+10


it's a little bit more of what you said.


we'll see. :mf_rosetinted:


*think positive, think positive*

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50 persons? It's a big group. I know the MFCers on the list have met him many times and will all surely behave nicely but bigger groups in France/Italy often mean mobbing, sadly. I think it would be an honor if he asked his fans reactions but this is a lot of people and he is busy, so not expecting him to be there...


However, listening to the album is the most important thing, most us will see him day before. I'm so excited already :wub2:

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mmmmh...another good reason for him to be there then?

we can ask politely! :bleh:


the total of fans should be

MFC 10+10

FB 5+5

Universal forum Mikamusic 10+10


it's a little bit more of what you said.


we'll see. :mf_rosetinted:


*think positive, think positive*


ah, i didn't know it was on the italian forum too. thanks for the info. ok then i guess it's really fans only, and no press thing like the one in france.

another plus for the positive thinking though: they could've said explicitly that mika won't be there, it'd probably save them trouble and keep away fans who only want to come to see mika. but as they didn't... :biggrin2:


btw, like someone has already pointed out here, i also don't think we're allowed to take any cameras or mobiles ... so i'm afraid you'll only have our opinions in the reports this time, no photos/video/audio. :rolls_eyes:

Edited by mellody
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something else, could someone of those who know their way around milan (robi? nezza?) please help me with a few tips about how to best get into the city centre? :puppy_eyes:


problem is, my bf said he wouldn't recommend driving by car into milano, that traffic is crazy there and that it'd probably take me longer than by train. i'm trying not to lose too much time, as we have to go back to munich that day, so we don't want to leave much later than necessary. is there something like a park&ride somewhere a bit outside where it's easy to get to by car, and then take the metro into the town centre? preferably a bit in the north-west, so i can quickly get to the A8/A9 afterwards. i have a navigation system so it shouldn't be a problem finding the way, i just want to avoid crazy traffic, or too many tiny streets & one-way-streets where i might get lost if one of them is closed. :rolls_eyes: i guess the cost would probably be similar for a metro ticket vs. paying for a car park in the city? :dunno:

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something else, could someone of those who know their way around milan (robi? nezza?) please help me with a few tips about how to best get into the city centre? :puppy_eyes:


problem is, my bf said he wouldn't recommend driving by car into milano, that traffic is crazy there and that it'd probably take me longer than by train. i'm trying not to lose too much time, as we have to go back to munich that day, so we don't want to leave much later than necessary. is there something like a park&ride somewhere a bit outside where it's easy to get to by car, and then take the metro into the town centre? preferably a bit in the north-west, so i can quickly get to the A8/A9 afterwards. i have a navigation system so it shouldn't be a problem finding the way, i just want to avoid crazy traffic, or too many tiny streets & one-way-streets where i might get lost if one of them is closed. :rolls_eyes: i guess the cost would probably be similar for a metro ticket vs. paying for a car park in the city? :dunno:


it's all correct here mellody. I'll leave my car in a metro parking in the boroughs, in the west of milan coming from my town, and then take the metro to the centre.

I'll check with Allegra and let you know Where to park :thumb_yello:

or we can chat about it in Vigevano, much simpler I say.

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I think with 50 excited fans there the chance of Mika having an intelligent discussion with more than 1 or 2 indivduals about the songs is pretty much nil. :wink2: Of course no one wants to see him get mobbed but if he is there I'm sure his direct interaction with fans will be limited to saying hi or giving autographs, etc. I think even the most well behaved fans are not going to be able to expect much more in a group this large unless it is highly controlled (ie people confined to very small groups and physically separated and not allowed to move or try to speak to Mika until he approaches them) or Mika spends a couple of hours there. Both situations unlikely IMO. :naughty:


As Lucrezia said it would be nice to hear him introduce the songs and give his thoughts on them. Especially since the vlogs seem to be very slow in coming. :mikacool:


And as Mellody said it would be nice if they gave a chance for people to provide written feedback. I hope you all can take notes. I know I probably wouldn't remember anything if I didn't write it down immediately. :aah:

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it's all correct here mellody. I'll leave my car in a metro parking in the boroughs, in the west of milan coming from my town, and then take the metro to the centre.

I'll check with Allegra and let you know Where to park :thumb_yello:

or we can chat about it in Vigevano, much simpler I say.


thank you. :flowers2: will allegra be at the listening too? :biggrin2:

it'd be great if it was possible that you let me know in advance where the parking is, then i could enter the place in my navigation system for the route and look at it in google maps now when i'm home and still have time and don't have my head full of other things like it surely will be the case at the gig. :teehee: of course it'd be great if we could chat in vigevano as well. :biggrin2: but i love having planned as many things as possible before i start my trip. :wink2:

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It is important to remember that it is a huge priviledge to be there in the first place and it shouldn't be taken for granted


In a way, people who have won from the MFC are representing MFC. I'm confident that all will go well. It's a matter of self control & not getting caught in the moment.


and of course, avoid those eyes at all cost :mf_rosetinted:


And thanks Mari for transporting me in your handbag (as a fly :naughty:)

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Is it 50 fans and the press as well? I was not aware of the details.

I'll check with Allegra and let you know....
Is Allegra going as well, btw? (I hope so :original:)
Honestly, at the first listen I can not give a positive or negative comments to songs: it would not even be fair for Mika who worked on them for months :wink2: I think it would be nice if there will be him also because I think we could better understand the true meaning of the songs maybe listening to his comments while he present the new album: a bit like he did in Paris last month.
I actually think the opposite. Works of art are not supposed to come with a detailed explanation on the background and meanings. One does not even need to be grown-up to appreciate songs and able to articulate their thoughts independently. Of course it helps if Mika gives some explanations but that is just a bonus and not something that defines the quality of the song and neither does it impact how the listener perceives it unless one likes a song 'psychologically' (i.e. 'oh, Mika worked on this over a year, it is a great song ' or 'oh, there is such sad story behind it, I love it' ) :teehee:

I am pretty sure no-one would be able to provide a detailed review after only one listen, but share only the first impressions and most likely focus on the positives.

I trust my first impressions very much. What I didn't like at first never became a song of the heart.
I am like that, too, unless I heard the song ages or decades ago as my taste does change or I suddently just see the beauty of it.
I have already some considerations on the whole Mika project in my mind that I would share with him :mf_rosetinted:, involving this album too. I only need to try to be polite :mf_rosetinted: and avoid those big chestnut eyes too.:mf_rosetinted:
:roftl: sounds exiting. In case you don't have time for that discussion though, can you ask him to perform the original version of the Ramazotti song one day, please.
And as Mellody said it would be nice if they gave a chance for people to provide written feedback.
Good idea but as the album is ready to be released it would be too late now, wouldn't it, unless it is about selecting the singles, of course.

I mean, I am obviously not against feedback via a quesionnaire, only question the 'actionability' of the results if it is about the album.

I hope you all can take notes. I know I probably wouldn't remember anything if I didn't write it down immediately. :aah:
yes, I'd need that, too. Edited by suzie
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Good idea but as the album is ready to be released it would be too late now, wouldn't it, unless it is about selecting the singles, of course.


Yes I think that is helpful information. Look at the poll on MFC that has the single in almost last place. Perhaps hardcore fans are not a representative sample of people who listen to Top 40 radio but the results are pretty clear that fans are preferring other songs to Celebrate.


And is the album really ready to be released? It was not that long ago that Mika was saying he could not decide on the final cut of 12. Maybe a lot of negative feedback about a particular song would change his mind or maybe they will be given the opportunity to listen to 14 songs and feedback would determine the final cut, etc.


Just pure speculation, but I think they could get useful feedback from fans.

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Yes I think that is helpful information. Look at the poll on MFC that has the single in almost last place. Perhaps hardcore fans are not a representative sample of people who listen to Top 40 radio but the results are pretty clear that fans are preferring other songs to Celebrate.


And is the album really ready to be released? It was not that long ago that Mika was saying he could not decide on the final cut of 12. Maybe a lot of negative feedback about a particular song would change his mind or maybe they will be given the opportunity to listen to 14 songs and feedback would determine the final cut, etc.


Just pure speculation, but I think they could get useful feedback from fans.


agree. :thumb_yello:



Allegra is my guest :original:


happy to hear this! :wub2:

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I am so excited reading this thread even though I aren't able to be there.


I can't wait to hear all about it.


Ditto! This is such an amazing opportunity! :roll1:

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Ditto! This is such an amazing opportunity! :roll1:


It is. I have to admit to being a little sad that I will be at the airport when it happens - so near and yet so far....and it will break my heart to say goodbye to all my friends knowing that that is where they are going!:shocked: But never mind...............I can't wait to hear what everyone has to say about it and it is indeed a brilliant opportunity.

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Just pure speculation, but I think they could get useful feedback from fans.

They might have already done so.:teehee:

I have just had a look at the list again and I am really glad fans from at least 4 countries will attend.

I so wish I could listen to the album next week with them :tears:

or, at least get a copy of it soon. :teehee:

Edited by suzie
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Hello friends.

I quickly read your info request.

Sorry i'm quite busy.

If you drive in central Milan you must pay and it is too complicated (congestion charge in Area C).

You can park near Area C in few places with white stripes (free) or blue stripes (to pay).

You can not park in yellow stripes parking.

I suggest to park where Robi parks. I don't know a free parking near metro stations. I survives in Milan traffic jungle because i drive motorbike, or i park car near bikesharing stations (but if you are not a costumer of bikesharing it is too complicated).

Anyway if you arrive in the late morning you can try to go very near area C and you have time to search a park and to reach central area.

We can talk after gig.

Anyway in this period traffic is not too much crazy, because the summer holydays.

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Oh my goodness, I am not here for a couple of days and this happens :shocked::shocked::shocked:

This is an incredible chance, like a dream come true, and I hope that it all goes well and that people can recall enough to report back!

In all my years of following him, I would have never actually thought that he'd organise (or should I say allow?) for fans to have a pre listen like this (of course I do think that it's a great idea though :naughty:) so I can't wait to hear what it's like, etc. Great stuff!!

Totally agree with what Christine said about Bieber, and I'm happy to see how much more open and relaxed Mika is being with this record. I am liking the 'new vibe and mentality', if that makes sense.

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It really is a huge privilege, as Guy said. I hope the random FB and Universal fans can appreciate the privilege.


And Sara it is amazing that he is finally relaxing and doing this for fans.:thumb_yello:

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It is. I have to admit to being a little sad that I will be at the airport when it happens - so near and yet so far....and it will break my heart to say goodbye to all my friends knowing that that is where they are going!:shocked: But never mind...............I can't wait to hear what everyone has to say about it and it is indeed a brilliant opportunity.


@kath- I exactly feel with you

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