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Mika on German TV Sat1, 01.10.2012


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ok, report... :biggrin2:


i'll leave the report of mika arriving at the studio to saskia or hasi, since i wasn't there. mika's tweet woke me up at 6, and then it took me at least an hour to fully wake up, shower, etc. :rolls_eyes:


at 9 we met with the girl from universal at the studio. first they said the m&g would be before mika's last performance on the show, but after waiting for 30-40 minutes or so (the time seemed much shorter to me!) it became clear that it would be afterwards. during the waiting time we asked everyone who talked to us whether hasi and bubbles could get in as well, at least to sit in the foyer, but unfortunately it wasn't possible :sad: they all were stressed and the universal girl at one point said sth like that the timetables are more like general guidelines... :naughty:


for the last performance of celebrate we were allowed to go into the studio. we saw the choir rehearsing happy birthday, and also someone at some time had decided that the choir would sing to celebrate, so mika rehearsed a bit with them as well. yasmine stood near us, and also thomas and mika's other manager (don't remember his name now, the one who looks a bit italian?)


btw, i was so happy seeing this choir, perpetuum jazzile! if anyone remembers, someone had once posted on mfc a yt video of them singing africa by toto and imitating a thunderstorm just with their fingers, hands and feet. we tweeted that to mika back then, suggesting he could use something like that for rain. dunno if he ever saw it, but i LOVE it that they were there today and sang with him!! :wub2:


when mika came to yasmine etc after the tv show had ended, he said hi to us and commented on my outfit, sth like "oh that dress, it's lederhosn!" LOL!! :lmfao: i love that he recognized it as the traditional bavarian costume and can't blame him for not knowing the name for the female version of this, which is called dirndl. but it really made me laugh that he said "ah! lederhosn!" with a huge smile on his face! :naughty:


ok i think i'll have to split this report...part 2 will follow. :teehee:

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that's good, thankyou. :thumb_yello: i recorded it too but won't be able to upload before tomorrow. saskia has it as well, but guess she will be happy if she doesn't have to convert and cut her recording. ;)


She is! :fisch:


I'm happy about everything as well but tired as hell so won't write a report right now. I'll leave the major part to you as it was you who won and add other things I might remember. :wink2:

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If was tempted to write "to no one" as an answer, as "Grace Kelly" isn't a dedication to Grace Kelly :naughty: (sometimes one has to be a little bit pedantic :mf_rosetinted:)




:fisch: You're right. Surely I didn't win but I have a bad cold now, so it hadn't been possible to go there and to meet him( Hihi what a pity I had liked to infect him with my "virus", small revenge for the Mika Virus. It is uncurable:wink2:

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report part 2:


so finally it was time for saskia and me to go upstairs, where the m&g would take place in mika's dressing room. they filmed most of it and will show it on tv tomorrow, or some time this week, if i understood it correctly. the presenter torgen first talked to us a bit, the camera guy told us not to turn our back towards the camera, and the pr boss of universal germany also talked with us. they were worried whether we were real mika fans, but then were a bit shocked to hear that we had already met mika, so they told us and mika, who was running around between 2 dressing rooms, to act like we hadn't met before. :naughty: (torgen shouting across the room to mika: "you don't know these girls,ok?!" - priceless! :lmfao:)


then the camera started fiming, torgen said hi to us, then we went over to the dressing room and said hi to mika too. he greeted us with kisses on the cheek, aww! :swoon: torgen told mika he looked better than 2 years ago, and when mika said sth like "do you really think so?" torgen asked us whether we agreed. and i answered "he always looks good!" :naughty: inside, mika, saskia and me sat on the sofa, and there was a similar conversation again, iirc i told mika that he looks even better in reality than on tv ... trying to act accordingly to the "script" that this was our first meeting with him. :aah::roftl: torgen also said sth like "go on, you can touch him!", so i touched mika's arm for a moment, i felt weird doing that as i'm usually not the kind of person to touch people while talking with them - but ignoring what torgen said would've been weird too... "nah i don't want to touch him!"... :aah:


btw, saskia and me had agreed before that i'd do most of the talking and she'd interrupt me if she wanted to add something, as she wasn't too keen on talking in front of a camera. i wasn't either, but it was quite a relaxed atmosphere so it felt ok. just in case you wonder why she didn't say much... it's not because i wouldn't let her,lol!


after we had sat down, mika showed torgen a pic he had drawn... looked kinda interesting, some sort of hangman... hope they'll show that on tv! ;-)


then i gave mika the gingerbread heart and he loved it. :wub2: he said it smelt like christmas. and that he has never been to the oktoberfest. he then told us a funny story, that he once had a competition against his brother, who of them could make the best gingerbread house. :naughty: he said his took 2 (3?) days and was huge, with towers and everything. :teehee:


i don't remember the order of the other things we said/asked, and what of that was filmed - at some point the camera guys left the room. i remember i asked m to sign my album cover, which he did (very sweet, posted it on twitter today :wub2:) and the camera guy wanted to film the signed cover. saskia gave m a photobook to sign which she had made of the 2010 tour, and he made a lovely drawing for her - that pic also is on twitter. :wink2: he also looked through the book. and while he did that, i asked him what we can expect from the shows in autumn.. he said they'll be mainly about the music, as he couldn't do much in those small venues. and that he had insurance problems re. getting people on stage. he didn't look too happy when he said that, seems he had planned something along those lines and was annoyed about insurance getting in his way. tho he also said he had expected it would happen.


damn it takes ages typing on that phone! xD luckily i still have nearly 3 hours til i'm home.... xD part 3 will follow...

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i'm on my way home from berlin and it was a-ma-zing!!! :fangurl::wub2:


it's gonna take me a while to write a report on my phone,so i'll first post the pix, report will follow. ;)


mika with the present i got for him on the oktoberfest. bine,graciosa,tina and mariposa also contributed to it - he loved it! :wub2:




and the pic of us... no, he wasn't talking,he just opened his mouth. :aah:




Thank you for your little report, Karin!!

Can't wait to watch you being interviewed on telly. :naughty:

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i enjoy writing this, as the more i write down, the more details come to my mind - i had already forgotten so many things, but it feels like if i write down what i remember, this leaves more space in my head to remember more things. like in harry potter,lol! :rotfl: so, thanks for reading my memory exercises. ;-p


report part 3

when torgen said goodbye to m, he wished him good luck and m said it had to be toi toi toi or merde. the latter confused torgen, he said "but that means sh*t?!" - and then he said "ok, good sh*t then!" :lmfao: ... and mika was like :blink::aah: - that was really funny, hope they'll show that on tv too!


i told mika i loved his new album and couldn't decide which was my favourite song - an m answered sth like "you don't have to decide that yet" - lol!


saskia gave mika a bag of berliners (jam-filled donuts), and when he saw it his eyes lit up and he looked like he'd rip the bag out of her hand,lol! :lmfao: he said "i LOVE those!" and immediately ate a little piece. :naughty: which was especially funny since while we were waiting for the m&g, a woman from the tv team had told us that mika doesn't eat bread/carbs when she saw the berliners. i told her that he had also said before that he was vegetarian, which wasn't true... i suspected that he just might not have liked the bread *she* had offered him... :naughty: - but i didn't say that. :teehee:

when saskia gave m the berliners, there also was a conversation about kennedy's "ich bin ein berliner", iirc the pr guy from universal started it ( the cameras were off by then), but i don't remember who said what, just that either him or mika came up with the "i am a donut" joke. :naughty:


at some point mika talked about his further plans. until the tour, but i think saskia remembers more of that. the only thing that was new to me was that he said he'd do another tv show on german tv soon. today he had lots of radio & magazine interviews in berlin, none of them live tho.


in the end we took the photos, and i asked m to meet the 2 fans who were waiting for him outside - which he did, they also got photos and autographs and could give him their presents :wub2: i stood in the back & took a few pix, will post them tomorrow or so. unfortunately there were a lot of autograph collectors who rushed towards him when they saw he stopped for niko & miri. :aah: mika said to niko that he didn't like them and wished they'd go away... and he said loudly that he'd only sign CDs (which of course most of them didn't have :naughty:)


i think that's all i can remember now ... but i want to add, i loved how you could see the difference between the camera mika and the real mika... he was all happy and awake and talkative for the tv camera, but after it was off, you could sense he was really tired... and i love it that he doesn't feel like he has to play a role for us. :wub2:

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Karin that's a great story. I'm really glad they chose real fans even if you have to pretend that you weren't. :roftl: I can't believe he told the woman he doesn't eat carbs. :teehee: I read recently that the Kennedy comment was a bit of a myth and he didn't really say he was a donut but I guess the Berliners know better. :naughty:


Sounds like a great meeting and I hope we get to see everything soon. I agree that it's great to see him drop the act when he gets away from "the public". It reminds me of some of the comments he said a few weeks ago about his fans already knowing/not caring about his sexuality. There's a level of comfort/trust there after all these years I think.

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@Demoment1608 thank you so much for the files - they are still downloading and will take a while


@ Karin and Saskia, It sounds like you turned the show into something fun to watch. Besides you having a great time I am absolutely sure you have contributed to a positive reception of Mika's new album in Germany. Well done:thumb_yello:

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Short info before I dive into Karin's reports and think of details left: They showed like two seconds of us having the M&G this morning. I recorded it and could try to edit and upload it somewhere. I can't promise. It basically shows us saying hello and the heart Melody gave him. I don't think they'll show any more of it tbh.

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thank you dermoment for the d/l links! i put them in the first post. :wink2:


for those who prefer to watch it online, sat1 posted a clip of the last celebrate performance on their website: http://www.sat1.de/tv/fruehstuecksfernsehen/video/wir-feiern-mit-mika-clip - the video already has nearly 250 likes! :wub2:

and here's another performance of celebrate to watch online (and like on facebook...:naughty:), think it was the first one? http://www.sat1.de/tv/fruehstuecksfernsehen/video/live-mika-celebrate-clip

and if you want to watch the whole show, they uploaded that as well: http://www.sat1.de/tv/fruehstuecksfernsehen/video/die-jubilaeumssendung-am-1-10-ganze-folge


btw, another fun fact from yesterday - we heard so many random people in this tv building singing "i want the whole world to celebrate..." - talk about catchy, huh? :naughty::wub2:


saskia, thanks for recording our m+g! my bf has recorded it as well, but it's some sort of online recording service and you never can be absolutely sure that it works... i'll see tonight whether it did. so as for me, i'll let you know tonight whether i'll need you to upload it. :naughty: but of course if anyone else wants to see the 2 seconds, i don't mind if you upload them. :wink2: on the one hand i'm glad they didn't show more of it, less embarrassing for me i guess. :teehee: on the other hand i'd have hoped they'd show 2 minutes of it or so, especially the things mika said, like the bit about his brother and the gingerbread house - it'd have been nice to see more promotion for mika on the show! but i'll make sure to record it the next days as well, maybe there'll be more, who knows. :rolls_eyes:


i have a really bad cold now, but if that's the price i have to pay for my trip to berlin, i gotta say that was worth it. :naughty:

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