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MIKA in French Press - 2015


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t would be good news if he were to add.

"There will be an English version available in the UK."

But maybe that's too much to hope for.

I'm not buying it if it isn't available in English though.

Another album?

That would be another disaster in the UK waiting to happen. Unless he gets another record company to produce it in the UK properly, I'm not getting excited.



Why not an English version, period? Why must it be pointedly available in the UK? Just wondering, as I wouldn't mind it being in English and available everywhere...

Edited by Kezza
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Why not an English version, period? Why must it be pointedly available in the UK? Just wondering, as I wouldn't mind it being in English and available everywhere...

Yes it should be available everywhere. But sometimes things are not available in all countries. It's like, with the album, where the UK release date was delayed. I hope it would be available everywhere though. He'd get more sales that way..

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Le Matin 01.08.2015







«J'étais un enfant terrible»


Malgré un emploi du temps surchargé, le chanteur est toujours aussi «relax». Confidences.


Wow, il est très grand!» s’est exclamé un membre du staff de l’Estivale.

Du haut de son mètre nonante et un, Mika a impressionné les quelques personnes présentes en coulisse du festival d’Estavayer-le-Lac, où il se produisait jeudi soir.

Nous, c’est surtout par son élégance et son énergie qu’il nous a séduit. Habillé d’un pantalon blanc s’arrêtant au-dessus de la cheville, le chanteur avait soigné son look.

nstallé sur un sofa dans un petit bungalow au bord du lac de Neuchâtel, l’Américano-Libanais de 31?ans nous dit d’un ton enjoué qu’il est prêt à répondre à nos questions.


«The Voice» marche enfin»

Son 4e album, «No Place in Heaven», se trouve en 2e position des ventes en Suisse romande.

Une nouvelle qui a ravi le chanteur, mais ses yeux couleur noisette se sont illuminés lorsqu’on lui a annoncé que la première place est occupée par une ex-candidate de «The Voice»: Louane. Mika est coach dans cette émission depuis deux ans, et on lui doit notamment la découverte de Kendji Girac.

«Je regardais les charts en France. L’effet «The Voice» marche enfin! Pendant pas mal d’années, les candidats avaient du mal à percer et étaient oubliés. Depuis un an, quelque chose s’est déclenché avec les Fréro Delavega, Kendji ou Louane. Ça signifie que le travail fourni a payé. Je me suis toujours promis de ne pas continuer ce show si les candidats ne sortaient pas au moins un succès dans l’année.»

Le juré nous a confirmé d’un grand sourire son envie de revenir pour la 5e?saison du télé-crochet:

«Mais tout dépendra de mon emploi du temps.»


Il faut avouer que Mika a un agenda de ministre:

«Je n’ai jamais été aussi occupé qu’aujourd’hui.»

Promotions, tournées et juge à «The Voice» en France et à «X?Factor» en Italie, le chanteur a dû s’isoler pour créer ce dernier album:

«J’ai eu un manque d’intimité avec toute cette exposition médiatique. Je me suis alors enfermé dans une petite maison des années 1950 avec mon collectif, à Los Angeles, et j’ai écrit de manière nettement plus transparente et naturelle qu’auparavant.»


On retrouve tout de même son côté doux et enfantin, sa signature depuis le début de sa carrière. Un retour à l’innocence qui rappelle quelques bons souvenirs à Mika:

«En apparence, j’étais très sage, mais, en réalité, j’étais un enfant terrible. J’avais du mal à me plier aux règles. Je ne fumais pas dans les toilettes comme les autres, mais j’étais souvent en retard et je me trouvais toujours en détention (ndlr: retenue en anglais).»

Un sourire malicieux s’est esquissé sur son visage lorsqu’il nous a confié sa plus grande bêtise:

«Un prêtre était venu célébrer le saint patron de mon école et je pensais qu’un jeté de papier toilette aurait été une bonne idée. J’avais tout organisé et je ne voyais sincèrement pas le mal. J’étais vraiment déconnecté de la réalité. J’ai finalement été collé pendant deux mois.»


Jeune, Mika n’a pas toujours été à l’aise avec son homosexualité. En 2012, il fait enfin son coming out dans le magazine Instinct et n’hésite pas à montrer son soutien au mariage gay en France.

«Plus jeune, c’était dur. Je me posais beaucoup de questions, mais les gens doivent savoir que parfois c’est normal de ressentir quelque chose de négatif. Aujourd’hui, tout va mieux, même si ce n’est pas complètement accepté dans ma famille.» Il ajoute:

«Malheureusement, cette intolérance, on la ressent tout le temps, mais je ne suis pas une victime.»


En couple depuis huit ans



Côté relation, Mika est en couple depuis huit ans avec Andreas Dermanis, un réalisateur grec vivant à Londres. Leur relation a connu des hauts et des bas, et ils s’étaient séparés une première fois. Quelle est la clé pour réussir une relation à distance?

«Ça ne marche pas! Je suis souvent celui qui est obsédé et amoureux, mais ce sont les gens que je laisse loin de moi qui commencent à faire d’autres choses.»

Son plus grand amour reste celui du public:

«Il n’y a rien de plus fort et gratifiant que d’être suivi depuis si longtemps.» (Le Matin)



Mika millésime 2015.
Image: Peter Lindbergh


Ne vous fiez pas à sa bouille d'ange, Mika, de son vrai nom Michael Holbrook Penniman Jr, était un vrai démon plus jeune. Il se retrouvait souvent en retenue.
Image: DR


Le coach
Mika a rejoint le panel des juges de «The Voice» en 2014. Il est accompagné de Zazie, Jenifer et Florent Pagny.
Image: TF1


Le chanteur
En pleine performance durant son concert du 30 juillet à l'Estivale Open Air Festival d'Estavayer-le-Lac.
Image: Marc Ducrest


En français
Un nouveau titre dans la langue de Molière, «Tant que j'ai le soleil», est sorti hier. Il s'agit d'une version traduite du morceau «Staring at the Sun», présent sur son dernier album. Mika a, pour la première fois, dirigé le clip.
Image: DR













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Thank you for finding and posting, it's a very touching article :)


I totally agree with you  :thumb_yello: In him I always see a lot of strength and, especially when he opens a little like in this interview, and also that of the Corriere della Sera, a lot of sensibility and profundity, a kind of fragility, without it being weakness. I hope this makes sense.

Edited by charlie20
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This is an article in "Le Matin" of 26 July, a Swiss newspaper, but since it's in French I think and hope that it's okay to post it here.




Thanks a lot to http://1970mimi.tumblr.com/ !  :)





:) I hope someone can translate the art. from Le Matin ? :wink2:






If no one does or has already started doing the translation of it, I can do it in the next few days.

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If no one does or has already started doing the translation of it, I can do it in the next few days.


:thumb_yello: Yes, please - this one, which Cathrine and you think is a very touching art. I trust you both, and would love to understand what they write here, it would be much appreciated  - if it's not too much to ask for - I'll wait patiently, don't stress it... :wink2:




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Publié le

mercredi 05 août 2015 à 18h13

- Mis à jour le

jeudi 06 août 2015 à 07h49


"Le mariage à l'église, ce n'est pas pour moi!"




Mika sera bientôt en concert chez nous. Confidences d’un artiste qui n’a rien à cacher.


Mika est tel qu’on l’imagine, tel qu’on le perçoit depuis deux saisons dans le télécrochet de TF1

: adorable. S’il continuera l’aventure The Voice en 2016 ? Le chanteur, en pleine tournée (quelques mois après la sortie de son album No place in heaven), sourit et répond : "Ça, je ne peux pas te le dire…"

On aimerait dire qu’il est comme tout le monde, Mika, parce qu’il aime feuilleter avec nous les pages d’un magazine people ("J’espère qu’il n’y a pas une photo de moi en maillot de bain sur la plage !") mais ce serait ennuyeux… et faux surtout : il aime "cultiver la différence". Mika revendique la sienne. "J’en veux beaucoup plus ! Il faut la protéger et la mettre en valeur, la différence. C’est la seule chose qui provoque la créativité, le progrès, des réactions. Je pense qu’on devient une génération un peu plus homogène, et c’est stupide."


Quand avez-vous compris que la différence pouvait être votre force ?


"Quand j’avais 11 ans, qu’on m’a mis dehors de l’école. J’avais une prof abusive qui me torturait moi et d’autres dans la classe. C’était vraiment horrible. Je suis rentré dans une autre école. J’ai appris à chanter, j’ai eu des jobs et ma vie s’est divisée en deux. D’un côté, la vie normale à l’école qui était dure où j’étais traité comme de la merde. De l’autre côté, j’avais un job, des responsabilités. On me payait pour faire quelque chose. Ma différence était, là, mise en valeur. Dans l’autre cadre, ma différence faisait qu’on m’attaquait. À l’école, il y en a toujours qui sentent la valeur de la différence et qui attaquent à cause de ça. On oublie peut-être ce que les gens nous ont dit précisément à cette époque, mais on n’oublie jamais comment on s’est senti à cette période-là. Et on ne pardonne jamais aux gens qui nous ont traités comme ça."


Votre vision de la différence a-t-elle changé avec le succès ?


"Au début, je faisais quelque chose de très intime, j’écrivais des chansons dans ma chambre. Et tout à coup, ma vie publique a complètement dépassé ma vie privée. Ça a évolué toujours plus vite. Ma vie privée s’est retrouvée derrière. Ça a pris du temps, pour ma vie privée, de rattraper ma vie publique. Maintenant, je suis un peu plus en équilibre. Et ma vie est beaucoup plus simple."


C’est facile, aujourd’hui, de trouver cet équilibre ?


"Honnêtement, oui. Je me trouve beaucoup plus léger. Quand Voici a publié il y a quelques mois des photos de moi et Andy (son compagnon, NdlR) photographiés dans la rue, tout le monde me disait que c’était scandaleux, que je devais intenter une action en justice. Je répondais que non. Il n’y avait rien de scandaleux là-dedans. On voyait simplement sur ces photos deux personnes marcher dans la rue. Si c’était un homme et une femme, personne ne dirait rien. Mais parce que c’est moi avec un autre homme, c’était perçu comme scandaleux. Pas du tout ! Il faut être raisonnable, ce n’est rien du tout ! C’est juste du bruit."


Et si la photo vous avait montrés en train de vous embrasser ?


"Ça dépend du contexte. Quand j’étais en Sicile la semaine dernière, on est tombé sur des gens, perchés sur un mur, en train de prendre des photos à travers les fenêtres. Ça, c’est violent ! Qu’on soit une personne publique ou non, ça fait flipper de voir des gens regarder dans ta chambre avec des jumelles. C’est dégueulasse. Mais si on était dans la rue, c’est différent, c’est un choix."


Envisagez-vous de vous marier, d’avoir des enfants ?


"Me marier dans une église, non ! Je ne me sens pas faire partie de cette tradition. Elle n’est pas dessinée pour moi. Je suis plutôt plus discret. C’est comme ça que j’ai toujours dû vivre. Et dans cette discrétion, je trouve une liberté aussi. Mais dans le sens d’être fidèle à la personne avec laquelle je suis, de tenir mes promesses, cet engagement est bien sûr très important. Quant aux enfants, c’est la chose la plus égoïste que je pourrais faire aujourd’hui !"


"Je prie… Même si pour un extrémiste je suis proche du diable !"

Dans la chanson-titre No place in heaven, Mika s’adresse à Dieu. Il lui dit que ça fait un bout de temps qu’ils n’ont plus communiqué. "La religion, je trouve que c’est quelque chose de très important. C’est quelque chose que je dois avoir dans ma vie pour me battre contre des choses. Et me rendre plus tranquille aussi dans des moments difficiles. Je fais partie d’une génération qui se donne la possibilité de choisir ce qu’elle trouve de bien dans la spiritualité et de rejeter ce qu’elle trouve de pas assez moderne. Je trouve le nouveau pape intelligent, ouvert. Il continue à dire qu’il va être tué… Ça, ça fait un peu peur ! Avant de monter sur scène, je prie. Même si je suis une personne, pour un extrémiste catholique ou évangéliste, très proche du diable ! (Rire) Moi, je considère que les évangélistes extrêmes de la religion catholique et les extrémistes de la religion musulmane sont les mêmes personnes."


Un designer belge pour ses décors


Mika n’est pas qu’un artiste qui chante. Il aime créer son univers. "Tout, pour moi, doit avoir du sens. Mais il ne faut pas que ça soit exagéré. Il faut que tout soit connecté émotionnellement. Je sais que je ne fais pas les chansons les plus commerciales pour la radio. Pour moi, c’est l’ensemble, sur un spectacle, qui compte. Je n’ai pas une machine à tubes derrière moi. Mon show, ça doit être comme une pièce de théâtre. Même les fringues comptent. C’est un travail collectif."

L’autre jour, Mika est resté jusqu’à 4 heures du matin à dessiner des croquis avec son ami Job (Smeets des Studios Job). "Un grand designer belge. On a fait des croquis pour ma nouvelle tournée. J’aime travailler avec mes amis. J’ai un clan qui vient avec moi. C’est amusant." Et quand il ne travaille pas avec ses amis, il boit des bières avec eux. "Quand je ne chante pas, évidemment. Ce sont de petits moments de vie." Pour le coup, comme tout le monde.

Edited by Kumazzz
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Audio interview



Belle matinée à l'écoute de Christophe Beaugrand




MP3 ( a part of Mika )


Edited by Kumazzz
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Issued on

Wednesday, August 5, 2015 at 6:13 pm

- Updated

Thursday, August 6, 2015 at 7:49


"The church wedding, it is not for me!"




Mika concert Will soon be with us. Confessions of an artist Who has nothing to hide.


Mika Is Such as we imagine, as we Perceive the past two seasons in the télécrochet TF1

Adorable. If the adventure continues The Voice in 2016? The singer, full turn (A Few months partner after the release de son album No place in heaven ), and Smiled Replied: "That I can not tell you ..."

Would we say it is like everyone else, Mika, Because He loves us flipping the pages of a gossip magazine ( "I Hope There Is not a picture of me in a bathing suit! on the beach" ) aim That Would Be boring .. . Especially and false: he likes to " cultivate the difference. " Mika His claims. " I want more! We must protect and highlight the difference. It's the only thing That causes creativity, progress, reactions. I think it Becomes a little more homogeneous generation and it's stupid. "


When did you Realize que la difference Could be your strength?


"When I was 11, I Was kicked out of school. I had a teacher Who mistaken tortured me and others in the class. It was really horrible. I got into a Reviews another school. I Learned to sing, and my jobs I Had life is divided in two. On one side, the normal life at school Was Hard When I Was Treated like crap. On the other side, I had a job, Responsibilities. They paid me to do something. My difference Was There, development. In the other part, my difference Was That attacked This is me. At school, There Are Those Who always feel the value of difference and That attack Because of That. Perhaps we forget what people-have Told us PRECISELY at this time, you never forget how goal felt at That Time. And you never forgive the people Who Treated us like this. "


Your vision of the difference she Has Changed with success?


"At first I Was doing something very intimate, I Was writing songs in my room. Suddenly, my audience completely Call Life Has exceeded my private life. It has always Evolved faster. My private life is found behind. It Took time for my private life , to catch public my life. Now I'm a little more in balance. And my life is much Simpler. "


It is easy today to Find That balance?


"Honestly, yes. I am much lighter. Here When he published A Few months ago pictures of me and Andy (his companion, Editor's note) photographed in the street, everyone Told Me That It was outrageous That I Had to sue for justice. I Answered no. There Was nothing scandalous in there. We just saw thesis pictures two people walking on the street. If It was a man and a woman, No Say anything. Purpose Because it's me with Reviews another man Was Perceived as scandalous. Not at all! You must be reasonable, that's nothing! It's just noise. "


And if You Had the picture shown kissing you?


"It depends on the context. When I was in Sicily last week, we cam across people, perched on a wall, taking pictures through the windows. That's violent! Whether you a public person or not, that's pinball see people looking in your room with binoculars. It's disgusting. Purpose If We Were in the street, it's different, it's a choice. "


Are you Planning to get married, to-have children?


"Get married in a church, no! I do not feel apart of this tradition. It is not designed for me. I am Rather more discreet. That's how I've always Had to live. And fait que discretion, I find a freedom too. Aim in the sense of being white true to the person I am to keep my promises, this commitment is of course very significant. As for children, it's The Most selfish thing i could do today! "


"I pray ... for extremist Although I am close of the devil!"

In the title track No place in heaven, God Mika addresses. He tells her it's a while That They follow no release. "Religion, I think it's something major very. It is something That I must have in my life to fight contre things. And make hast quieter in difficulty times. I am proportion of a generation That Gives the opportunity to choose what she Finds Good in spirituality and reject what she Finds not modern enough. I find the new pope smart, ouvert. He continued to say it Will Be Killed ... That sounds a bit scary! Before going on stage, I pray. Although I am a person , for a Catholic extremist or evangelist, very close to the devil! (Laughter) I Consider That extreme evangelists and the Catholic religion of Islam extremists are the Sami people. "


A Belgian designer decorations for icts


Mika is not an artist Who sings. He likes to create His universe. "Everything for me Has To make sense. Aim it is not got to be exaggerated. Everything must be connected emotionally. I know I'm not the songs for radio Most business. To me, it's all there a show, that matters. I do not hit a Machine-have behind me. My show, it must be like a play. Even the clothes matter. It is collective work. "

Reviews The other day, Mika stayed up to 4 am drawing sketches friend With His Job (Job Smeets Studios). "A wide Belgian designer. We made ​​sketches for my new ride. I love working with my friends. I have a clan That comes with me. It's fun. " And When he is not working with His Friends, he drinks beer with 'em. "When I do not sing, Obviously. They are small life times." This time, like everyone else.

That's lovely. Auntie Google translated it for me. It's a great interview. Thanks for posting.

He says he's not an artist Who sings. HCreates a Universe That Is connected. He mentions working with people --other and That it's fun.

Edited by Marilyn Mastin
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Publié le

mercredi 05 août 2015 à 18h13

- Mis à jour le

jeudi 06 août 2015 à 07h49


"Le mariage à l'église, ce n'est pas pour moi!"









I opened a thread for Belgian media  :)  http://www.mikafanclub.com/topic/32097-mika-in-belgian-media/

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That's lovely. Auntie Google translated it for me. It's a great interview. Thanks for posting.

He says he's not an artist Who sings. HCreates a Universe That Is connected. He mentions working with people --other and That it's fun.


Auntie Google was drinking too much. Yikes. I get the general idea though. and I like it.

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Auntie Google was drinking too much. Yikes. I get the general idea though. and I like it.

My post had a mistake on it. That was because I couldn't correct it. After I clicked on EDIT, his box came up where you actually type, and stopped me being able to type. It was something about improving the translation. I couldn't get rid of it, so I couldn't correct the typing mistake.

I hate technology. I can't use it. But I like when Auntie Google translates things for me. However, the translations done by our lovely team, always make more sense and flow much better.

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My post had a mistake on it. That was because I couldn't correct it. After I clicked on EDIT, his box came up where you actually type, and stopped me being able to type. It was something about improving the translation. I couldn't get rid of it, so I couldn't correct the typing mistake.

I hate technology. I can't use it. But I like when Auntie Google translates things for me. However, the translations done by our lovely team, always make more sense and flow much better.

Yup. There's a part of me that wants to try and translate it as practice for my French. What do you guys think?

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Yup. There's a part of me that wants to try and translate it as practice for my French. What do you guys think?

I think it's a great idea! Some parts are very interesting,I like his answer about the paparazzi issue,very realistic   :thumb_yello:

Edited by krysady
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Alright my french bilinguals, how'd I do? Edit: Also, I haven't compared to the Auntie Google version... so not sure if it's a huge improvement or not? and I'm too tired to do so now... :bed:




Published the

Wednesday 05 August 2015 at 18h13

- Updated

Thursday 06 August 2015 at 07h49


Mika: “The church wedding, it's not for me!”




Mika will soon be in concert with us. Confessions of an artist whom has nothing to hide.


Mika is as one imagines, as one has seen for two seasons on the talent show of TF1: adorable. Will he continue the adventure of The Voice in 2016? The singer, in full tour (a few months after the release of his album No place in heaven), smiles and responds: “That, I can't say...”


We would like to say he's like everyone else, Mika, because he loves to flip the pages of a gossip magazine (“I hope there is not a photo of me in a bathing suit on the beach!”) but that would be boring... and mostly false: he likes “cultivating the differences.” Mika claiming “I want more! We must protect it and value, the differences. It's the only thing that provokes creativity, progress, reactions. I think we're becoming a generation a little too homogenized, and it's stupid.


When did you understand that the differences could be your strength?


When I was 11 years old, I was kicked out of school. I had an abusive teacher who tortured me and others in the class. It was truly horrible. I returned to another school. I learned to sing, I had jobs and my life is divided in two. On the one hand, the normal school life that was hard where I was treated like [crap]. On the other hand, I had a job, responsibilities. I was paid to do something. My differences were developing. On the other hand, my differences made them attack me. At school, there always are those who feel the worth of the differences and they attack because of that. We forget perhaps what people have told us exactly at that time, but we don't ever forget how it felt in that time. And we don't ever forgive people who treated us like this.


Has your view the differences changed with the success?


At the beginning, I was doing something very intimate, I wrote songs in my bedroom. And suddenly, my public life had completely passed my private life. It had evolved ever faster. My private life was found behind. It took time, for my private life to catch up to my public life. Now, I am a little more in balance. And my life is very simple.


It's easy,nowadays, finding balance?


Honestly, yes. I find myself much lighter. When Voici published a few months ago photos of me and Andy (his companion, Editors Note), photographs in the street, everybody told me it was scandalous, I had to take legal action. Which I responded no. There was nothing scandalous inside it. We simply saw these photos of two people walking down the street. If it were a man and a woman, no one would say anything. But because it's me with another man, it was seen as a scandal. Not at all! You have to be reasonable, it's nothing at all! It's just noise.


And if the photos of you had shown you kissing?


It depends on context. When I was in Sicily this past week, we came across people, perched on a wall, taking photos through the windows. That, it's severe! That whether a public person or not, it makes you flip out seeing people looking in your room with binoculars. It's revolting. But if we were on a street, it's different, it's a choice.


Do you see yourself married, having children?


Get married in a church, no! I don't feel a part of that tradition. It's not designed for me. I am rather more discreet. It's how I've always lived. And in this discretion, I find a freedom also. But in the sense of being faithful to the person I am with, to keep my promises, that commitment is of course very important. As to children, It's the most selfish choice I could make nowadays!


I pray... even though for an extremist I am nearly the Devil!”


In the title song No Place in Heaven, Mika addresses God. He tells God that they haven't talked in a while. “Religion, I think it's something very important. It's something I need to have in my life for me to be able to fight things. And it also makes me peaceful in difficult moments. I belong to a generation which gives the possibility to chose what it finds good in spirituality and reject what it finds not modern enough. I find the new pope intelligent, accessible. He continues to say that he will be killed... that, it's a little scary! Before going on stage, I pray. Even if I am a person, for extreme Catholic Evangelists, very nearly the devile! (laugh) Me, I consider the extreme evangelists of the Catholic religion and the extremists of the Muslim religion are the same people.


A Belgian designer for his decors.


Mika is not only an artist of singing. He likes to create his universe. “All, for me, must have meaning. But it shouldn't be overdone. Everything must be connected emotionally. I know I don't do the most commercial songs for the radio. For me, it's the whole show that matters. I don't have a hit machine behind me. My show, it must be like a piece of theater. Even the clothes count. It's a collective work.” The other day, Mika was up until 4am sketching with his friend Job (Smeets of Studios Job). “A great Belgion designer. We made sketches for my new tour. I like to travel with my friends. I have a clan that comes with me. It's funny.” And when he's not traveling with his friends, he drinks beer with them. “When I'm not singing, of course. These are the small moments of life.” For once, like everyone else.

Edited by CarolinaAsh
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Alright my french bilinguals, how'd I do? Edit: Also, I haven't compared to the Auntie Google version... so not sure if it's a huge improvement or not? and I'm too tired to do so now... :bed:

That is a brilliant translation. Way better than Auntie Google's version. Thank you.

Edited by Marilyn Mastin
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