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Mika on the cover of Cosmopolitan IT & Interview, 22 April 2022


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Un piccolo pesco rosa venuto con me di casa in casa – era un fuscello sottile fuori dalla porta della mansarda in cui sono stata ragazza, e nel maggio in cui ero incinta su un ballatoio ha germogliato fitto in un meraviglioso vaso antico verde acqua – miricorda oggi, dalla terrazza in cui ha trovato il suo posto al sole e su cui lo vedo buttare timido ma tenace due foglie e un bocciolo, che anche quando i tempi si fanno duri (è ormai più d’ogni altra cosa un ramo scuro e nudo) niente è più ambizioso della primavera.

Fosse di un sol fiore, fiorisce. Allunga i giorni verso l’estate. Scalda la pelle.
Alza il volume delle radio. Tinge di un azzurro sfacciato i cieli.
È arrivata anche quest’anno, pur così, stretta tra una guerra dietro l’angolo e una pandemia che sebbene affievolita perdura, con una paura che ha ormai la misura quotidiana e nuova a cui eventi più grandi di noi ci stanno abituando.

E però c’è meno silenzio. Quel silenzio che si era preso tutto quando iniziò a girare la foto di un cartellone pubblicitario sul lungomare di Livorno con una risacca furente dietro a montare le onde, e una ragazza di passaggio.
Un cartellone pubblicitario che doveva ospitare le date di un tour, e su cui qualcuno invece aveva ardito: «Mi manchi come un concerto».

Questo numero lo dedichiamo proprio alla musica. La musica che torna, e con lei quel biglietto in tasca con cui andare a prendere l’amore e aspettare che scenda – il motorino acceso e il cuore un po’ in subbuglio – parcheggiare alla meglio, vederlo ballare sottopalco. Lì stringerci, tenersi, trovare tra una canzone e l’altra l’incoscienza di sussurrargli tra i capelli «che voglia di baciarti», farlo, sentire in quel giro di note tutte le cellule del tuo corpo dire sì.


Nella magia, nella fantasia di cui Mika è maestro, primo uomo in copertina nella storia di Cosmopolitan Italia, anche perché primo a tirare giù i muri, che sempre sono limiti e pregiudizi, e invece «Blue is a feminine color».

Con lui, abbiamo scritto un manifesto esistenziale.

E creato una sorpresa per voi.




:uk: Google translator




A small pink peach tree that came with me from house to house - it was a thin twig outside the attic door I was a girl in, and in May when I was pregnant on a balcony it sprouted tightly in a beautiful old teal vase - my remembrance today , from the terrace where he found his place in the sun and on which I see him shyly but tenaciously throwing two leaves and a bud, which even when times get tough (it is now more than anything else a dark and bare branch) nothing is more ambitious than spring.

If only one flower, it blooms. Extend the days towards summer. Warm the skin.
Turn up the volume on the radios. It paints the skies a cheeky blue.
Even so, this year has arrived again, caught between a war around the corner and a pandemic that, although weakened, persists, with a fear that now has the daily and new measure to which events greater than us are getting us used to.

And yet there is less silence. That silence that had taken everything when she started shooting a photo of an advertising billboard on the Livorno seafront with a furious undertow behind to mount the waves, and a girl passing by.
A billboard that was supposed to host the dates of a tour, and on which someone had dared: "I miss you like a concert."

This issue is dedicated to music. The music that comes back, and with it that ticket in your pocket with which to go get love and wait for it to come down - the motor is running and your heart a bit in turmoil - park as best you can, see it dance under the stage. There we hug, hold each other, find between one song and another the unconsciousness of whispering in his hair "I want to kiss you", do it, feel in that round of notes all the cells of your body say yes.

In magic, in the imagination of which Mika is the master, the first man on the cover in the history of Cosmopolitan Italia, also because he was the first to pull down the walls, which are always limits and prejudices, and instead «Blue is a feminine color».

With him, we wrote an existential manifesto.

And created a surprise for you.





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On 4/22/2022 at 1:50 AM, Kumazzz said:

TALENT «Maybe it doesn't mean anything, but a balance must be found because the artistic part can be limited, crushed. We should learn to see ourselves even imperfect, not disciplined, party for four days, #### left and right, meet demons, and then out of nowhere be the opposite. Let's go back to the idea of change "


7 hours ago, Kumazzz said:

INSTAGRAM video clip



The Music Issue, il nuovo numero di Cosmopolitan, con @mikainstagram, in edicola 💜💙
#cosmopolitan #COSMOItalia 🎵





Hmm, it's a bit different in the video interview than in the written one. I wonder if he said it the way they wrote it down, or if it's their free interpretation of what he says in the video? The way I interpret what he says in the video is that if you party a lot, you also have to find the balance to do the opposite afterwards and have the discipline to get back to work. In the written text I would interpret it as, "you need to be imperfect and party, and then do the opposite" - that sounds more like, "be unpredictable" than "be disciplined". Generally I find it hard to see how what he says is about talent, tho of course I agree with him that you can only make something out of your talent if you're disciplined and work hard. The rest is maybe just an example - but the way it is expressed in the written interview, it somehow gets a different meaning. :dunno: Would be interesting to know what the Italian speakers think about it, maybe I just understand it wrong?


Btw, another question to the Italian speakers, when he talks about fantasy, he says it's connected to fantasmi - does that actually mean ghosts in this context, or would it be better translated with something like spirit, or something else? I get his point that life is much better with fantasy, I just don't understand the ghosts part.


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On 4/23/2022 at 9:03 PM, mellody said:



Hmm, it's a bit different in the video interview than in the written one. I wonder if he said it the way they wrote it down, or if it's their free interpretation of what he says in the video? The way I interpret what he says in the video is that if you party a lot, you also have to find the balance to do the opposite afterwards and have the discipline to get back to work. In the written text I would interpret it as, "you need to be imperfect and party, and then do the opposite" - that sounds more like, "be unpredictable" than "be disciplined". Generally I find it hard to see how what he says is about talent, tho of course I agree with him that you can only make something out of your talent if you're disciplined and work hard. The rest is maybe just an example - but the way it is expressed in the written interview, it somehow gets a different meaning. :dunno: Would be interesting to know what the Italian speakers think about it, maybe I just understand it wrong?




You got it right: what he actually says is that talent pairs with discipline. You can still have fun, but you also must understand when it's time to stop partying (drinking, having sex...) and start working. I really can't figure out why they offered such a trivial summary in the magazine

On 4/23/2022 at 9:03 PM, mellody said:


Btw, another question to the Italian speakers, when he talks about fantasy, he says it's connected to fantasmi - does that actually mean ghosts in this context, or would it be better translated with something like spirit, or something else? I get his point that life is much better with fantasy, I just don't understand the ghosts part.



Ghosts can be either imaginary creatures and spirits. Given what we know about Mika's life, I think he's referring to the spiritual presence of the beloved persons who "left this world"

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On 4/22/2022 at 1:50 AM, Kumazzz said:

WAR "For how I lived it as a child, for how we are experiencing this in Ukraine, as Europeans, it is a ghost that is also a presence. Deep destabilization

I have not experienced war first hand, but my family fled China during the cultural revolution. The deep destabilization and the contrast between "war" and "no war" is something that is still present in our family, of which we derive strength and a call to survive. Mika has clearly made something very beautiful in his art and music from this dark side of his life, a kind of survival instinct perhaps. Something that he most probably is reminded of every day: to make the most of it. I remember reading in another interview that this is also something that his mother told him (and his siblings), something his mother did again and again: to build something from nothing. If I look at my own family, being a mother myself, I think I have a better understanding where this is coming from.


On 4/22/2022 at 1:50 AM, Kumazzz said:

FANTASY «It is possibility. You are truly in a difficult area of your life when you have no fantasy and no ghosts, fantasy and ghosts are connected.

This part reminds me of becoming an adult. As children, we believe adulthood is just one milestone to reach and after that "you're done", whereas we as adults (OF COURSE) still have the same necessity for dreams and fears (that's what I think he means with ghosts in this translation?). But we need to keep looking for it, keep provoking it within ourselves. I think the latter is the biggest challenge.


On 4/22/2022 at 1:50 AM, Kumazzz said:

I am open to everything but now I would not have time, the necessary element for a child ".

This one surprised me, as I did not think they would ask him in this interview. I remember that he once said (before his nephew was born) that he wanted to have many children, probably coming from a big household himself. This is romantic thinking I think, because honestly: it takes a lot of your time and is a lot of work to have a big(ger) family :aah: For him to come from that statement back then to this statement right now, I have to say I am pleasantly surprised. It's not just romance and butterflies, it's also a lot of diapers, like a LOT.


On 4/22/2022 at 1:50 AM, Kumazzz said:

I remember being 14 in the shower: “I have to do something that finally allows me to be considered normal”. I thought this was a good push. Instead it's just an immense, gigantic bulls**t ».

Is this where his fear (and almost resentment) of being mediocre comes from? I have never truly understood this one, because being different is wonderful, but it is also incredibly hard sometimes. Having been bullied myself I understand where he is coming from with the above statement "to want to blend in" at that moment in your life, but you never truly have a place unless you can create a place for yourself. I wonder if he wants to excel and be different in every aspect in his life, or that it only applies to his artistic one.


On 4/22/2022 at 1:50 AM, Kumazzz said:

TOUR «Sometimes I feel like a whore, really. I am there taken by fatigue and then there is something - a look, a person, a collective gesture - that happens, and then the truth, love, feeling good returns.

I am so relieved to read that he feels the same way we feel, haha! Or am I the only one :facepalm:


On 4/22/2022 at 1:50 AM, Kumazzz said:

THERAPY «I feel lucky to be able to metabolize sadness, doubts, flushes with what I write. If you don't have this valve, it takes more. But not a social post where you throw all your anxieties in. That is not therapy. Therapy is taking a break, reflecting, it is almost structured in fast lives where the word hype is spreading more and more, there is hype clothing, hype life, hype love: it's risky ".

I feel that this is partly the inspiration to why he wrote "Modern Times" and how he perceives this pace of life. Being his age I can honestly say that I grew up before all the dating apps, so this fast paced everything is hard to wrap my head around. I wonder what the generation thinks that did grow up with these dating apps.


On 4/22/2022 at 1:50 AM, Kumazzz said:

TODAY "They tell you: live every day as if it were the last. Complete euphoria. If I had only today I would just send a message, I would make a phone call to every person I love to say: "I love you". Then perhaps I would shamelessly go and buy the most ridiculous thing in the world, and instead of paying I would get rid of everything I have. And I'd go dancing. I would play a piano and turn it into a spectacular show, because I believe in magic ».

You know what? This is so freeing to read. He has built his empire from absolutely nothing. He went from mute to singing to entire stadiums filled with those who want to listen. Sometimes I wonder if he is in touch with life in a different way than we normal folk are. But when I read this, I understand why all of us here as fans still connect with him.

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Every time I'm trying to comment here on this interview, I'm just thinking, what should I write? Most of what he says I could just comment with "100% agree!", or I could tell endless stories of why I can relate, that I'm not sure they're worth to write down because I don't know if anyone would take the time to read them. Anyway thanks @holdingyourdrink for your contribution, that does inspire me to write down some of my thoughts.


14 hours ago, holdingyourdrink said:

I have not experienced war first hand, but my family fled China during the cultural revolution. The deep destabilization and the contrast between "war" and "no war" is something that is still present in our family, of which we derive strength and a call to survive. Mika has clearly made something very beautiful in his art and music from this dark side of his life, a kind of survival instinct perhaps. Something that he most probably is reminded of every day: to make the most of it. I remember reading in another interview that this is also something that his mother told him (and his siblings), something his mother did again and again: to build something from nothing. If I look at my own family, being a mother myself, I think I have a better understanding where this is coming from.


Your comment made me think of my own experiences with war, and although I luckily never had any experience with an actual war like the one that happens now in Ukraine, my grandparents lived through WW2, and personally I do still remember the Cold War and the fears I had as a child and young teenager. The news on TV with info about how many nuclear warheads each side had and what could be destroyed with them. I still see these graphics before my inner eye. Fears of WW3, of apocalypse. I was so glad when the Cold War ended, then got scared again that the Iraq war in the early 90s would turn into something bigger - the same war that Mika's Dad got caught in, and I can't even start to imagine how it must feel if someone you love is caught in this dangerous situation, when already my fears were so big back then. I totally get what he says about the ghost that is also a presence, and the destabilization - at several points since the war in Ukraine started, the old fears hit me again with full force. I often try to avoid reading the news too much these days. Instead I book more Mika gigs, because I may feel helpless regarding the war and whatever those who control all those weapons are planning, but I can decide what to make of my life and my time here on this beautiful planet. "And even if it all goes bad, it was the best time we ever had!". :yes:


Which brings me to what he says about Future and Today. If you live every day as if it were the last, you get in danger of destroying the future you might have. As Mika says, you have to sculpt the future in the present, he's so right. I certainly lived more for the future than for the present before the pandemic. Save money for the retirement, eat lots of vegetables and regularly do sports, to stay healthy... well I always neglected that tbh, but at least now I don't feel that bad about it anymore, lol! :roftl: It's all a question of finding the right balance between living only for today or only for the future. Doing something today that will seriously endanger my future is as stupid as shifting all the fun towards an uncertain future.


15 hours ago, holdingyourdrink said:

This one surprised me, as I did not think they would ask him in this interview. I remember that he once said (before his nephew was born) that he wanted to have many children, probably coming from a big household himself. This is romantic thinking I think, because honestly: it takes a lot of your time and is a lot of work to have a big(ger) family :aah: For him to come from that statement back then to this statement right now, I have to say I am pleasantly surprised. It's not just romance and butterflies, it's also a lot of diapers, like a LOT.


He's said in other interviews before that he does want children but not yet, because he doesn't have the time. Imo it's less the time that's the problem, but the consistency. Even if you just have one child that mostly your partner takes care of, a child needs a "still there Monday morning kind of love" and not his parents living "like a Yoyo". :teehee: To a certain extent a child can teach you this selfless love, because it's so dependent on you for the first few years. But you have to be ready for it, and never ever just agree to hurry because your partner wants it.

I've also been wondering how much the big family was his mother's wish rather than his. He might have made it his own, in a way of "Even if I can't provide the traditional family you might have wished for, I can still have a family with lots of children." ... but he already sang on his first album "are 5 kids better than 1?" ... I mean, can you imagine him being surrounded 24/7 by a bunch of kids who always want something from him? He'd be so happy to go on tour and "just" have his fans to deal with, lol! :roftl: Maybe in a few years. Having children definitely means living for the future more than for the present, as long as they're still small - they are a part of you, but you also have to give up a part of yourself for that.

Which gets me to the topic of change. In fact, I think you have to make a difference between a change you decide on yourself, because you want it, and it might get you closer to who you are at a certain point of your life, or a change that other people or circumstances force you into. The pandemic and the war certainly are big changes, but not changes anyone asked for. We might have wished for more time that we got with the pandemic, and indeed sometimes it needs a force like this to make us actually take action. In fact, I felt during the pandemic that I needed to actively make changes to my life, to avoid feeling controlled from outside too much, with the lockdown and all. So a change from outside can definitely trigger changes, but if you're not being yourself and know what you stand for, the waves might just carry you away to a place where you didn't want to end up. So I rather agree with Mika's RESIST here, than with his mouldy cake comparison. :teehee: That comparison is funny, but I would rather say, if you're authentic and true to yourself, you don't HAVE to change to stay interesting. It's more like what he says about Body, you have to be in line with who you are at that time in your life. If you feel you can't be yourself for some reason, of course you have to change. But if you're happy with who you are, and can accept yourself in your uniqueness and all your contradictions, then it's just a question of the sides of you that you show to someone. If you feel like you NEED to change to stay interesting to others, imo it's also a change that comes from the outside and not from within you.


And now I'll stop here and comment on the rest another time, because as I said: Once I start writing down how much I can relate to this interview, I find it hard to stop. :roftl: :dunno_grin:


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More from the Cosmopolitan_it Insta account:


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5 minutes ago, mellody said:

More from the Cosmopolitan_it Insta account:


about love:


about being different:


I enjoy watching him speak, because his facial expressions speak for themselves. I think I look at this more, because I don’t understand Italian. Thanks to the translation of the entire interview I have a good idea what he is saying, but I love hearing him speak about it and see the unwritten communication. 

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  • 4 months later...

I’m sorry I failed to post the link to here... :doh:





  • Chef Editorial & Brand Officer – Lavinia Farnese
  • Director – Ivana Gloria
  • Dop – Matteo Keffer
  • Sound Engineer – Riccardo Alfano
  • Camera Operator – Riccardo Biasi
  • Editor – Ivana Gloria
















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