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2023 - Mika @ Jazzablanca, Casablanca, Morocco - 24 June REPORTS/VIDS/PICS


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"النجم ميكا ضيف فقرة "صندوق العجب
La star Mika sera l’invité de la rubrique “Boîte à merveilles”.
Lundi 3 juillet à 23h10








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The boy who is invited on the stage.





@mikainstagram AU @jazzablanca_fest !!!!!

Probablement un moment que je n'oublierais jamais.. Mikafan10 pour ceux qui lont connu, qui avait 10 ans à l'époque a bien grandi, mais certaines choses ne changent pas, ET MIKA A TOUT DECHIRÉ, ENERGIE DE FOU MALADE, PRESTANCE, DANSE, HUMOUR..

Je pourrais continuer et continuer à l'infini, mais je clôturerais ce message en disant que certains rêves se réalisent, que la vie n'est pas toute rose, mais quand elle nous fait des cadeaux, il faut en savourer chaque instant, et peut être qu'un jour, qui sait?

je serais sur cette scène pour mon propre concert :)


@mikainstagram AT @jazzablanca_fest!!!!!

Probably a moment that I will never forget.. Mikafan10 for those who knew him, who was 10 years old at the time, grew up well, but some things don't change, AND MIKA RIPPED EVERYTHING, SICK CRAZY ENERGY, PRESENCE, DANCE, HUMOR..

I could go on and on forever, but I would end this message by saying that some dreams come true, that life is not all rosy, but when it gives us gifts, we must savor them every moment, and maybe one day, who knows? I'll be on this stage for my own gig :)

to be continued...







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Femmes Du Maroc


25 juin 2023


Mika : le cœur des Casablancais a fait “Boum Boum Boum” à l’unisson


Jazzablanca 2023 c’est déjà fini ! Le festival de Jazz 100% Casaoui s’est terminé en beauté hier, avec un concert haut en couleurs signé Mika.
Si vous n’y étiez pas, la rédaction de Femmes du Maroc vous fait revivre les temps forts de ce concert, digne d’un morceau d’anthologie.
« Bonsoir Casablanca, ça fait 13 ans qu’on ne s’est pas vus ! Ce soir on va commencer tout doucement vous et moi… », s’est exclamé le chanteur vêtu d’un costume vert à paillettes, couleur de l’espoir tout comme son concert ponctué de messages forts et d’amour. Plus tôt dans la journée, nous lui avions demandé en interview, quelle chanson de son répertoire il aurait aimé dédier au Maroc ? Hier la réponse était claire. Ce n’est pas une chanson mais tout un concert qu’il a offert à son public marocain en surchauffe venu en force pour voir se produire sur la scène 21 du Jazzablanca ce showman intarissable. Au programme de ce concert, les grands classiques de sa carrière de « Relax » en passant par « Boum Boum Boum » ou encore « Underwater » et « Elle me dit ». Mika n’a pas été avare en partageant avec ses fans tous les titres qui ont fait le succès qu’on lui connait à l’international. Sons chaloupés, textes faussement insouciants, sur fond de mélodie Jazzy et électro. C’est la recette gagnante de l’auteur-compositeur-interprète anglo-libanais, qui en a profité pour nous livrer un ou deux titres inédits. Véritable performer, Mika était en communion avec son public. Le chanteur n’a pas hésité à descendre de la scène pour aller à la rencontre de ses fans. Free Hugs et bain de foule, pour des retrouvailles chaleureuses, entre l’artiste et ce pays qu’il affectionne tant.
« The only ecological Mika that you can find in Morocco »
On retiendra de ce concert, cette fameuse pancarte brandie par une fan dans le public. Parce que le concert de Mika, ce ne sont pas que des chansons pop et des costumes de scène à la pointe de la mode. C’est aussi une complicité partagée. L’enfant prodige de la pop ne s’interdit rien, ni dans le fond, ni dans la forme. «Si parfois vous me voyez sourire et perdre un peu le fil de mes paroles c’est parce que vous ne voyez pas ce que je vois d’ici ! », nous livre le chanteur en plein milieu de son concert avant de brandir une pancarte et de la montrer à tout le monde. « The only Ecological Mika that you can find in Morocco ». Le sourire aux lèvres, le chanteur se permet même de faire de l’humour. «Oui mon nom de scène c’est Mika, et en arabe pour ceux qui ne le savent pas, ça veut dire plastique », explique le chanteur qui félicite la jeune fille pour son second degré et repart avec la fameuse pancarte en souvenir de ce concert mémorable. Autre temps fort de ce show coloré à l’image du chanteur, le moment où Mika a fait monter sur scène une jeune fan qui connaissait les paroles de toutes ses chansons par cœur. Touchant, sans filtre et très humain c’est en somme ce qui qualifie ce concert de clôture de cette 16ème édition du Jazzablanca. « C’est de loin le meilleur concert que j’ai pu faire » dixit Mika à la fin. Vêtu d’un pantalon violet et d’une cape verte, le petit prince de la pop nous a dit au revoir avec pour promesse de revenir très vite.


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:blink: The writer "Mika invited a girl onto the stage", I guess the person is a BOY...


Hespress English


Sunday 25 June 2023 - 20:02


Mika takes Casablanca on a joyful musical journey


Mika delighted Moroccan fans with an unforgettable performance, taking them back to the early 2010s with a night to remember. 


The energetic pop icon graced the stage in Morocco after over a decade, delivering a remarkable setlist of his biggest hits. The crowd at the Jazzablanca music festival was treated to an evening of dancing, cheers, and even tears.


To kick off the show, Mika and his band opened with “Lollipop,” a song that had the crowd singing along by heart. With each song, Mika changed his outfit to match the vibe, transitioning from orange to purple to pink, while the audience erupted in applause.


One of the highlights of the night occurred when Mika invited a girl onto the stage and asked her to help him address the crowd in Moroccan Darija. 


The artist then urged all Moroccans to come together and sing “Underwater” as loudly as they could. Witnessing thousands of people harmoniously singing was a spine-tingling sight, leaving Mika beaming with pride as one of his major hits from 2012 reverberated through Casablanca.


During the performance, Mika couldn’t help but notice the various posters held by fans, but one, in particular, caught his attention. It humorously read, “The only ecological MIKA (plastic bag) in Morocco,” alluding to the similarity of his name in Darija. This unexpected association brought a smile to Mika’s face.

Conversing with the crowd in Italian, French, English, Spanish, and Darija, Mika’s diverse cultural background elevated the event to another level, once again proving that he is not a typical performer.


As the concert drew to a close, he made a heartfelt request to the audience: “Instead of focusing on me and dancing, turn to your right or left and dance with the first person you see.” 

The crowd enthusiastically followed his instructions, joyfully dancing with strangers who had gathered together due to their shared love for Mika’s music.


The concert encompassed a rich variety of emotional songs, blending both melancholic and uplifting tunes. 

Among the memorable tracks performed were “Relax, Take It Easy,” undoubtedly Mika’s most famous song, along with the legendary hits “Grace Kelly,” “We Are Golden,” and “Elle me dit,” a French song that expanded the artist’s reach to French-speaking countries. 


This particular song held a special place in the hearts of the audience, as it received extensive airplay on Moroccan radios in 2011, evoking childhood and preteen memories for many young adults in the crowd.

During the rendition of “Big Girl: You Are Beautiful,” Mika joined his fans and danced with them, weaving through the emotionally moved masses. 


He engaged in heartfelt conversations with the audience between songs, at one point holding the Moroccan flag and witnessing how his music brought tears of joy and hours of dancing.

As the night drew to a close after a mesmerizing and lengthy performance, Mika wore a green cape and a tiger mask, dancing and singing the iconic song “Love Today.” 

He encouraged the fans to join him in a final dance before bidding farewell and asking the light crew to turn all the lights off.


The echoes of Mika’s catchy hooks resonated throughout the city of Casablanca from the Casa Anfa Jazzablanca venue, leaving an indelible mark as the night came to an end.













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I have seen the Jazzablanca stories and I have so many questions, maybe @Priscacan enlighten us?


There are many people in front of the barrier between the stage and barrier. Did people climb over during Big Girl to see and film him once he returned to the stage? Or was that all crew? 

Also, was Mika touched a lot by the people there? I see in a particular story from the official Instagram account, that two men are helping him over the barrier (from the public back to the area right in front of the stage) and he seems to feel bothered by them, especially the one in the black shirt and sunglasses on his head. (Maybe @Kumazzzcan help with posting the stories in the thread? 🙏)

I ask this, because I have had my own personal experience in the past where personal boundaries were not met at all, but I wonder if it’s an isolated incidence here with Mika or if it was the general vibe. 

Edited by holdingyourdrink
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1 minute ago, holdingyourdrink said:

There are many people in front of the barrier between the stage and barrier. Did people climb over during Big Girl to see and film him once he returned to the stage? Or was that all crew? 

They were all photographers/companions of photographers. Instead of securities following Mika when he went into the audience at Big Girl, as I am used to, 15 to 20 photographers followed him to the barrier in the corner when he went into the audience (there were about 30 photographers in total). 😅The audience was peaceful.


11 minutes ago, holdingyourdrink said:

Also, was Mika touched a lot by the people there? I see in a particular story from the official Instagram account, that two men are helping him over the barrier (from the public back to the area right in front of the stage) and he seems to feel bothered by them, especially the one in the black shirt and sunglasses on his head. (Maybe @Kumazzzcan help with posting the stories in the thread? 🙏)

I ask this, because I have my own personal experience in Morocco in the past where personal boundaries were not met at all, but I wonder if it’s an isolated incidence here with Mika or if it was the general vibe. 

I'm not sure if Mika was touched by a lot of people as he didn't pass near me. Where I was in the audience, there were only women (all very nice by the way). I have been approached by several men who most probably wanted to flirt with me (I ignored them), but not at the festival.

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2 minutes ago, holdingyourdrink said:

Also when he enters the public he seems to be bothered as he just climbed over the barrier.
Do people not understand to keep their hands to themselves?! 

The photographers pursued him. I think he was annoyed by them. I don't think he was touched by the audience at the beginning. I saw the girls for hours before the concert, I don't think they touched him inappropriately. I'm almost sure the audience behaved much more inappropriately at the Isle of Wight. I haven't watched the videos yet, I'll watch them if I have time tonight.

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