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2023 - Mika @Arena la Civitella, Chieti, Italy - 16 July REPORTS/VIDS/PICS


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Just a random information.


When we are waiting for Mika concerts they play some songs.

One of them is this Mashrou Leila song. I've heard it already several times but I was not 100% sure.

I love this song and it sounded like Mashrou Leila.

@Prisca  checked it in Chieti with an application recognizing songs.


So here it is.





And a video with musicians.



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On 7/17/2023 at 6:15 AM, Kumazzz said:

Love Today ( New INTRO ) with a Tiger head girl.





Ohh guys I have just realized! Is that new intro to love today a reference to the version in Versailles?
Where he talked about that radio weather forecast for fishers thing?

Still not really sure what this is all about tbh but it looks like he picked up that same idea again which is cool :)

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51 minutes ago, CharlotteL said:


Ohh guys I have just realized! Is that new intro to love today a reference to the version in Versailles?
Where he talked about that radio weather forecast for fishers thing?

Still not really sure what this is all about tbh but it looks like he picked up that same idea again which is cool :)

The Shipping Forecast. Yes, we were discussing it in another thread. You can hear him reading parts of it out. 

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18 hours ago, Anna Ko Kolkowska said:

Just a random information.


When we are waiting for Mika concerts they play some songs.

One of them is this Mashrou Leila song. I've heard it already several times but I was not 100% sure.

I love this song and it sounded like Mashrou Leila.

@Prisca  checked it in Chieti with an application recognizing songs.


So here it is.





And a video with musicians.



I knew it straight away, it's been on my regular playlist since Mika introduced us to it on one of his mixes. 

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2 hours ago, CharlotteL said:

Is that new intro to love today a reference to the version in Versailles?

If the fisherman’s forecast sounded like that I would listen to it every day :lol3:


I believe part of the intro is also a fisherman’s forecast, you’re right. That is new! But what he is especially referencing to in previous gigs (was it Versailles? I will have to rewatch it) is the monotone way he starts signing the song. Like a forecast. 

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39 minutes ago, holdingyourdrink said:

If the fisherman’s forecast sounded like that I would listen to it every day :lol3:


I believe part of the intro is also a fisherman’s forecast, you’re right. That is new! But what he is especially referencing to in previous gigs (was it Versailles? I will have to rewatch it) is the monotone way he starts signing the song. Like a forecast. 

That, and how everyone listens to it for guidance, so how cool if the forecast was "everybody's going to love today". :wub2:

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Il Pescara


Mercoledì, 19 Luglio 2023


Pescarese viene chiamato sul palco da Mika e gli insegna il dialetto abruzzese


Si tratta di William Gelsumino, 40enne pescarese noto ai più soprattutto per la sua attività come tifoso biancazzurro impegnato in iniziative di solidarietà con il club "Quelli del Delfino"


Si è molto parlato in questi ultimi giorni del fatto che Mika, durante il suo concerto teatino, si sia messo a pronunciare qualche frase in dialetto abruzzese, senza però dire chi fosse stato il suo "insegnante". Ebbene, si tratta di un 40enne pescarese noto ai più soprattutto per la sua attività come tifoso biancazzurro impegnato in iniziative di solidarietà con il club "Quelli del Delfino": il suo nome è William Gelsumino.


Tutto è nato per caso, come racconta lo stesso William a IlPescara.it:

"Seguo Mika dal 2007, cioè da quando sentii per la prima volta in radio il singolo “Grace Kelly”, rimanendo letteralmente folgorato. La cosa forte, ripensandoci adesso a posteriori, è che mi sono sempre detto: “Prima o poi conoscerò Mika”. E adesso, seppur in maniera fortuita, è capitato! È proprio il caso di dire che i sogni si realizzano quando meno te l'aspetti. Avevo già seguito alcuni suoi concerti e ogni volta lo spettacolo offerto era stato incredibile, perché una sua esibizione dal vivo è davvero un’esperienza, ma stavolta si è superato l’inimmaginabile: a un certo punto è sceso tra gli spettatori e si è messo a ballare con loro scegliendo casualmente la mia compagna, Dalila, che a ottobre diventerà mia moglie. Poi mi ha indicato e ha voluto che salissi sul palco a insegnargli il dialetto abruzzese".


Così Gelsumino, senza farselo ripetere due volte, ha raggiunto Mika e, sedutosi accanto a lui, gli ha fatto ripetere alcune frasi: "Ha stat un piacere a cantà nghe vu", "Siete nu pubblic fregn" e "N'atru ccun e ce ne jamm a durmì", per poi concludere con un'esclamazione tipica: "Freghete". Il tutto tra le risate del pubblico. "È stato tutto molto divertente", aggiunge William. "Avrei voluto dire a Mika tante cose, ma ho preferito semplicemente godermi il momento insieme a quello che è il mio artista internazionale preferito. Quando l’ho abbracciato, ho sentito quella sensazione piacevole che provi appena capisci che un tuo sogno si è realizzato".


Non è la prima volta che William Gelsumino sale su un palco per fare delle simpatiche incursioni: qualche mese fa, ad "Arrostiland" in quel di Vacri, ha preso la parola durante un live dei 99 Cosse per chiedere la mano della sua Dalila. E forse, conclude scherzosamente, "lì c'erano più persone che alla Civitella!". Il video del "duetto" con Mika è disponibile QUI.




Here is @Anna Ko Kolkowska YouTube video.



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3 hours ago, CharlotteL said:

Ah cool what threat is that? Totally missed it

Maybe discussion was an overstatement. :sweatdrop: Virgi asked in the Cattolica reports thread if it was the same as the forecast he'd mentioned at Versailles. 


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Since some people asked for Michela’s poem to be translated, here it is in English and French! 
I put the Italian version as well so that you can see where it originally rhymes. 



Signore e signori, ode a Mika

Eccoti qui di nuovo sul palco

Tu che sei così alto, ma non solo di statura

Il tuo genio è senza misura 

Artista totale,

Sai cantare, ballare, intrattenere e disegnare

Sai creare con intelligenza e sensibilità

Leggerezza e profondità!

Puoi infiammare una piazza

Canti e la gente diventa pazza!

Spargi ovunque l’allegria

E come per magia la tristezza scappa via

La tua musica e potente

Scuote il cuore e accende la mente

La tua energia è incontenibile

Sei un performer incredibile

Nelle tue canzoni trovo tutto: gioia, dolore, difficoltà, resilienza, amore e libertà

Con te, il pensiero e la parola possono farsi materia e la fantasia vola 

(stasera non c’è il pianoforte non c’è però…) 

I tuoi abiti sono poesia

Racconto ed eleganza

E nei dettagli hanno importanza

Ormai da anni il tuo mondo colorato 

È da noi italiani approdato 

Ci hai stupito e meravigliato in un italiano un po’ stentato

Ora lo parli fluentemente, altra cosa in cui sei eccellente

L’Italia è un paese strano, ma qui c’è sole passione calore 

e si mangia a tutte le ore

A te piace mangiare quindi non ti puoi lamentare

Posso andare avanti per ore ma lo show può continuare 

Prima di andare però lasciamo dire, insieme al pubblico se mi segue, una cosa devi sapere

Ogni volta che tornerai qui avrai sempre il nostro: amore



Ladies and gentlemen, ode to Mika

Here you are on stage again

You, who are so tall, but not only in stature

Your genius is without measure 

A total artist,

You can sing, dance, entertain and draw

You can create with intelligence and sensitivity

Lightness and depth!

You can set a square on fire,

You sing and people go crazy!

You spread cheerfulness everywhere

And like magic the sadness runs away

Your music is powerful

It shakes the heart and ignites the mind

Your energy is irrepressible

You are an incredible performer!

I find everything in your songs: joy, pain, difficulty, resilience, love and freedom.

With you, thoughts and words can become matter and imagination flies 

(the piano isn’t here tonight but anyway…)

Your clothes are poetry,

Stories and elegance

And the details are so important 

For years now your colorful world 

Has landed here in Italy  

You have astonished and amazed us with your faltering italian 

Now you speak it fluently, another thing you’re excellent at 

Italy is a strange country, but we have art, passion and warmth  

And we eat at all hours

You like to eat so you can't complain

I can go on for hours but the show must go on 

Before I go, let me say, along with the audience if they follow me, one thing you need to know,

Whenever you come back here you'll always find our: love



Mesdames et Messieurs, une ode à Mika

Te revoilà sur scène

Toi qui es si grand, mais pas seulement de taille

Ton génie est sans mesure 

Artiste complet

Tu sais chanter, danser, entretenir et dessiner

Tu sais créer avec intelligence et sensibilité

Avec légèreté et profondeur !

Tu peux mettre le feu dans une place pleine

Tu chantes et les gens deviennent fous !

Tu propage la joie partout

Et comme par magie la tristesse s'en va

Ta musique est puissante

Elle secoue le cœur et illumine l'esprit

Ton énergie est incontrôlable

Tu es un artiste incroyable

Dans tes chansons, je trouve tout : la joie, la douleur, la difficulté, la résilience, l'amour et la liberté.

Avec toi, les pensées et les mots peuvent devenir matière et la fantaisie s'envole 

(il n'y a pas de piano ce soir, mais bon...) 

Tes vêtements sont poésie

histoires et élégance

Et dans les détails une grande importance 

Depuis des années, ton monde coloré est arrivé chez nous les Italiens 

Tu nous as étonnés et émerveillés avec ton italien un peu maladroit

Aujourd'hui, tu le parles couramment, un autre aspect dans lequel tu excelles 

L'Italie est un pays étrange, mais ici il y a l’art, la passion, la chaleur 

et on mange à toute heure

Tu aimes manger, tu ne peux pas te plaindre

Je pourrais continuer pendant des heures, mais le spectacle doit continuer

Avant de partir, laisse-moi te dire… avec le public s'il me suit, une chose tu dois savoir 

Chaque fois que tu reviendras ici, tu trouveras toujours notre: amour

Edited by virgi
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5 minutes ago, virgi said:

Since some people asked for Michela’s poem to be translated, here it is in English and French! 
I put the Italian version as well so that you can see where it originally rhymes. 



Signore e signori, ode a Mika

Eccoti qui di nuovo sul palco

Tu che sei così alto, ma non solo di statura

Il tuo genio è senza misura 

Artista totale,

Sai cantare, ballare, intrattenere e disegnare

Sai creare con intelligenza e sensibilità

Leggerezza e profondità!

Puoi infiammare una piazza

Canti e la gente diventa pazza!

Spargi ovunque l’allegria

E come per magia la tristezza scappa via

La tua musica e potente

Scuote il cuore e accende la mente

La tua energia è incontenibile

Sei un performer incredibile

Nelle tue canzoni trovo tutto: gioia, dolore, difficoltà, resilienza, amore e libertà

Con te, il pensiero e la parola possono farsi materia e la fantasia vola 

(stasera non c’è il pianoforte non c’è però…) 

I tuoi abiti sono poesia

Racconto ed eleganza

E nei dettagli hanno importanza

Ormai da anni il tuo mondo colorato 

È da noi italiani approdato 

Ci hai stupito e meravigliato in un italiano un po’ stentato

Ora lo parli fluentemente, altra cosa in cui sei eccellente

L’Italia è un paese strano, ma qui c’è sole passione calore 

e si mangia a tutte le ore

A te piace mangiare quindi non ti puoi lamentare

Posso andare avanti per ore ma lo show può continuare 

Prima di andare però lasciamo dire, insieme al pubblico se mi segue, una cosa devi sapere

Ogni volta che tornerai qui avrai sempre il nostro: amore



Ladies and gentlemen, ode to Mika

Here you are on stage again

You, who are so tall, but not only in stature

Your genius is without measure 

A total artist,

You can sing, dance, entertain and draw

You can create with intelligence and sensitivity

Lightness and depth!

You can set a square on fire,

You sing and people go crazy!

You spread cheerfulness everywhere

And like magic the sadness runs away

Your music is powerful

It shakes the heart and ignites the mind

Your energy is irrepressible

You are an incredible performer!

I find everything in your songs: joy, pain, difficulty, resilience, love and freedom.

With you, thoughts and words can become matter and imagination flies 

(the piano isn’t here tonight but anyway…)

Your clothes are poetry,

Stories and elegance

And the details are so important 

For years now your colorful world 

Has landed here in Italy  

You have astonished and amazed us with your faltering italian 

Now you speak it fluently, another thing you’re excellent at 

Italy is a strange country, but we have art, passion and warmth  

And we eat at all hours

You like to eat so you can't complain

I can go on for hours but the show must go on 

Before I go, let me say, along with the audience if they follow me, one thing you need to know,

Whenever you come back here you'll always find our: love



Mesdames et Messieurs, une ode à Mika

Te revoilà sur scène

Toi qui es si grand, mais pas seulement de taille

Ton génie est sans mesure 

Artiste complet

Tu sais chanter, danser, entretenir et dessiner

Tu sais créer avec intelligence et sensibilité

Avec légèreté et profondeur !

Tu peux mettre le feu dans une place pleine

Tu chantes et les gens deviennent fous !

Tu propage la joie partout

Et comme par magie la tristesse s'en va

Ta musique est puissante

Elle secoue le cœur et illumine l'esprit

Ton énergie est incontrôlable

Tu es un artiste incroyable

Dans tes chansons, je trouve tout : la joie, la douleur, la difficulté, la résilience, l'amour et la liberté.

Avec toi, les pensées et les mots peuvent devenir matière et la fantaisie s'envole 

(il n'y a pas de piano ce soir, mais bon...) 

Tes vêtements sont poésie

histoires et élégance

Et dans les détails une grande importance 

Depuis des années, ton monde coloré est arrivé chez nous les Italiens 

Tu nous as étonnés et émerveillés avec ton italien un peu maladroit

Aujourd'hui, tu le parles couramment, un autre aspect dans lequel tu excelles 

L'Italie est un pays étrange, mais ici il y a l’art, la passion, la chaleur 

et on mange à toute heure

Tu aimes manger, tu ne peux pas te plaindre

Je pourrais continuer pendant des heures, mais le spectacle doit continuer

Avant de partir, laisse-moi te dire… avec le public s'il me suit, une chose tu dois savoir 

Chaque fois que tu reviendras ici, tu trouveras toujours notre: amour

Aww that’s wonderful! Thank you so much for providing the translation!!

He felt so embarrassed, but I think it’s because he doesn’t know how to take compliments and just giggles it away :biggrin2:


Also, it made me laugh what he said (in both English and Italian) before she started: “I hope it’s not too romantic, otherwise I will feel sick.” :lol3:

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12 minutes ago, virgi said:

Since some people asked for Michela’s poem to be translated, here it is in English and French! 
I put the Italian version as well so that you can see where it originally rhymes. 



Signore e signori, ode a Mika

Eccoti qui di nuovo sul palco

Tu che sei così alto, ma non solo di statura

Il tuo genio è senza misura 

Artista totale,

Sai cantare, ballare, intrattenere e disegnare

Sai creare con intelligenza e sensibilità

Leggerezza e profondità!

Puoi infiammare una piazza

Canti e la gente diventa pazza!

Spargi ovunque l’allegria

E come per magia la tristezza scappa via

La tua musica e potente

Scuote il cuore e accende la mente

La tua energia è incontenibile

Sei un performer incredibile

Nelle tue canzoni trovo tutto: gioia, dolore, difficoltà, resilienza, amore e libertà

Con te, il pensiero e la parola possono farsi materia e la fantasia vola 

(stasera non c’è il pianoforte non c’è però…) 

I tuoi abiti sono poesia

Racconto ed eleganza

E nei dettagli hanno importanza

Ormai da anni il tuo mondo colorato 

È da noi italiani approdato 

Ci hai stupito e meravigliato in un italiano un po’ stentato

Ora lo parli fluentemente, altra cosa in cui sei eccellente

L’Italia è un paese strano, ma qui c’è sole passione calore 

e si mangia a tutte le ore

A te piace mangiare quindi non ti puoi lamentare

Posso andare avanti per ore ma lo show può continuare 

Prima di andare però lasciamo dire, insieme al pubblico se mi segue, una cosa devi sapere

Ogni volta che tornerai qui avrai sempre il nostro: amore



Ladies and gentlemen, ode to Mika

Here you are on stage again

You, who are so tall, but not only in stature

Your genius is without measure 

A total artist,

You can sing, dance, entertain and draw

You can create with intelligence and sensitivity

Lightness and depth!

You can set a square on fire,

You sing and people go crazy!

You spread cheerfulness everywhere

And like magic the sadness runs away

Your music is powerful

It shakes the heart and ignites the mind

Your energy is irrepressible

You are an incredible performer!

I find everything in your songs: joy, pain, difficulty, resilience, love and freedom.

With you, thoughts and words can become matter and imagination flies 

(the piano isn’t here tonight but anyway…)

Your clothes are poetry,

Stories and elegance

And the details are so important 

For years now your colorful world 

Has landed here in Italy  

You have astonished and amazed us with your faltering italian 

Now you speak it fluently, another thing you’re excellent at 

Italy is a strange country, but we have art, passion and warmth  

And we eat at all hours

You like to eat so you can't complain

I can go on for hours but the show must go on 

Before I go, let me say, along with the audience if they follow me, one thing you need to know,

Whenever you come back here you'll always find our: love



Mesdames et Messieurs, une ode à Mika

Te revoilà sur scène

Toi qui es si grand, mais pas seulement de taille

Ton génie est sans mesure 

Artiste complet

Tu sais chanter, danser, entretenir et dessiner

Tu sais créer avec intelligence et sensibilité

Avec légèreté et profondeur !

Tu peux mettre le feu dans une place pleine

Tu chantes et les gens deviennent fous !

Tu propage la joie partout

Et comme par magie la tristesse s'en va

Ta musique est puissante

Elle secoue le cœur et illumine l'esprit

Ton énergie est incontrôlable

Tu es un artiste incroyable

Dans tes chansons, je trouve tout : la joie, la douleur, la difficulté, la résilience, l'amour et la liberté.

Avec toi, les pensées et les mots peuvent devenir matière et la fantaisie s'envole 

(il n'y a pas de piano ce soir, mais bon...) 

Tes vêtements sont poésie

histoires et élégance

Et dans les détails une grande importance 

Depuis des années, ton monde coloré est arrivé chez nous les Italiens 

Tu nous as étonnés et émerveillés avec ton italien un peu maladroit

Aujourd'hui, tu le parles couramment, un autre aspect dans lequel tu excelles 

L'Italie est un pays étrange, mais ici il y a l’art, la passion, la chaleur 

et on mange à toute heure

Tu aimes manger, tu ne peux pas te plaindre

Je pourrais continuer pendant des heures, mais le spectacle doit continuer

Avant de partir, laisse-moi te dire… avec le public s'il me suit, une chose tu dois savoir 

Chaque fois que tu reviendras ici, tu trouveras toujours notre: amour


Thank you! :flowers2: I couldn't understand most of it, so that's really helpful to see to which of the parts he reacts in what way. :lol3:

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The concert at La Civitella in Chieti was incredible! A very nice and very intimate location. :wub2:

The audience at the beginning was very relaxed, quiet and some complained if we were standing, then Mika came down several times in the audience and involved everyone, from the audience to the stands. It has been wonderful! :cheer:

Next to me was a little girl, Melissa, with the tiger mask that she had built herself and in the end, Mika got her on stage, during the last song and the final greetings. It was very exciting! :wootjump:

I share some photos and videos of the show:





























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Here is the report about my last concert foreseen for this summer/year.


The concert in Chieti was held right after the concert in Matera. It was the last city I was supposed to visit during my "Italian vacation with Mika".

The bus from Matera was at 8:15 in the morning. So I didn't have much time to sleep and pack my suitcase. As I mentioned in my report from Matera, right after the concert I didn't wait for Mika with a group of fans, but I took a shuttle bus back to the city center.

The next morning I went to the bus stop for my coach to Chieti and sat on a bench to eat a quick breakfast - a croissant and  water from a bottle.

What was my amazement when suddenly I saw @Prisca . I was convinced that she was traveling in her car, because that's what she usually does when going to Mika's concerts. My astonishment increased even more when I found out that more people would join us - a group of Italian fans plus @Salserina from Bulgaria. It turned out that traveling by coach is the most practical and the cheapest way in Italy.

This is how I went on my trip to Chieti by Mika Tour Bus 🙂 There were eight of us in total. The five-hour journey passed in no time.




We got off at the train station in Chieti at 1:00 pm and experienced a thermal shock. It was so hot that it was impossible to stand in the sun! In addition, there were no taxis. Chieti is a small town and the sudden influx of guests to the concert meant that there were no taxis available. Good thing I was with an Italian group. The girls started calling the radio taxi and finally got the private number of the taxi that came to pick us up. We also agreed with the driver that he would come back for the next group of people.

I was staying in another hotel so I got off on the way. We were supposed to meet before the concert in a few hours.


It was good that the seats were numbered and you didn't have to wait for hours before entering Arena la Civitella. Bottled water was not allowed in Matera. All drinks were sold in reusable plastic cups. In Chieti bottles were allowed but without caps. Of course, I was afraid that the water would spill into my bag, in which I had a poster of Mika from Cattolica (to be signed if I managed to meet him after the concert) and a banner. Well, the water did not spill into my bag, but when I put it on the ground next to the chair, someone passing by knocked it over and some of the water spilled on the ground. These concert bottle restrictions will stay a mystery to me.


But let's get to the concert itself.

Mika started with Lollipop and immediately joked about Vincent that "this guy doesn't understand what I'm saying now anyway. This is Vincent and he speaks French. He doesn't understand English, he doesn't understand Italian."  Oh, Mika!!!!!



For the first two or three tracks we ran to the barrier, and the security told us to go back to our seats. Well, they don't know what Mika's concerts look like!


During Origin Of Love, Mika marveled at the ancient arena, where when you start singing, you get hit in the face by the sound that bounces back to you from the walls.


"It's hot, but I'm slowly starting to turn on" - says Mika - "and you? hmmm. Not yet? Don't worry, it will change. Who has already been to my concert? (we in the first rows all raise our hands up, but probably not many people in the back) I see that a whole lot of people have never been to my concert! Well, this is a good opportunity for me! Because at Mika's concerts we start very elegantly, with a glass of cold beer or a bottle of water in hand. But this beauty and elegance do not last long. Because rule number one is: here we sing love, Like this. Repeat after me: Love love love love love you're the origin of love."



And then it was time for Big Girl. But Mika did the introduction first. Different than usual.

“The corridor leading to my wardrobe and the walls of them are antique. Literally. It is lined with antique mosaics. For the first time in my life, I have a wardrobe lined with real Romanesque mosaics. It's a beautiful place. I would even say magical. But I would like to take you to another place, almost as magical. There are no Romanesque mosaics, but it smells of beer and sweat".

... and we know the rest. It's about the Butterfly Lounge, where people dance with each other, even if they don't know each other. And we start Big Girl!

And when Mika slowly started to approach the stairs on the right (we know why), we were again at the barrier. And this time we stayed there until the end of the concert 🙂

Of course, the whole arena got up from its seats and everyone danced and sang and watched Mika as he moved among the chairs and even climbed up to the back rows that were forming the semi-arch of the amphitheatre.



Tiny Love - this time without the magic piano.




This time Mika sang Good Guys from the stage. I love watching how he lets the audience sing at the end 🙂



But at Stardust, Mika was in the crowd again. I started recording in the middle of the song because the view was so beautiful. The layout of the amphitheater made me see Mika with the audience in the background and around him, who sang along with him. And the song seemed endless. Mika repeated the chorus many times. Maybe it's just my imagination, but in Chieti it was probably the longest version of this song. And I liked it very much 🙂




As usual, Mika read banners prepared by fans. After a while, he started talking to Michella, a fan from Italy, who wrote on the banner that she would like to read "Ode to Mika", which she personally wrote. Mika couldn't decide for a long time. He was afraid of hearing words that would embarrass him. Or will they embarrass its author? But Michella persisted. And we heard "Ode to Mika". In addition, she requested background music. “Nothing like this has ever happened at my concert before,” exclaimed Mika. Vincent started to play, but Mika asked for something less romantic or he would get sick.


Here is the link to Mikafanitalia Instagram account with the whole poem.




Happy Ending in Chieti was very touching again. No magic piano, no support from Clement. Just us and Mika…




But in order not to fall into melancholy, let's dance to Elle Me Dit!!!

Note that since the concert in Talence Mika remembers the words of this song 🙂




But poetry on stage is not the only moment of cooperation with the audience.

The fans started shouting something and Mika thought he heard some foreign language. Portuguese? NO. It was a local Abruzzo dialect! Mika asked who knew this dialect well and invited on stage William, who taught Mika a few sentences 🙂




The end of the concert as usual: Grace Kelly, We Are Golden, Love Today and the finale with a Yo-Yo remix.



Love Today with a new intro. After which Mika appears against a lit background and looks like a silhouette from a shadow play. Dressed in a red suit, which we first saw in Talence and which I started to miss. Mika looks even slimmer in it!




And we actually know what happens next. Time for a costume change. Mika leaves the stage and returns wearing a green cape and a tiger mask. Yes, But....

There is a second tiger in the audience. And Mika invites him on stage.

It's Melissa. A young fan from Sicily who made her own mask out of paper and glue based on a cycling helmet.

And this is a great ending of the concert!!!!! It was a joy that seized the whole audience. Mika made a beautiful ending and Melissa seemed completely free on stage as she was dancing along with Mika and imitated his movements.




Time to say goodbye. But the little tiger had a bonus. He went backstage with Mika !!!!




After the concert, a lot of people were waiting for Mika. After about 30-45 minutes, Mika drove past us without stopping. I only managed to record him waving his hand at us.




Here is a link to Instagram of Marta, Melissa's older sister - the tiger.




Here are the photos of Melissa  I took before the concert.





Mika autographed Melissa's mask 🙂

Love this. Love you. 2023. Mika. Chieti.




But tit's not end the story of the concert in Chieti. I still have to tell you something.

The next morning I had a coach to Rome. And what was my joy when suddenly I saw Melissa in the doorway of the waiting room with the head of a tiger wrapped in a plastic bag, followed by her sister. Turns out they were on the same coach. Unfortunately, the seats were numbered and we sat far apart. I only managed to exchange a few words with them, from which I learned that they are sisters (not mother and daughter as I thought before) and they are returning to Palermo.

And these are the situations that can happen when you follow Mika through half of Europe 🙂


This was my last scheduled concert. Now I am waiting for new events in the fall and winter of this year. Because I hope that there will be many more opportunities to see Mika on stage.

Edited by Anna Ko Kolkowska
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