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What Mika Fears Most?


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Yoppappop, it`s like a horror film!!



And i swear it's true !!!! But maybe it's just because she doesn't notice them... But I do ! I feel them miles away... I'm never calm when being outside on a veranda/balcony during the night overthere...

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My fear is filling up the car with petrol and the nozzle thing on the pipe goes out of control and it's waving about all above my head with me trying to hold on to it, petrol everywhere and no-one helping me. I'm covered in petrol and someone lights a match.


Bit unfortunate to have that fear given how often I fill the car with petrol (always only put £10 in in case I fill too much and it all spills out [this did happen once]).


I think about this every time I fill up!!!!


Not so much a fear as a phobia!!!!


That would be horrifying! My mum let me fill up the tank once the smell is overpowering!

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Like a few people here I'm afraid of clowns and heights. Probably the weirdest thing I'm afraid of though is telephones...


It's totally stupid but I really freak out when a phone rings and there's nobody but me to answer it. I just...can't touch them.


I don't like moths or daddy long legs either. Eeew. A daddy long legs once fell in my hot chocolate and it nearly ended up with me ingesting insect, lol, and ever since then I think they're creepy.

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my greatest fear is...Polystyrene i absolutely hate the stuff which is closely followed by a fear of bridges


i guess that means my greatest fear is a polystyrene bridge :shocked:

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oh yeah! cartwheels

ugggh....i really loved doing it before.....and then i did this one cartwheel and i almost broke my neck and that was like the last cartwheel ever eee

horrible horrible horrible!


OMG! Same here, lol, I used to like doing cartwheels until I fell over and nearly broke my neck. I've been too afraid to do them ever since.


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its never happened to me but my parents told me it would.

My parents always used to tell me things to scare me to stop me from doing it



I guess it worked :sneaky2:

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In the Norwegian interview Mika said he was scared of Big noises and thinks it's because of the war.

He doesn't like to go to a metro etc. because of that. :shocked:


Tis understandable

things that happen to us when we are really young tend to alter us for life:blink:

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Tis understandable

things that happen to us when we are really young tend to alter us for life:blink:


Yes they do! Poor Mika.

Im just wondering aren't the noices in his own show quite loud!?

Hmm, maybe it doesn't matter cause the noices are his own...

If you know what I mean!

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Yes they do! Poor Mika.

Im just wondering aren't the noices in his own shows quite loud!?

Hmm, maybe it doesn't matter cause the noices are his own...

If you know what I mean!


i was also wondering that but yar i guess your right i understand where you are coming from anyway

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OMG! Same here, lol, I used to like doing cartwheels until I fell over and nearly broke my neck. I've been too afraid to do them ever since.



cool! i mean...not really LOL

i dont even want to do those rollover things :blink:



awww....i hate wars.....it just terrible...poor people =(

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^^^ HATE hospitals!

and spiders, oh god, i freeze,and most of the time cry, and scream while i kill it, if someone else hasn't yet. pretty much ANY insect makes me cringe and shake.

And i'm terrifed of sea animals/creatures whatever you wanna call them!

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I have the same fear of sharks and all things sea related! We can do it but we shouldn't be there. And anything big enough to eat me, especially in the water such as sharks, whales, anacondas. Ugh! I shudder just thinking about it! Oddly enough, i don't hhave a huge problem with snakes in general, just anacondas >_< Oh, and thanks to my mummy I have an irrational but huge fear of spiders DX

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