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Mika speaks out about the bullies in UK Cosmogirl

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Mika is in May's UK version of Cosmo girl. He answers 6 quickfire questions and then goes on to speak in detail about how bullying 'messed him up' and how he overcame it...


Here it is as it is written in the magazine:






Can the Grace Kelly singer face six of CG!'s best?



1. What's your guilty pleasure?

Hollyoaks. I like the kid who gets in trouble. You know - Justin.


2. Who's the worst-smelling celebrity you've ever met?

Most celebrities stink! It's all that cheap perfume and hairspray.


3. What's your biggest turn-on?

I love UK regional accents. I fall for people when i ring call centres...


4. And your biggest turn-off?

People who try to hard and anyone who is too much of a WAG


5. What were you like at school?

I was a strange kid. I was bullied. I played my first gig at 11, which made me a target. But it taught me people take you seriously outside of school.


6. How did you deal with it?

At first i didn't tell anyone and it messed me up. Finally, i told my teachers and family. Speaking up is one of the best ways to cope.



I also found this on the cosmo girl website.... enjoi!


Mika: How I beat the bullies


The Grace Kelly star reveals how he overcame bullies who targeted him for being ‘different'...An easy target



"I was lucky enough to do music from an early age, so when I had my first gig at the age of 11, I started to spend loads of time out of school working. Unfortunately it made me a target in school where you have this Lord Of The Flies fake world where you either worship the leader or you get trodden on. The other kids chose their victim and ganged up on me. It was something I just had to get through."



Feeling alone

"I had trouble with teachers too. You'd think that if you had trouble with other kids in your class, then you'd be the teacher's pet, but it's really not the case. I felt like I had teachers who wanted to destroy me too."



Speaking up

"For a while I didn't have anyone to talk to about it and it messed me up. It led to me being pulled out of school and taught at home. Finally, because it was so bad, I had to start speaking to people about it, and thank god I did, as talking about it is one of the most important parts of dealing with bullying. There were a few teachers who wanted to do everything they could to try to help me so I spoke to them and turned to my family too."



Saved by music

"Luckily I had my music where, even at the age of 12, I was being treated like an adult. I was being paid, so if I messed up it was far worse than handing in a piece of homework late. I suppose it just made me get through school because I realised that the bullying wasn't the way people really behaved."



Moving on

"It's not about making the bullying stop, it's all about how you deal with it. The one thing you shouldn't do is underplay it as bullying is disgusting and can really hurt people for the rest of their lives. The best thing you can do to protect yourself, especially in the long term, is stop trying to ignore it and deal with it by speaking to someone who can help."

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Eyup, that woh rate intrestin sarah, ta cock!

I must brush up my Barnsley accent!! It is Scots/Geordie that are supposed to be the easiest on the ear though eh. We have a few of those on here I think:wink2:

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I was bullied too. It's hard to speak out about it, but I'm glad Mika did, eventually. He is a great role model for bullied kids. Above all he never compromised his individuality and look at him now, he is having the last laugh;good for him :thumb_yello:

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oh i love accents


this is terribly sad but true, everytime a harry potter movie comes out my mom always apologizes to me for not making me english.


im just like "oh mother.."


p.s. what's a wag?


WAG stands for 'Wives and Girlfriends'


It was originally used to describe footballers wives...you know the type?? Really plastic, Gold digging, blonde haired, huge sunglasses, designer labels, false nails & eyelashes, Jimmy Choos and generally, acting like bitches clawing girls' eyes out at any chance they get???


Theyre nobody in society, just famous for being a girlfriend of a footballer.

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This is basically what I wrote in the scrapbook. Mika was bullied at school, and so were me and my best mate. we were different because we hung out together - just the two of us - boy and girl. I wrote to him saying that he is such an inspiration, a good role model and proof that people can get through it. :)

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This is basically what I wrote in the scrapbook. Mika was bullied at school, and so were me and my best mate. we were different because we hung out together - just the two of us - boy and girl. I wrote to him saying that he is such an inspiration, a good role model and proof that people can get through it. :)


Oooooh i hate that!!! Grrrr!


Thats what it was like for me, until i stated ignoring them, my mates are all guys, i have one girlfriend, but because they all hung out with me,


everyone assumed that either, i was a lesbian because i didnt want to join in with all the bitching and things, or they assumed they were all gay (and believe me, i know, i see them everyday...and they are far from it...straight as bluddy night and day...)


But i started ignoring them, and they pick on someone else now :thumbdown:

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WAG stands for 'Wives and Girlfriends'


It was originally used to describe footballers wives...you know the type?? Really plastic, Gold digging, blonde haired, huge sunglasses, designer labels, false nails & eyelashes, Jimmy Choos and generally, acting like bitches clawing girls' eyes out at any chance they get???


Theyre nobody in society, just famous for being a girlfriend of a footballer.


thanks Sarah_loves_mika, awwe mika likes them non-plasticky, i like him more and more everyday!

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Oooooh i hate that!!! Grrrr!


Thats what it was like for me, until i stated ignoring them, my mates are all guys, i have one girlfriend, but because they all hung out with me,


everyone assumed that either, i was a lesbian because i didnt want to join in with all the bitching and things, or they assumed they were all gay (and believe me, i know, i see them everyday...and they are far from it...straight as bluddy night and day...)


But i started ignoring them, and they pick on someone else now :thumbdown:


yeah we had everyone jumping around us going ARE YOU GOING OUT CHARLIE AND CAROLING SITTING IN A TREE K-I-S-S-I-N-G blah di blah. we tried ignoring them but then they thought we were walkovers.

i just got verbal abuse, it was my friend who got it physically. I can remember two particularly very bad incidents. We talked to teachers, family, everything. nothing ever worked. eventually he went home every lunch time in order to avoid the bullying and i had to strengthen some relationships with other people (i got on with people, but charlie was basically the only person i hung out with)

and then after that he got home schooled. then he came out homosexual and then WOOOOO did the bullying continue. Charlie and his mother decided it best to get away from where they live and now they live two hours away.

It's not bad, i talk to him everyday and we see eachother when we can. For example, i'm going round his tomorrow for a couple of days so we can shoot the love today video.

Bullies didn't stop us being friends. It just made us stronger, enabled us to look after ourselves and I suppose it made us smarter too. I look at the bullies now and they're nothing but chavs, creating havoc because they've nothing better to do.



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Oh no I have the"airport accent" depending on who I talk to, so talking to MIKA could be funny neither of us will sound how we should!! Its awful tho as I don't hear it but everyone else can. Must be the drama queen in me!

Oh no we might not get on.... I'm far from being a wag but like pampering now and then, and the designer bag or shoes are getting a habit. I just never get to out being ill so like to wear some of the clothes that I buy mostly online. They only get worn once!!

The bullying-speaking out is ok if the education board and teachers listen. My niece got bullied and changed school then they sent the bully to the same new school!! She has been taken out of school on numerous occasions to be home taught but then my sister was going to get charged for taking her out of school??!!.

The local education board are useless and keep passing the problem on to someone else in the meantime she is still getting bullied. There is so much of it in school though,doesn't matter where you live.

Shame but as most of us have said we were bullied at some stage of growing up and in my case at work as well for being too likeable??!! xx

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this is a very nice interview! thank you sarah for posting!


i hate bullies too, when i was at school there were so many of those...:thumbdown:thinking they were the best, and teachers didn't help cause they were the favourites. the teen-age was the most horrible period of my life

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English accents... Nah, of course!

Im still not going to fake like I had an accent! :roftl:


Bullying is so terrible.

And when I know there's some kids even today being bullied and feeling lonely and downright miserable...

It really hurts me!! :cool:

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English accents... Nah, of course!

Im still not going to fake like I had an accent! :roftl:


Bullying is so terrible.

And when I know there's some kids even today being bullied and feeling lonely and downright miserable...

It really hurts me!! :cool:


You should fake a Hull accent... Its extremely hott.....errr NOT!!


Just add 'Luv' onto the end of everything, and think about your pronounciation of words such as 'Coke'....they should be pronounced as something along the lines of 'Cerrrrk'.....


Get me teaching everyone regional UK accents!!!


We should have the official regional UK accents thread where we tutor everyone to speak them.....


...... so when we meet Mika, we can make him weak at the knees with our Liverpool-meets-Geordie-meets-Yorkshire accents..... :naughty:

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You should fake a Hull accent... Its extremely hott.....errr NOT!!


Just add 'Luv' onto the end of everything, and think about your pronounciation of words such as 'Coke'....they should be pronounced as something along the lines of 'Cerrrrk'.....


Get me teaching everyone regional UK accents!!!


We should have the official regional UK accents thread where we tutor everyone to speak them.....


...... so when we meet Mika, we can make him weak at the knees with our Liverpool-meets-Geordie-meets-Yorkshire accents..... :naughty:


You're very kind being ready to teach me some accents! :D

I think Im still going to keep my own.

Or just try to learn to speak English first! ^_^


I'll speak proudly my foreign-people/british-written-language/American-tv-series accent in the future as well... :D


Im not sure about that intentional mixture of British accents... sounds a bit scary! ^_^

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