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Official - Dreams about MIKA thread =)


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i know! i leaned in to kiss him (he didn't move) then i just froze and the dream was like over (but there was a sad ending that i'm not goona talk about on here, it doesn't involve mika)

i hate when deam is ending in the best moment...

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i had a nother dream with mika in it, and it aint one of the past london ones!!:naughty: well, london isnt even the location.:naughty:


right, i was down the local library, and i was waiting for a free computer. while i was waiting, i was playing nintendogs on my DS, when i heard a familer voice speaking to one of the librarians. it was mika! and everyone at the library wasnt taking notice of who he is. the librarian didnt even know who he was:shocked:(god). anyway, i went up to him and asked for his autograph but instead of sighning on a bit of scrap paper, he sighned my DS! even better! so he said what game i was playing i said nintendogs he said what are they called i said i've got 5 dogs calle mika, billy b, johnny, grace k and martyr (the real names that i got at the moment) he said aww cute what type am i i said he is a cute little mini schnauzer, my faveourite breed and he said those were his fave as well then he gave me his number!:shocked: something very rare! then he wanted to come my dads house and as its very big, and big garden (3 acres) plus an elephant (not a real elephant, but it really is in my dads garden!) he was speechless. then after it went past 7 o clock, he had to go home. but, cuz he live in london, and it was late, he couldnt travel till tommorrow, so he had to stay over the night then i woke up


quite a boring dream, but, at least mika was in it!

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I had another dream the other night with Mika in it.

He was playing a gig on my school field and he asked me to come on stage...

I got so nervous I fainted. Haha... Then he helped me up but my physics teacher came on the stage and she told me I had to go back and do some work with the rest of the class and she handed me a huge pile of textbooks and made me work all through them... then I woke up. o_O

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another dream last night :D


it happens on some festival in Poland and there were performing only Polish bands. The was very crowdy, i barely could see anything. But one of the bands couldn't get (the biggest one - you know the star of the show) and people were so angry that they started to leave the show. I was quite happy coz at last I have space to move. And the host of the show told that instead of the band Mika will be performing. I was in heaven!!! Dunno why other wasn't as happy as I was then. As most of them leave I reach to the barierr and took almost 500 photos! I was with my 2 friends and they were so bored about the show so I said that I don't mind if they go home coz after the show I want to wait and get some pics with him. I remeber him singing "Relax" and suprisingly everybody were siging it (earlier they whistled Mika)... After the show as I waited I met him going out of his trailer. I started to talk with him and I was shocked that he know Polish a bit. Of course I've took some pics with him... Remember that he had pink t-shirt :D


Wow, I wish it was true...

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I had a dream that i owned my own beauty salon and mika came in for a massage while he was touring australia, when the massage had finished he thanked me for being completely professional and not treating him differently because of who he was. Then i told him it was the ethical thing to do but i was secretely trying not to faint, we then became friends(just friends) and talked all the time and then my bf (who is in the army in real life) got deployed overseas and when he came back he didnt like me anymore and mika came to my rescue and told me he liked me more than a friend. .................. then i woke up and thats the only mika dream ive had, not a bad one tho i think

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I've had MANY Mika dreams! :blink:


One of the best was like this:


I was walking in a shopping mall... I don't know what I was looking for, but all of a sudden I heard this music coming from one of the shops. I walked in a clothing store and heard Mika! He had a concert there and fortunately he finished it at the moment I came. I felt a bit depressed. People were asking him for autographs and when they had got them they started quickly leaving. At first they were all over Mika like bunch of bees attacking honey and then... bum! They were gone! :shocked:


I was sooo surprised when I realized Mika hadn't gone with them. Before I thought I found myself shouting at him: "Mika, I've got this gift for you!" He practically rushed at me and asked loud: "WHAT IS IT? WHAT IS IT?" :naughty: I wasn't even sure if I had my little bear pendant in my bag and started nervously searching for it. :blush-anim-cl: I found it and gave it to Mika. Then we found a bench and he sat next to me for minutes (it felt like hours though!) and carefully listened to me when I blabbed how I had made the bear. :roftl: He was a very good listener. :wub2:


I bet I'll have loads of these dreams before December. :biggrin2:

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I've had MANY Mika dreams! :blink:


One of the best was like this:


I was walking in a shopping mall... I don't know what I was looking for, but all of a sudden I heard this music coming from one of the shops. I walked in a clothing store and heard Mika! He had a concert there and fortunately he finished it at the moment I came. I felt a bit depressed. People were asking him for autographs and when they had got them they started quickly leaving. At first they were all over Mika like bunch of bees attacking honey and then... bum! They were gone! :shocked:


I was sooo surprised when I realized Mika hadn't gone with them. Before I thought I found myself shouting at him: "Mika, I've got this gift for you!" He practically rushed at me and asked loud: "WHAT IS IT? WHAT IS IT?" :naughty: I wasn't even sure if I had my little bear pendant in my bag and started nervously searching for it. :blush-anim-cl: I found it and gave it to Mika. Then we found a bench and he sat next to me for minutes (it felt like hours though!) and carefully listened to me when I blabbed how I had made the bear. :roftl: He was a very good listener. :wub2:


I bet I'll have loads of these dreams before December. :biggrin2:


oh that is so sweet! Do you actually have a bear pendant? Or did you just have it in the dream? Mika's such a sweetheart

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Last night, I dreamt that I went round loadssss of charity shops to find Mika's old shoes that he had give to them. Then he heard about it and came to award me with some but it was windy and his hair went straight and it went other his face and I couldnt see him:(


Worse one I had so it was more like an nightmare, but atleast he was in my dream:wub2:

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