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Mika's Tartan Trousers!


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can anyone that wants me to get mika tickets for them for glasgow please let me know today before 4pm bst ! the 1s i know of is wendi (1) robertina (4) & hoochatootch (1) . you can either post here or pm me :thumb_yello:

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They may make a retrun in November?


oRRRRRRRRRRRR how about tartan shirt thread ?:biggrin2:


*sticks tartan gag over Freds mouth*


I want to just enjoy this one without the worry! We will all get tartan scarfs from the McPenniman clan tartan! Will make sure everyone gets one! :naughty:

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I found this! (Hope it's not posted yet).




It's bad in my opinion.

My Interpretation = My Imagination? :blink::thumbdown:




Fizzy like Freddy!



Barrowlands, Glasgow


* * * *


For his high-camp strutting and glass-shattering falsetto, it’s all too easy for cynics to put the boot into Mika. True, he might in many ways be a poor man’s Freddie Mercury, but he’s still a highly accomplished artist in his own right – one with a keen knack for penning gloriously fun, catchy pop songs, and crucially holding an audience right in his palm as he performs them.


That much is certainly clear tonight as the Barrowlands goes batso at his arrival to the opening strains of smooth disco-pop debut single ‘Relax, Take It Easy’. Dressed in a tight fitting all white suit and braces, and working the crowd into a fizz throughout, Mika certainly looks every bit the star.


‘Big Girl’ (replete with a dancing big girl in her underwear) ups the revelry further, despite perhaps taking the Queen referencing a little far. Piano led rockers ‘My Imagination’ and ‘Billy Brown’ demonstrate another prominent string in Mika’s bow – one that, much like fellow camp poppers Scissor Sisters, owes plenty to Elton John.


A couple of covers – the Eurythmics ‘Sweet Dreams’ and the Jackson Five’s ‘I Want You Back’ – are necessary to supplement a set relying solely on one album’s worth of material. ‘Grace Kelly’, ‘Love Today’ and ‘Lollipop’ round off with flourish though – the latter complimented by a colourful explosion of ticker tape, balloons, and – strangely – Mika donning a giant chicken outfit. Freddie probably wouldn’t have been caught dead in one of those, but you suspect he still would have approved.

Malcolm Jack

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IS this person in MFC maybe? (hope not posted yet)


MIKA live @ The Barrowlands Glasgow 16/05/07!

Post by Red Fraggle on May 19, 2007, 5:04pm




I was working on Wednesday so a gig was the last thing I was in mood for.


However I met my husband in Glasgow and descended into the wretched hive of scum and villainy that is Glasgow’s Barrowland area.


First impressions of the set up were good. There was stage decorations hand painted by Mika's sister (who did the artwork on the album cover dontcha know).


The crowd was an odd mix though. A mix of hard faced slags dressed in playboy hats (PLAYBOY HATS!!! at a gig?? Please this isn’t Justin at the SECC!!), young kids who clearly don’t know the hidden meanings of songs like Lollypop & Billy Brown (notably the 8 year old singing every word of the latter - "Then Billy Brown fell in love with another man"), A lot of sexually confused teenage boys along with their "girlfriends" and finally me and the hub-cap the epitome of coolness.


The support were Pull Tiger Tail who were about a 5 on the scale 1 to Bland. They did have bit of charisma though they brought Tiger masks! (Who their PR forgot to hand out to the crowd). However the crunch finally came when the lead singer out of the band had a "musical malfunction" Cue the other singer & keyboardist trying out the banter. "So um thank you for your patience, um Glasgow then wow. We have played loads of places and this is definitely the craziest" oh god someone help! They finished their set and the fans seemed to like them. So much I just bet they went right downstairs and bought their merchandise.


As last time I saw him the entrance was full of anticipation. The lights were still on and the music stopped.


The beginning of independent woman part 1 hit the speakers to the screams of the crowd which slunk straight into Dolly Parton's 9-5. Anyone who thought before this that Mika was straight were seriously questioning this about now.


He then skipped out and went straight into relax. This although not once of my favourites was certainly a test of his vocal range and showed any doubter that he has what it takes to sing live.


Good banter with the crowd and then asks who is a big girl? Reply - Everyone more than a size 10 raises their hand


He then launched into Parton-esque Big girl you are beautiful. He had the room jumping and singing along. It was about then that the whole of one of the hardest venues in Glasgow turned into a New York Mardi gras on gay pride day! Then just as the last chorus hit, A hot Beth Ditto in a corset came out to dance with MIKA boobs bouncing and big ass bumping him across the stage! Lots of fun! The whole Barrowlands then sang the chorus back at him.


Then was the time for the piano section of the show. He plays My interpretation, which was sung beautifully as always. However I must point out there was some long lingering looks at his lead guitarist. It may have been put on but it certainly seemed real enough.


Billy Brown (One of my favs) which as I said earlier said was sung word for word by an 8 year old I was stood next to.


Then came any other world, which I think is a bit of a low moment in the show. The energy is calmed for the time being. If anyone needs a pint or a pee now would be a good moment.


Stuck in the Middle, which is also a good track and starts to bring the beat back up.


The came Ring Ring which is a crazy piano led frenzy which is my husbands favourite. This has brought a rise and a skip to the crowd who are almost creaming themselves with anticipation of what is sure to come soon (the obligotary singles ending). Maybe they will chuck one in here.


No it follows quickly with Mika announcing "that a Scot wrote this song" Couldn’t be a proclaimers song? Fratellis maybe? Or perhaps The View cover he made famous on radio 1's live lounge?


No Eurythmics was the choice of the occasion. Sweet Dreams. A good version, if not a bit close to the original with a bit more prog guitar solos going on. However I found my hubcap & myself screaming "some of them want to be abuuuuuooooooosed" Marilyn Manson style. In my mind no one will cover this song better so it was always going to be an upward struggle trying to convince me.


A new song now. "Holy Johnny". To be honest I am unable to recall much of it, only that it was probably not catchy enough to be a single but on form all the same.


My favourite slow song on the album. He calls out his duet partner to sing Happy Ending. Which catchy and gorgeously sung and has the room chanting "Little bit of love" along with them both. Mika is able to hit the rafters with his falsetto during this bridge and leaves the room exhausted from his constant bounding up and down the stage.


Next was the cream of the crop so far. A fantastic funky cover of The Jackson 5's I Want You Back. Sung as good as the King of pop himself. The atmosphere was electric and every-one in the room knew the words. There could not have been a more popular cover sung. Everyone was brimming with excitement at this point.


Then it came a rapid fire of singles and the biggest non-single off the album.


Love today started slowly at first then as soon as it kicked in the room started to dance as if they were at a party and not a gig. It was done very well.


Then he left stage. The little girls in the room were left mouths open. They thought he had gone.


He came on soon after to finish his set with Grace Kelly and had 2000 people singing that they were Brown, Blue & Violet sky, Purple, Hurtful, green mean, everything. I tell you though. They did like him. Everyone. Not a disappointed person in the venue.


He left once more the lights stayed down. The 1 by 1 the band trotted back on dressed as animals. It looked like a flaming Lips gig. There is a short march about the stage in formation to teddy bears picnic. Then they all took their place and the giant chicken. Yes! Giant Chicken! Took off his head and started Lollipop.


Madness then ensued.


Giant balloons, lollypops and silver confetti covered the room. The Mardi Gras reached its crescendo and the gig was then done.


Fantastic end to a great energetic show. In my mind there is not a new act today who can rival a performance like that with the same panache and glamour.


Needless to say I felt like another gig after this.


Reds rating 8/10.

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and the giant chicken. Yes! Giant Chicken


AH AH AH!!! chicken wonder!

no, i'm afraid this journalist is not an MFCer...she could not avoid mentioning the trousers!!! they are our pride!!!

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It did say that there were some lingering looks at the lead gituarist... recon that had anything to do with the mesurements or have i got the wrong giturist?


leezy will be pleased that others have noticed the long lingering looks at Martin, she has sworn that all along!

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Two reports - and no mention of the trousers :blink:

They must have looked so professional (and the people writing the reports were not listening to what Mika said), that they just took them to be his own!! :wink2:

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