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10 July 24Heures_Montreal

10 July Journal de Montreal

23 July Fuguas



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10 July 2019

24 Heures Montreal


Mika à Montréal

Le chanteur Mika transformera l et héâtr ec oron ae n univers pop coloré le s 15 e t16s eptembre da ns l eca dre de sa tournée Tiny Love Tiny Tour.


Mika in Montreal

Singer Mika will be transforming and celebrating a colorful pop universe on the 15th and 16th of September as part of his Tiny Love Tiny Tour tour.






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10 July 2019

Le Journal de Montreal



Tournée «Tiny Love Tiny Tour»: Mika deux soirs au Théâtre Corona en septembre


Le chanteur Mika transformera le Théâtre Corona en univers pop coloré à la mi-septembre. L’artiste livrera des concerts les 15 et 16 septembre sur la scène de l’établissement montréalais, dans le cadre de sa tournée «Tiny Love Tiny Tour».


Les admirateurs de Mika pourront se procurer des billets dès vendredi à 10h ( evenko.ca/en/search/mika ).


Ces deux rendez-vous précéderont de peu la sortie du nouvel album de l’artiste, un opus intitulé «My Name Is Michael Holbrook» attendu le 4 octobre. Pour l’instant, les amateurs de musique peuvent se rabattre sur l’extrait à saveur estivale «Ice Cream».

Le prochain périple en Amérique de Mika ne contient qu’une poignée de dates. Outre Montréal, seules quatre villes des États-Unis doivent recevoir la visite de l’interprète des succès «Grace Kelly», «Relax, Take It Easy» et «Boum Boum Boum»: New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles et Mexico.

Venu poser pied à Montréal plusieurs fois au cours des dernières années, Mika a notamment foulé le plateau de la quatrième saison de «La Voix», sur les ondes de TVA, en 2016.

Le chanteur donnera le coup d’envoi d’une série de nombreuses dates en Europe le 10 novembre à Londres.


Coach du concours musical «The Voice» depuis plusieurs années en France, il a savouré la victoire il y a quelques semaines quand sa protégée Whitney Marin a conquis le cœur du public.




Tour «Tiny Love Tiny Tour»: Mika two nights at the Corona Theater in September


Singer Mika will transform the Corona Theater into a colorful pop universe in mid-September. The artist will perform concerts on September 15 and 16 on the Montreal music scene as part of his "Tiny Love Tiny Tour" tour.


Mika admirers will be able to purchase tickets starting Friday at 10am ( evenko.ca/en/search/mika ).


These two appointments will shortly precede the release of the artist's new album, an opus entitled "My Name Is Michael Holbrook" expected October 4. For now, music lovers can fall back on the summer flavored extract "Ice Cream".


Mika's next trip to America contains only a handful of dates. In addition to Montreal, only four cities in the United States must be visited by performer of the "Grace Kelly", "Relax, Take It Easy" and "Boum Boum Boum" successes: New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles and Mexico City.


Having landed in Montreal several times over the past few years, Mika notably hit the set for the fourth season of "La Voix", on TVA, in 2016.

The singer will kick off a series of many dates in Europe on November 10 in London.


Coach of the musical contest "The Voice" for several years in France, he savored the victory a few weeks ago when his protégé Whitney Marin conquered the hearts of the public.





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  • 4 weeks later...


Août 2019  


 À l’occasion de la semaine de la Fierté de Mtl, Fugues vous propose d’ouvrir cette magnifique «playlist» pour célébrer l’événement.


MIKA : Boum Boum Boum. Ce premier extrait de l’album No PlaceIn Heaven est en fait un appel festif à la tolérance contre l’homophobie.

Ici il traite le sujet avec lé gèretétout en dansant et tapant des pieds et des mains.


:uk:Google translator



  On the occasion of Pride Week in Mtl, Fugues invites you to open this magnificent "playlist" to celebrate the event.


MIKA: Boum Boum Boum. The first single from the album No PlaceIn Heaven is actually a festive appeal for tolerance against homophobia.

Here he treats the subject with great ease by dancing and typing his feet and hands.




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  • 5 weeks later...


Septembre 2019

page 6



page 70






When I first met Mika a decade ago, in 2009, we sat together at a piano in Old Montreal before he turned to me, legs crossed and, pretending to hold a cigarette, did his finest imitation of Freddie Mercury.

“Yes, dahling,” Mika said à la Mercury. “Hello, dear!” Mika looked fabulously fey.


“And he holds his beer like this,” Mika continued, imitating Mercury from the famous backstage British TV interview on the Queen–WeWillRockYou:LiveinMontreal1981 DVD. “And he hardly drinks it!”

“That interview is something straight out of Absolutely Fabulous!” Mika laughed.


We caught up again this past August for a short but candid Q&A to preview his new album and upcoming concerts at the Corona Theatre in Montreal.


Your Ice Cream hit single is a terrific summertime anthem. The video is also really fun. Do you still enjoy filming music videos?


Mika: That is a very pertinent question especially considering what I am going through right now. Some videos I enjoy making and others I enjoy less. The video I am finishing now for a song called TinyLove is one of the most amazing video experiences I’ve ever had. It’s completely repositioned me about what a music video is, because music videos – if you follow every music-video cliché – are miserable, useless pieces of s**t. If it’s just a promo vehicle, they suck ass. I felt (my) videos were too associated with promotion and I got sick of it. I made a conscious decision to make fun music videos, and I am assuming this new direction with my new video Tiny Love. From now on I am making music videos that are not promo videos, but small experimental films. As an adult artist I want to build a world and body of work and totally assume it, otherwise what’s the ####ing point?


Your birth name is Michael Holbrook Penniman Jr. Why did you choose to name your upcoming album My Name Is Michael Holbrook? Are you rebooting yourself?


I think it’s more a liberation and a resetting of parameters. I started working when I was eight-years-old and it definitely reconditions you in a specific way, in that you objectify yourself. I thought that needed addressing if I wanted to continue being an artist who has something to say. So not using a pseudonym on my new album – using my legal name – gave me this mirror through which I could examine myself.


The world is a much different place today than it was when you first appeared on the music scene. There is a new wave of out and proud pop stars, such as Troye Sivan, Olly Alexander, Hayley Kiyoko, Janelle Monae and Brendon Urie. Do you think it is easier to be an out pop star today than when you first came on the scene?


It depends. I think in some ways it is. In the most cynical part of our business, which is the very commercial side, it is easier now. But let us not forget it is easier in a very specific type of music. Other genres of music are definitely not as tolerant. And let us not forget that North America is not the world and taking North America as the world is a huge mistake. That said, it’s dangerous making generalizations about individuals and everyone has to go through their own journey, their own path, their own challenges.


I know you are very private, but I’m going to ask anyway: Is it difficult for you to meet new people, or go out on a date?


The truth is I am never asked out on a date! But I’m not really on the market. The only person who asked me out for a date once in my life is the person I’ve been with for over 10 years. But it’s still nice to be asked out because no one knows I’m not available, and I’m not wearing a ring on my finger. That doesn’t mean I want to go out on a date because I am very happy with the relationship that I am in, but flirting helps!


You have a great love affair with Montreal, notably three sold-out nights at the Maison Symphonique in 2015, performing newly-orchestrated interpretations of your songs with the Orchestre Symphonique de Montréal. What is it about this city and Montrealers that you enjoy?


I love spending time in your very European city because of the Francophone upbringing of my life. It’s a mix of modern American culture and profound Frenchism, Frenchiness. In fact, I felt relieved when I discovered Montreal because here was a city filled with people who are weird like me. In America I may feel alienated, but in Montreal I never feel alienated. Montreal also has the most amount of good-looking people in the world, especially the men!


You are headlining the gorgeous Corona Theatre in Montreal for two nights on your upcoming Tiny Love Tiny Tour of North America.


It’s an extremely intense musical show, and I also know the theatre well. It was there that the OSM offered to play with me. For me it’s a very special place because it has brought me good luck.





page 80



Le chanteur Mika (que mon collègue Richard Burnett a interviewéce mois-ci) seraà MtlauThéâtre Corona les 15 et 16 septembre dans le cadre de sa tournée Tiny Love Tiny Tour. Préparez-vousàentrer dans lapopcoloréede monsieur. À écouter: Love Today.


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Échos vedettes

  • 5 Sep 2019

page 52



Théâtre Corona, Montréal: 15 et 16 septembre


Dans le cadre de sa tournée Tiny Love, Tiny Tour, Mika présentera son nouvel album, My Name Is Michael Holbrook, dont la diffusion est prévue en octobre. Le public a d'ailleurs pu entendre le premier extrait de cet album, Ice Cream, en mai.

Ne manquez pas le grand retour de Mika!






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  • 2 weeks later...

7 Jours

  • 2019-09-20

PDF file ( page 77 ) 2019-09-20_7_Jours_MIKA.pdf


Mika pour les intimes


Juste avant de lancer son nouvel album, My Name Is Michael Holbrook, qui sort le 4 octobre, Mika s’offre une minitournée nord-américaine, qu’il a justement nommée Tiny Love Tiny Tour. Les fans québécois du chanteur auront la chance de le voir pendant deux soirs lors des deux concerts intimes qu’il donnera les 15 et 16 septembre au Théâtre Corona de Montréal. Infos: mikasounds.com.


page 77





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Le Journal de Montreal

  • 14 September 2019


Mika: en avant la musique


 Absent des scènes et des rayons de disquaires, depuis quelques années, Mika prépare son grand retour. Mais il n’a pas l’intention de brûler les étapes. En attendant la sortie de son nouvel album, le chanteur débarquera à Montréal ce week-end avec sa tournée « intime » Tiny Love Tiny Tour. « J’ai besoin de reconnecter avec mes fans », indique-t-il.


Le titre a beau faire référence à une « minuscule tournée », Mika n’a pas pour autant l’intention d’y aller dans la retenue. Certes, il ne débarquera pas au Théâtre Corona avec les artifices scéniques que lui permettraient de grands amphithéâtres, mais l’énergie et les prouesses vocales, elles, seront exactement les mêmes.


« Les plus petites salles comme le Théâtre Corona de Montréal permettent une très grande proximité avec les fans. Du coup, ça provoque un certain lâcher-prise, une perte d’inhibitions. J’ai l’impression de faire la fête avec une bande d’amis, et ça, ça me plaît vraiment beaucoup », explique le chanteur au bout du fil depuis l’Italie, où il se produisait en spectacle plus tôt cette semaine.

Ce n’est d’ailleurs pas un hasard que Montréal, où il se produira dimanche et lundi, soit le seul arrêt canadien de cette nouvelle tournée. Cette complicité avec Montréal, Mika l’entretient depuis ses débuts dans l’industrie. Il l’a consolidée à plusieurs reprises au fil des ans, notamment en enregistrant un album avec l’Orchestre symphonique de Montréal, lancé il y a près de quatre ans.


 « Cette ville est très spéciale pour moi. La première fois que j’y suis allé, je me souviens m’être dit : “Oh, mon Dieu, je ne peux pas croire que cet endroit existe !” J’ai l’impression que Montréal me représente bien puisqu’elle est un mélange de la culture nord-américaine et de celle de l’Europe francophone », explique-t-il.

Ces deux concerts permettront à Mika de présenter au public montréalais certaines pièces, certaines jusqu’alors inédites, qui figureront sur son prochain album, My Name Is Michael Holbrook. Attendue le mois prochain, cette nouvelle offre marquera son retour sur disque après plus de quatre ans.


« Ça m’a pris du temps parce que je m’étais promis de ne revenir qu’avec un album sur lequel j’aurais quelque chose de pertinent à dire. J’ai besoin que chacun de mes disques ait sa place dans ce monde que je bâtis depuis mes débuts dans l’industrie. C’est ce qui m’empêche de succomber à la pression commerciale », avance-t-il.

C’est d’ailleurs pour se concentrer sur la promotion de l’album, ainsi que la tournée l’accompagnant, que Mika a délaissé le fauteuil rouge qu’il occupait sur le plateau de The Voice : La plus belle voix, en France, depuis six saisons.


:uk: Google translator



Mika: forward music


 Absent from the scenes and racks of record stores, in recent years, Mika prepares his big comeback. But he does not intend to burn the steps. While waiting for the release of his new album, the singer will arrive in Montreal this weekend with his tour "intimate" Tiny Love Tiny Tour. "I need to reconnect with my fans," he says.

The title may well refer to a "tiny tour", Mika does not intend to go into detention. Certainly, he will not disembark at the Corona Theater with the scenic artifices that large amphitheatres would allow him, but the energy and the vocal prowess, they will be exactly the same.


"The smaller venues like the Théâtre Corona de Montréal allow for a very close proximity to the fans. So, it causes a certain letting go, a loss of inhibitions. I feel like partying with a bunch of friends, and that really pleases me, "says the singer at the end of the line from Italy, where he was performing earlier this week.

It is no coincidence that Montreal, where it will perform Sunday and Monday, is the only Canadian stop on this new tour. This complicity with Montreal, Mika maintains since its beginnings in the industry. He has consolidated several times over the years, including recording an album with the Orchester symphonique de Montréal, launched almost four years ago.


"This city is very special for me. The first time I went there, I remember saying to myself, "Oh, my God, I can not believe this place exists!" I have the impression that Montreal represents me well since it is a mix of North American culture and that of French-speaking Europe, "he explains.

These two concerts will allow Mika to present to the Montreal audience some pieces, some previously unpublished, which will appear on his next album, My Name Is Michael Holbrook. Expected next month, this new offer will mark his return to record after more than four years.


"It took me a long time because I had promised myself to come back with an album on which I would have something relevant to say. I need each of my records to have a place in this world that I've been building since I started in the industry. That's what keeps me from succumbing to commercial pressure, "he says.

It is besides to concentrate on the promotion of the album, as well as the accompanying tour, that Mika left the red chair that he occupied on the set of The Voice: The most beautiful voice, in France , since six seasons.



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ICI Radio Canada : Pénélope



Mika à la recherche de ses racines américaines dans son nouvel album

  • Publié le lundi 16 septembre 2019



De passage à Montréal pour deux concerts intimistes en prévision de la sortie de son album, My Name Is Michael Holbrook, Mika s'est arrêté dans notre studio. Il raconte à Pénélope McQuade comment est né ce cinquième opus très personnel.



Mika IG story


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rc_penelope IG story


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1 hour ago, Kumazzz said:

ICI Radio Canada : Pénélope



Mika à la recherche de ses racines américaines dans son nouvel album

  • Publié le lundi 16 septembre 2019



De passage à Montréal pour deux concerts intimistes en prévision de la sortie de son album, My Name Is Michael Holbrook, Mika s'est arrêté dans notre studio. Il raconte à Pénélope McQuade comment est né ce cinquième opus très personnel.



Mika IG story


MP4 files




rc_penelope IG story





OMG! They played "Oh, Paloma" by mistake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This some made me cry.

Another beautiful and touching song..... 


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32 minutes ago, Mikasister said:



Awww sounds so beautiful. I love it.  :wub2: I think we are gonna :tears: with this album.  *sigh*

I already cried just listening to these 30 seconds .

What is interesting in this interview: that issuing new songs Mika will do his vengeance by "kicking some guys in the balls" !!!

Well we have heard about a half of the album and I don't see any "vengeance" for the moment 😁😁😁😁😁

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25 minutes ago, Anna Ko Kolkowska said:

I already cried just listening to these 30 seconds .

What is interesting in this interview: that issuing new songs Mika will do his vengeance by "kicking some guys in the balls" !!!

Well we have heard about a half of the album and I don't see any "vengeance" for the moment 😁😁😁😁😁


Not sure if I understand it right ... but if you mean he's taking vengeance by releasing songs, I could imagine that it has to do with him releasing one single after the other. Maybe the record company wants to tell him what single to use for the "official" album promo (we had this discussion elsewhere...), but he had a different plan, so he just decided to release the other songs earlier.


Another option would be that it's about the song "Tomorrow" - but in that case I think it'd be just one guy he kicks in the balls, not "some guys". :dunno:


Of course it could also be about Sanremo, kicking those guys in the balls who bullied him about being gay - but it's not obvious from the song, maybe with the video... then that's not really about releasing songs anymore though.

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10 hours ago, mellody said:


Not sure if I understand it right ... but if you mean he's taking vengeance by releasing songs, I could imagine that it has to do with him releasing one single after the other. Maybe the record company wants to tell him what single to use for the "official" album promo (we had this discussion elsewhere...), but he had a different plan, so he just decided to release the other songs earlier.


Another option would be that it's about the song "Tomorrow" - but in that case I think it'd be just one guy he kicks in the balls, not "some guys". :dunno:


Of course it could also be about Sanremo, kicking those guys in the balls who bullied him about being gay - but it's not obvious from the song, maybe with the video... then that's not really about releasing songs anymore though.

Im the interview "Pour et Contre" for "Au féminin" Mika was asked to describe his new album in 3 words. It was : personal, full of love, full of rage. 

So let's wait 3 weeks for the album to see ( or rather to hear 😁 )

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4 hours ago, Anna Ko Kolkowska said:

Im the interview "Pour et Contre" for "Au féminin" Mika was asked to describe his new album in 3 words. It was : personal, full of love, full of rage. 

So let's wait 3 weeks for the album to see ( or rather to hear 😁 )


15 hours ago, mellody said:


Not sure if I understand it right ... but if you mean he's taking vengeance by releasing songs, I could imagine that it has to do with him releasing one single after the other. Maybe the record company wants to tell him what single to use for the "official" album promo (we had this discussion elsewhere...), but he had a different plan, so he just decided to release the other songs earlier.


Another option would be that it's about the song "Tomorrow" - but in that case I think it'd be just one guy he kicks in the balls, not "some guys". :dunno:


Of course it could also be about Sanremo, kicking those guys in the balls who bullied him about being gay - but it's not obvious from the song, maybe with the video... then that's not really about releasing songs anymore though.

I have to listen to the interview a second time as I missed the part where he's talking about that ….:dunno:

Seems that he's been through very hard time recently and he's expecting some more challenge to come 🤔

When he's talking about being angry ,it's mabe agains a situation ,not a person (even if in another french intervew it seemed that the split with Greg Wells was quite bloody )

In that interview he also said that he was afraid that the album will never be out ,because life won't allowed …..very questioning answer !


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4 minutes ago, carafon said:


I have to listen to the interview a second time as I missed the part where he's talking about that ….:dunno:

Seems that he's been through very hard time recently and he's expecting some more challenge to come 🤔

When he's talking about being angry ,it's mabe agains a situation ,not a person (even if in another french intervew it seemed that the split with Greg Wells was quite bloody )

In that interview he also said that he was afraid that the album will never be out ,because life won't allowed …..very questioning answer !



Joelle. I've just posted the full interview for "Au feminin" (in Mika in French Press thread) where Mika  describes his album in 3 words. Personal. Full of love. Full of rage.


And in Radio Canada he sais:


We have a lot of challenges at the moment. In my family. A lot of things happens. This is life. Sometimes it happens all in the same time. 

While writing this album I lost some people. 

And now new challenges are coming.

Well, it's sort of my reaction to survive all the challenges we all have in our lives.

And my reaction is to write with a human warmth. It's about finding back emotions. It's like to prescribe a medicine. A love letter to people I love. To people I loved. 

And as well to  kick in the balls all I don't like (or - in my interpretation - I hate). Because sometimes a wengeance can serve for something.


And as Mika sais it I can feel a pain and disappointment in his voice. He sounds really sad...





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1 hour ago, Anna Ko Kolkowska said:


Joelle. I've just posted the full interview for "Au feminin" (in Mika in French Press thread) where Mika  describes his album in 3 words. Personal. Full of love. Full of rage.


And in Radio Canada he sais:


We have a lot of challenges at the moment. In my family. A lot of things happens. This is life. Sometimes it happens all in the same time. 

While writing this album I lost some people. 

And now new challenges are coming.

Well, it's sort of my reaction to survive all the challenges we all have in our lives.

And my reaction is to write with a human warmth. It's about finding back emotions. It's like to prescribe a medicine. A love letter to people I love. To people I loved. 

And as well to  kick in the balls all I don't like (or - in my interpretation - I hate). Because sometimes a wengeance can serve for something.


And as Mika sais it I can feel a pain and disappointment in his voice. He sounds really sad...





I missed the last sentence ,I was probably doing some noise in the kitchen! :naughty:


I think that we've also got some answers in the Vanity fair interview about the difficult moments 


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1 hour ago, carafon said:

I missed the last sentence ,I was probably doing some noise in the kitchen! :naughty:


I think that we've also got some answers in the Vanity fair interview about the difficult moments 


Yes, I can see that Mika has become really, really open and he talks like he has been talking to his best friends. He does not avoid any hard part of his life. )well, he does not give us all the details of course). 

And more interviews we read recently more facts appear in the light of the day. Hard moments, sad moments. 

He mentioned once that his mom was in a hospital (this funny interview where a fan saw him in a hospital and started to sing "Relax").

Often when Mika talks about hard moments he is smiling - I think this is his way of copping  with a stress and bad memories...

Maybe that is why he captures fans energy during the concerts during Tiny Love Tiny Tour? Each and every concert is more intimate and full of energy. I can feel it just watching videos posted by fans. He needs it for sure.


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6 hours ago, Anna Ko Kolkowska said:


Joelle. I've just posted the full interview for "Au feminin" (in Mika in French Press thread) where Mika  describes his album in 3 words. Personal. Full of love. Full of rage.


And in Radio Canada he sais:


We have a lot of challenges at the moment. In my family. A lot of things happens. This is life. Sometimes it happens all in the same time. 

While writing this album I lost some people. 

And now new challenges are coming.

Well, it's sort of my reaction to survive all the challenges we all have in our lives.

And my reaction is to write with a human warmth. It's about finding back emotions. It's like to prescribe a medicine. A love letter to people I love. To people I loved. 

And as well to  kick in the balls all I don't like (or - in my interpretation - I hate). Because sometimes a wengeance can serve for something.


And as Mika sais it I can feel a pain and disappointment in his voice. He sounds really sad...






Thanks for the translation of this part. I suppose he's talking about his Grandmother when he says he's lost someone. And I understand very well that he sees writing songs as a medicine, indeed it is like a therapy, you have to find words for the song lyrics and by that you find words for your emotions which otherwise might be too overwhelming.

And indeed I can feel the Grace Kelly attitude (why don't you like me or walk out the door!) in the new songs, that's something I've missed since his first album (although Promiseland did go in the right direction :teehee: ) and I'm happy he got this freedom back. :wub2: Looking forward to hear him kicking balls, musically. :naughty:

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So now you can read a full English version of the interview for Radio Canada made by Penelope Mcquade.

I upload as well the audio to get both in the same place.




Penelope: (laughing): You just heard Mika asking for our Instagram address ...

Mika: Wow, are we already on the air?

Q: Mika has just made a Story for his Instagram. He added me a nose and a mustache.

M: I have to admit, you look very well like this.

Q: You are between two concerts in Montreal ...

M: That's why I have a voice like Barry White today.

Q: Is it because you went to bed late yesterday?

M: Yes I usually go to bed late. But not because I party at night. My vocal cord doctor says that when I'm on tour, my full vocal and physical optimum should be around eight o'clock in the evening. That means I have to move my activities. I have to get up later to reach my optimum in the evening. Therefore, getting up early to do a promotion on the radio causes a bit like a jetlag effect.

Q: Indeed, this is not the best time. I thank you even more for coming to the studio. This is your short stay in Canada during the America tour ...

M: For the moment.

Q: Yes, because subsequent dates will be given later.

M: Yes.Now two dates, but with a very special energy. We perform in the Corona theater.

Q:That's right. You perform in the Corona theater. You performed at Center Bell a few years ago. With the OSM symphony orchestra. Corona is quite a small place for a thousand people.

M: But that's what we needed.

Q: Why?

M: First of all, the tickets were sold out in a few minutes for both concerts ... I told myself: OK, it's been three years ... almost four years since my last visit here. We start from the beginning and we will do it in an intimate, honest and creative way. There is nothing on the stage. It's just me, my musicians and the audience. This leads to spontaneity, which is much more interesting. All the ideas that will arise on the stage in these small venues ... all these beautiful moments will become the most iconic in the big spectacle, which will be seen later.

Q: Is this something like development? Such a laboratory?

M: Ideas laboratory. It's good to have such a laboratory. I think there are now many artists who have chosen this way of acting. They say to themselves: OK, we will start in small places. Then it will be big festivals. Then maybe we can do something ... in church. Or again with the orchestra. Who knows? Such different things. I think that for the artist like I am, for an artist who is a mix of musical genres ... this is not just a style. This is me. This is my univers. And this univers should present itself in very different conditions, in very different places. And in this way I can make my univers exist and I will be able to tell my audience about it.

Q: You have a special fondness for audience in Montreal. And not only to the audience. Also to the city of Montreal. You recorded an album here ...

M: Yes, here I made my third album.

Q: Why such an attachment to this city?

M: I don't know. This city is ... crazy. I say this with a very high dose of affectation. Because as you know, I like crazy things.

Q: Of course, we understood that.

M: When I first came to Montreal I had this feeling ... I thought: My God. But that's weird. This city is like me. Why? I'm coming from the airport and people speak English to me. But all around is written in French. So I speak french. I grew up in Paris for seven years of my childhood. But my father is American. So I found myself quickly in this culture mix. Then I see Lebanese restaurants. I see Lebanese names. I can see Greek influence. Influences from Eastern Europe. There are so many particles in all of this that are also in my history. The idea that the city's identity is created through a mixture, through absorption, through the integration of cultures, is the basic thing that warms my heart. I think that this aspect ... it triggers creativity. And then the weather. When it's cold, you stay inside and you work. You feel like creating. And you are waiting for spring. It is a revival that returns every year ... we look forward to it every year, because it is a feeling that ... is extremely important.

Q: When spring comes, we start to go wild. You used the word "crazy". We go wild at the first rays of the sun.

M: Yes But I can't say that. (They both laugh) You can say that. I can not.

Q: You've had a few years break. You said you had enough of the music industry. You've had enough of certain things that happen in music. Many artists spoke similarly with us. "We have enough and we need a break". What brought your joy back? What has restored your desire to create the fifth album that has your name? The album is called "My Name Is Michael Holbrook". This is your official name. What brought your joy back?

M: Ammm. I did many things. I worked on television. At first I thought that television would be such a short episode. But everything went very well.

Q: You have been in The Voice for six years?

M: Yes At first I thought I would do it for a year, maybe two years. And it lasted six years. It's amazing. Everything is OK. However, the problem with television is - and you know it very well, you work in this busieness - that ... when everything is good, what is going on? After 10 seconds, the whole team runs up to you and says: wonderful, it was great! And this kind of excitement appears, the levels of adrenaline, endorphins, dopamine jump. A triumph, a success! It comes suddenly ... but disappears very quickly. It's very easy to get addicted to it. To this feeling of small success, which appears very quickly. With music it is different. Music writing is a process that looks completely different. You write. You wait. There is a silcence. Then you have doubts. Then you have to defend yourself. Then you have to record what you wrote. Then you have to prepare it on the stage. And it lasts and lasts and lasts ... It lasts a long time. Television can be dangerous compared to music. There is a moment when you get adrenaline, when you quickly get satisfaction. It's like a hamburger. And music needs more time and requires greater emotional involvement. And it is spread out over time. So, I had to break up with television. I made that decision before it happened. I decided to separate myself completely. I wanted to find Mika. I wanted to find Mika, who existed before he started selling records. Before the name Mika became a logo. Before Mika released his first album. And for that I needed a nickname. I chose Michael Holbrook Penniman Junior because I thought I could use my official name to find Mika. This was my task.

Q: Does this mean that you had to "dig up" Mika with a shovel, as archaeologists do, who must remove soil and stones to find objects?

M: When I was little, I had this child set: brush, rake ... But in my case it was rather dynamite.

Q: You were looking for Mika using dynamite?

M: I cut myself off from everything. I decided not to use commercial recording studios. I decided not to use people who create albums for everyone. I stopped working with my producer, with whom I made four albums. I had enough of everything. I built a recording studio in my house. A white piano similar to the one I had at home when I was 15 years old. And I will write. I will choose two people who will work with me. They will have to come to me and live with me for two months and work. And I will talk about my life. About the most personal things.

Q : And that gave, among other things, the song "Tiny Love".


The music starts , but the song "Paloma" is played by mistake. After 30 seconds we hear "Tiny Love".


Q : This song is "Tiny Love". Earlier we heard a fragment of the song "Paloma". I don't know what to call it: life balance, an update?

M : Yes, it's a life balance. An update ... Maybe I'll explain something. I need to clarify something. We announced the song "Tiny Love" and we heard "Paloma" - because the album has not come out yet - and you played it for the first time! Personally, I think that if such minor errors occur and we heard "Poloma" for the first time in the WORLD broadcasting station, even if only as a short fragment ... announcing it as "Tiny Love" ... it can bring us luck.

Q: Really? I am happy that we can contribute to success!

M: "Tiny Love." You only heard the beginning. Then there is "bam" and everything changes. This is a kind of landscape. This is the first song I wrote for the new album. This is literally a situation in which I sat at the piano and wanted to evoke the magical feeling that you have at the time of creation. This is the element that causes transformation. Which gives me a sense of value. Suddenly this feeling appears. I have missed this feeling for a long time. I haven't written anything for a year and a half, two years. Maybe that there are people among the listeners who also write songs. We are only afraid of two things. Our health. Our own health and the health of people we love. And we're afraid of blockages. There is not much talk about blockages. We don't talk about it because we consider it as a weakness. And I will say it. I had a blockade. I had enough of everything. And what did i do? I built this small recording studio, which I have already mentioned. The first day I get in the car ... I have a studio in Florida ... I say: come on, dogs. Let's go. I wanted to discover other aspects of my identity. And I'm going to Savannah / Georgia ...

Q: In the footsteps of your father?

M: Yes

Q: You made a pilgrimage in the footsteps of your father.

M: Exactly. My mother has Lebanese and Syrian roots. She is the first generation American. In the Lebanese-Syrian culture, the mother plays a major role. And it always has been like this. I wanted to see the other side. I went to Savannah / Georgia with no expectations. I went to Bonaventure Cemetery and there there is the Penniman family place. My father's family. And there I saw all those Pennimans who were buried there. And gravestones with my name. With my official name and surname. Holbrook Penniman. Michael William ... I thought: My name is on these graves! Partly blurred by rain and time. Their bones lie underground. And they wore my name. It was very in the style of Tim Burton. It was very "dark" and very funny at the same time. I told myself: I'm Michael Holbrook. And with this perspective, in this mood of Tim Burton I will come back and rediscover who I am. I will rediscover the song writing process. And in "Tiny Love", when you listen to the song - today we only heard a small fragment - you will see a person who rediscovers the joy of writing songs. All vocal recordings were made at that time. These versions can be heard on the album.

Q: You mentioned Tim Burton. But one journalist said that this album is a mix of Disney and Lars von Trier. And I wonder, if this album is your life balance, does your life resemble a mix of Disney and Lars von Trier?

M: Yes, especially now.

Q: Why?

M: We have a lot of challenges in the family. A lot is going on. But that's life. Sometimes everything happens at the same time. I lost a lot of people while writing this album. And now there are new challenges .... I don't know ... this is probably my reaction to survive these difficult moments that happen to all of us. And my reaction is writing using human heat. Finding emotions. Prescription of a medicine. A letter of love to the people I love. To the people I loved. But also to give a powerful kick in the balls of all those people I don't like. Because from time to time revenge can serve for something.

Q: When you experience all this, and at the same time you have to be on the road, on tour, knowing that there are family problems ... how to reconcile it?

M: Exigency and excellence are the only things that can give you a sense of balance. Everything must be very good. Every thing we choose must be very good. You have to be demanding in your choices. And every concert must be perfect. Every interview must be honest. That way we don't waste energy. It feeds us. I think this is the benefit of twelve years of career. After twelve years, this is no longer the pursuit of a career. After some time, you have enough of this. I find journalists whom I like. I go back to the restaurants I like. I'm going back to my friends. To the venues I like. I am going back to talks with the audience that began ten years ago. A career is something to be built, a career is someting to be sculpted. It takes time, attention and ideas, conversations. This is not something superficial. This is not a rush on streaming, a rush for another hit song.

Q: And there was no risk of escaping into the future? When life is not perfect, you can think that tours, performances, love you get can be a kind of shelter, escape. Is there such a risk or not?

M: For me it's not an escape. Maybe because…. for me it has never been an escape. Tour is something real to me. Thanks to this, I understand my life better ... I don't know if you saw me on stage.

Q: Yes

M: It's such a weird mix. For example, the people who were at the concert in Corona yesterday, and who will come to today's ... It's such a weird mix. I totally devote myself to the audience and everything is possible. And at the same time I don't care at all. I can go away ... It's really a kind of tension ... This tension is also provocative. And it is very good. It means that anything can happen. And the audience respects it. They know that I am just like that. For example, I left the stage yesterday and sang in the audience. Right in the center of the room. It was nothing, it was only a thousand people. But I also did it in venues for 14,000 people. I walk in the audience. And I've never had problems. Never. I don't know. I feel very connected to what is happening on stage. This is not an escape.

Q: And it works both ways. This is an energy exchange.

M: You know. It's funny. I enter this building, which is a bit like stuck in time. For those who do not know this building (this is about the Corona theater) ... How would you describe it?

Q It's such an old building. A bit retro. It's like an old cabaret.

M: It's a bit like we're in a Robert Lepage movie.

Q: Yes And it is located in the west of the city, in the working class area.

M: This building was built at a time when brown was considered the most vivid, eccentric, the most creative color in the whole world. It's an ocean of all shades of brown. People are dressed colorfully. But in architecture and interior decoration there is only one color: brown. However, when we enter the building, we will see photographs of people in front of the microphone. Old photographs from the 1920s. I remember that three years ago there were giant dolls that were used in children's television programs, or in historical programs. And we are beginning to understand that this is not just entertainment. That this is not just about commercialism. With the help of the radio, with the help of concerts you can create something valuable. You can express yourself from the bottom of your heart. You can speak from the stage, from records. If we do it in aright way, it won't be just a hit-making machine that will quickly make money on YouTube. You can develop a dialogue that is not found in real life.

Q: What did you lose four years ago that you now found in Michael Holbrook?

M: A child who started working at the age of eight. Which practiced every day for three hours and a half with his mother. Who wrote songs to separate himself from school, to separate himself from violence. Who sang ... Who worked and who slept in parking lots in Toyota Previa with his mother and sisters. That way we could get a job. My mother said, "No, we don't need a hotel. We take this job. He will sing for you. We don't need a hotel”. And we slept in the car. And that child was the most joyful person ... the most joyful version of myself. And all songs were created on this basis. I wanted to find this person. Because if I want to survive emotionally and personally the coming years, I must be that person. And no any other.

Q: Mika, it is a pleasure ... for everyone who will come to your concerts. Further dates will appear. For now, only Montreal is on the North American tour list. The album will be released in early October. We could have heard a few passages. And we'll say goodbye listening to the fragment ... recently which song was your favorite? "Blue"?

M: Yes, "Blue". But you can play "Paloma" again. I will give only a context. The song is about my sister and this is a real story.

Q: Mika, it was pure pleasure to meet you.


We hear a fragment of the song "Paloma".




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Le Canal Auditif



  • 17 septembre 2019

Tiny Love Tiny Tour : le passage de Mika au Théâtre Corona le 16 septembre 2019


En fin de semaine, c’était le retour de Mika sur scène, et c’est le cas de le dire pour son public montréalais, puisque la dernière fois qu’il a chanté ici date de l’été 2015! La foule était très fébrile à l’idée de ce spectacle, même que les billets se sont vendus en moins de 10 minutes. C’était une chance rare d’avoir un billet pour l’une des deux représentations de cette petite tournée américaine se présentant sous le nom d’un de ses nouveaux simples : Tiny Love.

Invitant pour première partie Kiesza, ce fut un vent de fraîcheur avant la tornade Mika. Elle était accompagnée uniquement de son guitariste et d’une petite guitare de style ukulele. Keisza nous a présenté ses dernières compositions. Nous rappelant un accident qui l’a forcé de prendre du recul par rapport à sa carrière il n’y a pas si longtemps, elle nous offre une prestation posée, mais colorée et énergique à sa façon. Rapidement, la foule devient son confident et elle nous livre son cœur sur table. Avec sensibilité, elle dédie une chanson d’au revoir à certains amis qui seraient partis trop vite dernièrement. Finalement, elle finit avec le succès qui l’a propulsé : Hideaway. Très calme et doux comme version, elle adapte la version pop énergique en une qui ressemble plus à son image d’aujourd’hui. 

Sans trop se faire désirer, Mika saute sur scène en débutant avec Ice Cream et Dear Jealousy. En toute sobriété et simplicité, il porte du blanc et nous présente le spectacle comme était sans artifices et écrans de projection ; il voit son public et s’amuse avec lui dans une plus grande intimité qu’en grande salle. Dans le même ordre d’idée, sur scène il n’y a que les principaux musiciens, pas de choristes ni d’instruments de surplus. Ainsi, on observe un travail plus pointilleux sur l’éclairage coloré rappelant directement l’univers de Mika


Il présente à plusieurs reprises ses chansons avec une introduction vague et poétique attisant l’énergie du public. Il rend aussi hommage à des couleurs, dont le rose avec sa chanson Origin of Love, écrite à Montréal. De plus, il raconte qu’il détestait le bleu, mais que récemment il a su l’apprécier puisqu’elle est celle qui illustre chacun d’entre nous intérieurement. Il nous livre ainsi une nouvelle chanson calme et puissante. Contrairement à certains spectacles où le public jase pendant les chansons plus calmes, un respect sincère planait dans l’air du Théâtre Corona. 

Sans perdre cette volonté de créer une bulle particulière avec la foule, il nous demande de nous fermer les yeux et de nous imaginer dans une ville différente. On s’efforce à rêver, mais lorsqu’on se rend compte qu’il est descendu dans la foule, pu personne n’a les yeux fermés. C’est à ce moment que les premières notes de Big Girl (You Are Beautiful) jouent. La foule en délire hurle les paroles et se déchaîne en compagnie de Mika


Coup de coeur de la soirée : Happy Ending. Même si les choeurs féminins occupant une grande partie de la composition de la chanson provenaient de la trame de l’album, ce fut une interprétation émotionnelle. Surtout, Mika a conclu la chanson avec le refrain, mais sans micro dans un silence total de la salle.

Il a interprété plusieurs autres succès, dont Underwater, Lollipop, Relax, Take it easy, Elle me dit et We are Golden. Il revient en rappel avec Grace Kelly pour honorer la chanson qui l’a propulsé au sommet de sa popularité.

Pour mot de fin, un spectacle de Mika est définitivement un évènement à rajouter à sa bucket list. Voici la gallerie complète des photos de la soirée.


:uk:Google translator



Tiny Love Tiny Tour: Mika's passage at the Corona Theater on September 16, 2019


At the end of the week, it was Mika's return on stage, and this is the case for his Montreal audience, since the last time he sang here dates from the summer of 2015! The crowd was very excited about the show, even as tickets sold in less than 10 minutes. It was a rare chance to get a ticket for one of the two performances of this little American tour featuring one of his new singles: Tiny Love.


Inviting for the first part Kiesza, it was a breath of fresh air before the tornado Mika. She was accompanied only by her guitarist and a small guitar ukulele style. Keisza introduced us to his latest compositions. Reminding us of an accident that forced her to take a step back from her career not so long ago, she offers us a posed but colorful and energetic performance in her own way. Quickly, the crowd becomes her confidant and she gives us her heart on the table. With sensitivity, she dedicates a goodbye song to some friends who have gone too fast lately. Finally, she ends with the success that propelled her: Hideaway. Very quiet and sweet as a version, she adapts the energetic pop version into one that looks more like her current image.


Without much desire, Mika jumps on stage by starting with Ice Cream and Dear Jealousy. In all sobriety and simplicity, he wears white and presents us the show as it was without tricks and projection screens; he sees his audience and has fun with him in a greater intimacy than in the big hall. In the same vein, on stage there are only the main musicians, no choristers or instruments of surplus. Thus, one observes a more fussy work on the colored lighting directly recalling the universe of Mika.


He repeatedly presents his songs with a vague and poetic introduction that fuels the energy of the audience. He also pays tribute to colors, including the pink with his song Origin of Love, written in Montreal. In addition, he says he hated blue, but recently he has appreciated it because it is the one that illustrates each of us inwardly. He gives us a new song calm and powerful. Unlike some shows where the public jaze during the quieter songs, a sincere respect hung in the air of Corona Theater.

Without losing this desire to create a particular bubble with the crowd, he asks us to close our eyes and imagine ourselves in a different city. One strives to dream, but when one realizes that he has descended into the crowd, no one has his eyes closed. That's when the first notes of Big Girl (You Are Beautiful) play. The delirious crowd screams the words and breaks out in the company of Mika.


Favorite of the evening: Happy Ending. Even though the female choruses occupying a large part of the song's composition came from the frame of the album, it was an emotional interpretation. Above all, Mika concluded the song with the chorus, but without microphone in a total silence of the room.

He performed several other hits including Underwater, Lollipop, Relax, Take It Easy, She tells me and We are Golden. He is coming back with Grace Kelly to honor the song that propelled him to the top of his popularity.


As a final word, a show by Mika is definitely an event to add to his bucket list.

Here is the complete gallery of the photos of the evening.








































































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FM93 Québec



Le chanteur Mika a rencontré Catherine lors de son passage à Montréal.

  • Publié le 17 sept. 2019 à 16h50


🔊MP3 file 2019.09.17 FM93( CANADA )Le chanteur Mika a rencontré Catherine lors de son passage à.mp3

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7 Jours


🔻 2019-10-04_7_Jours_MIKA.pdf



«J’avais besoin de recommencer à neuf»


Le chanteur était récemment de passage à Montréal pour y présenter deux concerts. Nous l’avons rencontré à son hôtel pour discuter du processus de création de son nouvel album, intitulé My Name Is Michael Holbrook.





Mika, pourquoi as-tu décidé de donner ton vrai nom à cet album?


Pour plein de raisons, la plus fondamentale étant que j’ai ressenti le besoin de recommencer à neuf et de me représenter au public. J’avais envie de tirer un trait, d’appuyer sur «Reset» et de prendre un nouvel engagement envers ma musique et mon écriture. C’est un genre d’évolution, de prise de maturité...


Est-ce une sorte de remise en question?


Oui. J’ai eu envie de retrouver qui je suis et, surtout, de retrouver l’amour de ce que je fais. Après 12 ans de carrière, il faut se poser des questions, faire une mise au point, se demander de quelle façon on a changé et réfléchir à qui on est. Il y a plein de trucs qui se sont passés qui ont mené à ça. Mon sentiment envers l’industrie de la musique a un peu contaminé mon amour de la musique. Pourtant, c’est la chose la plus importante dans ma vie! Si je n’ai pas la musique, je ne sais pas ce que je fais. Michael Holbrook, c’est mon nom de plume, en quelque sorte, et il m’a été très utile pour examiner qui je suis et me redécouvrir.


Qu’est-ce qui a été l’élément déclencheur de tout ça?


C’est à la suite d’un road trip que s’est enclenchée l’écriture officielle de l’album. Un jour, j’ai eu envie de prendre un sac à dos et mes chiens, et de partir à l’aventure. Je me souviens que, pour une rare fois, ma mère n’était pas à la maison. J’ai roulé de la Floride jusqu’à Savannah, en Géorgie — la ville d’où venait mon père —, et je suis allé au cimetière pour voir les descendants qui portaient le même nom de famille que moi. J’ai réalisé que tout ça faisait partie de mon identité, et j’ai eu envie d’être moi-même, d’être désormais Michael Holbrook.


Es-tu proche de ta mère?


Oui, sans elle, je ne serais pas l’artiste que je suis aujourd’hui. Elle m’a poussé chaque jour de mon enfance pour que j’accomplisse ce qu’il fallait avec la musique. Elle était extrêmement exigeante, beaucoup plus avec moi qu’avec mes frères et mes soeurs. Je n’avais pas toujours envie de faire ce qu’elle voulait que je fasse mais, en même temps, je sais qu’elle me poussait à travailler fort pour mon bien. Je faisais des spectacles ici et là, et quand c’était loin de la maison, on dormait dans la voiture, mais on faisait semblant d’avoir une chambre d’hôtel pour sauver la face! L’important pour elle, c’était que je décroche des contrats et que je fasse ce que j’aime.


Parle-moi du processus créatif de cet album...


Ça faisait une année et demie que je n’avais pas écrit une seule chanson. Pour moi, qui ai l’habitude de toujours écrire, c’était étrange. Je me suis donné une date butoir puis, sur un coup de tête, j’ai décidé de me construire un studio à la maison et de m’acheter un piano blanc, comme celui que j’avais à 16 ans. Avant de commencer à travailler, j’ai établi une règle: tous ceux qui allaient collaborer à l’album allaient venir vivre chez moi pour qu’on puisse écrire et faire de la musique du matin au soir. Je n’avais plus envie de travailler dans des studios commerciaux, et j’ai aussi fait table rase de mes collaborateurs d’avant. J’avais envie de construire un nouvel univers.


La période de création de ce disque a-t-elle été difficile?


Oui, car il s’est passé plein de choses pas très joyeuses autour de moi. Des gens de mon entourage sont tombés malades, d’autres sont morts... Finalement, j’ai perdu cinq personnes durant l’écriture de ce disque. Ç’a été une période difficile, mais ce qui est surprenant, c’est que ce nouvel album n’est aucunement triste. C’est un album heureux, plein de mélodies et de couleurs. C’est ce qui est sorti, c’est ce dont j’avais besoin.


Tu viens de présenter deux concerts à Montréal. Que représente cette ville pour toi?


J’adore Montréal! C’est une ville qui a un petit quelque chose de New York, du Vermont et de l’Europe. C’est une ville ouverte, avec un grand clash des cultures, et je trouve ça fascinant! C’est une ville formidable, mais je ne l’habite pas, parce qu’il fait beaucoup trop froid l’hiver.


Tu n’es plus coach à The Voice, en France. Pourquoi?


J’avais fait le tour du jardin. Cela dit, j’ai adoré ce que j’ai fait. Je suis resté moi-même, j’ai eu beaucoup de plaisir et ça m’a appris beaucoup de choses. Ç’a été très utile. Je suis vraiment reconnaissant d’avoir pu faire cette émission et d’avoir pu parler avec les gens. Aujourd’hui, on ne le fait que trop peu, et c’est encore plus vrai à la télévision. Mais, après quelques années, j’ai eu envie de me consacrer à d’autres projets.


En terminant, qu’as-tu à l’horaire pour les prochains mois?


Je vais faire beaucoup de promotion tout en continuant mes spectacles. Je m’en vais en Californie, ensuite je ferai de la promotion en Europe, puis la tournée va se poursuivre jusqu’à la fin de l’hiver. Je vais vivre dans mes valises, mais j’aime ça, à condition que mes deux golden retriever me suivent. Comme je n’aime pas les autobus de tournée, je préfère voyager en voiture avec eux.


L’album My Name Is Michael Holbrook sera offert à compter du 4 octobre. Infos: mikasounds.com.


«Après 12 ans de carrière, il faut faire une mise au point, se demander de quelle façon on a changé et réfléchir à qui on est.»



:uk: Google translator



"I needed to start anew"


The singer was recently in Montreal to present two concerts. We met him at his hotel to discuss the process of creating his new album, My Name Is Michael Holbrook.




Mika, why did you decide to give your real name to this album?


For many reasons, the most fundamental being that I felt the need to start anew and represent myself to the public. I wanted to draw a line, press "Reset" and make a new commitment to my music and writing. It's a kind of evolution, of maturity ...


Is it a kind of questioning?


Yes. I wanted to find who I am and, above all, to find the love of what I do. After 12 years of career, you have to ask questions, make an adjustment, ask yourself how we changed and think about who we are. There are a lot of things that happened that led to that. My feeling towards the music industry has somewhat contaminated my love of music. Still, it's the most important thing in my life! If I do not have music, I do not know what I'm doing. Michael Holbrook is my pen name, so to speak, and it has been very helpful to me to see who I am and to rediscover myself.


What triggered all this?


It was after a road trip that began the official writing of the album. One day, I wanted to take a backpack and my dogs, and go on an adventure. I remember that, for a rare time, my mother was not at home. I drove from Florida to Savannah, Georgia - my father's hometown - and went to the cemetery to see the descendants who had the same family name as me. I realized that it was all part of my identity, and I wanted to be myself, to be Michael Holbrook now.


Are you close to your mother?


Yes, without her, I would not be the artist I am today. She pushed me every day of my childhood to do what I needed with music. She was extremely demanding, much more with me than with my brothers and sisters. I did not always want to do what she wanted me to do but, at the same time, I know she was pushing me to work hard for my good. I did shows here and there, and when it was far from home, we slept in the car, but we pretended to have a hotel room to save face! The important thing for her was that I get contracts and do what I love.


Tell me about the creative process of this album ...


It had been a year and a half since I had not written a single song. For me, who always write, it was strange. I gave myself a deadline and then, on a whim, I decided to build a studio at home and buy me a white piano, like the one I had at 16. Before I started working, I made a rule: everyone who was going to collaborate on the album would come and live with me so that we could write and make music from morning till night. I did not want to work in commercial studios any more, and I also wiped out my previous collaborators. I wanted to build a new universe.


Was the creation period of this record difficult?


Yes, because there were a lot of things not very happy around me. People around me got sick, others died ... Finally, I lost five people while writing this record. It was a difficult time, but what is surprising is that this new album is not sad at all. It's a happy album full of melodies and colors. That's what came out, that's what I needed.


You have just presented two concerts in Montreal. What does this city represent for you?


I love Montreal! It's a city that has a little something of New York, Vermont and Europe. It's an open city, with a great clash of cultures, and I find it fascinating! It's a great city, but I do not live in it because it's way too cold in winter.


You're no longer a coach at The Voice in France. Why?


I had walked around the garden. That said, I loved what I did. I stayed myself, I had a lot of fun and it taught me a lot. It has been very useful. I'm really grateful that I was able to do this show and talk to people. Today, we do it too little, and it's even more true on television. But, after a few years, I wanted to devote myself to other projects.


In closing, what do you have on the schedule for the next few months?


I will do a lot of promotion while continuing my shows. I go to California, then I will promote in Europe, then the tour will continue until the end of the winter. I'm going to live in my suitcases, but I like that, as long as my two golden retrievers follow me. Since I do not like tour buses, I prefer to travel by car with them.


My Name Is Michael Holbrook will be available starting October 4th. Infos: mikasounds.com.


"After a 12-year career, you have to focus, ask yourself how we changed and think about who we are."









Edited by Kumazzz
adding a pdf file.
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