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Everything posted by mellody

  1. who knows, maybe i said it and just can't remember and can't imagine why i would've said that, lol! oh, didn't know it'd be that much of a way around... nevermind then, i asked at the hostel now and they said there's a bus running directly from here to the studios, taking 20 minutes. just hope we'll find each other there then, but you have my mobile nr, just in case. what time should we meet up there then?
  2. i am! http://twitpic.com/m7sqt just wish it was warmer again, but there's hope - my weather forecast says that it is because of that hurricane there over mexico and that it will be over 30°C again later this week. what exacly is the topic of this homework? wonder what mika's plans are concerning the dresscode... maybe he read this thread and wanted to make the black+white / moon+stars idea public. but well, we'll see what he comes up with. just hope he does it soon so i can go shopping, if necessary! hope it's something where i can still use my original idea, otherwise, knowing me, i'll spend hours and lots of money in those costume shops. so far i resisted the temptation to buy anything there, but if mika's idea is something for which i don't have stuff with me, this would be a perfect excuse for me to go crazy in those shops! my poor money! but well, i do have a few options besides the black+white... for example took some golden stuff with me as well.
  3. great news! so it's more worth it to fly over than for just one gig. 2 are always better. hmm, so no presale for that then? but hope MS will offer tickets, i want magic numbers for it.
  4. huh, when did i say that? don't think it makes sense before 12, as until 12 you can call about the tickets! would've said more around 1-ish? you don't think you could pick me up, as you offered it to fmbm? still haven't dared taking the bus here in LA, it's all so huge and confusing!
  5. yes!! it's so amazing that i'm in this amazing city with amazing palm trees and amazingly good weather, and on top of that i'm going to meet many lovely MFCers and see a mika show here, this is so FAB! and maybe we'll even get a secret gig/pub party the day before the show, to top it all! *hopes*
  6. this is on the ellen website about the show: And, if you haven't heard MIKA, you'll want to see him on today's show. He's from London, and after his first album he was compared with Freddie Mercury, Elton John and Prince. He just released his second album, "The Boy Who Knew Too Much," and will perform his hit "Blame It on the Girls" for me. so, sounds like he's only performing, no interview. the main guest will be david spade (whoever that is ). and there'll be a girl who does something with dogs - why is mika always on the dog shows, lol! http://ellen.warnerbros.com/2009/10/david-spade_-_thursday_october_22_2009.php
  7. well, there also was this interview: http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=20326 i so hope that he really will do it! preferably a pub party instead of a gig, we have our gig on friday anyway.
  8. this strongly reminds me of :lmao: this certainly includes some of the cutest pix i've seen of mika - but also some of the strangest photomontages! t4p! so is there an article/interview with it as well?
  9. well, then this week isn't a good idea, as wednesday it's ellen and friday mika gig. i'll go on tuesday, though still haven't decided whether i'll do disneyland or universal studios... can't do both, too expensive... would love to do disneyland, but it's 2hrs away (vs 20 mins universal) and 40$ more than universal. difficult decision. been to the palladium today, it's only about a 10mins walk from where i am. there was a show tonight, ppl were queuing for it at the side entrance. interesting... so looks like we have to be careful on friday about where we start queuing / watch the other entrance as well, just in case.
  10. but the blacklight makeup isn't white either, it's neon colours. yop, if you wanna meet up in LA, let me know. i haven't planned for sure yet what i'll be doing, but guess i'll go to universal studios and/or disneyland on one of these days.
  11. here you go, another one - his album title, they translated the titles into german (the correct one is "der junge der zu viel wusste"), and the other options were the spy who loved me the woman who never cooked
  12. hey, "it never rains in southern california"! at least not when i'm here.
  13. i love the summer temperatures. although here in the hostel the air is quite stuffy, i might even miss the air conditioning. or maybe not, at least it's possible to open the windows here, really missed that in vegas.
  14. would be ok for me, but problem is, you'd need the remover as well, and i won't take that with me to the gig. i wouldn't use it without the remover, lol! BUT i saw that in this area here (near the venue) there are several costume shops that offer this stuff, so you can get it there. and it's even a lot cheaper than the one i bought, pfft, if i had known that! arrived in LA this afternoon and really love it so far. ok the hostel is not perfect, but the location is, right in the middle of hollywood, a few metres from walk of fame and several costume shops that sell the most amazing stuff! might get a black+white feather boa there, i love those and theyre only 10$... guess i shouldn't though, it's so warm here that i'll curse having a feather boa around my shoulders on the gig night! but they're so pretty and fluffy... they even have a lollipop girl costume - doesn't look anything like mika's lollipop girls (except for the petticoat + blonde hair), but it's called lollipop girl and i found it quite funny! and they also have glow in the dark and blacklight makeup, so we can plan a shopping trip before the gig, lol! no moon+stars stickers though, guess i'll have to find a toy shop for those. though i realized that all this glow in the dark stuff is more yellow than white, so maybe something white would be better? hmm...
  15. yup, the best i think were the other options for his full name: Michael Netbook Dollarwife Michael Weblog Centchild :lmao:
  16. thanx for that link fanny, found some more info through it: you can either win tickets online here: http://www.swr3.de/specials/hautnah/mika/'>http://www.swr3.de/specials/hautnah/mika/ - click on [mehr...], but you have to take a 12-question mika quiz there which is in german. other possibility to win is to listen to the radio station (you can listen online on http://www.swr3.de) on the following days: 20.10., 23.10. and 28.10. between 9:00 and 18:00h and if you hear the elk, call +49 (0)1803-929-100 (9 ct/min from german phone line, prob. more expensive from mobile and foreign countries) to win tickets.
  17. how about black with white/silver stripes, like addams family? then you'd have the black+white thing, not matter what you wear. a wig could get a bit hot though... and lollipopgirl (i'm getting confused as there are 2 of you with such similar usernames, lol! ), colourful for oakland sounds perfect, i have something extremely colourful for there too!
  18. :wub2: i love the way he describes his music. so true. and glad that the likes it that fans imitate his costumes, and doesn't want to keep his world to himself. about the dolls he mentioned though, thought about the mika barbie doll at the first moment, but it's not a character he designed.
  19. sure, as long as you tell him that it was originally my idea, if he asks... nah, well, i think it's not that far fetched with the black+white and glow-in-the-dark stuff, i'm just stealing mika's ideas again, turning them into costumes, like always... if some already have decided on costumes that aren't black+white, maybe they can still bring some white accessoire that glows in the blacklight, so we would all glow back at mika.
  20. so, is anyone bringing glow-in-the-dark-facepaint? wanted to look for some glow-in-the-dark stuff here in vegas, surely would've found something, but had no time to go shopping as i became ill, pfft. but hope i'll find some cool shops in LA as well. or maybe i'll just buy such glow-in-the-dark moon+stars stickers and stick them to my face with the make-up-glue. decided on my outfit for LA, well if it's not too cold... i have this black-and-white-dress with different patterns, a bit similar to mika's jacket, and luckily i took it with me to the US, without knowing he'd wear such a black&white style. just hope then that there won't be too much pushing, as the dress is a satin fabric with some sequins on it that have already started falling off. oh well, but IF they fall off, the dress is nice also without them, so whatever. and as i said, in addition to that, some glow in the dark stuff for my face. has anyone seen any glow-in-the-dark sequins yet? that would be perfect, but don't think it exists. btw, who else thinks that he HAS to do good gone girl in LA? he sings about california, meaning LA with the movies and all... i just have to think of LA every time i hear that song, and it would be a shame if he didn't sing it there!
  21. you have a PM. it's 28-31$ per night though, i mixed up $ and € in my last post, it's about 22 euro.
  22. lol! ok either he does that on purpose when tiibet is there, or he's been eating too much recently. or the pants are just bad quality, lol. :naughty.
  23. i like those black and white outfits. had a dress when i was a child that looked quite similar, also a mixture of different patterns in black+white. think i still have that dress somewhere, so if he keeps those outfits for the european tour, i might try to use it for a costume.
  24. kelsey, there are buses going back to san francisco all night, see here: http://tripplanner.transit.511.org/mtc/XSLT_TRIP_REQUEST2?language=en - i'm staying at a hostel near powell st, dorm bed for about 22$/night. and superstar, thanx, but i already have a ticket for oakland, getting it from sarac. just the LA one is not sure yet, as sunshine would have to send it to me and hasn't received it yet.
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