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Everything posted by mellody

  1. hasn't been very alive lately anyway. *posts random knitting pattern*
  2. AHA!! so it's not the mika germ but the allegra germ!! btw, hi, how're ya doing? hope i'll see you in february?
  3. mellody

    Hi All

    hallo und herzlich willkommen hier im forum! juhuuu, noch mehr deutsche mitglieder! warst du auf einem seiner konzerte in deutschland? also wenn du irgendwelche fragen hast, kannst du dich gern an mich wenden. ansonsten kannst du zum einstieg ja auch mal im deutschen thread vorbeischauen, wenn du magst: http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2087
  4. sounds alright, just a bit hard to reach by tube i guess... info from their website: Transport links: Clapham Junction railway stn - ¾m East Putney tube stn - 1¾m Heathrow airport - 16m Bus routes available nearby. well, i've already booked the meininger hostel, so if anyone else wants to stay at a hostel in a 12-bed-dorm (top-rated, 5min-walk to tube station Gloucester Road, 13 pounds a night, breakfast included), i'd be happy not to be the only MFCer there this time.
  5. i suffered from the mika germ already after seeing him in bologna, so i guess i'm immune meanwhile. anyway, i didn't get ill (so far...) after the UK shows.
  6. well, those are the myspace ones. but i guess you've seen them already anyway.
  7. ok, show us another pic of him in 10 years! you also have some family members who look like fez or rocky?
  8. on my myspace, and on http://www.mikafanclub.de/bilder.php
  9. hmmm, i also have an overbite and can hit high notes...
  10. don't know about video/blog, but the pix are here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio1/livelounge/artist/071212_tour_mika.shtml
  11. did he talk about the mfc during the interview?
  12. so he really went canyoning during his holiday! and he says he doesn't want time off. sigh, no wonder he's always ill!
  13. but: http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=11197 (see last part of newsletter). worried now. again.
  14. :wub2: along with "miracles", this is my fave palladium song! *adds as profile song*
  15. i received my mika mail last week, thanx to whoever sent it, there wasn't a name with it. and i'll send mine today.
  16. thanx soangel. makes me realize i really don't know anything bout australia. well, yet. so how far away is gold coast from sydney, is it possible to drive there by car? did you all buy festival tickets yet, how quickly do you think it'll be sold out?
  17. aha, so it was him! i couldn't remember who told me they had it. but there was more than 1 person filming, so guys confess, who else has it?!
  18. aha, you heard the name "fez", did you?! and then discovered that still no-one has found out what his personal myspace is and therefor you disappeared again.
  19. well, i guess i'll be there... at least for the sydney one. so does melbourne count as east coast then? i thought it was more south coast... on the festival website it just says that mika will only be at the east coast festivals. how far away is gold coast from sydney?
  20. hiya, i was wondering if the mika phone message has been posted yet and if yes, where? is it on this thread or on the original concert thread or somewhere else? or does someone maybe have the link for me, so i don't have to search? cause i remember someone said they had recorded it on video, and i'd love to hear it again, so maybe then i'll be able to understand everything he told us.
  21. i knew that positive thinking would help! i'm getting the ticket from noosh again (), so i'm going! violet, are you going on the 26th and 28th then? looking forward to meet you again!!
  22. hmm, the answer i'd choose isn't in the poll. it would be something between 2 and 3. "as many projects as possible" is stupid, but i also don't see any need to tell anyone to calm down. there wasn't that much, was there? i think the quilt for mika thing has been running for ages already. then it's christmas now and the start of the new year, of course there's more going on at this time! i'm sure it'll automatically calm down in the new year (until it's time for a birthday present again ). a lot of what john had to carry was the books for the BAND, and it was the first project for them! so for mika it was the song, the yearbook and there will be the DVD. have i forgotten anything? if not, this is really not (too) much for christmas time! and if you're not just talking about the projects but about the fan presents in general, i also don't think it makes sense to tell anyone when+what+how much to give mika, if anyone wants to give him something, they should just do it. for myself, i've given him sth in germany, but for the UK i didn't bring anything for him, as i didn't have any good idea and i don't just wanna give him something for the sake of it. but if i have a good idea, i wanna do it without anyone telling me that mika gets too much stuff already anyway. i don't really think he keeps all the presents for himself either, so i have no worries that his flat will get too small.
  23. yup, for those i have tickets. i'll also be there for the 25th, if i don't get a ticket in the regular way, i'll just go and bug mika/andy/band/john for a place on the guestlist! but i'm a positive thinker and am sure that i'll get a ticket. for dec 2nd i also got one just a few days in advance.
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